A moment later, the Azure Dragon Domain Master and the Venerable Zi Yuan flew over the Blue Star Realm. The transparent planet barrier was right in front of their eyes.

The Azure Dragon Territory Master took one step forward, and the barrier automatically opened a light door, allowing him to enter smoothly without any obstruction.

As the domain master of a party, Qinglong has great authority.

The boundaries of the large and small planets under his command are all useless to him, and he can enter and exit freely.

This is true whether it is the most advanced first-class planet or the lowest-class planet without a star master!

After all, he is the domain lord and has certain management rights over all major planets!

There is only one special kind of planet, and he does not have any management rights, let alone free access!

That is the sanctuary planet!

On the sacred planet, the star owner must be a challenger and be favored by heaven!

But the challengers are all humans from the Small Thousand World, with extremely weak foundations and extremely poor talents.

For such a human being to be promoted to the semi-god realm in this murderous world is already the limit.

As for becoming the lord of a star realm, it is almost impossible!

In fact, there are no more than five sacred planets in the entire universe.

There is no one in the Qinglong Star Territory!

As for the five sacred planets, they are also the weakest fifth-level sacred planets!

However, the resources within the weakest fifth-level holy realm are comparable to those of the second-level star realm.

This is the favoritism of heaven!

It is rumored that the resources of the first-class holy domain are as rich as those of a small star domain, which is unimaginable.

It is precisely because of this that the status of the first-class Lord of the Holy Domain is truly comparable to that of the Lord of the Star Domain.

The distinction between first-class holy realm, second-class holy realm, third-class holy realm, fourth-class holy realm and fifth-class holy realm is actually very simple!

As long as the challenger wins the first-class Star Lord in the Star Lord assessment, the planet where he is located will be promoted to the first-class sanctuary!

However, a First Class Star-Lord is extremely difficult to obtain!

There are only three first-class Star Lords in the entire Qinglong Star Territory!

It is rumored that above the first-class Star-Lord, there is also a special-class Star-Lord, which can only be triggered by challengers!

If the challenger becomes a special star-lord, the star realm where he is located will be promoted to a special-level sanctuary, and the resources obtained can be comparable to a medium-sized star realm!

As for whether there are any higher-level Star-Lords above the Extraordinary Star-Lords, no one knows.

After all, no one has even been able to obtain the 'Special Star-Lord'. Who knows if there are more advanced ones there.

Just when the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was thinking wildly, the two of them had entered the Blue Star Realm unknowingly!

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was overlooking the entire planet.

I saw devastation below, with mountains and rivers torn apart everywhere, and the atmosphere was filled with a strong smell of blood!

There was obviously a battle taking place here!

Having said that, it is a miracle that this planet can still be preserved intact in the battle between two giants and half-steps of eternity!

I wonder how many humans survive on this planet?


With this in mind, he released his spiritual consciousness and swept across the entire planet in an instant.

The next second, a look of shock appeared on his face.

At this time, Zi Yuan's voice sounded beside him

"Huh! Territory Lord, this low-grade planet has birds and beasts, but not a single human being! How strange!"

Qinglong Territory Lord nodded slightly:"It's indeed weird! If I remember correctly, this is a living planet, and humans have been living on it for millions of years. Why did humans suddenly disappear?

Zi Yuan hurriedly said:"Region Lord, could it be related to the previous half-step eternal battle?""

Qinglong Territory Lord frowned:"Then let's check it out! I want to find out who is so arrogant and dares to invade the territory of my Qinglong Star Territory!"

Speaking of this, the Qinglong Territory Lord sounded a little annoyed!

As a territorial lord, he has the responsibility and obligation to protect the people in the territory.

Whoever destroys the people on the planet under his command ignores his existence and damages his Face.

This is unacceptable to him!

Of course, there is a more important reason here, which is related to the vital interests of the Qinglong Territory Lord!

Zi Yuan also knows it very well!

