At this moment, Qin Feng looked around the world and felt very satisfied.

"Huh! This is...."

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something and looked somewhere in the distance with a look of surprise on his face.....

The next second, he waved, and a white light flashed in front of him, and a middle-aged man appeared.

"Huh! City Lord!"

As soon as the man saw Qin Feng, he happily came forward to meet him!

This man turned out to be Qingchengzi!

At this time, Qingchengzi's appearance changed drastically. He became more than ten years younger, and his appearance changed from fifty years old to middle-aged.

After Qin Feng saw the change in his appearance, he looked at him curiously.

After looking at him, he smiled!

Sure enough!

Qingchengzi has successfully broken through to the True God Realm, and his combat power has soared to 2.6 billion stars. Level, even the appearance has become younger

"City Lord! My subordinate has broken through to the realm of true gods!"

At this time, Qing Chengzi said with excitement.

He was still immersed in the joy of breakthrough.

In fact, Qin Feng sensed it the moment he came out of the Conferred Gods List.

The people who came out of the Conferred Gods List were not only him, but also There were Feng Xi, Yu Xuanji, Xiao Luan'er, and Qi Yue.

The five of them came out almost at the same time.

However, Di Jiang and Gou Mang had not yet appeared.

Obviously, the fifth-grade god status is more advanced than the fourth-grade one. It's more difficult.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled and said:"I have already seen it! This time, you have been promoted so smoothly, it must not be difficult to obtain the divine status.

Qingchengzi said excitedly:"It's really not that difficult!" As long as you defeat the guardian spirit of the god, you can obtain the god's position. We stayed in the fourth heaven for so long, mainly because it took a lot of time to integrate the divine position."

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"That's it! It seems that since Dijiang and Goumang haven't come out for so long, they should be merging with the gods. The fifth-grade divine position should have more energy than the fourth-grade one, so the fusion time will be longer.

Qingchengzi nodded repeatedly:"City Lord!" You really have a keen eye! The mysterious girl said the same thing. By the way, City Lord, you summoned your subordinates, why?"

Having said this, Qingchengzi had time to look around.....

"Hey~! here...."

Looking around, he was a little dumbfounded.

The center of the universe in front of me seems different, it seems to be larger than before.

Looking between heaven and earth, Qin Feng's city lord's palace and everyone's title pavilion are no longer there.

The only thing left in the world is its own title pavilion, which is still placed next to the ginseng fruit tree..... strangeness!

Why is the city lord's palace missing?

Qingchengzi subconsciously looked up at the sky and saw a new world space appearing above the nine heavens!

There is a suspended continent inside, with temples and pavilions above it, a jade pond, and a peach forest on the Renshui River, just like a fairyland in the sky!

Then, he consciously looked down at the Nine Netherlands, and spied a dark space, within which was the Innate Demonic Land—the Netherworld Blood Sea!


Seeing this, he finally knew what happened and suddenly became excited

"City Lord! Have you evolved into the Three Realms?"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

Qingchengzi was overjoyed:"City Lord! So, you can recruit the Supreme Being of the Three Realms?

Qin Feng smiled and said:"I called you here just for this matter!"

Qingchengzi said quickly:"City Lord!" I also hope that you can grant your subordinates a place in the Three Realms! Qin

Feng smiled:"When I return to the Blue Star Realm, I will move the creatures in the Blue Star Realm here." They are not suitable to go to heaven, nor are they suitable to go to hell, they are only suitable to stay in this human world!"

"Therefore, I am in urgent need of a manager of the human world. I plan to grant you a supreme place in the human world. Are you willing?

Qingchengzi was pleasantly surprised:"My subordinate is willing!""

"good! Then I started recruiting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng broke the blood on his finger and began to slide his fingertips to condense the supreme divine seal in the air.....

Seeing this scene, Qingchengzi was excited and nervous.

He has waited too long for this day!

He had always hoped that he could become the city lord's envoy-level confidant like Styx and Ran Deng.

