At the same moment, in the land of divine heritage.

Qin Feng’s resource sweeps are coming to an end.....

And outside the Holy Land, something is also happening.

At this time, in the Blue Star Realm, above the floating city.

One hundred thousand Longyuan disciples looked anxiously at the sky....

In half an hour, the Holy Land will be closed.

They are all waiting for Qin Feng to come out!

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the sky.

The millions of guardian force leaders are discussing....

From time to time there were some murmurs from the crowd....

"Everyone, in half an hour, Qin Feng will leave the Holy Land! What do you think he will be when he comes out this time?"

"I want you to see it! It would be great if he can reach 30 billion combat power!"

"Only 30 billion?! Such strength is simply vulnerable to Lord Yeshen!"

"Of course! If Qin Feng has a chance to win 10%, how can we not follow him?"

"That’s right! I also feel that Qin Feng doesn’t even have a 10% chance of winning this time, so he chooses to wait and see!"

"yes! I also feel that Qin Feng is dead this time! Fellow Daoist Li also thinks he has a combat power of 30 billion! But I feel that he may not even reach 30 billion, but it would be good to have a combat power of 20 billion!"

"this...Why! No matter it is 30 billion or 20 billion! In short, he is dead this time!"

Many people shook their heads secretly, saying they didn't like Qin Feng.

Some even showed signs of gloating about his misfortune.....

It's just that these people underestimated the strength of Liu Xuan, Qishan and others.

Today, Liu Xuan, Qishan, and Granny Fengqi have all reached 50 million star combat power.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, Liu Xuan and others could hear the mutterings of these people.

At this time, in the sky above the floating city, in front of Long Yuan's people.

Liu Xuan looked at the onlookers with a gloomy face, looking very unhappy.

Granny Qishan, Lei Jue and Fengqi on the side also frowned slightly.

"You guys, those guys are really arrogant! He actually said that if the boss comes out this time, his combat power can reach 20 billion, which is great! How dare you underestimate our boss!

Liu Xuan said angrily.

Lei Jue was also annoyed:"Humph!" These guys are just looking down on others! They have no idea how powerful the boss is!

Elder Qishan also said,"In half an hour, the master will come out!" When the time comes, it will open their eyes!"

Grandma Fengqi was a little worried:"What I'm worried about now is whether the master can break through 50 billion combat power? If he breaks through, then we, Longyuan City, can still be saved! If not....Why!"

Having said this, Granny Fengqi looked worried.

Liu Xuan took a deep breath:"50 billion combat power! It’s really difficult! However, I believe the boss can do it! Let’s keep waiting! Only half an hour...."

Halfway through the words, Liu Xuan felt something inexplicably and looked up beyond the starry sky barrier.....

At this moment, deep in the starry sky outside the barrier.

Three figures are escaping from a distance!

The old man at the head is none other than Venerable Puyin!

Jesus and Mary followed closely behind....

"senior! Here we are! It’s the blue planet in front of you!"

At this time, Ye Shen pointed to the Blue Star Realm in the distance with an excited look.

At their speed, they can arrive in three minutes at most!

Venerable Puyin also breathed a sigh of relief:"We're good to go! Let's go! After a while, I went to the Blue Star Realm. You guys frightened those ants, and I set up a barrier to seal the surrounding starry sky!"

"Don’t worry, senior! With the two of us coming forward, none of those ants can escape from the Blue Star Realm!"

Yeshen said with confidence.

"So good!"

Venerable Puyin smiled and nodded.

"Huh! This is...."

Suddenly, something moved in his mind, and he took out a communication jade talisman and started looking at it.....

After reading it, a smile appeared on his face.

Ye Shen hesitated for a while and then asked cautiously:"Senior Puyin, I don't know what is going on?"

"It doesn’t hurt to tell you! I received the message from my senior brother, he and the Lord of Light Territory are speeding up! They can get here in three hours at most! Pu

Yin calmly put away the communication jade talisman.

Ye Shen was greatly surprised:"Only three hours?"! That's great! My domain master and senior Jie Yin are both half-step eternal peak powers! If they arrive, even if Qin Feng has 1.5 trillion combat power, he will not be able to escape death!"

Half-step eternal peak power, the weakest combat power is 3 trillion stars!

As soon as those words were said, Maria covered her mouth and smiled:"Oh God, you are too high-minded about that kid! Didn't the seniors analyze before that the boy's combat power will not exceed 150 billion stars? How could it be 1.5 trillion?!"

