At this moment, someone in the hall began to murmur

"Huh! It's been half a minute, why isn't that kid dead yet?"

"yes! I thought he could only last a few seconds! Unexpectedly, half a minute has passed and he is still not dead! This is a bit weird!"

Everyone looked at each other, quite surprised.

In the air, the man in yellow robe also frowned slightly.

But then, he looked down at everyone:"Everyone, wait and see! I guess that kid will die soon!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone nodded slightly and continued to wait.

Time passed by like this!

In the blink of an eye, a minute passed.

But Qin Feng still didn't die!

Everyone was even more surprised!

The man in yellow robe His brows also wrinkled tighter.

"what happened? It’s been a minute! Why hasn't that kid come out yet?"

"yes! It stands to reason that as soon as that kid meets the demon, he will be killed instantly! Hasn't he met the demon yet?"

"right! This is probably the reason!"

"In this case, that boy is very lucky!"

"hehe! No matter how good your luck is, there is no limit! Could he still hold on for three to five minutes? That’s too outrageous!""

"That’s right! I don’t believe it. Can that kid really last three to five minutes?

"That's right! Let’s wait!"

Many people actually got angry!

At this moment, a strange phenomenon occurred in the field!

Tens of thousands of players did not take part in the assessment, but stayed where they were, looking up at the exit of the nine-story pagoda!

In their opinion , Qin Feng will definitely not be able to hold on for long, maybe he will die in the next second!

They must watch this good show!

After all, it won’t waste much time!

In this way, the whole audience continues to wait...

Time passes by one minute and one second. Go over!

Qin Feng's figure has not appeared yet!

The crowd is getting a little anxious!

In the air, the brows of the man in yellow robe are getting tighter and tighter, feeling inexplicably unhappy!

In the blink of an eye, 3 minutes have passed!

Qin Feng still has not appeared!

Everyone vaguely felt that something was wrong.

However, everyone still suppressed their mood and continued to wait.

Many people were still hoping that Qin Feng would die in the next second!

Especially the man in yellow robe in the sky, he did not want Qin Feng to appear. Steal the limelight....

The later Qin Feng comes out, the stronger the limelight will be!

But contrary to expectations, five minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Qin Feng still didn’t show up....

At this time, the whole audience could not sit still!

Everyone is talking about it!

It’s been more than 5 minutes since I didn’t show up. I can’t explain it by luck!

Could it be that that boy's combat power really is 1 trillion?

At this thought, everyone was extremely shocked!

Even the expression of the man in yellow robe became complicated.....

Time continues to pass...

6 minutes! 7 minutes! 8 minutes!

Qin Feng still didn't show up!

The longer everyone waited, the more frightened they became!

The loud discussions in the field have gradually turned into murmurs!

Every tone of voice has changed!

No one dared to call Qin Feng 'that boy' anymore, but said 'that man', even with a hint of respect.....

In the air, the yellow-robed man's eyes also changed.

At this moment, he silently looked at the exit of the ninth floor, no longer as arrogant as before.

9 minutes! 10 minutes! 11 minutes!

Qin Feng's figure still did not appear!

At this time, the whole audience was amazed!

"Oh My God! It’s been 11 minutes! That...that person hasn't come out yet!"

"Tsk tsk!! 11 minutes! It's definitely not just luck that allowed us to sustain it for so long! This requires strength!"

"yes! It seems that we have underestimated that adult before!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone looked at each other with a little embarrassment.

In the air, the man in yellow robe became even more embarrassed, and his old face turned red inexplicably.

At this time, some people started to get anxious.

"Everyone, it’s been 11 minutes! It’s too delayed for my assessment! I won’t wait any longer, I’m going to take the assessment!"

"right! No more waiting! No more waiting! All I can say is that I have no chance to see that adult come out!"

"Why! yes! Assessment is still important!"

At this time, the crowd began to commotion, and many people planned to take the assessment.

After all, we can't afford to waste time! At the same time, inside the ninth floor of the pagoda, there was a sea of ​​chaotic fog.

Qin Feng was looking at the red mist in front of him with a look of joy.....

Just now, he killed the last extraterrestrial demon!

It was a demon with a basic combat power of 3 trillion stars, and it was extremely powerful!

But in this chaotic sea of ​​fog, its strength was greatly suppressed, and it was even more vulnerable to Qin Feng!

In just two rounds, it was killed by Qin Feng....

At this moment, its demonic body collapsed and turned into a full-body fog demon....

