As soon as he opened his eyes, Qin Feng saw the bamboo stick coming towards him, and a sneer suddenly appeared in his eyes!

The previous fight was too hasty and he didn't have time to show his strongest combat power!

But this time it’s different!

He has plenty of time!

What's more, he has just gained 300 billion combat power, and his basic combat power has skyrocketed to 1.3 trillion star levels. With the integration of humans and machines, it is 1.4 trillion star levels!

The Seven Kills Divine Body has reached the supreme level, with an increase of 100%!

In this case, he will give Venerable Puyin a fatal blow!


Thinking of this, Qin Feng's body glowed with golden light!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

In just an instant, the muscles all over his body swelled and murderous intent soared into the sky!

Damn it! Kill the ground! Kill all living beings!

The supreme seven-killer divine body! Activate instantly!

His momentum instantly soared to 2.8 trillion!


Immediately afterwards, 171,000 times the power of luck was activated!

Combat power increased by another 171 billion stars!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, Qin Feng's body lit up fourteen white lights one after another!

His momentum skyrocketed crazily, and his combat power surged by about 330 billion in the blink of an eye!

That was the power of sacrifice he obtained from Ran Deng, Ming He, Di Jiang, Hou Tu and others!

So far, his combat power has reached 3.3 trillion stars!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

At this moment, Venerable Puyin's staff struck with all its strength!

Wherever the wind of the staff passed, the starry sky was shattered, the laws collapsed one after another, and its power and momentum reached 5 trillion stars!

"Huh! This is...."

At this moment, Venerable Puyin felt something was wrong!

You must know that with a full blow, his attack can reach 5.5 trillion stars!

Why did it only reach 5 trillion stars this time?

Suddenly, the attack power was reduced by 500 billion!

What exactly is going on?

Venerable Pu Yin has not yet noticed that the six pure bamboos are missing two avenues, and their amplification power has been weakened!

But before he could think about it, something changed again ahead!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Behind Qin Feng, the illusions of the six worlds of heaven, ghost world, hell, human world, Shura, and beast realm appeared continuously!

Six prisons rule the sky! Activate instantly!

The attack increase surges by 20%!

Now, Qin Feng has awakened the Six Realms Avenue, so the Six Prisons Heaven Suppression has been completed, and the attack can be increased by 20%!

But it's not over yet!

The Pantian Dao Ax lit up with the Heavenly Dao Light again!

The attack amplification increases by another 100%!

At this point, the attack of that ax has increased by 30%!


In the next breath, Qin Feng struck out with his ax with all his strength!

The ax attack momentum suddenly reached 13.2 trillion star levels!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

At this moment, Puyin's staff smashed down wildly!

He still looks ferocious and full of confidence!

In his opinion, if the little thief closed his eyes for so long, he would definitely be unable to use the second blow, just dawdling there!

This time, he can definitely kill this little thief with one stick!

With this in mind, the speed of the stick's impact increased by one point!

In the blink of an eye, an ax and a staff meet!


A burst of gold and iron!

The starry sky is shaking! The world is shattered!

Puyin's two arms were blasted!

The spiritual staff flew away instantly!

But all this is not over yet, the remaining power of the ax continues to chop down!


The light of the ax swept across the starry sky!

Hit Pu Yin's chest hard!


A crisp sound!

Blood splatters!

Qin Feng actually split it in half with an axe!

That miserable roar!

Echoing in the starry sky!

In the distance, Long Yuan was completely dumbfounded!

Oh my god~!

The boss actually split open a Half-Step Eternal with one axe!

The leaders of the forces saw their brains go blank, and they were so shocked that they completely lost their ability to think!

At this moment, the two halves of the corpse of Venerable Puyin, who was split in half, glowed with aura, and then quickly gathered together, trying to resurrect!

How could Qin Feng let him have his way!

He swung his ax and slashed wildly at the two halves of the corpse!

Huh~! Huh~! Huh~!

In the blink of an eye, he slashed dozens of axes and chopped the corpse of Venerable Pu Yin into nearly a hundred pieces!

Puyin's screams kept coming from the corpse!

Every time he suffered an axe, his soul was injured by one point!

Half a step to eternity! Extremely difficult to kill!

But under Qin Feng's crazy chops, his soul aura was weakened by 30%!

Pu Yin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the corpses exploded into pieces, turning into blood mist all over the sky.

Then, the blood mist gathered together and rolled, still struggling to condense into a human form!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

At this moment, the blood mist narration flashed!

The three clones of Moon Spirit, Wood Spirit, and Ice Spirit appeared!

As soon as they appeared, they immediately bombarded the blood mist with all their strength to prevent Puyin from being resurrected!

At the same time, Qin Feng's eyebrows suddenly split open, and the light of heavenly punishment shot out one after another....

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

Three consecutive Heavenly Punishment Dao Lights penetrated the blood mist and also penetrated Pu Yin's soul!

In the blood mist, an extremely shrill scream suddenly came out!

The aura of Venerable Puyin's soul fell even faster!

"Little thief! How dare you hurt me! Then you are dead! My senior brother and the Lord of Light Territory will arrive soon! They are all half-step eternal peak existences, and they are definitely not something you can deal with!"

In the blood mist, Pu Yin's hysterical roar came out!

Now, he actually wanted to use this to threaten Qin Feng, and wanted to scare Qin Feng into retreating quickly so that he could save his remaining body!

Qin Feng naturally didn't bother to pay attention!

