While Qingdi was frantically collecting points, something was happening in another place.

At this time, the king-level area, the secret realm of the Avenue of Power, is somewhere in a hidden jungle.

A bald old man wearing a purple robe looked into the distance with an extremely aloof expression.

This old man is the Purple Emperor!

Behind him, six quasi-god kings stood respectfully

"Lord Purple Emperor, could that 'Qing Emperor' be the person we are looking for?"

A quasi-god king asked respectfully.

The Purple Emperor said coldly:"He is the most suspicious! The 'Great Sacrifice to Heaven' has deduced the secret of heaven. This is the first round of opportunity in the Holy Land. The future domain lord of the Judgment God Domain will be the first!"

"From the current point of view, the Qing Emperor has the best chance of winning the first place, so there is a 90% chance that he will be the future domain lord of the Judgment God Domain! We must destroy his chance harvest this time!

The quasi-god king nodded slightly:"Your Excellency is right!" I really didn’t expect that Judgment God Realm is really dead and not stiff! After so many years, the 'Tianzun' still refuses to give up and wants to train a future domain lord for the Judgment God Domain!

The Purple Emperor sneered:"Tianzun is proficient in heaven's secrets, and the Great Sacrifice God is also proficient in heaven's secrets!" This time, will the grand sacrifice to heaven make the Heavenly Lord go as he wishes?!"

"If Tianzun is really allowed to cultivate a Judgment Territory Lord, it will definitely not be a good thing for my 'Peeping God Territory'!"

"Back then, I, Peeping God Territory, united with multiple star domain forces to break through the Judgment God Territory and killed the then domain lord. If they are allowed to give birth to a new domain lord, they will definitely take revenge!

The quasi-god king took a deep breath:"That's true!" However, it is not easy to become the Territory Lord of the Judgment God Territory. Not everyone is qualified to inherit the Territory Lord inheritance! If Judgment God Realm wants to make a comeback, I'm afraid it won't be that easy! Zi Di nodded slightly:"

Yes!" The origin of the Judgment God's Domain is mysterious, and its domain master's inheritance is even more powerful! It is not easy to cultivate a person who can inherit"

"The purpose of our coming to the Holy Land this time is to do everything we can to destroy Qingdi's chances and prevent him from getting the first place.!"

"According to what Dajitian said, as long as he is given another month, he can figure out where the foundation of the future lord of the Judgment God Domain will be. When the time comes, Dajitian will directly come to kill him!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the Purple Emperor.

All the quasi-god kings also looked at each other and smiled!

Then, a quasi-god king smiled and said:"As long as the Qing Emperor does not get the first place, it means that the opportunity is bad. He It will be even more difficult to succeed as the Lord of the Judgment Territory!

Zi Di also smiled and said,"Yes!" If Tianzun hadn't concealed the secret of Tianzhi and the origin of Qingdi's foundation, Dajitian would have already deduced which star field he belonged to!"

"such a pity! At present, we can't find his foundation, and we can't kill players in the Holy Land. We can only prevent him from getting better opportunities! Another quasi-god king smiled and said:"Sir, the benefits of being ranked first in every round of luck in this holy land are far greater than those of other rankings!" As long as we prevent him from getting the first place, it will defeat Tianzun's plan and delay his succession!

Zi Di nodded slightly:"That's right!" However, that Qing Emperor is extremely powerful, even stronger than me! The quasi-god king smiled again and said:"

Sir Purple Emperor, although Qing Emperor is very strong, Lord Jin Emperor is also one of ours." There are still a few adults in Safety Zone No. 1 and Safety Zone No. 3."

"If Emperor Qing is really the future domain master that Tianzun wants to train, then we will deal with him with all our strength. In the last few rounds of opportunities, let alone not getting first place, even if he couldn't get into the top ten, it was still possible! Hearing this

, Zi Di smiled:"That's right!" We need to act quickly! It is estimated that Jindi has already started!"

At this time, the Purple Emperor took out a stack of simple golden talismans and seals.

"These are the secret talismans given by the Great Sacrifice to Heaven, which can conceal the secrets of heaven! Each of you takes twenty. After you harvest the Dao Crystal fragments, use this talisman to cover up the secrets of Heaven and prevent Heaven from scoring, and then transfer the Dao Crystal fragments to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he distributed the Tianji Talisman to all his subordinates.

"My lord, what is your plan?"Another quasi-god king asked curiously.

Ziwei smiled slightly:"In this round of opportunities, the biggest places of opportunity are those three special secret realms! As long as we get there first and sweep away all the opportunities in the special secret area, doesn't it mean that we have prevented the Qing Emperor from having more opportunities?

The quasi-god king's eyes lit up:"That's true!""

Purple Emperor said again:"Besides, with this Heavenly Secret Talisman, we can break through the rules of Heavenly Dao and get more points. From this moment on, you six will assist me. I want to get 200 points within an hour!

The quasi-god king was surprised:"Score 200 points in one hour?" Isn’t that the standard for entering the middle-grade special secret realm? Sir, won't you go to the special secret realm of the lower ranks? The

Purple Emperor smiled proudly and said:"The special secret realm of the lower grade is left to the Golden Emperor!" He also has six quasi-god kings helping him. If my expectations are correct, he will reach 100 points in half an hour."

As soon as these words were said, all the subordinates were pleasantly surprised!

A quasi-god king said excitedly:"In half an hour, we can reach 100 points. I guess Qingdi never thought that we would move so fast! When he gets 100 points and enters the low-level special secret realm, he is afraid that there will be no chance."

