At that moment, Qin Feng looked forward and saw four groups of true spirits, a group of Hongmeng purple energy, and a divine card in the field!

He quickly waved his hand and sucked the ball of Hongmeng purple energy into his hand!

I got another ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi!

This is equivalent to gaining 100 billion star combat power, as well as one innate avenue and ten acquired avenues!

Of course, all this will only be available after refining!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and sent the ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi into the center of the universe for his mind body to refine...

Then, he waved his hand again and sucked the god card in front of him into his hand...

This is a Tao-level treasure box synthesis card.!

Qin Feng already has 9 chaos treasure chests (complete), and now he has a synthesis card.

As long as he gets another treasure box, he can combine it into a Dao-level treasure box.

This is another good harvest!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng put away the magic card with satisfaction!

After doing this, he looked at the four true spiritual light groups in front of him…

【True spirit (strong and good): Dao level, severely disabled】

【True Spirit (Xizi): Dao level, severely mutilated】

【True Spirit (Prosperity): Dao level, severely mutilated】

【True Spirit (Xuan Ming): Tao level, severely mutilated】

【Reminder: Using Dao blood to fuse can turn these incomplete true spirits into spiritual eggs and gain the opportunity to be reborn. 】

Sure enough!

Qin Feng smiled, then broke his finger to coagulate blood, and then ejected a drop of blood essence into each of the four groups of true spirits...

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

As soon as the essence and blood fell into the true spiritual light group, it was completely absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next second, the four true spirits released endless suction, sucking in the blood mist floating around...

It didn't take long for the blood mist to be swallowed up!

Four battle pet spirit eggs condensed out, all three feet in size, covered with avenue divine patterns, exuding an extraordinary aura!

Qin Feng quickly spied on and left….

【Strong Spirit Egg: Chaos level, has automatically recognized 'Qin Feng' as the master】

【Xizi Spirit Egg: Chaos level, has automatically recognized 'Qin Feng' as the master】

【Collecting Spiritual Eggs: Chaos level, has automatically recognized 'Qin Feng' as the master】

【Xuanming Spiritual Egg: Chaos level, has automatically recognized 'Qin Feng' as the master]

After reading this, Qin Feng smiled!

He also found the last four emperor sons.

The few witchcraft emperor beads in his hand finally became useful.

Waiting for Emperor Jiang and the other twelve emperors to grow up will definitely be of great help to him!

However, those are all things later!

Qin Feng waved and put away the four battle pet spirit eggs.

Then, he used a secret technique to swallow up all the luck floating in the void, and gained another 20,000 times the luck value!

He was extremely satisfied with this!


Before he could finish being happy, the void shook, and there was a reminder from Heaven.…

【Challenge reminder: It was detected that the player had killed the Four Phase God. It took 19 seconds to complete this challenge!】

【Congratulations to player 'Qin Feng' for winning 'Hongmeng Star Lord'’!】

【Your 'Planet Reward' will be automatically promoted to 'Hongmeng Level' and will be distributed after you return to the planet.….】

【The personal rewards of 'Hongmeng Star-Lord' will now begin...】

【Reward players with +1 trillion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +500,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +50,000 times their luck value!】

【Reward players with +50,000 merit points!】

【Reward players for awakening the innate avenue—the eternal avenue!】

【Reward players for awakening the innate avenue - the avenue of annihilation!】

【Reward players for awakening the innate avenue - the avenue of vitality!】

【Reward players to randomly awaken 50 acquired avenues! 】


As soon as the prompt ended, a purple-gold beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Qin Feng...

Suddenly, Qin Feng's combat power, reputation, luck, and merit points all skyrocketed!

At the same moment, a dazzling blue light also lit up between his eyebrows!

The seal of the universe emerges!

The thirty-second, thirty-third, and thirty-fourth petals were condensed and formed at the same time... boom~boom~boom~!

At the same moment, in the Qin Yuan Universe!

The worlds of heaven, earth, and hell are filled with vitality out of thin air!

Outside the Three Realms, countless star fields are springing up with vitality and beginning to breed life on their own...

It turns out that Qin Feng is awakening to the avenue of vitality in the innate avenue!

The invisible power of vitality began to affect the entire Qin Yuan universe, making the entire universe more vibrant...

After a long time, the cosmic seal between Qin Feng's eyebrows was completely condensed!

Now the flower has thirty-four petals, and its momentum is extremely extraordinary!

This makes Qin Feng only two innate avenues away from being promoted to the senior master of the universe!

At this moment, all the rewards are digested!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

After this reward, his strength has skyrocketed!

As for the specific increase, he would have to check to find out.

With this in mind, he opened the panel…

【Full level human]: Substitute (intermediate level)

【Qin Yuan Universe]: Lord of the Universe (Intermediate)

【Full level vocation]: Full level Hongmeng Supreme

【Luck]: 720,000 times

【Reputation]: 5.74 million points

【Basic combat power]: 10.97 trillion stars

【Xiantian Avenue]: 34

【Total number of avenues]: 1191

【Merit points]: 357,000 points

Not bad! good!

