After a while, the promotion of Pantian Divine Armor was completed, and a prompt came from Heavenly Dao...

【Reminder: Your Pantian Divine Armor has been promoted to Pantian Dao Armor’!】

【Pantian Daojia: The weapon of the Dao, the only one in the universe!】

【It contains eighteen avenues including time, space, wind, thunder, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, cold, life, underworld, Bagua, four images, two rituals, Wuji, Taiji, and Infinite!】

【Reminder: Its combat power will feed back 100 billion stars, with an attack increase of 50% and a defense increase of 100%! 】


Qin Feng was ecstatic again!

This Pantian Dao Armor actually contains eighteen kinds of avenues, which is more powerful than the Pantian Dao Ax!

What's even more awesome is that it can not only strengthen defense, but also strengthen attack!

Qin Feng's eyes shined!

He finally saw hope of defeating the two men!


Before he could finish being happy, Tiandao sent another reminder......

【You have gained the enlightenment of the Eight Diagrams Avenue from the 'Pantian Daojia', and you now begin to awaken to the Eight Diagrams Avenue (the day after tomorrow).....】

【You have obtained the enlightenment of the Four Symbols Avenue from the 'Pantian Daojia', and you now begin to awaken to the Four Symbols Avenue (the day after tomorrow).....】

【You have gained the enlightenment of the Liangyi Dao from the 'Pantian Daojia', and you now begin to awaken the Liangyi Dao (the day after tomorrow).....】

【You have gained the enlightenment of the Tai Chi Dao from the 'Pantian Dao Armor', and you now begin to awaken to the Tai Chi Dao (the day after tomorrow).....】

【You have gained the enlightenment of the Infinite Way from the 'Pantian Dao Armor', and you now begin to awaken to the Infinite Way (the day after tomorrow).....】

【You have gained the enlightenment of the Infinite Way from the 'Pantian Dao Armor', and you now begin to awaken to the Infinite Way (Xiantian).....】


At this moment, Qin Feng obtained the insights of six avenues from the Pantian Dao Armor, one of which was the innate avenue......

His momentum suddenly skyrocketed like crazy!

At the same time, the green light between his brows bloomed, the Seal of the Universe emerged, and the twenty-second green lotus petals began to condense.....

When the awakening of the Infinite Avenue ends, the Seal of the Universe also condenses into its twenty-second complete petals, and then quietly disappears.

At this time, Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy!

Today, the number of avenues he controls has reached 487, and his basic combat power has soared to 1.74 trillion stars!


At this moment, the starry sky ahead shook and roared continuously!

The two men were already approaching, and they were about to kill them in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, their faces were full of excitement!

In their opinion, Qin Feng had to stop because he had reached the end of his strength!

They saw the hope of killing Qin Feng!

"Little thief! Why don't you run away?! Could it be that he didn't have the strength to escape? Ha ha!"

At this moment, Master Jie Yin laughed wildly!

His speed also accelerated!

Seeing this, Qin Feng sneered and waved.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Suddenly, the divine light on his body flashed. , a piece of divine armor emerged from his body, and he was put on completely in an instant!

That was the Pantian Dao Armor!

In just a moment, he put on the Pantian Dao Armor, and his whole person suddenly became mighty and extraordinary, and his aura also surged. Cut!

Pantian Daojia can feed back 100 billion star levels of combat power!

But with the blessing of the Seven Kills Divine Body, the combat power has skyrocketed by 200 billion star levels, which is extraordinary!


At this moment , Jie Yin the Venerable was the first to kill!

"Little thief! Die!"


As soon as they arrived, Master Jie Yin used all his strength to smash the building towards Qin Feng's head!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the giant building passed, the starry sky was wiped out and the heavens collapsed. , the aura was still 18 trillion stars, extremely terrifying!


At the same moment, another golden arrow of light arrived first, shooting towards Qin Feng's chest!

That was the attack of the Lord of Light!

In an instant, the buildings and arrows were connected with each other, and they attacked Qin Feng together!

