Time is running out!

Qin Feng felt a sense of urgency in his heart!

"Humanity! You can break through to my level, you have some strength! However, if you want to break through my hands, it is impossible!"

At this time, God Wa spoke, with an aloof and cold expression!

"That’s not necessarily the case!"

Qin Feng sneered and went straight to kill him!


A flash of light and shadow!

Qin Feng came close in an instant and slashed at him with an axe!

Buzz~! At that moment, his momentum was fully unleashed! His whole body was full of momentum!

His luck aura shone even brighter!

With 25,000 times the luck blessing, his combat power and momentum surged by 25 billion stars, suddenly reaching 763 billion stars!

God Wa instantly sensed it!

Her eyes immediately flashed Showing a hint of disdain!

763 billion star combat power!

She hasn't taken it seriously yet!

"Ah! I won’t cry until I see the coffin!"

God Wa sneered, and swung his whip to face the giant axe!


The whip was swung out, and the sound of the whip was like a cry of gods and demons!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the whip shadow passed, Time stopped and the years rotated, as if a whip could cut off the past life, cracking the void and breaking the laws! The attack momentum of that whip suddenly reached 1.8 trillion stars, which was extremely terrifying!

1.8 trillion versus 763 billion Stars!

Which one is stronger and which one is weaker! It’s clear at a glance!

At this moment, Goddess Wa’s eyes contained a look of ridicule.

She wanted to whip away this kid’s giant ax, and then blow it up with a whip!


The Master’s Heavenly Monument of Fengchan, How can anyone get involved?

These unscrupulous intruders must die!

Thinking of this, God Wa's eyes became more and more sharp!


The speed of the whip was even faster. Points!

Seeing that the whip is about to hit the Pantian Dao Ax!


At this moment, the Pantian Dao Ax lights up with the sky-reaching Dao light!

The Taoist skill is activated!

The attack increases by ten percent!


And with At the same time, Qin Feng's body also lit up with a dazzling light!

A knowing blow! It was launched instantly!

The attack power increased by another ten percent!

At that moment, the attack of that ax increased by twenty percent!

Wherever the light of the ax passed, time and space Cut off, destroy the avenue, and shake the heavens!

The momentum of that ax is infinitely close to 2.3 trillion stars, which is much stronger than the previous power!

That is the effect of the blessing of the power of luck!


At this moment, the long whip of God Wa also attacked!

One axe! One whip!

The attacks collided instantly!


A burst of screams from the heaven and the earth!

The world space exploded!

The laws of the heavens, one after another were annihilated!

In the next breath, Wa The long whip in the god's hand was swung away!

The huge impact of the collision made her fight unstable, and she retreated wildly backwards! At this moment, Wa Shen was extremely horrified!

She never expected that Qin Feng could actually explode. Such a terrifying attack!

Speaking of which, she couldn't see the fight between Qin Feng and other guardian spirits.

She would be summoned only when the guardian spirits in the previous level were defeated!

Therefore, when she saw Qin Feng's incompetence before, Strong, I felt contempt for her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they fought, she was killed and caught off guard!

In the blink of an eye, she retreated thousands of feet...


Before she could stabilize her figure, Qin Feng was chasing her again!


In the next breath, Qin Feng held the ax with both hands and slashed down with all his strength!


The knowing blow strikes again!

Another blow infinitely close to 2.3 trillion stars!

God Wa was so frightened that her face turned pale!

She wanted to whip her whip to resist, but was horrified to find that her entire arm was numb and she would be unable to lift it for a while!

That was the shock from the last axe!

She couldn't resist it with a whip, she couldn't resist it at all!

At this moment, it was even more impossible for her to avoid this blow!

Qin Feng's ax had already locked her energy, making it impossible for her to avoid it!

At this extremely critical moment, God Wa had no choice but to make a thought!


A protective light shield was held up around her, emitting nine-color aura!


At this moment, the ax light fell and struck hard on the light shield!


A crisp sound!

The mask is shattered!

The ax continued to chop down, and it hit God Wa's proud chest!

Click~! Cha~!

Another crisp sound!

There was a splash of blood!

God Wa screamed miserably and was split into two halves!

Soon, the corpse exploded into blood mist!

God Wa is not completely dead!

Qin Feng didn't dare to underestimate him. His innate pupils suddenly opened and he fired the light of heavenly punishment into the blood mist!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

Send out the 'Light of Heaven's Punishment' seventeen times in a row!

Qin Feng didn't dare to relax even a little bit!


With a final soft sound, the soul collapsed!

An extremely unwilling scream came from the blood mist!

God Wa died and disappeared!

The next second, a dazzling golden light flew out of the blood mist and poured into Qin Feng's body....

