At this moment, Qin Feng's fingers left Hongyun's eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes.

Hongyun was the last one to finish sharing his thoughts!

Qin Feng also got four new avenues from Hongyun!

"Master, how is the situation?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Yu Xuanji asked with concern.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"This time the harvest is good! Of the 48 avenues you have awakened, only 7 have been awakened by me!"

After hearing this, everyone showed joy.

In other words, Qin Feng has awakened 41 new avenues this time!

So far, he has mastered 766 avenues, and his basic combat power has increased to 4.62 trillion stars. Level!

Qin Feng is very satisfied with this progress!

"OK! I'm going to take the Star Master assessment! Just wait for my return here in the Meritorious Service Pavilion!"

At this time, Qin Feng thought of business.

There were only four minutes left before the Star Master assessment, and he could no longer delay

"Master, go ahead!"

Feng Xi and others agreed one after another.

Qin Feng didn't waste any more time and hurriedly turned around and left.....

Feng Xi and others watched Qin Feng silently.

After Qin Feng left the meritorious service pavilion, Feng Xi turned to look at Yu Xuanji

"Sister Xuanji, do you think the master can increase the combat power to 6 trillion stars half an hour before the secret realm is closed?"

Feng Xi's tone revealed worry!

Yu Xuanji also took a deep breath:"It's hard to say! 6 trillion! That is the upper limit of half a step to the eternal peak! This goal is too difficult for the master! Feng Xi nodded:"

Yes!" I also find it too difficult! I hope the owner can succeed!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone showed a hint of worry.

They all knew that if Qin Feng failed to achieve his goal, the Blue Star Realm would face destruction!

If the Blue Star Realm was destroyed, the damage to Qin Feng would be too great!

At this time, Qingchengzi also spoke.

"You two, Pindao believes that the master can do it, so we should not think too much about it. Besides, we can’t interfere with Master’s Star Master assessment. In this case, we might as well retreat quickly!"

"Didn't we redeem some Taiqing Dao Crystals from the mall before? We might as well take advantage of the master's assessment to quickly refine those Dao crystals and awaken some new avenues!"

"If the master completes the Star Master assessment in advance, he can get some more avenues from us! This will help the master to improve his strength to some extent!"

At this reminder, everyone's eyes lit up.

"right! Everyone, let’s retreat quickly!"

Yu Xuanji quickly ordered everyone.

At that moment, the group of people arrived at the corner of the Gongxun Pavilion and began to retreat.....

Yu Xuanji, Feng Xi, Qing Chengzi, Qi Yue, Hong Yun, and Xiao Luan'er began to refine the Dao crystals they had exchanged before!

Dijiang, Jumang, Zhurong, Gonggong, Houtu and Tianwu refined the witchcraft Emperor Pearl presented by Qin Feng.

In this way, Long Yuan and his party went into seclusion......

At the same moment, in the hall of Star Lord Hall.

The venue was buzzing with people, but the atmosphere was getting more and more tense.

Because the assessment was about to begin, many players began to feel uneasy.

In the corner, Brahma and Abel were still staring at the entrance.

The joy on their faces is getting stronger and stronger!

"Lord Brahma, there are only the last 2 minutes left, and Qin Feng’s son still hasn’t appeared! Abel smiled.

Brahma's lips curled up slightly:"If he doesn't come, he really won't come!" Why! This somewhat disappoints me! Abel smiled and said:"

Lord Brahma, it's a good thing that the little thief doesn't come!" In this way, you can take the Star Master assessment with peace of mind. With your strength, it is not easy to win the first-class Star-Lord!

Brahma's eyes lit up:"What you said is quite interesting." I never thought that a casual cultivator like me could get a chance to become a Star Lord with the help of Dajitian!"

It turns out that when Brahma was young, the foundation planet where he was born was destroyed, and he lost the chance to become a Star Lord long ago.

Now, the Great Sacrifice used the secret technique of 'stealing the sky and exchanging the sun' to make him a candidate for the Star Lord..

This is equivalent to creating an opportunity for him to host a star!

Speaking of which, after becoming a first-class star-lord, the rewards obtained are extremely generous!

Even if Brahma is half-step to Dzogchen, he will be moved by it, let alone Abel.

Don't say goodbye. Yes, the Awakening of the Great Path rewarded by the first-class star-lord is what Brahma wants.

Of course, what he wants more is the opportunity of the special-class star-lord!

What a pity!

The special-class star-lord can only be activated by challengers, and he has no chance!

Thinking of this , Brahma complained:"Hey~! I obviously have strength, but I can't get a higher opportunity than a first-class star-lord! Abel quickly agreed:"

Yes!" Depending on your strength, if you want to obtain the legendary special star-lord, it will be within easy reach. What's deplorable is that Heaven only grants the opportunity of special star-lordship to challengers!

Brahma smiled bitterly:"Heaven's partiality towards challengers has a long history!" Rumor has it that this is related to the remaining will of the previous Lord of the Universe. correct! Then the little thief Qin Feng is the challenger! He does have hope of getting a special star-lord!"

Speaking of this, Brahma's tone was sour.

Abel also said in annoyance:"Yes! Heaven is too biased towards challengers!

Immediately, he gloated again and said:"Lord Brahma, although the little thief Qin Feng is qualified to obtain the special god title, he is now trapped in the main god assessment and is destined to miss this great opportunity!" Brahma also breathed a sigh of relief:"

This is so wonderful!" correct! There seems to be only one minute left, right?"

"Yes! Just one minute! Little thief Qin Feng hasn't arrived yet, so it's destined to be too late! I predict...."

Abel smiled and looked towards the entrance of the temple and was about to continue speaking.....

But at this moment, the light and shadow at the entrance flashed, and a handsome and tall figure walked in!

