When Ji Yang's body appeared again, he had already reached Ji Yin's body, which was hundreds of millions of miles away.

Jiyang's body looked up directly ahead... and saw a huge planet there, about the same size as the Blue Star Realm, and it was slowly rotating.

The surface of the planet was wrapped in a thick layer of red clouds, like a planet barrier.

And there are hundreds of millions of red sandstones in the clouds, as big as fists, flowing rapidly in the clouds, forming a protective belt...

Is this a planet barrier?

Jiyang's body moved and peeked towards the clouds.…

【Hongyun: Creation level, a wonder of heaven and earth, containing the power of the great avenue of creation.】

【This cloud is the first spiritual cloud that was born when the universe was born. It has begun to take shape.】

【If fed with Tao-level bloodline above the intermediate level, it can be turned into clouds and eggs, which can give birth to creation-level battle pets.】

【Reminder: If you can successfully identify this cloud as its master, you can automatically obtain 60% of the Taoist charm of the Great Avenue of Creation from it.】

【Reminder: This cloud has recognized someone as its master. If you want it to recognize its master again, it must first erase its current master.】

【Reminder: The red cloud barrier formed by this cloud contains hundreds of millions of scattered soul sands, which will hit the human body. It can scatter human souls and transform into human bodies, which is extremely weird]

Seeing this, Jiyang's body was surprised!

The red clouds on the outer layer of the planet are actually a creation-level wonder of heaven and earth, and they have also initially given birth to spirituality!

What's even better is that as long as he recognizes his master, he can obtain 60% of the Tao Yun of the Avenue of Creation!

The avenue of creation, one of the innate avenues!

Qin Feng already has the scroll of 'The Great Way of Creation', but it is extremely difficult to understand it!

Now, he has realized about 39.7% of the Taoist rhyme.

If Hongyun can be allowed to recognize his master, his understanding of the Great Way of Creation can reach 99.7% in one fell swoop, and he is only one step away from fully understanding the Great Way.

In addition, this Hongyun can also be transformed into a good fortune-level battle pet, which can also become a great help to him in the future!

Of course, if you want Hongyun to turn into a battle pet spirit egg, you need to feed it with Dao-level bloodline above the intermediate level in order to successfully condense it.

Now, his Dao-level bloodline is only at its early peak level, and is still a step away from the intermediate level.

However, these are not big things!

Sooner or later, the quality of his bloodline will be promoted to above the intermediate level.

With this in mind, Ji Yang's body looked through the red cloud barrier and looked into the planet.

I saw that on that planet, there were strange flowers and grasses everywhere, spiritual trees with entangled roots, waterfalls and springs, and spiritual energy lingering, as ethereal as a fairyland!

Among them, there are countless exotic flowers and plants at the god level, all of which are stunning in their beauty!

Its overall value is probably several times higher than that of the giant island in the lower-grade secret realm, and is comparable to several creation-level treasures!

Seeing this, Ji Yang's body felt hot in his heart.

However, he did not immediately go down to pick spiritual objects, but looked towards the southern region of the planet.

In that area, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, there was actually thousands of miles of bare land, filled with fire, and not even a blade of grass could grow!

In the center of that area, a giant with a height of ten thousand feet was meditating with his eyes closed. He was in a meditative state...

Looking carefully, his body shape and facial features were the same as those of humans, except that his body was red, his muscles were knotted, and his corpse energy was overwhelming..

As soon as Ji Yang's body thought about it, he opened his eyes to see the Tao and went to detect it.…

【Demon God]: Drought Demon

【Realm]: The threshold of the middle stage of the God King

【Combat power]: 29 billion stars

【Avenue]: the avenue of drought, the avenue of immortality

【Characteristics]: The guardian demon of the middle-grade special secret realm

【Origin]: The corpse of the most powerful God King is also the Lord of the Red Cloud. Hey!

This is the mid-term threshold of the God King, and his combat power has reached 29 billion stars!

Ji Yang's body was shocked!

The mid-term threshold for an ordinary God King is only 20 billion star levels in combat power.

It can be seen that this demon can crush the same level!

Having said that, 29 billion star combat power is not easy to deal with!

However, there are only about 2 minutes left for the Jiyin body to stay.

The residence time of Jiyang's body is only about 11 minutes!

No more hesitation!

Thinking of this, Ji Yang's body quickly waved!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

Suddenly, golden light flashed in front of him!

The Wind and Thunder Divine Armor, the Divine Sword of Heavenly Luck, the Book of the Living World, and the Divine Wings of Heaven-Suppressing appeared one after another!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The next second, the Wind and Thunder Divine Armor, the Divine Sword of Destiny, and the Divine Wings of Heaven Suppression were all equipped on him!

The living book turned into a golden light and poured into his body!

Man and machine in one!

Done in an instant!

The momentum of Jiyang's body has skyrocketed, reaching about 15.8 billion stars in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, on the planet, Hanba seemed to sense Ji Yang's body.

He immediately opened his eyes and looked up at the starry sky...

Those red eyes showed a beast-like ferocious light, penetrating the huge clouds and landing on the Extreme Yang body and the Extreme Yin body.

With just one glance, he could tell that the two main bodies were in the virtual god realm!

This made him a little stunned!

Can humans in the False God Realm also break into this place?

None of those starry zombies can stop them?

Or were these two humans so lucky that they didn't encounter any walking corpses along the way?

This Drought Demon also cultivated himself through corpses, but he obviously had a strong spirituality and was completely different from those walking corpses.