【You successfully killed God Wa (quasi-half-step eternity) and obtained +800,000 trillion energy points.】

【You successfully killed God Wa (quasi-half-step eternity) and obtained +3 million gold judgment points.】

【You successfully killed God Wa (quasi-half-step eternity) and exploded 3 Chaos Treasure Chests (complete state)】

【You successfully killed God Wa (quasi-half-step eternity) and exploded the Human-creating Whip (peak level of creation).】

【Your level is promoted to level 95】

【Your vocation is promoted to level 94 Hongmeng Supreme (intermediate level)】

【Your strength index increases by 20,000 points!】

【Your agility index increases by 20,000 points!】

【Your body mass index increases by 20,000 points!】

【Your energy index increases by 20,000 points!】......

At this moment, Qin Feng's body once again lit up with upgraded white light!

His vocation has been promoted to level 94, which is one level away from the high-level Hongmeng Supreme.

"Huh~! This challenge went much smoother than expected!"

After absorbing the feedback, Qin Feng looked at the Fengchan Monument tens of thousands of feet away. He felt very lucky in his heart and his eyes were full of expectation.

He really wanted to know what the Fengchan Monument would bring after it recognized him as its master. What's the benefit?

At this moment, the blood mist in front of him dissipated, revealing the loot!

Three Chaos Treasure Chests (complete), a green whip, and a mysterious yellow light group....

Qin Feng put away the treasure box casually!

So far, his Chaos Treasure Chest has reached 18!

Then he picked up the green whip and examined it....

【Human-creating whip: Refined from a gourd fairy vine (spiritual root of heaven and earth), the pinnacle level of creation!】

【This whip contains: the avenue of enlightenment, the avenue of nurturing, the avenue of human yuan, and the avenue of creation (innateness)!】

【Reminder: Only if you have Tao-level bloodline and are the master of the 'Xihuang Sword' can you recognize it as its master! 】

Another peak-level treasure has been obtained!

However, this thing actually needs to become the owner of the 'Xihuang Sword' before it can recognize its owner!

This may be a limitation set by Heaven!

Of course, this may also be set by the previous Lord of the Universe.

Qin Feng didn't think much and put away the human whip with great satisfaction.

Finally, he looked at the yellow light group

【True Spirit (God Wa): Chaos level, incomplete】

【Reminder: God Wa is the body of an evil corpse, so her true spirit is incomplete.】

【Reminder: If you find his good corpse body and get his true spirit. You can fuse the two true spirits to get a complete true spirit.】

"This god Wa is so powerful, but he is just an evil corpse! When the two corpses of good and evil are combined, their strength should be able to reach half a step of eternity!"

Qin Feng sighed in his heart, and waved his hand to put away the true spiritual light group.

After doing this, he activated Luck Devouring....

【Luck Devouring Success! You have swallowed all the luck of God Wa, and your luck value is +5000 times...】


5000 times luck!

The luck of this god Wa is really amazing!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

It took a while before the luck was completely devoured!

He also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy!

With this devouring, his luck increased by only 30,000 times, which greatly improved his overall strength!

He didn't want to think so much anymore, he had to quickly complete the last step of the opportunity challenge!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng walked quickly towards the altar.

In just a moment, he walked to the altar and saw a protective light shield in front of him!

According to the rules of chance, he needs to step into the center of the altar to pass the challenge!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng used all his strength to slash at the light shield with an axe!

Buzz~! Buzz~!

At that moment, Pantian Dao Axe and Qin Feng both lit up with the aura of Dao!

Dao ax increases! A knowing blow!

Activated simultaneously!

Another strongest blow!


The ax flashed!

The giant ax struck hard on the light barrier!


A huge groan!

Space trembles!

The altar shakes!

The protective mask only deformed slightly and returned to normal, and did not break in response!

"Huh! Not broken!"

Qin Feng was greatly surprised!

He quickly went to detect the protective light shield.....

【Cyan Pauline Mask: Energy level 2.8 trillion stars!】

【Reminder: This mask is automatically cast by the 'Green Lotus Flag' with the blessing of the altar.】

【Reminder: The attack power must reach more than 2.8 trillion stars to break through this protective mask!】

【Green Lotus Flag (Eastern): One of the five innate flags, the pinnacle level of creation】

【Reminder: After gathering the five innate flags, you can get the innate five-square formation, which is as powerful as the Great Dao weapon and can be called invincible in defense]


After this detection, Qin Feng was shocked!

Another innate five-element flag appears!

It turns out that this is the biggest obstacle to this opportunity!

Qin Feng's current attack power can only reach 2.3 trillion stars, which is 500 billion combat power short of 2.8 trillion stars!

Calculating the challenge time, he only has 3 minutes left!

In just 3 minutes, how can he even out the 500 billion combat power gap?

This thought made Qin Feng very anxious!

If he can't break through this layer of light, he will fail the challenge!

