As soon as Feng Xi finished speaking, Qin Feng's consciousness heard Yaotai Xuannv's crazy roar!

"No~! Little thief! You force your subordinates like this! That can't break the curse!"

It turns out that Yaotai Xuannv started to panic!

If Feng Xi helps Qin Feng break the curse, not only will everything she has done be in vain, but she will also use her many years of understanding of the Dao to benefit Qin Feng!

This is definitely not what she wants to see. Yes!

Qin Feng ignored her roar, but looked at Feng Xi seriously

"Feng Xi, you must also know what is going to happen next. You have to know that to lift the curse, you need to be willing and cannot force it!"

"Master, I understand! All this is done voluntarily by the concubine, not because of the majesty of the master."

Having said this, Feng Xi's face became more rosy, and her shyness was palpable.

Qin Feng wanted to say something else.

But at this moment, the power of the curse became even crazier, making his tendency to explode more obvious. His body became harder and harder!

He couldn't delay any longer!

At that moment, he took a deep breath and his eyes fell on Feng Xi's slim figure again...

At the same time, Yaotai Xuannu screamed even more anxiously

"Little thief! To break the curse, the other person must truly love you! If you don't have this intention, even if you try to break it, you still can't break the curse!"

Qin Feng still ignored it!


He waved his hand directly and released a piece of spiritual light, covering himself and Feng Xi...

Yaotai Xuannv shouted anxiously!

"Little thief! it's useless! Your method is useless!"

"Little thief! You should give up this idea as soon as possible!"

"Little thief! guys, hurry up...stop...ah~!"

Yaotai Xuannv’s screams became more and more desperate!

As a woman, how could she not see Feng Xi's affection for Qin Feng?

Thinking about it, if you put aside the opposing positions, with Qin Feng's handsome appearance and extremely evil talent, how can any woman not be tempted?

Curse is ruthless! People have feelings!

In this way, Qin Feng, with the help of Feng Xi, began to break the curse of the Peach Blossom Tribulation...

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed!

The aura of the avenue in the field was put away, and Feng Xi's figure was gone, leaving Qin Feng alone.

Feng Xi has been sent back to the center of the small universe.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he appeared.

At this moment, he felt so relaxed and relaxed all over his body!

The power of the curse was completely contained!

"I didn't expect would be so brave! Why~!"

At this moment, the voice of Yaotai Xuannu rang out in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The voice actually had a hint of emotion and a hint of decadence.

Because she witnessed with her own eyes that Qin Feng displayed a time force field that was thirty times stronger.

In other words, an hour has passed in the outside world.

Qin Feng actually spent thirty hours cracking the curse.

This completely shocked her!

"you win! If I had known you were so brave, I might as well have...hey!"

"Qin Feng, if I have a chance of reincarnation, I hope you will show your support! If you can make it come true, I will make a big wish here, and I will serve you as my master in the next life! Even if I am a concubine, I will not regret it!"

Xuan Nu of Yaotai suddenly said a strange emotion!

Immediately afterwards, an invisible power of the avenue of prayer emanated from her thoughts...

The avenue of prayer is one of the innate avenues!

This is the avenue of Yaotai Xuan The only innate avenue that a woman has mastered.

Her great curse technique was derived from the avenue of prayer!

At this moment, Qin Feng could clearly feel that Yaotai Xuannv’s prayers were very sincere...

This also confused him.!


But before he could think about it, a crisp sound came from the depths of his soul!

That was the sound of the power of the curse being completely shattered!

Then, countless pure and majestic soul powers, and countless The Dao Dao enlightenment automatically merged with Qin Feng's soul...