The combined power was comparable to a 19 trillion blow, making the world tremble, and the avenue retreated!

At this moment, the faces of the two men were full of ferocious looks. Colorful, there was still excitement in his eyes!

Until now, they thought Qin Feng was at the end of his strength, so they had to stop fighting!

Therefore, they concluded that Qin Feng could not catch this joint attack!

At this moment, Qin Feng Feng took action!


The light of the ax flashed! Soaring into the sky!

Endless light filled the starry sky!

Qin Feng used his ax with all his strength to face Jie Yin's attack, ignoring the arrow from the Lord of Light!

Such abnormal behavior made Jie Yin The two of them were stunned!

Before this, Qin Feng faced the combined attack of the two people, and he locked the ax at the same time, not daring to miss anything!

Now, he only chose one attack to resist, and it was obvious that he could not catch it. Let's strike together!


This little thief is indeed at the end of his tether!

Thinking of this, the two of them became even more excited!

After many previous battles, the Lord of the Light Domain already knew that Qin Feng attacked the strong and defended the weak!

According to his It is estimated that Qin Feng's defense level reaches 10 trillion stars, which is good!

And the power of that arrow has reached 16 trillion stars! If this little thief dares not to resist, he will definitely be penetrated by the arrow.!


At this moment, Qin Feng struck out with an ax!

His Dao ax and Dao armor all shined with divine light!

The skills of the two great weapons were activated instantly!

The Six Prisons Heaven Suppression was also activated simultaneously!

Its attack power suddenly increased sharply. Thirty-five percent!

The momentum of that ax suddenly skyrocketed!

Wherever the ax light passed, time and space were cut off, and the avenue was annihilated. It was extremely terrifying!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's ax was about to collide with the attack!


But at this moment, the arrow from the Lord of Light arrived first and hit Qin Feng’s chest first!


There was a shocking muffled sound!

The arrow hit Qin Feng’s chest solidly. However, his chest collapsed instantly and turned into dots of starlight, scattered in all directions!

And Qin Feng only swayed slightly without any injuries, and was not even knocked back half a step!

Pantian Daojia's sky-high defense helped him block it That arrow!

The Lord of the Light Territory was dumbfounded!

But before he could think about it, Qin Feng and Master Jieyin's attacks collided!


There was a loud sound of the sky shattering and the earth shattering! The universe exploded! The heavens shook!

The center of the explosion Everywhere, everything disintegrated, revealing a black hole in space that was larger than the planet!

The next second, Master Jie Yin groaned, and was blown away by an axe, rolling and flying thousands of miles away!

But Qin Feng only Shocked back a hundred feet!

The Lord of the Light Territory looked at Qin Feng in disbelief!

This was the first time since the two sides fought that Qin Feng had the upper hand!

But he couldn't figure out how Qin Feng did it!

This kid shouldn't be at the end of a strong crossbow. Why did it become stronger?!

Looking at the attack momentum of the ax just now, it should be infinitely close to 21 trillion star levels!

The Lord of Light Territory was extremely shocked!

But before he could think more, Qin Feng stepped forward, Just disappear!

The next second, Qin Feng appeared in front of the Lord of Light! not good!

The Lord of the Bright Territory was horrified. He raised his hand and shot an arrow towards Qin Feng's heart!

At this moment, the two sides were only a few dozen feet apart!

At such a close distance, the arrow was so fast and urgent that it was inevitable to avoid it!

But Qin Feng ignored the arrow and struck straight at the Lord of Light with an axe!


The ax flashed! Fly through the starry sky!

The momentum of that ax enveloped the surrounding area and locked onto the Lord of Light. It concentrated the power of destroying the world and slashed away!

Phew~! Bang~!

At this moment, the Lord of Light's arrow hit Qin Feng's chest, but it was still blocked by Pantian Dao Armor and had no impact at all!

Now that the combat power does not exceed 2 billion stars, there is no way to shake Qin Feng!

