After a long time, the Lord of Qinglong Territory looked at Qin Feng with awe.

"It was Qing who underestimated fellow Taoist Qin Feng!"

The Qinglong Territory Lord was sighing!

Venerable Ziyuan was even more frightened, and he didn't dare to look up to Qin Feng!

Lord Qin Feng could kill even half a step to the peak, and he couldn't imagine how powerful he was. At this time, The Azure Dragon Territory Lord looked at the token in Qin Feng's hand again!

"Fellow Taoist Qin Feng, this 'Domain Lord's Token' is a rare treasure! It's a pity that you are not the one born in the Light Star Realm. If you are from the Light Star Territory, as long as you have a first-class Star-Lord, you can succeed as the new Lord of the Light Star Territory!"

Qinglong Territory Lord mentioned it casually.

Qin Feng smiled and said nothing.

He was not very interested in the position of Territory Lord!

This position of 'Lord of the Universe' is his goal!

At the moment, he smiled and said:"Is it possible? The Lord of Light Territory is not important. I wonder if if I destroy this token, will it have some bad impact on the Light God Realm?"

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord was stunned!

Immediately, he shook his head and smiled bitterly:"Brother Qin Feng, it is useless for you to destroy it! As long as it is destroyed, this order will be condensed again in the Daluo Divine Hall!"

"Da Luo Shenxun Palace?! where is that...."

Qin Feng was quite curious.

The Lord of Qinglong Territory smiled and said:"The Great Luo God Hall is the place where the title of Star Lord in the universe is assessed, and it is also the place where the Lord God Realm is promoted!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up:"Hey! The place where the Lord God Realm is promoted and where Star Lord is assessed It's actually the same place! That's a coincidence!"

The Qinglong Territory Lord was shocked:"Yes! Brother Qin Feng is still in the True God Realm, and it just so happens that he can go to the True God Realm! Having said that, Brother Qin Feng is in the True God Realm. With such terrifying strength, it can be said that it is the only one in the universe that is arbitrary for all eternity!"

Speaking of this, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was amazed!

Then, he asked:"By the way! Brother Qin Feng, have you obtained the Star Master Assessment Order?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"There happens to be one!"

The Azure Dragon Territory Master smiled:"That's great! Two days After that, it was time for the Star Lord Assessment. This Star Lord Assessment is only opened once every thousand years and is located in Daluotian, while the Lord God Assessment is only opened once every hundred years."

"This year's Star Master assessment and the Lord God Realm assessment happen to overlap! Then the number of players entering the Daluotian realm this time will be several times that of before. The scene will be very lively!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes once again showed joy.

He was just thinking about whether there was any way to bring in Di Jiang, Hou Tu and other confidants so that they could also be promoted to the realm of the Lord God!

After all, they are also true gods. Realm!

If Di Jiang, Hou Tu and others are also promoted to the main god realm, their combat power will definitely increase greatly!

At that time, Di Jiang and others can also sacrifice more combat power to him.

This will be important for him to obtain in the future 'Judgement Territory Lord's inheritance' will be of great help!

"correct! Fellow Taoist Qinglong, why are the Star Master Assessment and the Lord God Assessment conducted in the Great Luo Divine Honor Hall?"

Qin Feng asked curiously.

The Azure Dragon Territory Master said:"You can gain godhood by being promoted to the Virtual God Realm! Advance to the True God Realm to gain the divine status! Ascend to the Lord God Realm to gain the title of God! Becoming the main god is equivalent to having a title in this universe and receiving the blessings of heaven!"

"In the same way, becoming a Star Lord is equivalent to having a title in this universe! Its title is higher than that of the Lord God, but it is more difficult to obtain!"

"Therefore, the position of Star Lord is also called Star Lord! Since they are both the places where titles are conferred, they will naturally be in the same place."

"In fact, the master of our universe is still here. He is in charge of all these matters of knighthood! Now that the Lord of the Universe is vacant, it will be held by the God-given Lord, that is, the Dao of Heaven!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"That's it! By the way, why is the Lord God assessment once every hundred years and the Star Lord assessment once every thousand years?"

Qinglong Territory Lord unlocked:"Once in a thousand years, that is to take care of the challenger! Every thousand years, Heaven will select some people from many small worlds and large worlds to enter this universe. Those people are challengers!"

"Heaven will favor the challengers, allowing them to quickly awaken from the brutal killings and become the star masters of one party! Rumor has it that among the challengers selected every thousand years, there will be a group of bloodlines from the previous Lord of the Universe!"

"In fact, this challenger selection system is also the last obsession of the incoming Master of the Universe. Tiandao was grateful for his hard work, so he started such a selection based on his obsession!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized!

It turns out that the selection of challengers from all the heavens was actually the obsession of the previous Lord of the Universe! I think that when I came to be the Lord of the Universe, I wanted to use this method to transfer my inheritance to my own. Bloodline descendants!