At that time, not only will he not get the 'Fengchan Heavenly Monument', he will also be kicked out of the Jiuzhen Temple and will not be able to advance to the True God Realm for a hundred years!

In that case, he would suffer heavy losses!

What should we do?

Want to try attacking again?

Qin Feng held the ax handle and wanted to attack again...

But the next second, he restrained himself!

He must not attack again!

This chance challenge requires the challenger to fight alone, and subordinates cannot be asked to help!

Therefore, Qin Feng did not bring his subordinates in, so he could not use the magical power of"Six Prisons to Suppress the Sky"!

Without the six prisons to suppress the sky, he can only use the 'Knowing Blow'!

That knowing blow can only be used five times within ten minutes.

He has used it four times and has only one last chance left!

Therefore, without enough confidence, he can no longer launch a knowing blow!

Otherwise, he would not even have the last chance.

"Hey~! The attack gap of 500 billion stars! How to make up for this?"

At this moment, Qin Feng frowned and stood beside the altar, thinking hard!

No matter what, he had to come up with a solution!

Otherwise, he would fail!

With this in mind, Qin Feng stood beside the altar, thinking hard. Think about it...

10 seconds...20 seconds...30 seconds...

Time passed like this minute by minute!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng only has one minute left!

He still didn't think of a solution!

"Why! Only the last minute left! Am I really going to fail?"

Qin Feng looked at the mask in front of him and was extremely depressed!

There was only one minute left. Even if he could think of a way, it would be too late!

After all, the 500 billion combat power gap is really too big. Ah!


Just when Qin Feng had that thought, there was an earth-shattering roar from the center of the universe....

【Your mind body has refined the Chaos Dao Crystal (50%), your Dao Yun perception of the Chaos Avenue has reached 100%, and your combat power +400 million stars...】

【Congratulations on your enlightenment on the innate avenue - the avenue of chaos! You have been blessed by the power of the avenue, and your combat power has increased by +500 million stars....】

【Your primary universe successfully integrates the Avenue of Chaos and is greatly strengthened. You will permanently receive 500 million stars of cosmic power in return....】


Qin Feng's eyes lit up! Expressing ecstasy!

He actually awakened to the Avenue of Chaos at this moment, it was so timely!


At this moment, the 'Seal of the Universe' appeared between Qin Feng's eyebrows, and the fifteenth green lotus petal began to condense and take shape...

At this point, he had mastered fifteen innate avenues!

When the awakening of the 'Chaos Avenue' was over, he turned his palm over and there was a long sword in his hand!

It is the Xihuang Sword!

The Avenue of Chaos has awakened!

CanLet Xihuang Sword recognize its master!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng broke his finger to collect blood and flicked it towards Xihuang Sword....


As soon as the Xihuang Sword absorbed the essence and blood, it lit up with the heavenly light!

The next second, the Xihuang Sword turned into a golden light and poured into his body....

Heaven also sent reminders...

【Successfully recognized the master! Xihuang Sword has recognized you as its master!】

【You gained the insight of the Snake Avenue from the 'Xihuang Sword' and began to awaken to the acquired avenue - the Snake Avenue....】

【You gained the enlightenment of the Dragon-Xiang Dao from the 'Xihuang Sword' and began to awaken to the acquired Dao - the Long-Xiang Dao....】

【You gained insights into the avenue of bloodshed from the 'Xihuang Sword' and began to awaken to the avenue of the day after tomorrow - the avenue of bloodshed....】


At this moment, Qin Feng's body lit up with a three-color aura, and his momentum skyrocketed crazily!

Before those things were over, Tiandao sent another reminder...

【It has been detected that you have awakened the 'Avenue of Blood Slaughter'. You have mastered seven avenues of killing. Your magical power 'Seven Killing Divine Body' is being automatically advanced....】

【Advancement successful! Your Seven Kills Divine Body is promoted from 'God Level' to 'Tao Level'’!】

【Congratulations, your Seven Kills Divine Body has been completed and you have reached the level of great power!】

【When turned on, its attack power increases by 80% and lasts for 5 hours.】

【Reminder: Your Seven Kills Divine Body has been completed and can be stacked with 'Knowing Blow' or 'Six Hells to Suppress the Sky'!】

【Reminder: 'Seven Kills Divine Body' cannot be used at the same time as 'Dharma Appearance Golden Body'! 】



The Seven Kills Divine Body is finally complete!

Qin Feng was ecstatic!

The Seven Kills Divine Body can increase combat power by 80%, which is much stronger than the Golden Body of Dharma.

After all, Dharma promotion can only increase by 50%!

Since the Seven Kills Divine Body can be stacked with a knowing blow, he will use the Seven Kills Divine Body instead!

At this point, he finally saw hope of completing the challenge!....

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