"How's it going?"

As soon as Jiutian Xuannv opened her eyes, Our Lady of Yaotai asked quickly, with a very concerned expression!

Jiutian Xuannv smiled proudly:"My magical power has been accomplished!

Our Lady of Yaotai was overjoyed:"Great!" Then let's go and kill that little thief!"

Jiutian Xuannv smiled and nodded,"That's right!"

As soon as the words fell, the two women merged into one, and Yaotai Xuannv appeared!

Her combat power and momentum are still 700 billion stars!

However, she is more confident!

In her opinion, this time the magical power comes out , must be able to kill Qin Feng instantly with one punch!

At that moment, she stood up slowly and walked straight to the secret room...

At the same moment, outside the Lingxiao Temple.

Qin Feng was looking at a divine armor in front of him with joy!

Only the god could be seen A, emitting ten rays of spiritual light, with a mighty aura!

【Ten Transformations Divine Armor: Creation-level, innate artifact, can feed back 2 billion star-level combat power]

2 billion-star battle power can feed back! , the feedback power of this Ten Transformation Divine Armor is comparable to the peak level of creation.

I saw that Qin Feng could condense the Pantian Divine Armor by awakening the two avenues of water and fire.

Speaking of which, his battle pets Gonggong Spirit Egg and Zhu Rong Spirit Egg have begun to hatch.

This is somewhat beyond Qin Feng's expectation!

He originally thought that Houtu spirit eggs and Tianwu spirit eggs would hatch first.

Now it seems that Gonggong and Zhurong should be the first to hatch!

When Gonggong and Zhurong are hatched, he will be able to obtain the Way of Water and Fire from the two little guys through the sharing of faith.

By then, Pantian Divine Armor will be able to condense!

"Huh! This is..."

Qin Feng seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Lingxiao Temple.

It turned out that he had sensed it, and there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air in the temple!

"Could it be that the woman is coming out?"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's expression changed slightly, and he didn't dare to neglect.

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The next second, he put on the Ten Transformations Divine Armor and the Heaven-Slaying Sword, completing the integration of man and machine!


Immediately afterwards, six golden lights lit up on his body!

The sacrifice of combat power! Completed in an instant!

His combat power reached 275.4 billion star levels!

The combat power of the six people from Dijiang who sacrificed... There were a lot more than before!

Obviously, the strength of the six people from Dijiang had greatly improved.

Qin Feng was quite happy!


Then, he displayed the golden body of Dharma and turned into a giant, standing tall on the Above the temple!

His combat power and momentum has reached about 413 billion stars!

Having said that, the Seven Kills Divine Body has not been perfected, and it cannot be superimposed with the Six Hell Heaven-Suppressing Body.

Otherwise, Qin Feng would have used the Seven Kills Divine Body long ago. In terms of combat power increase, The Seven Kills Divine Body is stronger than the Dharma Phase Golden Body.

However, Qin Feng is already very satisfied with his current state.

After the transformation was completed, he breathed a sigh of relief!


At this moment, At the exit of the temple, a white light flashed.

Yaotai Xuannv escaped from the temple with a happy face, and then looked around the temple!

At this sight, the smile on her face suddenly froze, and her eyes widened!

What she saw was no longer the colorful spiritual flowers and spiritual grass, but a bare yellow land and the dead remains of spiritual plants all over the ground! At this moment, she was completely dumbfounded!

She couldn't believe her eyes at all!

When she saw that there was only a huge pit where the Sendai Mirror was originally placed, her blood suddenly surged, her chest felt tight, and she almost spurted blood on the spot! At this moment, she saw the Qin Feng in the air suddenly became furious

"Little thief! Give me back my treasure!"


With a roar, Yaotai Xuannv rushed towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng did not dare to neglect, and quickly activated the power of his luck, and his momentum suddenly skyrocketed, reaching 430 billion stars in an instant!

Buzz~! Buzz~!

Immediately afterwards, the illusions of the four realms such as heaven, ghost world, human world, and hell appeared continuously behind him! The four hells suppressed the sky! It opened instantly!


The next second, Qin Feng took the lead with a sword and struck at The Yaotai chivalrous woman slashed away!

Facing this terrifying woman, he did not dare to be careless, so he naturally had to seize the opportunity step by step!


That sword slashed away, and the eighty-fourth avenue of light lit up in the sword light!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the sword passed, time and space were stagnant, and the starry sky was shattered!

The power of that sword increased by 120%, and it was infinitely close to 950 billion stars!

Hey! This is...

Yao Tai Xuannu instantly sensed the change in the power of the sword, and she suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

It had only been half an hour since she last saw this little thief, and the attack power of this little thief had increased by 150 billion stars!

How could this happen?!

Could it be that he The little thief also awakened a magical power?

Yaotai Xuannv was very puzzled!

But the next breath, her eyes showed disdain!

Even if the little thief awakened a new magical power, it could not resist her newly awakened magical power.!


At this moment, Qin Feng's sword came close!

The sky-reaching sword light slashed down, and it was about to split Yaotai Xuannv in half!

"Little thief! Take a punch from this fairy!"


At this moment, Yaotai Xuannv took action!

She punched out wildly! When the punch blasted away, her fist lit up with a dazzling silver light, like a bright moon, and the sky was filled with divine light.!

Wherever the wind of his fist passed, all the paths retreated, and the world was locked!

With a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, the avenues obeyed its orders, and the laws were mobilized by it!