Now, this wish is about to come true!

Soon, Qin Feng condensed a supreme messenger seal in the human world and pressed it between Qingchengzi's eyebrows with one finger.....


Suddenly, the divine seal vibrated and the aura shone brightly!

As soon as the divine seal came close to Qingchengzi's eyebrows, it slowly penetrated into the depths of his eyebrows at a speed visible to the naked eye.....

The supreme soul contract began to be slowly concluded....

Heaven also sent reminders....

【Reminder: You are recruiting 'Qingchengzi' to be the 'Supreme Envoy' of the human world’】

【Recruitment successful! 'Qingchengzi' has become the 'Supreme Envoy' in the human world, and he can sacrifice his combat power to you!】

【The Supreme Envoy (Human Realm): He has certain management authority over the creatures above quasi-gods in the Human Realm! 】

At this point, the recruitment is over!

Qin Feng withdrew his finger!

Qingchengzi also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of surprise.

After sizing himself up for a while, he saluted Qin Feng with great respect.

"Thank you, Master!"

Qingchengzi's tone was full of respect.

After becoming the supreme envoy of the human world, he had a deeper respect for Qin Feng, and even his name changed.

Qin Feng was also in a good mood!

If he successfully recruits Qingchengzi, he will get 2.6 billion more The fighting power was sacrificed!

At that moment, he smiled and said:"Okay! Recruitment completed! In the future, you can properly manage the people above quasi-gods in the human world!"

"yes! Owner!"

Qingchengzi respectfully accepted the order.

"By the way, Master, the quasi-god realm in this universe is similar to the loose immortal in our Longguo myth. If so, does this subordinate’s current status count as the ancestor of the Earthly Immortal in the human world?"

Qingchengzi suddenly came up with this interesting idea.

Qin Feng smiled and said nothing.

He also thought that there is also an ancestor of the earth immortals in the Longguo myth, his name is Zhen Yuanzi, and he also has a ginseng fruit tree in his hand, which he established Daotong is also called Wuzhuang Temple! After such a comparison, Qingchengzi is indeed very similar to it!

At that moment, he said:"If you want to call yourself the 'ancestor of the earth immortals', then I will allow you!" At least in my universe, you can have such self-proclaimed status!"

Qingchengzi was overjoyed!

With Qin Feng's words, he had the decree of heaven, and he could call himself that way in the future.

At that moment, he quickly thanked:"Thank you, master!"

Qin Feng smiled and didn't say much.

"Huh! Dijiang and Jumang also came out!"

At this moment, Qin Feng raised his head slightly, his eyes traveled through time and space, and saw the outside world!

At this moment, he saw Di Jiang and Ju Mang flying down from the list of gods......

The two little guys were all beaming with joy, they must have been promoted successfully!

"Let's go! Let's go out and have a look!"

Qin Feng wants to know what kind of strength Di Jiang and others have gained after they broke through to the True God Realm?

The strength of Di Jiang and others has a great influence on him.

If he wants to deal with Puyin Tianzun, he must also rely on these confidants..Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the two of them disappeared into the center of the universe.....

The next second, the two of them returned to the true temple hall!

"Huh! dad!"


Feng Xi and the other girls were exchanging resources by the altar.

As soon as they saw Qin Feng appear, they stopped exchanging and came forward to meet each other.

Qin Feng also smiled and looked at the girls!

At this sight, his mood suddenly improved.

Seeing everyone All the women have reached the True God Realm, and their strength has skyrocketed!

Even the weakest Qiyue's combat power has reached 2.7 billion stars, which is better than Qingchengzi.

And the strongest Yu Xuanji's combat power has reached 2.7 billion stars. It has reached 3.4 billion stars!

"dad! We have broken through to the realm of true gods!"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er said with excitement

"Well, bigAll well done!"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

"dad! dad! We were also successfully promoted!"

At this time, Di Jiang and Ju Mang also rushed over.