Zidi smiled and said:"Okay! Take action!"


As soon as the words fell, the six quasi-god kings fled away one after another.

The Purple Emperor looked at the leaving figures of his subordinates and showed a confident smile.

In his opinion, the Qing Emperor would definitely be crushed by them this time!

Thinking of this, he dodged and disappeared.

However, Zi Emperor and others did not know that the target they were really looking for was not Qing Emperor, but Qin Feng.

They would not have thought that at this moment, Qin Feng The Jiyin body is already in the special secret realm of the lower grade, taking advantage of opportunities.

When they find out the truth, they will be so angry that they will vomit blood.....

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, twenty minutes passed!

In these twenty minutes, Ji Yin's main body had made huge gains, which made him extremely satisfied.

In these twenty minutes, Yu Xuanji, Feng Xi, Xiao Luan'er, Qi Yue, and Qing Chengzi also scored 20 points and came out of the Xushen District.

Their combat power has reached 140 million stars. Compared with those players in the virtual god realm, they are naturally crushing!

Even compared to the True God Realm players, they are still the top group of people.

Afterwards, the five people entered the major secret realms in the True God Zone and continued to gain points...

At the same time, the main God Zone, the Secret Realm of the Avenue of Power, was above a mountain top.

The body of Jiyang stands in the sky!

At this time, the skirt of his clothes was blown by the mountain wind!

And in front of him, there was a corpse that was split in half, shattering inch by inch, turning into a sky full of stars!


At this moment, the divine sword of destiny in his hand lit up, generated endless suction, and began to suck the fate of the corpse....

【Reminder: You killed the player 'Lou Fan' and got +1 sin point. The total sin value is 187 points....】

【Reminder: Your Divine Sword of Fortune has absorbed all the luck of 'Lou Fan', and your luck value is +13 times...】

Gained 13 times more luck again!

Ji Yang's body showed a satisfied smile!

However, his sins are worth a lot!

With this in mind, Jiyang's body took out the token again and checked it.….

【Player]: Qin Feng (Ji Yang body)

【Sin value]: 187, a total of 18 points are deducted

【Daojing score]: 119 points

【Accumulated points]: 101 points

"Just one point more than 100 points!"

Ji Yang's main body smiled slightly and didn't care.

Then, he opened the panel and checked the changes in luck value.…

【Luck value]: 3790 times.

Seeing this, he suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

Unknowingly, luck has reached such a level, and the goal of 5,000 times the luck value is not far away.

When he reaches 5000 times his luck value, he can open the 'Chaos Treasure Chest'.

At this thought, Jiyang's body was filled with expectations!

But at this moment, a reminder came from Tiandao…

【Reminder: It is detected that you have killed 200 Lord Gods in total and absorbed their luck. You are restricted by the rules of heaven.】

【Reminder: From now on, after you kill the main god, the Divine Sword of Fortune can no longer absorb the target's luck. Quasi-god kings and above are not restricted]

Ji Yang’s body was slightly startled!

He was actually restricted!

It seems that his frenzied plundering of other people's luck has caused Heaven to restrain him.

After all, it is extremely rare for a creature to become the Lord God in this world.

By the way, he killed 200 main gods?

Isn’t it only 187?

Then, Ji Yang's body suddenly thought about it and figured it out.

The number counted by Tiandao includes Gabriel, Ka Xiu, Demon Lord Styx, etc.

Based on this calculation, he really killed 200 Lord God-level beings.

In this case, he would change his goal and kill those quasi-god kings.

Those quasi-god kings have higher luck values. I wonder what the limit is?

After all, it’s time for him to get out of this secret realm!

Jiyang's body flashed and rushed forward....

He sensed the presence of a guardian beast a hundred miles ahead.

In just tens of seconds, Jiyang's body traveled hundreds of miles and arrived at the top of a valley.

As soon as he appeared, he heard the roars of the beasts in the valley and the earth-shattering sounds of fighting!

Ji Yang's body couldn't help but look down!

I saw a giant monster fighting fiercely with an old man in black robes in the valley!

The old man in black robe has the ultimate cultivation level of the Lord God and is very powerful!

That giant monster was also at the limit of the Lord God, but it was weaker than the old man.

However, Ji Yang's eyes did not fall on the old man, but looked at the giant beast.

The giant beast was very strange. It had the body of a tiger and the tail of a scorpion. Its body was thousands of feet long, but it had the head of a human.

It's just that his face is extremely ferocious, his skin color is like the white skin of the West, and there is a mysterious rune between his eyebrows, which is always shining with golden light, which is surprising...

【Evil object]: Power Rune Beast

【Realm]: The limit of the Lord God

【Explosion rate]: After killing, there is a 25% chance of exploding Dao Crystal fragments (force), and a 100% chance of exploding the 'Ancestral Talisman of Power'’

【Characteristics]: A special beast in the secret realm, mastering the Taoist Rhythm of Power. It is the only one in this secret realm.

【Ancestral Talisman of Power]: Refining this talisman can upgrade the A-level power law to S-level.

Seeing this, Jiyang's eyes lit up and he was surprised.

The number of Dao crystal fragments (force) he possesses has long exceeded 100, which is enough to comprehend the avenue of force.

The only shortcoming is that his power law is A level, not S level, and he cannot refine those Dao crystal fragments (power).

Now, the opportunity has come!

This Talisman Beast can 100% explode the 'Ancestral Talisman of Power', which can exactly upgrade his power law from A level to S level....

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