Yeshen smiled:"I'm just making an analogy! But Venerable Pu Yin said:"

Even so, we cannot underestimate him!" Let me tell you another news! I told my senior brother that the situation might change this time! He asked me to set up the 'Liuhe Xumi Formation' to seal the tens of billions of miles of starry sky!"

"Seal the starry sky tens of billions of miles away?!", God was surprised!

This is too generous!

Immediately, he was puzzled:"Senior, we can wait in the sky above the Blue Star Realm to kill Qin Feng's son, why do we need to seal the starry sky tens of billions of miles away? Is it possible that that kid can still escape from the Blue Star Realm under our ambush? Pu

Ying took a deep breath:"I don't think so either!" But this was the order from Senior Brother Jie Ying, and even more so from Lord Jitian. It is estimated that Qin Feng's son got some escape magic weapon in the holy land, so I had to make some preparations!"

Hearing these words, Ye Shen didn't take it seriously.

He thought that Venerable Puyin was a redundant move!

To deal with a boy whose combat power is less than 150 billion stars, to seal tens of billions of miles of space, is like dealing with half a step of eternity. Great power.

However, he was in awe of Venerable Puyin in his heart and did not dare to say anything.

"Go for it! You two go to the Blue Star Realm first and control all the creatures on that planet! I will first set up a barrier in the starry sky!"

At this time, Venerable Puyin gave another order!

"yes! senior!"

At this moment, the two of them did not dare to say anything and flew straight towards the Blue Star Realm.....

When Pu Yin saw the two leaving, he also began to arrange starry sky seals......

In fact, he also felt that the explanation of the Great Sacrifice to Heaven seemed to be unnecessary.

But he dare not disobey the order of the Great Sacrifice to Heaven!

He does not think that with his help, Qin Feng can escape from the Blue Star Realm...

From the beginning to the end, Venerable Puyin did not take Qin Feng to heart.

With his basic combat power of 2 trillion, how can he worry about an ant with a combat power of more than 100 billion!

So is Jesus and Mary!

The guardian forces in the Blue Star Realm are even less optimistic about Qin Feng.....

They didn't know that Qin Feng's current combat power far exceeded their imagination......

At this moment, in the Holy Land.

Deep in the land of divine heritage, somewhere in the starry sky!

Qin Feng looked around with joy!

All the resources in this sacred land have been wiped out by him!

He gained a lot of precious resources and 15 acquired avenues!

During this period of time, he obtained various Dao crystals and refined them all.

This in turn allowed him to awaken to the great avenues of Xiong, Hegemony, Four Symbols, Five Elements, Supremeness, and Nothingness.

As a result, the number of avenues he mastered reached 196, including 21 innate avenues!

The basic combat power reached 864.7 billion stars in one fell swoop!

"864.7 billion combat power! I have such fighting power, I should be able to defeat Lord Puyin!"

At this time, Qin Feng smiled!

He was extremely satisfied with his progress!

By the way!

He has mastered the 'Tianji Dao', and he can first deduce the good and bad luck after leaving the Holy Land!

With this in mind, Qin Feng took action The hexagram formula was deduced on the spot!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, his fingertips were shining with golden light, and hexagrams were born one by one in his hands, and then disappeared into nothingness...

After a while, the calculation of the heavenly secret was completed!

Qin Feng looked extremely shocked!

According to his calculations, with his current combat power, he would have a narrow escape from death!

If his combat power exceeded one trillion stars, he would only have a 30% chance of survival! One trillion!

30% chance of survival!

"How could this be?"

Qin Feng frowned and felt puzzled!

At the same time, a burst of anxiety surged in his heart!

According to Tianji's deduction, there is a high probability that there will be no mistakes!

Now that Tianji has revealed that his combat power will exceed 1 trillion stars , then there is only a 30% chance of survival.

Then he will try every means to break through the combat power to 1 trillion first!

He has already used up the resources and channels that may increase his strength. Where is there any other way?

Yes Now!

There is also a chance reward in the second round!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as if he saw a glimmer of hope!


At this moment, the voice of Heaven came from the air....

【Holy Land Reminder: This round of opportunities is over, and the contestants in the Sacred Land will be sent back to the square. Please be prepared!】

【Countdown: 3...2....】 it is finally over!

Qin Feng raised his head and looked towards the finishing square....


The next second, he turned into a white light and disappeared from the place....

When he appeared again, he appeared in the center of the finish square, surrounded by the noise of the players!

"Huh! Another true god realm is here!"