"Xiaodi, Xiaoyu, you are finally out!"

Xiao Luan'er happily greeted him.

Qin Feng quickly looked at the two little guys.

He was very happy when he saw it!

Jumang's combat power reached 5.3 billion stars, and Dijiang even reached 5.5 billion stars!

The improvement of these two little guys far exceeds that of the five Feng Xi people!

Obviously, the benefits brought by the fifth-grade divine position are much greater than those of the fourth-grade divine position.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng has no idea about the ninth-grade god. The more I look forward to it, the more I look forward to it.

"very nice! You two are doing great!"

Qin Feng sincerely praised the two little guys.

Di Jiang and Ju Mang suddenly smiled.

"Wow! Xiaodi, Xiaoyu, your combat power has exceeded 5 billion! This is comparable to a quasi-god king!"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er saw the progress of his two younger brothers and was immediately amazed.

Feng Xi, Qi Yue, Yu Xuanji, and Qing Chengzi also showed envy.

Qin Feng saw all this and was delighted. In my heart.

After this promotion, the strength of these close subordinates has greatly increased!

Now the seven people from Dijiang, plus Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Ming He, and Ran Deng, can sacrifice a total of about 80 billion to him.!

This is definitely a huge improvement in strength!

It can play a decisive role at critical moments!

At this moment, Yu Xuanji's voice sounded next to Qin Feng

"Master, I have discovered that the five of us who have obtained the fourth-grade god status will have increased combat power of about 1.5 billion. The fifth-grade divine status obtained by Dijiang and Jumang increased their combat power by about 3 billion, which is almost twice as much as ours!"

With this reminder, Xiao Luan'er's eyes lit up.

"Yes! Sister Xuanji is right! Is it true that every time you upgrade a divine level, your combat power will increase by 2 times?"

"If you calculate it this way, the sixth-grade god can increase your combat power by about 6 billion, the seventh-grade can increase your combat power by about 12 billion, the eighth-grade can increase your combat power by about 24 billion, and the ninth-grade can increase your combat power by about 48 billion!"

"Around 48 billion! Almost 50 billion! Dad, you can get two ninth-grade gods, which means you can get 100 billion combat power!"

The more Xiao Luan'er analyzed, the more shocked he became!

Everyone was amazed!

They all felt that Xiao Luan'er's analysis was good. If the ninth-grade divine position could really increase its combat power by about 50 billion, it would be too scary! Even

Qin Feng After listening, his heart became hot!

At that moment, Yu Xuanji said curiously:"Master, what Xiao Luan'er said makes sense! I also believe that the ninth-grade divine position can increase the combat power by 50 billion stars!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"It's hard to say! After all, these are all guesses!"

Yu Xuanji smiled and said:"Master, if there is one, you will know if you go to Jiuchongtian and try it! Qin

Feng smiled slightly:"I have other plans, so I can't go for the time being!" By the way, if you have Holy Land Points in your hands, then hurry up and go to the mall to redeem resources."

"After exchanging the resources, you can go to the Land of Divine Relics to see if you can get some more ancient opportunities!"


After everyone heard Qin Feng's instructions, they went to redeem resources one after another.

In fact, Qin Feng did not intend to tell everyone his plan to go to Tianwaitian, so as not to worry them!

Besides, if you go to Tianwaitian to challenge, you can only challenge it alone!

Time flies!

Half an hour later, Yu Xuanji and others finished the redemption.

They all redeemed it, and all of them received the artifacts and equipment they wanted most.

At least, their points were fully used. , there was no waste at all.

The resources in the mall were exchanged and only 3% was left!

After exchanging the resources, Yu Xuanji and others left the Jiuzhen Temple and went to the land of divine relics outside to continue searching for opportunities....

At this point, the hall of Jiuzhen Temple has become empty!

Qin Feng is the only one left in the field!

"In five hours, the Holy Land opportunity is about to end. I must complete the challenge of Tianwaitian within these five hours, and obtain the two ninth-grade divine positions!"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

However, he still did not take action immediately!