And Long Guo is his bloodline descendant!

Qin Feng is naturally one of them, and he is also the target of key training!

All this seems to be a coincidence, but in fact it is not a coincidence!

Taking office as the Lord of the Universe can be said to have taken a lot of pains!

At this time, Qinglong The Territory Lord said again:"In the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed! I wonder if any of this group of challengers have the bloodline to be the Lord of the Universe?"

"In fact, those external challengers are very weak! Especially those challengers from the Small Thousand Worlds are even more ridiculously weak!

"In short, after every thousand years, there are less than five challengers who can be promoted to become Star Lords, and they are all the weakest fifth-level Star Lords! correct! Brother Qin Feng, you are not a challenger, right?

Qin Feng smiled:"What a coincidence!" I am truly a challenger!"


As soon as these words were said, the Qinglong Territory Lord's expression froze and he was slightly embarrassed!

Venerable Ziyuan was even more shocked!

This was the first time he had seen a challenger with such terrifying strength.

Very soon. , the Azure Dragon Territory Lord recovered from the embarrassment.

"It turns out that Brother Qin Feng is the challenger! Qing is blind! I really didn’t expect that Brother Qin Feng could have such strength based on his status as a challenger. Qing really admires him!"

"correct! Brother Qin Feng, since you are the challenger, you can trigger the assessment of the special star-lord!

Qin Feng was confused:"Special Star Lord?" As far as I know, the highest level Star-Lord is is the first class. Is the special grade higher?"

Qinglong Territory Lord smiled and nodded:"That's right! Above the first-class star-lord, there is also a special-class knighthood, but it can only be activated by challenging it. Since then, no one has been able to trigger it!"

"After all, to win the first-class Star Lord, you need the perfect strength of the God King. According to this derivation, to trigger the special star-lord, at least half a step of eternity must be achieved! However, Brother Qin Feng is fully qualified! Qin

Feng's eyes lit up:"So there is such a thing!" I don’t know what kind of benefits you can get after obtaining the characteristic Star-Lord?"

Qinglong Territory Lord said with a longing look on his face:"The benefits are naturally great! Let me tell you this! As a challenger, if you obtain a first-class star-lord, you can promote your planet to a first-class sanctuary!"

"It is rumored that the resources of the first-class holy domain are as rich as those of a small star domain, which is unimaginable. If you obtain a special-level star-lord, you can be promoted to a special-level sanctuary, with resources comparable to those of a medium-level star domain!"

When he heard this, Qin Feng's eyes shone, and he was suddenly very excited!

If he could obtain a special star-lord and receive a resource reward comparable to that of a medium-sized star field, it would be of great help to him!

After being excited, Qin Feng Remembered something again

"correct! Fellow Taoist Qinglong! As far as I know, there are four levels of star fields in this universe. Small, medium, large, super. The Light God Realm can only be considered a medium-sized star realm!"

"Judgment God Realm, Peeping God Realm and a few others can be regarded as super star realms. Since our challengers come, the first-class holy domain corresponds to the small star domain, and the special-class holy domain corresponds to the medium-sized star domain!"

"Are there any higher titles that correspond to large star fields and super star fields?"

"this....", the Azure Dragon Territory Lord thought.

After a moment, he smiled bitterly and shook his head:"I don't know about that! After all, since the birth of this universe, no one has ever received a special title. As for whether there is a higher title above that, no one knows!"

"However, with Brother Qin Feng's methods and strength, he should be able to find it. If you look at it from Qing Mou, it is very likely that it exists! After all, the Lord of the Holy Domain and the Lord of the Star Domain are on the same level, so they will naturally have the same classification!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"I also think there might be! If there is a higher title above the special level, it would require at least half a step of eternal strength to obtain it."

"If there is an additional title that is comparable to the Super Star Territory, it will take at least half a step to peak, or even half a step to Great Consummation to obtain it!"

Qinglong Territory Lord also nodded slightly:"Yes! Competing with the title of super star field, maybe you really need to achieve half a step to achieve perfection before you can hope to obtain it! After all, the Territory Lords of the Super Star Territory are basically Eternal Realm existences!"

Qin Feng's heart trembled!

If he needs half-step of eternal perfection to obtain such a title, he would be in danger.

With his current comprehensive strength, he can only crush the half-step peak, and is not a match for half-step of great perfection.!

It seems that he has to improve his strength before the Star Master assessment begins!

If he can reach the threshold of half-step perfection, he will have a glimmer of hope!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said:"Qinglong Fellow Taoist, when will this planet reach the center of the Qinglong Star Territory?"

Qinglong Territory Master smiled and said:"Two days later, it will be almost the time when the Star Master assessment begins! When the time comes, Qing will help you protect this planet, and you can just take the assessment with confidence!

Qin Feng was overjoyed:"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Qinglong!" Qin remembered this favor!"

