"Brahma should start to pass the second level, right?"

Qin Feng calculated the time silently in his mind, turned around quickly, and got back into the entrance light gate of Taichutian.

The next second, he returned to the terminal square of Taichutian and looked into the depths of the sea of ​​fog.…

"It is estimated that Brahma will arrive in about ten minutes! Should I continue to wait?"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart, with a somewhat hesitant expression.

On the one hand, he wanted to kill Brahma to prevent him from getting extra rewards!

On the other hand, he wanted to hurry up and speed up his strength improvement.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Feng let out a long sigh.!

That’s all!

He spent more than ten minutes to kill Brahma again to prevent him from obtaining more benefits.

According to his calculations, Brahma’s luck was completely lost and his strength declined.

Coupled with the increase in difficulty of the second level, the It will take at least 20 minutes to reach the end.

As long as he kills it once, that guy will definitely not be able to get additional rewards.

Anyway, ten minutes is not much time, and he still spent all his time thinking about this, Qin Feng He quickly sat down cross-legged and waited in the finish square...

At the same moment, deep in the sea of ​​fog.

Brahma was rushing to the finish line with a gloomy face...

He was very unhappy that he didn't get the extra reward for the first level!

Even, he was The rankings in the first round still fell to Jia Luo and Bai Zu.

All this is due to that cheap demon who sneaked in!

Thinking of this, Brahma's hand holding the hilt of the sword has already sprouted veins!

If he meets that cheap demon again, He relies on the 'Brahma Heart Sword' in his hand to compete with them!

You know, his 'Brahma Heart Sword' is a great weapon!

Having said that, the difficulty of this second level is greatly increased!

He is It takes at least 20 minutes at a time to reach the finish line. You can only get extra rewards, but not double!

Brahma felt a little sorry!

If he had received double rewards in the first level and his strength had improved, maybe he would have won the second level. The hope for the second level will be doubled!

Hey! If you are not careful, you will lose everything!

At that moment, Brahma didn’t want to think about it anymore and continued on his way...

The time passed like this!

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.!

It took Brahma 15 minutes to travel 10 trillion miles...

Along the way, he also encountered many demons!

But as soon as those demons sensed his terrifying momentum, they all retreated and did not dare to come forward. Blocking...

This Brahma is very proud!

There are still 3 trillion miles left, and he will reach the end in another 5 minutes...

It seems that he can get the extra reward for this level!

Brahma's mouth curled up slightly As soon as he raised his eyebrows, his eyes were filled with anticipation!

The next second, he accelerated towards the finish line.…..

At the same moment, at the end of the second level.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked into the distance...

Counting the time, Brahma was almost here, and it was time for him to take action!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng slowly stood up...


But at this moment, an earth-shattering roar came from within his consciousness.…

【Reminder: Your mind body has successfully refined the 'Six Roots of Pure Bamboo', and you have become the master of the 'Six Roots of Pure Bamboo'!】

【Six Pure Bamboo Roots: The Tool of the Great Dao, the only one in the universe!】

【It contains: Taisu, consciousness, touch, smell, sight, hearing, tenacity, elasticity and other nine avenues!】

【Reminder: Its combat power returns 100 billion stars, and its attack rate increases by 90%! 】


Qin Feng was shocked and surprised!

The six pure bamboos were finally refined!

He has obtained another great weapon!

Having said that, since I obtained six pure bamboos.

He has used secret techniques to make up for the avenues he had previously deprived of.

The six pure bamboos now are in their complete state... boom~boom~boom~!

Before he could finish being happy, another reminder came from Tiandao…

【Reminder: You have obtained the enlightenment of Taisu Avenue from the 'Six Roots of Pure Bamboo' and begun to awaken the innate avenue - Taisu Avenue.…】

【Reminder: You have gained insights from the 'Six Roots of Pure Bamboo' and begun to awaken to the acquired path - the path of touch.…】



At this moment, Qin Feng's body lit up with the light of several avenues!

Five of the nine avenues of the six pure bamboos he had not yet awakened...

At this time, Qin Feng's eyebrows also lit up with a dazzling blue light!

The Seal of the Universe emerged and began to automatically condense the twenty-eighth petals...

Before long, the petals were completely condensed!

Seal of the universe! Great aura!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy!

In just a moment, he awakened 5 new avenues from the 'six pure bamboos', one of which was the innate avenue - Taisu Avenue!

That is one of the five congenital queens!

According to the instructions of Heaven, mastering the Five Innate Masters will be of great benefit to him in obtaining the recognition of the 'God Whip'!

Now, he has mastered four of the five innate Taixu, namely: Taixu, Taichu, Taishi, and Taisu!

"Another good improvement!"

At this moment, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

After awakening the avenues just now, he has mastered 824 avenues, including 28 innate avenues!

His basic combat power has also been increased to 5.28 trillion stars!

Having said that , , the six pure bamboos were refined in time!


Qin Feng waved his hand, and a green light flashed in the palm of his hand!

Six pure bamboos appeared!