The combat power has reached 10.97 trillion!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

Such a harvest far exceeded his expectations! correct!

He has now exceeded 10 trillion combat power, and the strength of the four major clones has skyrocketed, and they should have reached half-step of the Great Perfection level.

Calculated in this way, even without his action.

Can the four major clones also protect the Blue Star Realm?

With this in mind, Qin Feng made a seal with his hand and started to deduce it again...

Suddenly, his fingertips flashed with light, hexagrams appeared one after another, and the Tianji Avenue started to operate automatically...

After a while, the deduction was completed!

Qin Feng's face showed a look of astonishment!

The hexagram has changed!

The result of his deduction just now was actually very different from before.

Now, his combat power is infinitely close to 11 trillion, but the survival probability of the Blue Star Realm has dropped instead of rising, from the previous 99% to about 70%!

Qin Feng frowned slightly and suddenly felt irritable in his heart!

Although the 70% chance is quite high, the Blue Star Realm is his foundation and cannot be lost!

What he wants is a 100% chance of keeping it, not about 70%. That's not a small risk!

If the Blue Star Realm is destroyed, all his efforts in Hongyuan Universe will be in vain!

In the same way, the efforts that Patriarch Longguo and Tianzun put into him are probably going to be in vain!

Therefore, the Blue Star Realm must not make any mistakes!

"Strange! Why such a change? Could it be..."

Qin Feng's heart moved and he wanted to understand the reason.

He must have killed Brahma and eliminated him early, thereby revealing his strength.

After knowing his strength, how could the Great Sacrifice not rearrange the layout? ?

Dajitian must have found a powerful helper!

In addition, Jie Yin and others will also make some arrangements.

After Brahma is eliminated, he will also join the ranks of Jie Yin and others, which will cause the crisis in the Blue Star Realm to increase!

Think about it! After understanding the reason, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He was still worried about another thing.

According to previous deductions, before he rushed back to the Blue Star Realm, his chance of survival was about 70%.

Wait until he returns from Da Luo Tian One minute before leaving the realm, the probability of survival in the Blue Star Realm suddenly dropped to less than 30%!

This shows that one minute before he rushed back, the Great Sacrifice Society sent a super strong person who arrived at that time.

And based on The strength of the four major clones and the Azure Dragon Territory Master are almost vulnerable to that super strong man.

Otherwise, the Blue Star Realm's survival probability would not be even 30% in the last minute!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt a little uneasy!

His deduction was correct!

The super strong man sent by Dajitian this time was none other than Kunzu, one of the Five Ultimates!

"Hey~! According to the rules of heaven, I cannot leave the Daluo Heaven Realm until the Star Master assessment is over, even if I want to rush back for rescue in advance! What should we do?"

"correct! If I improve my strength a little more, I might be able to save the Blue Star Realm at the last minute with the four clones, right?"

"It doesn’t take much! As long as the probability reaches 50%, that's enough!"

Qin Feng's heart moved. He made another hand seal and continued to deduce...

After a moment, his expression softened.

According to his deduction, if his combat power can exceed 13 trillion stars, the Blue Star Realm's The probability of saving can reach 90%, and it is barely close to 50% at the last minute!

It seems that he will find a way to make his combat power exceed 13 trillion stars in the next time!


That thought Just when I got up, the sky shook, and the voice of heaven sounded…

【Opportunity reminder: It is detected that the player 'Qin Feng' has obtained the Hongmeng Star Lord, and has obtained the qualification to recognize the Lord of the Divine Whip!】

【Opportunity reminder: Drop essence and blood into the whip, and you will be recognized as its master]

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly raised his head to look ahead at the whip!

He almost forgot that he still had a chance of a Tao-level rare item!

At that moment, he took a step forward and teleported to the magic whip!

As soon as he got closer, Qin Feng sensed that the divine whip contained the breath of thirty-one avenues!

One is the innate avenue, and thirty are the acquired avenues!

That Xiantian Avenue is the World-Destroying Avenue!

Sensing the aura of the Great Way of Destruction, Qin Feng felt a little regretful!

He has awakened to this avenue!

In other words, the divine whip will no longer help him awaken to new innate avenues!

However, he has not awakened twenty-seven of the thirty acquired avenues contained in the Divine Whip!

This is another huge gain!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng no longer delayed, directly broke his finger to coagulate blood, and flicked it towards the magic whip... pop~! Snap~! Snap~!

Drop after drop of essence and blood fell!


It wasn't until Qin Feng injected twelve drops of essence and blood that the magic whip gradually lit up and let out a shocking roar!

One is the beginning of counting, nine is the end of counting, and twelve is perfection!

Other treasures only require a drop of essence and blood to identify their owner!

This divine whip actually requires twelve drops, which is even three drops more than the essence and blood consumed by the Fengchan Heavenly Monument!