With Pantian Dao Armor, Qin Feng's defense is weakThe loopholes have been made up, and the overall strength has been greatly improved!

Seeing that the arrow did nothing, the Lord of the Light Territory felt even more disappointed!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

At this moment, Qin Feng's ax struck down!

Wherever the ax blade passed, all the stars in the sky were cut open, the avenues were annihilated layer by layer, and the momentum destroyed the heaven and the earth!

In the blink of an eye, the ax was approaching the main door of the Light Realm!

At this moment, the Lord of Light Territory had no time to dodge!

He subconsciously raised his hands and bowed, blocking him in front of him!

In just an instant, the ax struck the bow!


A burst of gold and iron!

The divine bow was knocked away!

The Lord of Light's arm was shaken to the point of numbness!

The remaining power of the ax continued to slash down, and finally landed on the chest of the Lord of Light!


A muffled sound!

The Lord of the Light Territory screamed, and his body was cracked by an axe. He spurted blood and flew thousands of miles away!

Qin Feng was so happy that he ducked again and chased the Lord of Light!

On the other side, the Lord of Light finally managed to stabilize his figure, and saw a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and Qin Feng teleported over again!

"not good!"

The face of the Lord of Light changed greatly!

At this moment, his whole body was cracked and blood was stained all over his body. His momentum had dropped to 70% of its peak. How could he be Qin Feng's opponent?

"Little thief! stop!"


At this moment, Venerable Jie Yin came to the rescue and smashed a building towards Qin Feng!


Qin Feng raised his hand with an axe, and once again sent Jieyin flying thousands of miles away!

At this moment, the whole body of the Lord of Light lit up with silver light, and the injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he recovered in the blink of an eye. Eighty percent!


The light of the ax soared into the sky again!

Before the Lord of the Light Territory could recover from his injuries, Qin Feng slashed at the Lord of the Light Territory with another axe!

"Damn it!"

In panic, the Lord of the Light Realm sacrificed a silver medal, but it was a piece of top-grade god-level equipment!


In the blink of an eye, the ax struck down wildly!


Just heard a crisp sound!

The ax struck down. He broke the silver shield!

He continued to slash at the Lord of Light with his remaining strength!


There was another crisp sound!

Blood splashed!

The pitiful scream of the Lord of Light rang out in the field!

But the next second, Qin Feng also groaned, and unexpectedly' He spat out a large mouthful of blood, his whole body swayed slightly, he took a few steps back, his expression became sluggish, and even his momentum dropped!

"Ha ha! Little thief! I knew you would be like this!"

At this moment, the proud laughter of the Lord of the Light Territory rang out in the field!

His corpse that was split into two halves actively merged into one and was resurrected again!

At the same time, Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness resounded with the sound of Heaven's Dao tips....

【Reminder: Your soul has suffered divine punishment and been injured!】

【Reminder: The target has mastered the innate 'Great Way of Merit' and possesses the divine power of divine punishment!】

【Reminder: Those who master the path of merit are virtuous people and are protected by heaven. Anyone who hurts the soul of a virtuous man will automatically be punished by God, and the soul will be harmed at the same level! 】


Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was shaken all over and looked at the Lord of Light Territory in shock!

"It turns out you have mastered the avenue of merit!"

Qin Feng was a little surprised.

The Avenue of Merit and Virtue is one of the top three innate avenues, and it is extremely difficult to understand.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Light Territory actually mastered it!

At this moment, the Lord of the Light Territory looked proud:"Little thief! I'm afraid you didn't expect it either! This deity has his own merits and virtues to protect himself! The more you hurt my soul, the more your soul will be hurt!"

"And my soul body has reached the intermediate Tao soul level! With your cultivation in the True God Realm, I'm afraid you haven't even reached the Junior Dao Soul level! Even if I don't resist, if I let you attack and kill me, your soul will be destroyed first!"

"You want to kill me! What a dream! Ha ha!!"