The two of them stopped talking at the moment, just inside the Blue Star Searching around, trying to find some clues....

At the same time, Qin Feng was still refining Dao Crystal in the center of the small universe.....

Time is running out!

He didn't dare waste a second!

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, another seven minutes passed by the outside world....

The figures of Venerable Jie Yin, Lord of Light Domain, and Venerable Pu Yin have appeared tens of billions of miles away.....

At their speed, it would only take two or three minutes to reach the Blue Star Realm.....

A great war is about to break out!

Seven minutes have passed in the outside world, and seven hours have passed in the center of the small universe!

At this moment, in the center of the small universe, there is a secret cultivation room.

Qin Feng sat cross-legged on the futon, his body lit up with a dazzling aura, and his momentum skyrocketed.....

After a while, the aura dissipated!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy!

He has refined another avenue, and his strength has improved again!

Today, the number of avenues he has mastered has reached 369, and his basic combat power has soared to 1.51 trillion stars!

Such an improvement made him extremely satisfied!

In addition, there are only about forty Taiqing Dao Crystals left in his hand that have not yet been refined, and those are also the most difficult Dao Crystals to refine.

There is another thing that makes him happy. His Scroll of Merit and Virtue has been comprehended to 99%, and he is not far from being fully awakened!

When the avenue of merit awakens, he will have one more innate avenue under his control!

At this thought, Qin Feng's heart was full of expectations!

Nowadays, his dedication to the innate path is far stronger than the acquired path!

That is the key to his promotion to the Lord of the Universe!

"time is limited! It's time for me to go out and take a look!"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng raised his head and looked into the distance.

His eyes instantly penetrated the layers of space, and saw the Blue Star Realm outside the center of the universe, and the starry sky outside the Blue Star Realm... The starry sky outside the Blue Star Realm was silent, The powerful enemy has not arrived yet, but it is time to come.

According to his previous calculations, the outside world will arrive in two or three minutes, and the Venerable Yin and others will arrive.

He must go out in advance to prevent the Blue Star Realm from being destroyed. Then He lost the credentials to become the Lord of the Holy Realm.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng dodged and disappeared into the secret room.

The next second, he appeared in the center of the universe, above the heaven.

In today's heaven, there is Yaochi Fairyland, Renshui Peach Garden, Lingxiao Pavilion, City Lord Palace, and the title pavilions of Di Jiang, Ju Mang, Yu Xuanji and others.

Qin Feng glanced at the title pavilions of Di Jiang and others, and showed a smile.

He felt it. , the Dao Crystal refining of Di Jiang and others has ended, then his harvest will come.

Thinking of this, he quickly waved his hand, and there was a flash of white light in front of him...

Di Jiang, Jumang, Feng Xi, Yu Xuanji , Xiaoluan'er, Qiyue, Zhurong, Gonggong, Houtu, Tianwu, and Hongyun all appeared!

"dad! dad!"


When the little guys saw Qin Feng, they rushed over happily.

Feng Xi, Yu Xuanji, and Qiyue were also overjoyed!

Qin Feng petted the heads of the little guys lovingly, and then looked at everyone with a smile. Go.

The next second, the joy on his face became even stronger.

This time in retreat, everyone’s gains were extremely huge!

The fighting power of Di Jiang, Jumang, Feng Xi, Yu Xuanji, Xiao Luan’er, and Qi Yue were exhausted. Both have exceeded 30 billion stars.

Dijiang has reached 41 billion stars.

Zhu Rong and Gonggong have exceeded 20 billion stars.

Even Houtu, Tianwu and Hongyun, who were just born, have also exceeded 10 billion stars. level.

Especially Hou Tu, who is extremely talented and whose combat power has reached 17 billion stars. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can catch up with Zhu Rong and Gonggong. Having said that, Hou Tu's talent and stamina are probably even stronger than Di Jiang's. Go ahead!