In just an instant, that punch came over. , the momentum enveloped Qin Feng's whole body, and his power suddenly reached 1.4 trillion stars!

"This is…."

Qin Feng turned pale instantly!

He never expected that the power of this woman's punch would be so terrifying!

With his current fighting strength, he simply cannot resist it.

I'm afraid that with one punch, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

But at this moment, it was too late for him to dodge, so he could only bite the bullet and resist.

But if you bite the bullet and resist, it will only lead to a dead end!

At the same moment, Yaotai Xuannv’s eyes showed excitement!

She has studied the magical power of the Great Dao for millions of years and finally succeeded!

This power made her extremely satisfied!

She also firmly believes that this punch will definitely blast Qin Feng!

Thinking of this, she showed a ferocious expression, and the speed of the punch accelerated a lot!

She wanted to kill this nasty little thief to pieces to exact revenge for the lost treasure!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field!


I saw a flash of white light on Qin Feng's body, and a figure exactly like him was copied in an instant, and he also met the punch with a sword!

That is Qin Feng's newly awakened magical power - the mirror clone!

【Mirror Shadow Clone: ​​Copy a clone of the same status from yourself, the duration is 3 seconds, the magical power cools down for 10 minutes]

At that moment, Qin Feng and the Mirror Shadow Clone faced the attack of the punch at the same time!

Two 950 billion-star combat power, facing a punch of 1.4 trillion stars!

In the blink of an eye, the attacks from both sides collided!


There was a loud noise!

All the stars in the sky exploded!

The mirror clone was exploded on the spot, turning into stars all over the sky!

Qin Feng screamed and was punched so hard that he vomited blood and flew backwards!

After rolling for tens of thousands of miles, he barely managed to stabilize his body!

At this time, his whole body was cracked, and even his face was cracked with countless gaps. It was densely covered with blood, seeping into it, staining his face and whole body red, and the blood was everywhere!

At this moment, his whole body was like cracked porcelain, which would break at the slightest touch!

In fact, Qin Feng is on the verge of exploding!

If Yaotai Xuannv's attack were ten million stars stronger, he would definitely be able to blow him up with one punch.

By then, his situation will be extremely dangerous!

But as soon as Qin Feng stabilized his body, he endured the severe pain all over his body and activated the Avenue of Life, the Avenue of Immortality, and the Avenue of Blood!

Immediately, a green light lit up on his body, and the injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, his injuries were completely healed and he was back to his peak again.

"Huh! He recovered so quickly!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded above his head!

Yaotai Xuannv was chasing after her!

Qin Feng raised his head in fear and saw that Yaotai Xuannv was thousands of feet ahead...

At this moment, Yaotai Xuannv was standing there. He looked at Qin Feng in surprise!

"Tsk tsk! Little thief! I really didn’t expect that! You actually mastered the Avenue of Life, the Avenue of Immortality, and the Avenue of Blood at the same time. Especially the avenue of immortality and the avenue of blood, they are both innate avenues!"

Speaking of this, Yaotai Xuannv was filled with emotion, and her tone actually showed envy.

After all, among the thirty avenues she realized, only one was the innate avenue!

After hearing this woman's words, Qin Feng remained silent. His expression was extremely serious.

The punch just now made him terrified!

At this time, Yaotai Xuannu sneered again:"But even if you master those three avenues, it can't save you! The reason why you were able to block that punch just now was because of the help of the mirror clone!"

"But your mirror clone has been destroyed, and the cooldown time of your magical power is ten minutes. Then, I wonder how you can catch the next punch?"

After hearing this, Qin Feng's face changed slightly!

Yaotai Xuannv even clenched her fingers into fists and was about to take action again.

At this moment, Qin Feng's voice sounded in the field

"Fellow Taoist, can you tell me what kind of magical power you are using?"

Up to now, Qin Feng still hasn't figured out why the opponent's punch was so strong.

Yaotai Xuannv sneered:"You want to delay time?"

Qin Feng was embarrassed!

He did have this idea.

At this time, Yaotai Xuannv sneered again:"It doesn't hurt to tell you! I will let you know clearly today! What this fairy just used was the female way fist!"

"The Fist of Womanhood? Is there a female avenue among the three thousand avenues?"

Qin Feng's face was filled with confusion.

Yaotai Xuannv sneered:"I knew you would be confused! Among the three thousand avenues, there are the innate yin and yang avenues, the acquired yang avenue and the acquired yin avenue!"

"The avenue of the Yang represents the scorching sun, the positive energy, the light, the man, and the male!"

"You must also know what the Yin Dao represents?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but nodded:"The Avenue of Yin represents the bright moon, represents the feminine, represents the darkness, and represents the female!"

Xuannu Yaotai smiled slightly:"That's right! The Great Way of Yang has always been referred to as Yang Dao. So what should be the abbreviation for the Great Way of Yin?"

"It should be called Yin for short...hmm!"

Halfway through, Qin Feng shut up quickly!

Yaotai Xuannv sneered:"You also know it's indecent, so it's hard to say it out loud. Because of this, I changed its name to Female Path! This fairy has been studying for millions of years, and only on this avenue can I develop avenue-level magical powers!"

"This fairy named it the Fist of the Female Way! This boxing technique is not very powerful against female cultivators, but it can do double the damage to male cultivators like you. It is the nemesis of you male cultivators!"

"OK! Now it's time to send you on your way! Little thief! Take another punch from this fairy!"


As soon as those words were spoken, Yaotai Xuannv once again struck out with a terrifying punch!

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