"Brother Qin Feng doesn’t need to see anyone outside! You can also be regarded as a child born in the Qinglong Star Territory, and you have a feeling of being in the same domain!"

The Lord of Qinglong Territory is also in a good mood!

He is determined to make good friends with Qin Feng. He is happy to hear Qin Feng say this.

"Anyway, thank you so much this time, fellow Taoist! By the way, Brother Qinglong, if I go after the assessment. Will Venerable Jie Yin come to cause trouble again?"

Qin Feng expressed his worries again.

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord smiled slightly:"Although I am not a match for the Venerable Master, in my own nest, I can use the power of heaven and earth from thousands of planets to achieve half-step eternity. The power of Dzogchen!"

"At that time, even if the Venerable comes here, he will not be my opponent! In fact, every domain lord is the strongest in his own lair! Qin Feng was overjoyed:"

In this case, I feel relieved!" Brother Qinglong, the Star Master assessment will be held in two days. I want to go on retreat again!"

Qinglong Territory Lord nodded:"Go! correct! I almost forgot to tell you one thing. The 'Domain Lord's Token' you got can be exchanged for some extremely rich treasures in the Da Luo Divine Hall!

Qin Feng was surprised:"This is happening!" Then this token is not wasted!"

Qinglong Territory Lord smiled and said:"This is natural! By the way, if you go to the Daluo Heaven Realm for the assessment this time, the Dajie Heaven will definitely give you a stumbling block!"

"After all, he has extensive connections and many means, so be careful! Maybe he has the means to secretly sabotage your Star Master assessment!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng took a deep breath.

He also thought it was very possible!

He had to guard against these!

In short, he had to retreat quickly!

As long as he was strong enough, he didn't have to worry about the small means of worshiping the heavens.!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng released the four clones to assist the Azure Dragon Domain Master in guarding the Blue Star Realm.

He also disappeared in the Blue Star Realm!

The next second, he returned to the center of the universe.

The small universe, the heaven.

At this moment, Qin Feng appeared in a secret room.

In the center of the secret room, a mind body was sitting cross-legged on a futon.

A cloud of purple energy was suspended in front of it, exuding a shocking aura of the avenue!

That was the Hongmeng purple energy!

Now, it can Qin Feng's ability to rapidly increase his strength was due to this ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

However, the speed of refining the mental body was not as good as the real body!

Next, Qin Feng had to refine it himself!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng stepped forward. When he reached the side of his mind body, his mind body also opened his eyes.

The next second, he took the initiative to merge into Qin Feng's body.

Then Qin Feng sat cross-legged and continued to refine the ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi......

In this way, Qin Feng began to retreat again!

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, there are only two hours left before the Star Master assessment begins!

About two days have passed since the outside world!

In the past two days, a series of huge changes have taken place in the outside world!

First of all, the Blue Star Realm has reached the center of the Qinglong Star Territory and is well protected!

Secondly, the senior officials of the Light God Realm have all heard the bad news of the death of the Lord of the Light Realm, and they are all extremely sad and angry!

But the Divine Realm cannot be left without a master for a day!

At this time, in the center of the Light God Realm, there was a meeting temple.

Hundreds of God Kings gathered together to discuss who should inherit the position of the new Territory Lord!

At this moment, two majestic figures appeared outside the temple!

One statue is none other than the Venerable Jie Yin!

The other one is a man with slightly curly hair and a cold and arrogant expression.

But the realm aura exuding from his body suddenly reached the half-step of eternal perfection, which was much stronger than that of Venerable Jie Yin!

"Brother Brahma! arrive!"

Venerable Jieyin looked at the man very politely.

Venerable Brahma nodded slightly:"Brother Jieyin! Are you sure that Qin Feng will go to Daluo Tianjing?"

Venerable Jie Yin said confidently:"Don't worry! This is the result deduced by Lord Dajitian himself! As long as you can enter the Great Luotian Realm this time and destroy Qin Feng's Star Master assessment, the Great Sacrifice Heaven will certainly promise you!

Brahma's eyes lit up:"Haha!" To deal with an ant in the true divine realm, I should be able to capture it with ease!"

Jie Yin also smiled and said:"Brother Brahma's combat power has reached 9 trillion stars, and his attack has already exceeded 30 trillion stars! With such strength, it would be no problem to kill that little thief! However, fellow Taoists should not be careless!

Brahma said indifferently:"I am different from the Lord of Light!" No matter what, I am still half a step towards eternal Dzogchen! I don’t believe it. In less than two days, that little thief can have a strength that is close to half a step of Dzogchen?"

Jie Yin smiled bitterly:"That's impossible! Fellow Taoist, let’s go! This time, whether you can enter the Great Luotian Realm depends on the cooperation of the people in the Light God Realm!"

"Um! Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them rushed towards the meeting temple.......

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