Abel and Brahma quickly looked at the visitor....


As soon as he saw who was coming, the smile on Abel's face froze!

Brahma was also dumbfounded!

That person is Qin Feng!

At this moment, the two of them stared at Qin Feng blankly, unable to react for a long time......

On the other side, Qin Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he entered the temple.

He finally arrived in time!

Thinking of this, he looked up and looked ahead.....

I saw more than 300,000 players gathered in the hall, and the atmosphere was very fiery......

And his arrival soon attracted the attention of some players.

This young man has just come in now, he is really weird!

Many players looked at Qin Feng curiously!

When they discovered that Qin Feng was just a main god, they immediately lost interest.

The main god is the existence with the largest number of people in the field, and is also the lowest existence. There is no need to pay attention to it.

Only players above God King will arouse their interest.

At that moment, the players looked away one by one and continued to discuss the next assessment.....

Qin Feng smiled slightly and didn't care.

He didn't take these players seriously either.

The only players who can cause him some trouble are at least players who can reach more than half a step for eternity!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng scanned the field.

Soon, he discovered.....

There are nearly 300,000 main god-level players in the field!

There are more than 20,000 god-king level players!

17 people are quasi-half-step eternity!

4 people are half-step eternity!

There is also a person who cannot see through the cultivation level!

Qin Feng looked at the man curiously....

That person is none other than Brahma!

Now, Brahma not only changed his appearance with secret techniques, but also hid his cultivation so that no one could see through it.

When Qin Feng looked over, he suddenly recovered from his daze.

At that moment, Brahma swallowed his saliva and glanced at Qin Feng with a complicated expression.He looked away, not wanting to look into Qin Feng's eyes.

Abel also calmed down and looked away calmly.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng frowned slightly.

He vaguely felt that these two guys were a little weird!

Just now, there was something wrong with the way these two guys looked at him!

Could it be....

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he moved his eyes away and looked elsewhere.....

Just after he looked away, Abel quickly leaned into Brahma's ear and whispered in a low voice.

"Lord Brahma, I really didn’t expect that! This little thief Qin Feng came in at the last minute!"

Abel's tone was a little depressed.

At this time, Brahma also frowned:"I can only say that this little thief is lucky! He actually seized the last minute! However, his good luck ended there!"

At the end of the sentence, the corners of Brahma's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer.

Abel also suddenly realized:"Yes! Lord Brahma takes action this time. Even if the little thief arrives in time, he will be kicked out by the Lord! By the way, sir, that little thief has reached the realm of the Lord God!"

Speaking of this, Abel glanced at Qin Feng secretly again.

Brahma also glanced casually and sensed Qin Feng's aura.

But the next second, he looked away with disdain.

"Ah! He has just broken through to the Lord God Realm. How much progress do you think he can make? As long as his combat power does not exceed 3 trillion, I can easily control him!"

Speaking of this, Brahma's tone revealed confidence!

Abel was delighted:"Your Majesty is right! By the way, sir, this little thief took so long to arrive. It shows that it is very difficult for him to advance to the Lord God Realm!

Brahma's eyes lit up:" Hey!" Your analysis makes perfect sense! If he was really as powerful as Venerable Jie Yin said, he should have arrived long ago instead of waiting until the last minute."

"If this is the case, I estimate that his current combat power is about 2.5 trillion stars!

Abel laughed and said,"Sir, maybe he doesn't even have 2.5 trillion!" I'm afraid you think too highly of him!"

As soon as these words were said, both of them showed a knowing smile.

On the other side, Qin Feng pretended to look into the distance, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a secretive smile.

Abel and Brahma murmured very quietly, but they could not hide it. Qin Feng's eavesdropping.

At this point, he finally figured out that these two guys were arranged by Dajitian to deal with him.

He was lucky!

As soon as he came in, he found the enemy target!

Through the two people's During the conversation, he preliminarily judged that Brahma’s strength should be half-step to the Eternal Perfection!

Such strength is a bit tricky!

However, he is not afraid anymore!

What’s even more funny is that these two guys actually thought that his combat power was less than 2.5 trillion stars.

If these two people find out that his combat power has reached 4.62 trillion stars, I wonder what their expressions will be like?


Just when Qin Feng was thinking wildly, the light at the entrance of the temple The door finally closed slowly!

Immediately afterwards, the voice of Heaven came from above the hall....

【Assessment Reminder: This year's 'Star Master Assessment' is about to begin, please be prepared!】

【After 1 minute, all contestants will be teleported to the first examination room - Taixu Tian!】

【Countdown: 60....59....58....】


As soon as this prompt came out, the whole place was in commotion!

"here we go! The assessment is finally about to begin!"

"It turns out that the first examination room is called Taixu Tiantian!"

"yes! I'm so nervous! I don’t know what content will be assessed in this first round?"

"I am equally nervous! No matter what the assessment is, the elimination rate must be extremely high! I'm afraid that out of a hundred Main God Realm players, it would be great if one can pass the level!"

"Bro! When you say that, I get even more nervous!"

At this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the field!

Many players showed nervousness.

Qin Feng also took a deep breath and prepared for the assessment.

At the same time, Brahma and Abel both looked at him intentionally or unintentionally, The look in his eyes was ill-intentioned.

Qin Feng sneered in his heart and pretended not to see it.

At this moment, a thought suddenly came to his mind!

The first round started with Taixu Tian!

The meeting between Taixu Tian and Taixu Dao Isn't it related?


Before Qin Feng could think about it, Tiandao sent a reminder...

【The countdown is over! Start transmitting now...】

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

As soon as the prompt came out, all the contestants turned into white lights and disappeared into the hall....

Qin Feng was also wrapped in an invisible force and turned into white light and disappeared.......

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