At the end of the sentence, the Lord of the Light Territory laughed wildly!

However, he looked very depressed!

Although he was reborn and resurrected, the injuries to his soul body could not be repaired.

It would take a lot of time to repair it properly!

Having said that, the soul body Injuries are a hundred times more difficult to repair than injuries to the physical body!

Rebirth of the soul body is thousands of times more difficult than rebirth of the physical body!

However, the Lord of the Light Domain is not worried!

He is confident that the soul body is stronger than Qin Feng!

If Qin Feng continues to fight like this , it must be Qin Feng who dies in the end!

His soul was severely damaged at most, and after thousands of years of cultivation, he can still return to the top!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Qin Feng with a proud look on his face, as if he was determined to kill Qin Feng!

Not far away, Venerable Jie Yin also saw this scene and was immediately overjoyed!

"Ha ha! It turns out that Fellow Taoist Guangming has mastered the Great Way of Merit! In this way, you are in an invincible position! Little thief, what else can you do?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he killed Qin Feng again!

Neither he nor the Lord of Light knew that Qin Feng's soul had reachedThe Dzogchen level of the Dao Soul is stronger than the Lord of Light!

If you really want to consume it like this, the one who will die first will definitely be the Lord of Light!

However, Qin Feng will not use this method to kill a thousand enemies and damage himself by eight hundred!

At that moment, as soon as he thought about it, the silver avenue aura lit up on his body!

As soon as the inspiration appeared, heaven and earth connected!

The next second, Qin Feng's soul body aura quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, his soul and body recovered from his injuries, and his momentum reached its peak again!

On the other hand, the Lord of Light Territory still looks depressed!

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Light Territory was dumbfounded!

The next second, he opened his eyes wide in horror

"you...You have actually mastered the innate avenue—the avenue of the soul!"

The Innate Avenue!

Each of them is extremely difficult to comprehend!

The Avenue of Soul is the avenue for the soul body, and it is also the supreme avenue used to repair the soul body. It can just restrain the backlash of the heavenly punishment of the Avenue of Merit!

At this moment, Qin The wind has recovered!

The Lord of the Light Domain and the Venerable Jieyin were dumbfounded!

In the next breath, Qin Feng will take action again.....


At this moment, an earth-shattering innate power emanated from his body.....

【Reminder: Your mind body has successfully comprehended the scroll of the Avenue of Merit and Virtue. You have understood the 100% charm of the Avenue of Merit and Virtue. Your combat power is +500 million stars.....】

【Congratulations on your sudden enlightenment on the innate avenue - the avenue of merit! You have been blessed by the power of the avenue, and your combat power has increased by +600 million stars......】

【Your primary universe has successfully integrated the Avenue of Merit and Virtue, and has been greatly strengthened. You will permanently receive 600 million stars of the power of heaven and earth in return......】

【Congratulations on your automatic awakening of the magical power of the 'Great Path of Merit' - the divine power of divine punishment! 】


At this moment, Qin Feng's eyebrows lit up with a dazzling blue light!

The Seal of the Universe appears again!

The twenty-third petals begin to gather....

His momentum also began to surge!

Qin Feng was extremely happy!

He actually awakened to the avenue of merit at this moment!

Those who possess the path of merit and virtue and kill those who possess the path of merit and virtue will no longer suffer any divine punishment!

At this moment, the twenty-third petal between Qin Feng's eyebrows condensed.

All of a sudden, the golden light of his merits shone brightly all over his body, and the back of his head lit up with a sky-wide glow!

A vision appeared in the sky, and fairy music sounded!

Immediately afterwards, countless smallpox appeared and fell from the sky!

Countless golden lotuses appeared all around, creating an auspicious celestial illusion!

That was when Qin Feng awakened the avenue of merit and virtue, and Heaven blessed and celebrated him!

This scene made the Lord of Light and Venerable Jieyin completely stunned!


This little thief has actually awakened to the avenue of merit!

The face of the Lord of Light Territory became extremely ugly!......

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