Qin Feng's appearance immediately shocked the surroundings.

Many players looked at him strangely, with strange expressions.

Qin Feng ignored him!

He looked around and walked to a corner.....



Before Qin Feng reached the corner, the excited voices of Xiao Luan'er, Yu Xuanji and others could be heard.

It turned out that everyone in Long Yuan had returned early!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the players around him became even weirder.

"Everyone, it seems that these True God Realm players are in the same group!"

"yes! I really didn’t expect that ten True God Realm people would pass the assessment this time!"

Someone in the crowd murmured in a sour tone!

Naturally, these murmurs could not be hidden from Qin Feng's ears!

He didn't bother to pay attention to these ants!

Now, the God King is like an ant in his eyes!

What's more, those quasi-God Kings and Players in the realm of gods

"dad! dad!"

Soon, Qin Feng walked to the corner.

The two little babies, Zhu Rong and Gonggong, rushed over with joy on their faces and hugged his thighs.

Qin Feng also touched the two little guys' thighs lovingly. He opened his head and looked at it.

I saw that the two little guys had changed from one or two years old to three or four years old. They seemed to have grown up a lot.

Looking at their combat power, they both reached 4.5 billion stars, compared to Emperor Jiang and Jumang are not much different!

These two little guys are making great progress!

Qin Feng is very pleased!

Then, he looks at Ran Deng, Ming He, Feng Xi, Yu Xuanji and others, and they all have greatly improved in strength!

Qin Feng is very happy! The more Feng looks at it, the more satisfied he becomes!

The stronger these close subordinates are, the more help they will have in breaking through the next crisis!

"Master, I have completed the inheritance of Xuanwu inheritance!"

At this time, Yu Xuanji happily reported the progress again.

Qin Feng looked at her and saw that her combat power had reached 7 billion stars, and her whole person became as gentle as water, and she was even more beautiful than before!

"very good!"

Qin Feng nodded with a smile and couldn't help but praise.

"That's right, Master! When I merged with the Xuanwu inheritance, I also awakened the 'Abyss Avenue' and the 'Lanzhi Avenue'. I don’t know these two avenues, have you ever awakened?"

Yu Xuanji reported it truthfully again!

In order to improve her master's strength, she was also worried.

Qin Feng was also quite surprised:"These two have not yet awakened!"

At this time, Ran Deng also reported respectfully:"Master, when I was practicing in seclusion this time, I also repaired the second avenue in my previous life - Dinghai Avenue! I wonder if the master understands this?!"

Qin Feng was surprised again:"This avenue has not yet awakened!"

Xiao Luan'er quickly urged:"Dad! Then quickly start sharing your insights and copy those three new avenues!

Qin Feng shook his head slightly:"Let's talk later!" Tiandao should be giving out rewards! By the way, I have some bad news for you!"

"I just used 'Tianji Dao' to deduce it! We may encounter big danger when we go out this time!"

"If my combat power can be increased by more than 100 billion stars, there may be some chance of survival! If you can't improve, you may end up with a narrow escape!"


As soon as Qin Feng said these words, Xiao Luan'er and others were shocked!

Everyone was completely dumbfounded!

Increase the combat power by 100 billion!

This is too exaggerated!

Besides, they are about to leave the Holy Land. Is this too late?

In fact, Qin Feng has already said something good!

The actual situation is worse than what he said!

"Owner! Is the situation so serious? Feng

Xi couldn't help but ask.

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"Mysterious deductions usually don't go wrong!" It must be very serious!"

"So what should we do?"

Feng Xi couldn't help but frown.

Everyone also frowned, showing anxious looks.

"correct! Master, chance rewards will be distributed soon! You get the first and second place rewards this time! Maybe, this wave of rewards can improve your combat power!"

Yu Xuanji reminded,

Qin Feng sighed:"At present, this wave of reward opportunities is the only one left that can improve my strength. As for how much it can be improved, it depends on whether the rewards are generous or not?"

Everyone nodded slightly, feeling like this!


At this moment, the sky above the square vibrated, and the ethereal voice of Tiandao sounded.....

【Holy Land Reminder: The rewards for passing this round of opportunities are now distributed! 】


As soon as this prompt came out, the whole audience went into a stir!

All the players raised their heads and looked at the sky in surprise!

Everyone in Long Yuan also raised their heads.

Even Qin Feng held his breath and looked nervously into the air....

The rewards are finally about to be distributed!

The richness of the reward this time had such a great impact on him that he had to be nervous!....

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