The next second, a dazzling golden light flew out of the scattered red mist and poured into Qin Feng's body......

【You successfully killed the Chaos Blood Demon (Half Step Eternity) and obtained +5.3 million gold judgment points.】

【You successfully killed the Chaos Blood Demon (Half Step Eternity) and obtained +5000 merit points.】

【You successfully killed the Chaos Fog Demon (Half Step Eternity) and exploded the Taiqing Dao Crystal (Bloodthirsty)!】

【You successfully killed the Chaos Fog Demon (Half Step Eternity) and exploded the Taiqing Dao Crystal (Swallowed Soul).!】

【You successfully killed the Chaos Fog Demon (Half Step Eternity) and exploded the Taiqing Dao Crystal (spell)!】

【You successfully killed the Chaos Fog Demon (Half Step Eternity) and exploded the Taiqing Dao Crystal (Defilation).!】

【You successfully killed the Chaos Fog Demon (Half Step Eternity) and exploded the Taiqing Dao Crystal (Corruption)!】

【Your vocation is promoted to level 106 Hongmeng Supreme (Advanced)】

【Your strength index increases by 100,000 points!】

【Increase your agility index by 100,000 points!】

【Your energy index increases by 100,000 points!】

【Increase your body mass index by 100,000 points!】......

At this time, Qin Feng's body lit up with the white light of his vocation upgrade!

He was pleasantly surprised!

The extraterrestrial demon with a combat power of 3 trillion is just extraordinary!

He actually exploded 5 Taiqing Dao Crystals at once!

Having said that, this time he killed ten demons in a row and harvested a total of 40 Taiqing Dao Crystals!

Among them, 33 are usable, and the other 7 are the avenues he has comprehended and can be used by the disciples of Long Yuan!

In this way, he can train 7 more Star Domain Lords.

However, except for elites such as Liu Xuan, the talents of the Longyuan disciples are more average, and not many have the ability to refine Dao Crystals.

If Qin Feng wants to train star masters in large numbers, he needs to promote all his subordinates to the true god realm!

In this way, all subordinates will have the ability to refine Dao Crystal!

However, we will talk about this later!

When he created the 'Fengchan Heavenly Monument', he still lacked the Xuanhuang Qi of heaven and earth.

Originally, he wanted to see if there were any Chaos Treasure Chests for sale in the Merit Pavilion Mall, but there weren't any.

This made him a little worried!

Of course, those are things for the future!

The most important thing for him now is to complete his promotion to the Lord God Realm!

With this in his mind, Qin Feng put away the five Taiqing Dao Crystals in front of him with a wave of his hand and sent them to the center of the small universe.....


At this moment, there was a sudden roar over the foggy sea!

The ethereal voice of Heaven came next.....

【Assessment Reminder: Congratulations to contestant 'Qin Feng' for killing all the extraterrestrial demons on this level and completing the 'Taoist Master God Title' assessment ahead of schedule!】

【Congratulations to contestant 'Qin Feng' for passing the assessment and receiving the title of Lord God (Taoist grade)!】

【Lord God's Title Order: After activating this order with a drop of blood, you can be transferred to the 'God General Platform' to obtain the title!】

【It was detected that player 'Qin Feng' was the first person in Hongyuan Universe to obtain the title of 'Master God', so player 'Qin Feng' received additional rewards!】

【Additional rewards are as follows...】

【Reward players with +50 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +100,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +10,000 times their luck value!】

【Reward players with +5000 merit points!】

【Reward players + 5 chaos-level treasure chests (complete state)! 】

Qin Feng’s eyes lit up!

He didn't expect that there would be an extra reward this time!

But before he could finish being happy, another reminder came from Heaven....

【It was detected that the player 'Qin Feng' completed the God Noble Assessment of this level in only 11 minutes, and received the highest rating of SSS level, with additional rewards doubled!】

【The additional reward content has been changed as follows:...】

【Reward players with +100 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +200,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +20,000 times their luck value!】

【Reward players with +10,000 merit points!】

【Reward players +10 chaos level treasure chests (complete state)!】........

The reward has been doubled!

Qin Feng is overjoyed!


At this moment, the sky shook!

Immediately afterwards, a purple-gold light beam fell from the sky and enveloped Qin Feng.....

In an instant, his combat power, reputation, luck, and merit points all skyrocketed!

After a long time, everything calmed down.

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy!


At this moment, another beam of light fell from the sky....