In short, these little guys plus the three Feng Xi girls can give him more than 300 billion star-level combat power. What’s even better is that they have refined a lot of avenues this time, and each of them has at least Mastered the six avenues, and the outstanding ones even mastered the ten avenues, fully possessing the potential to become half-step eternity.

"dad! Our Dao Crystals have been refined! Everyone’s strength has improved a lot!"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er ran over happily.

The girl's appearance became a little more mature, her eyes became brighter and her teeth became brighter, and she was extremely beautiful.

Qin Feng looked at the little girl and smiled:"I can see it! Everyone did a great job!

Xiao Luan'er was delighted:"Dad, please quickly start sharing your insights!" Feng Xi also said:"

Yes!" Master, are Venerable Jie Yin and others arriving soon? You’d better seize the time to share!"

"good! Feng Xi, let’s start with you!"

The purpose of Qin Feng calling them out was precisely for this matter.

At that moment, he broke his finger and coagulated blood, drew a golden rune in the air, and pressed it between Feng Xi's eyebrows...

【The sharing of insights was successfully established! You are sharing your insights with your subordinate Feng Xi..】

【Sharing success! You gain insights into the 'Tidal Avenue' from Feng Xi, and you begin to awaken to the 'Tidal Avenue'’...】

【Sharing success! You gained the insight of 'The Great Way of Moving' from Feng Xi, and you began to awaken to the 'Great Way of Moving'.’...】...

In just a moment, Qin Feng obtained two new avenues from Feng Xi!

He removed his fingers with satisfaction, his face full of joy.

Although Feng Xi has awakened seven avenues, Qin Feng has already realized five of them, so there is no need to share them.

In fact, he has realized most of the great truths in these subordinates.

For each person, he can only realize and copy two or three things!

However, Qin Feng is already very satisfied!

"dad! It's my turn this time!"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er saw that Feng Xi had finished, so she took the initiative to share her thoughts....


Qin Feng smiled and shared his thoughts with the little girl about breaking the blood on his finger....

A quarter of an hour later, he had finished sharing his thoughts with all eleven people in the field.

This allowed him to acquire 23 new avenues in one fell swoop, bringing the total number of avenues he has mastered to 392!

His basic combat power also skyrocketed to 1.55 trillion stars!

At this time, Qin Feng was in a good mood!

"OK! You go and get ready. The two of you will probably be there soon!"

After Qin Feng finished his instructions, he disappeared in a flash.

The next second, he appeared in the hell world, above the Nether Sea of ​​Blood.

As soon as he appeared, he looked around.

The entire hell world was dark, and the sky above the blood sea was even more dark. There was a thick smell of blood.

Boom~! Boom~!

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood boiled!

Two figures rushed out from the bottom of the sea, it was Styx and Ran Deng!

The physical characteristics of these two people, in this hell world, It is most suitable for cultivation, so this place became their retreat

"Huh! Owner!"

As soon as the two of them saw Qin Feng, they hurriedly came forward to pay homage, and their tone was extremely respectful.

Qin Feng also looked at the two of them, and immediately showed a satisfied smile.

After this period of seclusion, the two of them also improved greatly in strength, and both of them broke through. 60 billion star combat power.

The number of avenues controlled by the two has also increased a lot.

"Have you two finished refining the Dao Crystals?"

"Return to Master, we are all finished refining! Waiting for you to share your insights!"


Qin Feng smiled and began to use Sharing of Insights on the two of them.

After a while, he got 5 avenues from the two of them!

The number of avenues he mastered reached 397!

Then, Qin Feng gave an order , disappeared out of thin air.

The next second, he appeared in the human world, above Wuzhuang Temple.

Today's human world has changed greatly!

The residential buildings of Long Yuan's one hundred thousand children have all been moved into it.

And the one hundred thousand children have moved in, It also makes the human world more vibrant.

Of course, there are hundreds of thousands of children of the guardian forces and some white-skinned slaves....