He watched with joy for a while, then opened the panel and put in the transaction Channel...

The six pure bamboos are offensive weapons of the avenue!

Two weapons of the same type cannot be used at the same time.

Qin Feng gave it to the four clones, which just increased the attack power of the clones.

In this way , the four major clones have two major attack weapons, the 'Tian Zhu Sword Formation' and the 'Six Pure Bamboos', and their overall strength has been improved!

After finishing the trivial matters of the six pure bamboos, Qin Feng thought, and the two great weapons on his body , everything lit up with a dazzling spiritual light!!

Buzz~! Buzz~!

Pantian Dao Ax! Pantian Dao Armor! Human and machine combined!

Seven-kill divine body! Reactivated!

The power of luck! All blessings!

In just a moment, Qin Feng's combat power and momentum increased to its strongest state, suddenly reaching 11.3 trillion star levels, which was much stronger than before!

Qin Feng was very satisfied with this!

With such strength, it should be easier to kill Brahma!

Boom! ~!

Thinking of this, he dodged and turned into a rainbow light, rushing into the sea of ​​fog ahead...

At that moment, his speed was shockingly fast, even faster than when he cleared the second level. One step ahead!

This is the beauty of improved strength!

At the same time, deep in the thick fog!

Brahma is rushing towards the finish line...

At this time, he is looking ahead, and a hint of joy gradually appears in his eyes...

After 3 more In minutes, he should be able to reach the finish line!

He should be able to get the extra reward for this second level!

Suddenly, the sea of ​​fog surged ahead!

Brahma was startled, and he quickly clenched the hilt of his sword and looked forward!

He Already scared by the previous troll!

Soon, the sea of ​​fog in front dispersed, and two heavenly demons a hundred feet tall walked out of it, both covered in black mist!

They were not Qin Feng!

They were the real heavenly demons in this examination room!

And they The momentum exuded from his body, one has reached the peak of half-step eternity, and the other has reached the peak of half-step eternity!

This is a strong one among the demons!

When he saw that it was not the troll before, Brahma breathed a sigh of relief.

Waiting to see clearly the aura of the two demons , his eyes showed disdain again!

One was a demon with 400 million combat power, and the other was with 200 million combat power.

He didn't even notice it!

At the same time, after the two demons saw Brahma, they were stunned for a moment.

Waiting for them After sensing that Brahma's momentum reached 9 trillion, everyone's eyes showed fear!

The next second, they looked at each other and quietly retreated to one side, not daring to block the way!

Seeing the two demons taking the initiative to show weakness , Brahma was extremely proud!

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, his figure flashed, and he swaggered past the two demons!


But just as he passed by, there was a sound coming from the front There was a violent roar, the void for billions of miles around was trembling, and the sea of ​​fog was rolling!

Everyone in the field was shocked, and both the demons and the demons looked up...


In just a few seconds, the sea of ​​fog ahead rolled, and again A sky-reaching giant demon flew out from the sea of ​​fog!

Its whole body was shrouded in black mist, and its evil aura reached the sky!

Judging from the other auras it exuded, it suddenly reached the half-step of the Great Perfection level!

This giant demon was transformed by Qin Feng!

He finally arrived!

Seeing this, the two demons were dumbfounded and couldn't help but look at each other!

One of the demons even muttered:"Master Ye Luo, aren't you the strongest guardian in this level? Why is there another stronger guardian?"


The leading demon has a sharp blue horn.

At this moment, it is also a little confused!

Under the arrangement of Heaven, it is the strongest guardian of this level. Why did a stronger guardian appear again?

But before it could think about it, Brahma's roar came from ahead!

"Bastard devil! Die!"


There was a sword cry!

Brahma instantly took out the 'Brahma Heart Sword' in his hand and rushed towards the troll!

He recognized it at a glance, and the troll in front of him was the one who had tricked him in the previous level!

In a moment, , enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

In just a moment, Brahma's reason is swallowed up by anger!

He wants to kill the troll in front of him to avenge the previous level!


In just a moment, Brahma activates the long sword in his hand!

The weapon of the avenue! The aura shines brightly!

The shocking fighting spirit! Covering hundreds of millions of miles in radius!


Then, the sword slashed down crazily!

The dazzling blade light!

Cut open the sky!

Even if Under the suppression of the power of Taichu, the power of that sword also reached 31 trillion stars, and its power was extremely terrifying!

"not good!"

Ye Luo and the other two demons couldn't help but exclaimed, with a look of extreme horror in their eyes! It wasn't until this moment that they realized that they had underestimated Brahma!

At the same time, they were also worried about the newly arrived trolls.

Unknowingly, they actually He recognized Qin Feng's identity and thought that Qin Feng was also a demon!

As soon as Brahma saw Qin Feng, he started shouting and killing, and even shouted the word"cheap demon"!

If you look carefully, you can still find that The power of the beginning of heaven and earth has no effect on Qin Feng.

All signs indicate that the trolls in front of him are their kind!

In this way, they are naturally worried about their kind!


