72 billion star combat power!

There are also 72 Taiqing Dao Crystals!

After everyone in Long Yuan was shocked, they showed expressions of ecstasy!

Xiaoluan'er, Dijiang, and Goumang almost cheered!

Before, they were worried that Qin Feng would not be able to complete the goal of increasing combat power by 100 billion!

Now, they see hope!


At this moment, a purple beam of light fell from the sky and landed on Ji Yang's body....


The next second, Ji Yang's combat power, reputation, and luck are all skyrocketing!

It took a long time for those rewards to end!

Jiyang's body also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy!

At this moment, the second reward beam fell!

Seventy-two Taiqing Dao crystals of different colors slowly fell in front of him along the light pillar.

Ji Yang's body happily put away the Dao Crystal!

So far, he has harvested a total of 143 Taiqing Dao Crystals!

Then, the two bodies merged into one in front of everyone!

Qin Feng showed up!

When all the players saw this scene, their throats felt a little dry.

Although they had known that the two entities were the same person, they were still shocked to see the two entities merging with their own eyes.

Lord Qin Feng's strength is far beyond their imagination!

Not to mention anything else, Lord Qin Feng has accumulated 83 billion stars in total from this ranking reward alone!

At this thought, everyone looked at Qin Feng with even more fear!

Qin Feng naturally ignored these people.

After he fit in and appeared, he opened the panel and checked his latest status....

【Level]: Level 96 (True God Realm)

【Vocation]: Level 95 (Advanced Hongmeng Supreme)

【Luck]: 169,000 times (ultimate master of destiny)

【Reputation]: 1.99 million points (Ultimate Preacher)

【Basic combat power: 949.7 billion stars

【Xiantian Avenue]: 21

【Total number of avenues]: 196

Not bad! The combat power has reached 949.7 billion stars!

After reading the data, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile!

Although this is far from the 1 trillion star target, he is still about 50 billion star short.

But he still has many Taiqing Dao Crystals that have not been refined!

As long as there is enough time, he definitely hopes to break through 1 trillion stars!

In other words, after he goes out, he has about 30% chance of survival!

If he wants to gain more vitality, he must increase his combat power.

Speaking of which, his reputation has exceeded one million points!

Then if he wants to be promoted to the 'Substitute', he only needs the last condition, which is to have a combat power of over 1 trillion stars!

A substitute for heaven!

That is the starting point of becoming a new heaven!

It seems that having a combat power of over 1 trillion means a lot to him!

"Dad, are you almost reaching your goal?"

At this moment, Xiao Luan'er asked with concern.

"Still a little worse!"

Qin Feng closed the panel silently....


At this moment, the voice of Heaven sounded again1

【Holy Land Reminder: The Holy Land will close in 15 minutes, please be prepared! 】

As soon as this prompt came out, everyone was in an uproar!

"Only 15 minutes left! quick! Everyone, hurry up and exchange Dao Jing!"

"Everyone, who has the road to earth? I am willing to exchange it for the great road of wood!"

"I'm going to change to Thunder Road! Who has it? Mine is the Avenue of Night!"

"Everyone, the little girl also needs to change to Daojing.…."

At this moment, those players who did not get the suitable Dao Crystal felt anxious!

One by one, they were shouting that they wanted to replace Dao Jing!

Qin Feng also felt nervous!

15 minutes is too fast!

He's just afraid that he won't have time to refine so many Dao Crystals!

"Owner! Time is a bit tight!"

"yes! We have to hurry up and buy Dao Jing!"

At this time, Feng Xi, Yu Xuanji and others all looked at Qin Feng.

They were also anxious!

Qin Feng waved his hand, and more than thirty Taiqing Dao Crystals flew towards Feng Xi.

"These more than thirty Dao crystals are all my awakened Dao, and you can't refine them either. You take it in exchange for the avenue we can refine! and this...."

Qin Feng threw out another storage ring

"This storage ring contains a large amount of top-quality god-level materials, as well as some incomplete creation-level materials, as well as Renshui flat peaches. You take it to buy Dao Jing!"

"No matter what type of Dao Jing it is, as long as someone sells it, we will buy it! What we can’t use can be reserved for Liu Xuan and the others!

Feng Xi said quickly:"I understand!""

"dad! I'm here to help Sister Feng Xi!"

Xiao Luan'er volunteered.

She was worried that Feng Xi wouldn't be able to do it alone.