But Qingchengzi sensed it as soon as Qin Feng arrived in the sky above Wuzhuang Temple.

He quickly flew into the air and greeted him warmly!

"Pindao has met his master!"

Qingchengzi greets you respectfully!

Qin Feng smiled and nodded:"Qingchengzi, how is your Dao Crystal refining going?"

"Return to Master, I have finished refining it! The combat power of my subordinates has also been increased to 28 billion stars! Master, are you here to share your insights?"

"Exactly! So let’s get started!"

Qin Feng stopped rambling, directly broke his fingers to coagulate blood, and used sharing of insights....

After a while, he got 2 moreAvenue.

At this point, the number of avenues he has mastered has reached 399, and he is only one avenue away from reaching the level of the Jade Disc of Creation.

His basic combat power has once again increased to 156 million stars!

Qin Feng was extremely satisfied with this!

At this time, Qingchengzi also slowly opened his eyes:"Master, how are you?"

Qin Feng smiled and said:"The realization has been completed!" Qingchengzi was overjoyed:"That's good! Master, when will the powerful enemy arrive?"

"It is estimated that it will be here soon! I'll go out and take a look!"

When it came to the enemy, Qin Feng didn't dare to delay.

He had to go out quickly and protect the Blue Star Realm.

Just like that, his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

The next second, Qin Feng appeared above the Blue Star Realm..

He turned around and looked around. The entire Blue Star was empty, looking a little quiet and desolate!

Then, his figure flashed and flew towards the outside of the planet barrier...

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

But at this moment, behind him, White light flashed, and two figures appeared, it was the Azure Dragon Territory Lord and the Venerable Zi Yuan.

The two walked around the Blue Star Realm several times, and finally found a human being.

Qin Feng was startled and couldn't help but look back, I saw the two masters of Qinglong Territory approaching.

"Territory Lord, this young man is only in the true divine realm!"

Venerable Ziyuan saw Qin Feng's realm right away and looked a little disappointed.

He thought he had found an important target, but he didn't expect that he was just a junior in the True God Realm.

Then there is a high probability that this kid doesn't know about the Blue Star Realm. The truth.

After all, this incident involves half-step eternal power, how can a true god realm ant know it? The Azure

Dragon Territory Lord also frowned slightly, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Immediately, he was a little curious, this How did the true god realm junior appear?

Why didn't he notice it before?!

The next second, he discovered that the life mark breath on Qin Feng's body was clearly the people of the Qinglong Star Territory!

People born in different star territories, since Only the Lord of the Star Territory could sense the special mark of that Star Territory.

Therefore, the Lord of the Qinglong Territory sensed it immediately.

His eyes when he looked at Qin Feng also became gentler.

When treating his own children, he Still relatively merciful

"Zi Yuan, this young man is my descendant from the Azure Dragon Star Territory!"

Qinglong Territory Lord reminded him casually.

Venerable Zi Yuan suddenly realized!

His eyes looking at Qin Feng were slightly unkind at first, but now they were a little gentler...

At the same time, Qin Feng also looked at the two of them in shock.

Especially It's the Azure Dragon Territory Lord!

He sensed immediately that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord is a half-step eternal power, but he has not yet reached the half-step eternal peak!

He is no longer afraid of such an existence!

Now he can threaten him , only half a step to the peak of eternity!

However, he still cannot underestimate such a powerful existence!

After a while, the two masters of Qinglong Domain came to Qin Feng.

"Young man, which star realm are you from? How come it appears here?"

Venerable Zi Yuan spoke first, with a hint of condescension and a hint of interrogation in his tone.

Qin Feng hesitated for a while and said:"I am from the Blue Star Realm!

Venerable Ziyuan was surprised:"Are you from the Blue Star Realm?" So what happened in this Blue Star Realm before?"

Qin Feng hesitated.

But before he could speak, there were three rapid sounds breaking through the sky outside the starry sky barrier!

The three of them were stunned and looked outside the starry sky....

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