Tiandao also sent reminders.…

【The robbery was successfully solved! Congratulations on absorbing the remaining soul power of 'Yao Tai Xuan Nu'. Your soul body has been greatly strengthened and is being automatically advanced.…】

【The robbery was successfully solved! Congratulations on obtaining the enlightenment of the"Yao Tai Xuannv" on the avenue of prayer. You have begun to awaken the innate avenue - the avenue of prayer.…】

【The robbery was successfully solved! Congratulations on absorbing the insights of"Xuannu of Yaotai" on Hehuan Avenue. You have begun to awaken to the acquired avenue - Hehuan Avenue.…】



At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed like crazy!

There are also new auras of greatness radiating from his body, which is extraordinary!

【Advancement successful! Your soul body has been upgraded from a primary Tao soul to an intermediate Tao soul, and your combat power has been increased by +1 billion stars.】

【Awakening the 'Avenue of Prayer' is successful and you receive 350 million star combat power blessings…】


It took a long time for all the movement to end!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy.

This time the Peach Blossom Tribulation was successfully cracked, which gave him huge benefits!

His soul body reached the intermediate Tao soul level in one fell swoop, and he awakened 17 new avenues, and his basic combat power soared to 286.3 billion star levels!

Qin Feng was extremely satisfied with this!

But before he could finish being happy, the Jade Disc of Good Fortune was activated again.…

【Reminder: The Jade Disk of Creation automatically records the 'Path of Prayer' you have realized, and you have received a permanent feedback of 100 million star combat power!】

【Reminder: The Jade Disk of Good Fortune automatically records your perception of the 'Hehuan Avenue', and you receive a permanent feedback of 100 million star combat power!】


Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, Qin Feng's body once again lit up with all kinds of auras, and his momentum skyrocketed crazily!

In the blink of an eye, his basic combat power soared to 288 billion stars!

So far, he has mastered 111 avenues.

At this moment, an extremely dazzling golden light flew out of the blood mist transformed from Yaotai Xuannv's body and poured into Qin Feng's body.…

【You successfully killed Yaotai Xuannv (quasi-half-step eternity) and obtained +500,000 trillion energy points.】

【You successfully killed Yaotai Xuannv (quasi-half-step eternity) and obtained +2 million gold judgment points.】

【You successfully killed Yaotai Xuannv (quasi-half-step eternity) and exploded 3 Chaos Treasure Chests (complete state)】

【You killTai Xuannv (quasi-half-step eternity) succeeded and exploded the Heaven-Slaying Formation (the pinnacle level of creation)】

【You successfully killed Yaotai Xuannv (quasi-half-step eternity), and exploded the"Three Corpse Killing Technique" (the pinnacle level of creation)】

【You successfully killed Yaotai Xuannv (quasi-half-step eternity) and exploded the Zhenwu Zaodiao Flag (peak level of creation).】

【You killed a quasi-half-step eternal being for the first time and received a reputation reward of 30,000 points.】

【Your level is promoted to level 92】

【Your vocation is promoted to level 90 Hongmeng Supreme (intermediate level)】

【Your vocation is promoted to level 91 Hongmeng Supreme (intermediate level)】


At this moment, Qin Feng's body lit up with upgraded white light continuously!

He was pleasantly surprised!

Xuannv of Yaotai has fallen!

His mission of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Formation is about to be completed!

What surprised him was that killing Yaotai Xuannv allowed him to continuously upgrade his level and vocation!

In addition, he also gained 30,000 reputation points!

Now, he wants to be promoted to the ultimate evangelist, but his reputation is not up to standard!

The prestige standard for promotion to Ultimate Evangelist is 500,000 points!

Qin Feng currently has 440,000 points, and is still 60,000 points short of reputation.

He is already very satisfied!

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the trophy in front of him excitedly.

The next second, he waved his hand and sucked all the loot in front of him into his hands.

He still had too many things to deal with and no time to take stock.

As soon as the treasures were obtained, he sent them all into the storage ring.