He had to wait for the thirteen Taiqing Dao Crystals to be refined before taking action!

In this way, he would be more sure Some....

At the same moment, something was happening outside the Holy Land.

The Qinglong Star Territory, within the Blue Star Realm.

The old nest of Longyuan City.

One hundred thousand Longyuan disciples are all suspended above the floating city, looking up at the direction of the exit of the Holy Land....

Nowadays, one hundred thousand Longyuan's disciples are all in the virtual god realm, and all of them have extraordinary momentum.

The leaders Liu Xuan, Elder Qishan, Granny Fengqi, and Granny Yusang have a combat strength of 50 million stars., a perfect true god realm strength!

Lei Jue, Liu Yuan, Fengying, Longshan and other hundreds of elite backbones have also exceeded 20 million star levels in combat power, and their strength has entered the true god level.

In today's Longyuan City, everyone can be said to be like a dragon.

Qin Feng's original wish has been initially achieved.

At this time, everyone in Longyuan was looking towards the exit of the Holy Land, their expressions full of expectation and worry.

In front of the crowd, Liu Xuan, Elder Qishan, and Granny Fengqi were chatting.

"Granny Fengqi, do you think the boss can break through to 50 billion star combat power when he returns this time? Liu

Xuan asked in a low voice.

Granny Fengqi took a deep breath and said,"I'm afraid it will be very difficult!"

Elder Qishan also nodded slightly:"Yes!" 50 billion combat power is too difficult!"

Liu Xuan frowned:"If the boss fails to break through 50 billion combat power, then there will be some troubles next! Ye Shen is probably coming soon, that guy has a combat power of 70 billion stars!

Grandma Fengqi smiled bitterly:"That's true!" This should be the biggest crisis in the history of our Longyuan City! If the master can reach 50 billion combat power, he may be able to defeat the God of God! If he fails to reach it, Long Yuan will be doomed! Why!"

At the end of the sentence, Granny Fengqi's tone was full of worry.

Elder Qishan also sighed:"Facing a terrifying existence like Ye Shen, we are helpless and can only look to the master. Having said that, not only are we at Longyuan worried now, there are also many people watching the show!"

As soon as he said this, Elder Qishan looked into the distance......

I can only see the sky thousands of miles away,Millions of people gathered densely, all of whom were heaven-level and earth-level humans.

Those are the leaders of all the guardian forces in the Blue Star Realm.

They all came after hearing the news and came to watch.

Because they all know that Qin Feng will come out of the Holy Land in five or six hours.

God is coming soon!

Most of these people looked worried.

Of course, they only worry about themselves, not Qin Feng!

They were afraid that God Ye would destroy the entire Blue Star Realm in his anger, and they would not be able to escape death.

As for Qin Feng's warning before leaving, most of them didn't remember it.

Before Qin Feng left, he said that after he came out of the Holy Land, he would not accept any force that wanted to seek refuge in Longyuan City.

The fate awaiting those forces is to be enslaved or driven out of the Blue Star Realm! pity!

Few forces took such warnings to heart.

Thinking of this, Liu Xuan said angrily:"Haha! After such a long time, less than 1% of the forces who have sincerely surrendered to our Longyuan City. These guys obviously don't think highly of our boss!"

Hearing this, Elder Qishan looked into the distance. In front of everyone, he smiled coldly

"These guys probably don’t like their master! They don't know how many miracles the master has created! Wait! They will regret it after the master comes out!"

Elder Qishan's tone was also somewhat resentful.

He was also quite dissatisfied with the attitude of the guardian forces!

Granny Fengqi comforted:"You two, don't be angry with these short-sighted people! When the master returns, they will have their eyes opened!

Liu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief:"That's right!" Not much to say now, let’s just wait for the boss to return!"

"That's exactly what it should be!"

At the moment, Long Yuan continues to wait for Qin Feng's return......

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