After all, his Immortal Avenue has been perfected and he can master the complete power of the Avenue.

However, he also became a strange being.

That is, the soul is the main body, the soul is the supplement, and the physical body is extremely powerful!

Huh~! Huh~!

At this moment, Ji Yang's body and Ji Yin's body were attacking the planet at the same time...

Seeing this, Han Bao's eyes showed a look of ridicule! hehe!

Two ants in the virtual god realm!

He actually tried to break through his red cloud barrier!

Not to mention these two human beings, even if they are powerful in the early stage of the God King, as long as they rush into the red cloud, they will fall into it, and life or death will be unpredictable!

Boom~! Boom~!

As soon as he had this thought, the two main bodies rushed into the clouds!

The look of gloating in Han Bao's eyes became even stronger!

He wanted to see how these two humans lost their souls.!

At that moment, Jiyang's body penetrated deep into the clouds!

All of a sudden, the red cloud rolled, and countless red scattered soul sands shot towards it!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of red sand formed a sand flow, swallowing up Ji Yang's body!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Pieces of sand and gravel the size of fists hit Ji Yang's body hard!

On the other side, Jiyin's body also encountered the same situation!

When Han Bao saw this scene, his face suddenly showed joy!

The power of every blow from Hongyun's Soul-Spreading Sand is comparable to a strike from a true god!

The combined attack of billions of sandstones was comparable to the full force attack of the God King in his early stages!

What's even more frightening is that among those sand and stone attacks, there are also attacks targeting souls and souls!

It can shake away the opponent's soul and soul, turning him into a walking zombie without any consciousness!

Especially the attacks against the soul and soul, even the early stage of the God King cannot resist it!

In other words, even if those sand and stone attacks cannot break through the early stage God King's defense, they can still shake away the early God King's powerful soul and soul, turning him into a walking corpse!

This is the power of Red Cloud Barrier!

If you want to break through the Red Cloud Barrier, your physical and soul strength must reach the mid-stage God King level!

This thought made Han Ba ​​even more proud!

Even the early God King could not break through the Red Cloud Barrier. These two humans in the False God Realm would soon be bombarded to pieces.

But as soon as he had this idea, something happened again in the field!

Bang~! Bang~!

Two earth-shattering explosions!

The sand stream explodes!

Splash everywhere!

The two main bodies suddenly broke out of the surroundings of hundreds of millions of red sand and entered the sky above the planet!

"Huh! This is…."

Hanbao was shaken all over and was dumbfounded!

But before he could think about it, Ji Yang's body made a seal with his hand...


The next second, Ji Yang's body lit up with a faint black light, forming a human-shaped black hole!

An invisible devouring power instantly enveloped the entire planet!

Immediately afterwards, countless spiritual flowers, spiritual grasses, and spiritual fruits withered and fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye, or turned into powder or dust... The original energy of billions of spiritual plants poured into the human-shaped black hole crazily. Zhong...

As soon as Jiyang's body came in, he used spiritual plants to devour, and first attacked the spiritual plants all over the planet!

In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of spiritual plants withered and died... but the momentum of Jiyang's body was soaring crazily!

Hanbao reacted immediately!

"you wanna die!"

A shocking roar!

The Drought Demon soars into the sky and kills Xiang Jiyang directly...

He wants to stop this damn human being!

Come and plunder his treasures! The spiritual plants on this planet are all his private property!

Boom~Long ~Long~!

In the blink of an eye, Han Ba ​​was approaching... shua~!

At this moment, Ji Yin's body appeared and blocked Han Ba's way!

He wanted to stop Han Ba ​​and not let it disturb Ji Yang's devouring of the body!

This In an instant, Han Ba ​​sensed that the aura of Ji Yin's body was less than 16 billion stars, which was the level of the early god level!

With such strength, he didn't take it seriously!


Hanbao punched directly and blasted away at Jiyin's body!


When that punch was blasted out, the air of drought and heat covered the sky and the earth, and the momentum suddenly reached 32 billion star levels, exceeding its own 29 billion star level combat power, and its power was extremely terrifying!


Wherever the fist wind passed, the void cracked and the heaven and earth shattered!

Ji Yinben thought quickly, and his whole body's momentum exploded!

At that moment, his whole body lit up with golden light!

The power of chaos!

The power of luck!

They all supported him, and his combat power suddenly reached around 17.5 billion star levels!

But such momentum is nothing in Han Bao's eyes!

The power of his punch reached 32 billion stars!


In the blink of an eye, that punch was right in front of you!


At this moment, Jiyin's body also punched away with all its strength!

At that moment, his aura changed drastically, and his eyes were extremely determined!

I am the only one in the world!

A knowing blow!

The power of that punch doubled instantly!

The attacks from both sides collided instantly!


There was a loud crashing sound!

A black hole in space with a diameter of ten thousand feet was exploded on the spot!

The whole planet is shaking!

The next second, Jiyin's body was shaken back hundreds of feet!

However, Hanba was blasted tens of thousands of feet away by a punch...

In this round, Jiyin's body actually had the upper hand!

However, looking at the Hanba again, he was not injured at all.

Hanbao masters the Immortal Avenue, and his strongest strength is physical defense, not attack.

To injure it, the attack power must be more than 50% higher than its combat power, which is 14.5 billion stars higher.

In other words, the power of a blow must reach more than 43.5 billion stars before it can be expected to break through the defense...

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