After all, time was too tight!

"good! I leave this to you two! Others come with me to retreat!"


Everyone agreed.

Everyone knows that the master urgently needs to improve his combat power.

It is really important for the master to solve the next crisis.

Therefore, they must quickly refine the new avenue to help the master improve his strength!

Phew~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

At that moment, white lights flashed in the field!

Qin Feng and his party disappeared in the square, leaving only Feng Xi and Xiao Luan'er.

Then, the two women did not dare to waste time and took Qin Feng to of Dao Crystals and resources, start buying and trading Dao Crystals....

At the same time, Qin Feng and others had returned to the center of the small universe.

Di Jiang, Jumang, Zhu Rong and others went into retreat one after another.

Qin Feng also handed over a hundred new Dao crystals to the mental bodies for refining.

After doing this, he summoned Yu Xuanji and Ran Deng.

At this moment, in a secret room.

Qin Feng looked at the jade mystery and burning lanterns in front of him

"Owner! let's start!"

Yu Xuanji urged anxiously.

She was worried that it would delay the master's important event.....


Qin Feng directly broke his fingers to coagulate blood, drew a golden rune in the air, and pressed it towards Yu Xuanji's eyebrows.....

【The sharing of insights was successfully established! You are sharing your insights on the great road with your subordinate Yu Xuanji...】

【Sharing success! You gain insights into the 'Abyss Avenue' from Yu Xuanji, and you begin to awaken to the 'Abyss Avenue'’....】....


At this moment, Qin Feng gained a lot of Taoist insights from Yu Xuanji!

It turns out that he summoned Yu Xuanji and Ran Deng here just to obtain a new avenue....

It didn't take long for Qin Feng to obtain the three avenues of Abyss, Dinghai and Lan from the two of them!

So far, the number of avenues he has mastered has reached 199!

There is only one last step left before the Jade Disk of Creation can be upgraded!

After Yu Xuanji and Ran Deng left, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally everything is arranged!"

Qin Feng sighed and turned his palm!

There is an extra Taiqing Dao Crystal in the palm of his hand!

In order to speed up the acquisition of the Dao, he has to refine the Dao Crystal himself.

He can refine the Dao Crystal faster than the mind bodies. 30%...

"Huh! This is..."

As soon as Dao Jing was obtained, Qin Feng's heart moved and he suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction!

That is exactly the direction where the Blue Star Realm is located...

At this time, something was happening in the Blue Star Realm outside the Holy Land.

At this moment, inside the Blue Star Realm.

One hundred thousand Longyuan disciples, as well as millions of spectators, all looked up at the starry sky in horror.

I saw two arrogant figures standing above the starry sky!

Just now, these two figures broke through the planet barrier with one finger, easily stepped into the Blue Star Realm, and then released their momentum!

A star rating of more than 70 billion!

A star rating of more than 60 billion!

At that moment, the momentum of the two men enveloped the entire planet, making hundreds of millions of creatures tremble!

All living beings thought it was the arrival of gods, and they were all so frightened that they looked up at the sky, not even daring to breathe!

Even the birds, animals, fish and insects were too scared to scream!

Even the wind stopped in fear!

At this moment, the entire Blue Star World was shrouded in panic!

The Long Yuan people who were closest to those two people, as well as the millions of guardian force leaders, felt it most vividly!

At this moment, they were all looking at the visitor in horror, guessing the identity of the visitor!

The people coming are none other than Jesus and Mary!

They arrived outside the planet barrier three minutes ago!

Later, the two of them used their spiritual thoughts to scan the entire planet, only to discover that there was not even a single person in the true god realm on this planet!

It can be seen from this that this is an inferior planet!

This made both Ye and Shen feel contemptuous!

It seems that there is only one Qin Feng on this planet, and the rest are not worth mentioning!

At that moment, two people appeared!

Their appearance sent the entire Blue Star World into panic!

At this moment, it is above the floating city.

The disciples of Long Yuan began to discuss in fear!

"Everyone, who are those two people?"

"I do not know! Couldn't it be God?"

"Didn’t Jesus come alone? That’s two of them! They are all at the peak of the power of the God King!"

As soon as these words were said, an extremely cold and arrogant voice sounded above the starry sky, and it spread throughout the entire planet in an instant!

"My God! Come and kill Qin Feng’s son today! From now on, no one of you will ever step out of this planet! Violator! Kill without mercy!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone in Longyuan was stunned, and everyone's eyes were wide open!