Only the Heaven-Destroying Formation Diagram, he took it in his hand and glanced at it…

【The Heaven-Destroying Formation Diagram: The pinnacle level of creation, containing the Avenue of Time, the Avenue of Space, and the Avenue of Void Destruction】

【Mission reminder: Congratulations on finding the Zhutian Formation Diagram!】

【Mission reminder: You need to leave the secret realm of this star map to truly complete the mission and obtain the Heaven-Slaying Formation Map to recognize the master.】

【Mission reminder: After successfully identifying the master of the Zhutian Formation, this mission is successfully completed and you will receive extremely generous mission rewards.】

【Mission Reminder: After recognizing the master of the Heaven-Destroying Formation, you can form the 'Destroying Heaven Sword Formation' with the Heaven-Destroying Sword, Jue Tian Sword, Trapping Heaven Sword, and Heaven-Destroying Sword, which is both offensive and defensive, and has infinite power!】

"I still have to leave this secret realm! That’s when the mission is completed!"

Qin Feng smiled and put away the Heaven-Slaying Formation.

Only then did he realize that the blood mist transformed by Yaotai Xuannu actually stayed in the air, condensing and not dissipating.…

"Huh! This is..."

Suddenly, he was surprised to find that there was a weird thing in his consciousness.

As soon as he thought, a white light flashed between his eyebrows.

The next second, the weird thing was under his control, Flying out from between his eyebrows...

Qin Feng looked quickly and found that the strange thing was a white light spot the size of a broad bean.

With a thought in his mind, he moved towards the white light spot to detect it…

【Yaotai True Spirit: Chaos Level】

【After the death of Yaotai Xuannv, she left behind a ray of true spirit】

"Huh! It’s a real spirit!"

Qin Feng was slightly surprised!

Generally speaking, if there is only half an eternity or more, even if the soul is destroyed, a ray of true spirit will be left behind.

As long as the ray of true spirit is immortal, there is still a chance of rebirth, but it is just a trace of the past life. The memory will be completely lost.

As for the existence below half a step of eternity, as long as the soul body is destroyed, it is equivalent to the complete death of the body and the disappearance of the Tao. No matter how difficult it is,Opportunity for rebirth.

This Yaotai Xuannu is a quasi-eternal existence, but she didn't expect that she could leave a ray of true spirit behind.

Seeing this, Qin Feng wanted to destroy the true spirit!

Having said that, the true spirit is more difficult to destroy than the soul body, and the difficulty will be ten times more difficult.

However, Qin Feng didn't want to leave any hidden dangers.

With this in mind, he was about to take action... but at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field!


As soon as that ray of true spirit appeared in the world, it sensed the blood mist transformed by Xuannu of Yaochi!

It immediately turned into a ray of white light and rushed into the blood mist...


The next second, the blood mist rolled violently and merged with the true spirit, turning into a two-foot battle pet spirit egg.

If you look closely, you will see that the spirit egg is completely white, covered with great avenue divine patterns, and its aura is extremely extraordinary!

Qin Feng quickly spied on and left…

【Yaochi Golden Mother Spirit Egg: Chaos Level, Unrecognized Master】

【This spirit egg is the reincarnation egg of the true spirit. Before reincarnation, he made a great wish to only recognize Qin Feng as his master, and he was willing to serve him as a concubine!】

"Uh~! This..."

After reading this information, Qin Feng suddenly realized.

He finally figured out why Yaotai Xuannv said those weird words before her death.

It turned out that she thought that her true soul would be immortal!

Qin Feng suddenly He hesitated!

Should he accept this spirit egg or destroy it?

Having said that, this is a chaos-level war pet. As soon as it hatches, it will reach the main god realm!

Hey! That's right!

This true spirit war transformed by Yaotai Xuannu Chong, why has the name changed?

Isn’t Yaochi Golden Mother the alias of Queen Mother of the West!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked strange!

After a moment, he smiled bitterly:"That's it! It’s also a bad fate! Then accept her!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he cut his finger to coagulate blood, and a drop of blood popped out...

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