He sneered. , the light in his eyebrows flashed, and he continued to launch the Heaven Punishment attack!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

One after another, the light of Heavenly Punishment penetrated the blood mist!

From the blood mist, Puyin's miserable screams continued to be heard!

His The breath of the soul body is falling crazily!

"Little...little thief! Do you really think you can kill me? Tell you! I have one last resort!"

Just after saying this, the six pure bamboos in the distance suddenly lit up with spiritual light as if they were summoned!


But at this moment, a white light flashed next to the six pure bamboos!

The phantom mirage clone teleported over!

He suddenly When he appeared, he grabbed the spirit bamboo!


The six pure bamboos suddenly struggled violently!

The palms of the phantom mirage clones also lit up with white light at the same time.....

Qin Feng’s mind also received reminders from Heaven.

【Your clone is launching a plunder on the 'Six Pure Bamboos'....】

【The avenue plunder was successful! You gain a new avenue - the avenue of consciousness....】

The avenue plunder was successful!

It turns out that Qin Feng's magical power of plundering has been promoted to the intermediate level, and the number of plunders has been increased to 3 times!


Just as the Phantom Mirage clone completed its robbery, the six pure bamboos turned into green light and disappeared out of thin air!

In the next breath, it teleported to the blood mist and plunged into the blood mist!

Immediately afterwards, Puyin's roar came from the blood mist!

"Little thief! I want to let you see what Taoist magical power is - six senses deprivation!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the six pure bamboos in the blood mist emitted invisible magical power and instantly enveloped the starry sky!

"Six senses deprivation, the first sense - touch deprivation!"


There was another burst of clear sound from the sky and the earth!

The invisible magical power enveloped Qin Feng!

He suddenly felt strange changes taking place in himself.

At this moment, he felt no pain, no change in time, no sense of anything. Attack fluctuation....

He has lost all touch!

At this moment, even if someone cuts him into two pieces, he won't feel anything because he doesn't feel any pain.

This weird feeling frightened Qin Feng, and even the attack in his hand stopped!

The same goes for the three clones!

Without the sense of touch, they all have the illusion that their bodies are not their own, and even their attacks are difficult to control!

At this time, Puyin's voice came out from the blood mist again....

"Six senses deprivation, the second sense - smell deprivation!"


The power of the invisible supernatural power came over again!

Qin Feng suddenly lost his sense of smell and could no longer smell the smell of blood in front of him!

This body became less and less like his own!

"Six senses deprivation, third sense - taste deprivation!"

The magical power strikes again!

Qin Feng has also lost his sense of taste, his body is becoming more and more numb, and he is becoming more and more incompatible with his soul!

"Six senses deprivation, the fourth sense - auditory deprivation!"

The magical power is coming!

It's ineffective!

Qin Feng's hearing is still there!

"Six sense deprivation, fifth sense - visual deprivation!"

The magical power is coming!

It's ineffective again!

Qin Feng's vision is still here!"

"Six sense deprivation, sixth sense - consciousness deprivation!"

The power of invisible supernatural powers comes in force!

This is the most terrifying trick in deprivation of the six senses!

Depriving consciousness and forcibly sealing thoughts makes people unable to think!

Then they will be slaughtered by others!

In the blink of an eye, The magical power enveloped Qin Feng's whole body!

His consciousness was deprived for a while!

But it failed!

It turned out that Qin Feng had robbed the three avenues of eye consciousness, ear consciousness, and consciousness from the 'Six Roots of Purity Bamboo'!

This made the 'Six Roots of Purity' The six senses of Qingjing Bamboo were deprived of magical powers, and the last three lost the effect of magical powers!

Pu Yin didn't notice it yet, so he still used it!

After this display, he saw Qin Feng and the three clones stopped attacking, and he was immediately overjoyed. , thinking that his magical power was successfully activated!

"Little thief! I'm afraid you didn't expect that my Taoist weapon still has such magical powers! Now you have been deprived of your six senses! You can't tell the difference between hot and cold, and you don't know the pain. You can only let me control you! Ha ha!"

At this moment, Pu Ying's proud laughter came from the blood mist!

He thought he could make a comeback!

But as soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng's voice rang out in the field!

"That’s not necessarily the case!"

Pu Yin was stunned!

Is this guy responding to me?

Did he hear me?

Wasn't he deprived of hearing?

How could he hear his own words?

Pu Yin was horrified!

At this moment, Qin Feng He raised his eyes to look at the blood mist, with a playful look in his eyes.

It was as if he was looking at a fool, with no sign of being deprived of vision at all!

"this...How can this be! can you still see it!"

Pu Yin roared in great horror!

Qin Feng sneered, and the light between his eyebrows lit up again!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

The innate light shot out towards the blood mist again!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The three clones also took action again, bombarding the blood mist with all their strength!

"Ah~~! No~~!"

A shrill scream came from the blood mist again!

At this moment, Pu Yin's scream revealed despair!

Obviously, his six sense deprivation failed!

Only by capturing all six senses can this magical power be displayed!

If there is any missing feeling, it will be out of order!

What's more, his magical power lacks three senses!

"No~! No~! Qin Feng, you can't kill me! My senior brother is coming soon, and he won't let you go! ah~~!"

Pu Yin roared and threatened at the same time!

Qin Feng ignored it and continued to shoot Daoguang crazily!

The three clones are also attacking crazily!

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed!


There was finally a crisp sound in the blood mist!

Pu Yin's soul finally couldn't bear it anymore and completely collapsed!

That shrill roar came from the blood mist and echoed in the starry sky!......

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