Afterwards, ten Chaos Treasure Chests (in complete form) and a purple token slowly fell along the light beam.....

When the treasure arrived, Qin Feng waved and picked up the purple token!

On the purple token, the four words 'Hongyuan Shenjue' are engraved on the front, and the two words 'Daopin' are engraved on the back. It has a colorful glow and an extraordinary atmosphere!

This is the title order!

Use this order to complete the promotion to the Lord God Realm!

However, Qin Feng was not in a hurry to use it!

He also wanted to go to the tenth floor of the Pagoda.

According to Tiandao's instructions, only those who have passed the ninth level and have cultivated to the True God Realm are eligible to enter the tenth level.

Therefore, he cannot be promoted to the main god realm yet!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng happily put away the token.

The tenth floor of the pagoda!

He is definitely going!

There is a great opportunity hidden there, and it is also the only opportunity of the Divine Lord Palace.

Once someone obtains it, it will never appear again.

Qin Feng guessed that the other half of the Hongmeng Purple Qi should be on the tenth floor....

As for whether it is true or not, he will know once he goes there.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the ten Chaos Treasure Boxes (complete state) in front of him again, and showed a satisfied smile again.

This is really what comes to mind!

He was worrying about where to get the 'Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth', but unexpectedly he got ten Chaos Treasure Chests.

Then his chance has come!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took out a magic card....


The next second, the divine card was activated, blooming with golden divine light, covering ten chaos treasure chests...

Next, the ten gray chaos treasure chests merged into one, turning into a purple treasure chest, emitting endless energy. Holy light!

The Dao-level treasure chest is in hand!

Qin Feng quickly waved and took the treasure box into his hand.

The next second, he took a deep breath and slowly opened the....

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The lid of the box slowly opens, and the glow blooms instantly!

At that moment, the aura of the avenue shone thousands of miles away, and its momentum was extremely extraordinary!

When all the spiritual light dissipated, a yellow air ball appeared in front of us, carrying endless light!

【The mysterious and yellow energy of heaven and earth: the foundation (object) of the great road! 】

good! good!

Finally, a ball of black and yellow energy was released!

Qin Feng was extremely happy!

With this"Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth", his"Fengchan Heavenly Monument" is expected to reach its complete state.

At that time, he can create the God List, build the Jiuzhen Temple, and canonize all the disciples!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng sent the 'Xuanhuang Qi' to Qin Yuan Universe and let his mind body handle it.....

"Huh~! Finally done! Next, it’s time for me to go to the tenth floor!"

After dealing with those trivial matters, Qin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he was still a little worried when he thought of going to the tenth floor.

The standard for entering the ninth floor is that the basic combat power exceeds 1 trillion stars.

And this The combat power of the demons inside ranges from 1 trillion to 3 trillion!

The standard for entering the tenth level is that the basic combat power exceeds 3 trillion stars!

You can predict the strength of the demons inside. I'm afraid it's higher than his basic combat power!

That's right!

After this assessment, his combat power, luck, and reputation have all improved. I don't know what the current situation is?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened Panel, check it out....

【Full level human]: Substitute (intermediate level)

【Qin Yuan Universe]: Lord of the Universe (Chinese))

【Tiandu]: Level 106 (Advanced Hongmeng Supreme)

【Luck]: 210,000 times

【Reputation]: 2.79 million points

【Basic combat power]: 3.17 trillion stars

【Xiantian Avenue]: 24

【Total number of avenues: 577, very good!

The combat power has been increased to 3.17 trillion!

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

In addition, his luck has also reached 210,000 points, and the conditions for promotion to a senior substitute have finally been met!

Don’t think about it so much, time is precious!

He has to go to the tenth floor quickly!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng closed the panel!

The next second, he turned into white light and disappeared into the sea of ​​fog.....

At the same moment, in the hall of Shenjue Palace.

There was a commotion in the field!

All the contestants couldn't wait any longer. Many of them had given up waiting and were flying towards the pagoda.....

After all, they have been waiting for 13 minutes, and there is no time to waste!

Even the man in yellow robe in the sky doesn't want to wait any longer!

Time can’t be wasted!

He sighed with a little regret and prepared to fly to the pagoda ahead.....


At this moment, a white light suddenly lit up at the exit of the nine-story pagoda!

A majestic figure appeared out of thin air!

Qin Feng showed up!

"Huh! Everyone! Look! Look! Some adult showed up!"


With that exclamation, the whole place went into a stir!

Everyone's eyes turned to Qin Feng.......

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