In the blink of an eye, the sword struck close to him , was about to hit Qin Feng!

The two demons of Ye Luo were very anxious!


At this moment, Qin Feng took action!

He held the giant ax in both hands and chopped away with all his strength!

Boom~ Rumble~Rumble~!

Wherever the giant ax passes, the whole world trembles!

At the same moment, Taoist skills are activated one after another!

A knowing blow is activated at the same time!


The cold ax blade lights up with a dazzling golden light!

The attack momentum of his ax instantly soared to 39.6 trillion stars, which was even stronger than before! In the blink of an eye, the attacks of both sides collided!


There was a clash of gold and iron!

Sound waves swept everywhere!

The void exploded.!

The next second, Brahma roared miserably, and was hit by an ax so much that he vomited blood and flew backwards!


Not far away, the two Night Demons were dumbfounded!

Oh my god~!

They thought that the human was already half He is the best in the Dzogchen!

I didn’t expect this troll to be even more terrifying!

I’m afraid its strength has reached the ceiling of the Half-Step Dzogchen!

But after being struck by an axe, Brahma rolled and flew millions of feet away , and then he stabilized his figure!

As soon as he stabilized his body, his body was cracked, blood flowed, and his overall momentum plummeted!

He was almost exploded by the giant demon! Oh my god! La~!

We haven’t seen each other for about twenty minutes, how come this troll’s strength has improved a lot!

Thinking of this, Brahma suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin Feng in great horror!

As of now, there is no madness in his eyes anymore Some of his anger was just boundless fear!

He was actually scared!

You know, this time he used the weapon of the Great Dao and exerted his strongest combat power!


But before he could think about it, Qin Feng With a teleportation, he was in front of him again and slashed directly with an axe!

"Damn it!"

Brahma roared in shock, and had no choice but to raise his sword to resist!

This time, he was seriously injured, and his momentum had dropped a lot. How could he still resist!

But the attacks from both sides collided again!

The mutation regenerated in the field!

"grown ups! We are here to help!"

With two shouts, the two heavenly demons came over and helped Qin Feng besiege Brahma together!


Brahma's desperate roar suddenly sounded in the field!

He was no match for this troll in the first place, let alone two half-step eternal level demons!

Boom~! Boom~!Boom~!

The next second, there was an earth-shattering bombardment in the field!

And Brahma’s shrill scream!

At this moment, Qin Feng actually united with the two demons to launch a brutal and inhumane siege against Brahma!

Not a moment later, Brahma was killed by one man and two demons, and his soul also collapsed again!

Qin Feng felt extremely happy!

This guy is going to miss the extra reward for the second level again!

When the blood mist cleared, Yeluo Bi came to Qin Feng respectfully and saluted him!

"The leader of Taichutian Guardian—Ye Luo! Meet your lord!"

Ye Luo's tone was full of respect.

He had regarded Qin Feng as the same kind and a higher-level leader!

After Qin Feng took a deep breath, he looked at him with a complicated expression, and then nodded slightly to show his respect.

Ye Luo was overjoyed!

Immediately, he curiously asked:"Sir, with your strength, you should appear in the 'Special Star Lord' assessment, why do you appear here?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

He unexpectedly found out a piece of useful information.

It turned out that there was another person with his strength in the assessment of the 'Special Star Lord' Guarded by demons!

From this point of view, it is difficult to break into the Special Star Lord!

Then the assessment above the 'Special Star Lord' is even more difficult.

At the moment, Qin Feng pondered for a while, and then deliberately hoarse his voice

"This deity is the guardian of the five gates! The task is to freely inspect the five levels of assessment! In addition, I have given you the order of heaven and brought you a new task!"

"new task? Sir, what is the mission?"

Ye Luo asked curiously.

Qin Feng waved his hand. A screen of light appeared in front of him.

In the screen of light, there was a projection of an old man's portrait. It was Abel from the Light God Realm!

"did you see? This old man is the key subject of Heavenly Dao’s care! Heaven has asked you to lead all the demons in this level to prevent this old man from passing the test! If the mission is completed, you will receive generous rewards!"

Ye Luo's eyes lit up.

It would be too easy if the entire Guan Tianmo could only deal with one human being.

But then, he wondered:"Sir, if we, the Guan Tianmo, are going to deal with this human being, what will happen to the other humans?"

Qin Feng said hoarsely on purpose:"Other humans, let them come and go, you don't have to worry about it!

Ye Luo was surprised:"Sir!" The subordinates understand! I'm going to notify all the demons in this level!"


Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

At that moment, the two demons of Ye Luo bowed and left in a hurry.

Qin Feng also put away the portrait projection in the air.

Then, he looked at the back of the two demons leaving, with a hint of evil at the corner of his mouth. Laugh.

Next, Abel will suffer unprecedented treatment!

He wants to pass the second level, so let’s dream!

I’m afraid Abel won’t think of how miserable he will be!

Qin Feng smiled proudly , then turned around and rushed back towards Taishitian...

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