Oh my God! Yeshen arrived early!

He also brought a powerful God King to kill Boss Qin Feng!

It's over!! It’s over!

The situation is very unfavorable to Long Yuan!

At this moment, Long Yuan’s heart sank, and his face became extremely ugly!

At the same moment, the leaders of the millions of guardian forces were also dumbfounded!

Soon, they Make a commotion!

"Gosh! Yes God is coming!"

"yes! He also brought a powerful God King with a combat power of over 60 billion!"

"Dead! Qin Feng is dead!"

"yes! One God of God gave Qin Feng no chance to stand up, not to mention the addition of a peak God King!"

"Why! I thought Qin Feng still had a 1% chance of escaping! Now it seems that he is dead!"

"hehe! He was destined to die! I was not optimistic about him from the beginning, so I chose to wait and see! Now it seems that my previous choice was right!"

"That's right! Fortunately, we did not choose to side with Qin Feng!"

"That Qin Feng might as well be dead! Lest he cause trouble everywhere and bring disaster to our Blue Star Realm!"

At this moment, the leaders of the forces were talking a lot, and no one was optimistic about Qin Feng at all!

Some people even cursed Qin Feng to die!

Naturally, those discussions could not escape the eyes and ears of Yeshen and Maria.

When they first heard those discussions, they were very excited. Surprised.

Then, Jesus looked at Maria with a proud look on his face

"Maria, do you see that? The millions of people here should not be Qin Feng’s subordinates! Some of them cursed Qin Feng to die! This is so much fun!

Maria also took a deep breath:"Yes!" It stands to reason that with Qin Feng's strength, the planet should have been unified long ago. Why are there still so many estranged forces?"

Yeshen smiled coldly:"It seems that Senior Puyin looked down on that little Qin Feng! That guy can't even unify a planet, so how can he be so powerful? Maria also nodded slightly:"I also think it’s too high!""

At this moment, the two of them whispered in the air. The more

Ye Shen talked, the more proud he became!

They didn't know that it was not that Qin Feng was unable to unify the planet, but that Qin Feng was too busy and had no time to deal with those trivial matters!

They also They didn't realize that just as they were muttering in low voices, something was happening in Longyuan City's old lair.

Longyuan City's old lair was the Floating City.

At this moment, deep in the meeting hall of the Floating City, there was a secret cultivation room!

The four majestic figures slowly opened their eyes one by one from meditating!

As soon as they opened their eyes, their eyes showed the shocking phenomenon of the stars disappearing and the birth of the universe!

The aura exuded by the four people was looming and visible. It has reached more than 700 billion stars!

They are Qin Feng’s mirage clones, moon spirit clones, wood spirit clones, and ice spirit clones!

The arrival of the two gods and gods woke them up!

At this moment, the mirage clones slowly raised their heads , his eyes penetrated countless barriers and spaces!

He saw all the scenes outside, and also saw the two Ye and Shen, and even heard their whispers!

But the two Ye and Shen did not sense his presence!

The corners of Phantom Mirage's clone's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer!

With only 70 billion combat power, Ye Shen could be killed with one finger!

However, he did not take action immediately, but looked atOpen and look at the starry sky behind Jesus...

He vaguely felt that there was an extremely terrifying existence hidden deep in the starry sky!

The starry sky outside the planet's boundary is also undergoing some strange changes, and it seems to be being sealed!

It seems that the real enemy is hidden deep in the starry sky!

I wonder how strong this person is?

If the person who comes is a half-step eternal power, even if the four clones join forces, I am afraid they will not be his opponent!

After all, they are just clones, and they can neither use the Dharma Golden Body nor the Seven Kills Divine Body!

This thought made Phantom Mirage suddenly feel worried!

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, as if he sensed something. He quickly opened the City Lord panel and entered the trading channel....

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

After a moment, white light flashed in front of him, and three spiritual flags appeared, each blooming with astonishing spiritual light!

Those were the plain Yunjie flag, the Zhenwu Zaodiao flag, and the cyan Baolian flag!

As soon as they saw the three spirit flags, the four clones' eyes lit up and they looked happy!

It turns out that Qin Feng and his clone are different bodies and have the same heart!

He sensed that the crisis in the Blue Star Realm had arrived early, so he quickly sent the three spiritual flags through the trading channel......

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