At this moment, the spiritual light blooming from the Divine Whip is becoming more and more dazzling, and it has already shone through the stars in the sky!

Qin Feng felt the throbbing of his soul, and the contract of recognition was being concluded...

Tiandao also sent a reminder…

【Successfully recognized the master! The Divine Whip has recognized you as the master!】

【You gain insights from the 'God-killing Whip' and begin to awaken to the God-killing Way…】

【You gain insights from the 'God Whip' and begin to awaken to the path of destroying demons…】

【You gain enlightenment from the 'God Whip' and begin to awaken to the path of slaying demons…】

【You gain enlightenment from the 'God Whip' and begin to awaken to the path of killing the Buddha…】

【You gain insights from the 'God-killing Whip' and begin to awaken to the path of killing ghosts…】

【You gain insights from the 'God Whip' and begin to awaken to the path of hunting beasts…】

【You gain insights from the 'God-beating whip' and begin to awaken to the path of killing people.…】


Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, Qin Feng's body lit up with twenty-seven colors of aura!

He is awakening the twenty-seven acquired avenues, and his momentum is skyrocketing!

Before the awakening of the Great Dao ended, another reminder came from Tiandao…

【Successfully recognized the master by beating the magic whip! You have received the blessing of luck from your own universe, and your luck value is +20,000 times】

【Successfully recognized the master by beating the magic whip! You have received the reputation blessing from your own universe, and your reputation value is +200,000 points.】

【Successfully recognized the master by beating the magic whip! You receive permanent feedback from the power of your own universe, with combat power +200 billion star levels.】

【Successfully recognized the master by beating the magic whip! You have obtained the method of refining the 'God Whip'】

【Reminder: The more people who obtain Tao-level wonders and recognize their owners, the power of feedback from the universe will also increase exponentially]


The more Dao-level wonders that recognize their masters, the power of the universe’s feedback will increase exponentially!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was greatly surprised!

This is quite a discovery!

At this moment, the power of the universe surged in from all around and began to feed back...


Suddenly, Qin Feng's momentum surged crazily...

The entire Hongyuan Universe also trembled slightly, and some subtle changes began to occur!

The eternal powers lurking in every corner of the universe were suddenly alarmed, and they all stared at the stars in the universe in astonishment!

They sensed it, and another Tao-level rare item had its owner!

Why are there so many strange objects being claimed recently?

This seems to be a sign of an impending disaster!

Every time a Tao-level wonder frequently recognizes its master, it is the time when powerful powers from all sides compete for control of the universe!

A cosmic catastrophe is inevitable!

This thought made all the Eternal Powers feel uneasy!

At the same time, in the prison temple, in the secret place where the divine whip is located...

Qin Feng has finished accepting the feedback!

At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy!

After this feedback, his luck surged to 740,000 times, and his reputation reached 5.94 million points!

What surprised him even more was that his basic combat power soared to 11.2 trillion stars!

This is quite an improvement!

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied with this!

Speaking of which, in addition to being recognized as the owner of the 'God-Defying Whip' this time, he also obtained the method of forging the God-Defying Whip!

To other great powers, this is equivalent to useless!

For Qin Feng, it is of great use!

Other powers don’t have their own universe, but Qin Feng does!

With the forging method, Qin Feng can then forge the magic whip of Qin Yuan Universe.

As long as he forges the divine whip, he can create the pagoda and the prison temple in the Qinyuan universe!

At that time, he will have the authority to start the main god assessment of Qin Yuan Universe, as well as the star master assessment.

One hundred thousand Longyuan disciples are all the true gods of Qin Yuan Universe!

If the disciples of Long Yuan want to be promoted to the main god and star master, they need to continue in the Qin Yuan universe.

Therefore, forging the magic whip of Qin Yuan Universe will be what Qin Feng must do…

"Finally done! But my combat power is still far from the target of 13 trillion!"

Qin Feng murmured in his heart, feeling a little worried again.

He thought for a moment, if there is still a chance in the Da Luo Tian realm, it would be the 240 Taiqing Dao Crystals in the Merit Pavilion!

And he obtained the 240 Taiqing Dao Crystals in the Star Master Assessment. 357,000 points of merit are enough to exchange!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to see a glimmer of hope again...


But at this moment, his jade plate of creation was also activated…

【Reminder: It has been detected that the number of avenues recorded in your 'Good Fortune Jade Disk' has reached 1218, which meets the requirements for advancement and will automatically enable advancement.…】

【Advancement successful! Your Creation Jade Disc is promoted from level 16 to level 17!】

【Congratulations on getting the assistance of the 17th-level Jade Disc of Creation. Your refining efficiency of Dao Crystal has been increased to 1700.%】

【Congratulations on getting the assistance of the 17th-level Jade Disc of Creation. Your comprehension efficiency of the Great Scroll has increased by 1700.%】

【Congratulations on receiving the blessing of the 17th-level Jade Disk of Creation. You have once again received the power of the Taoist weapon to feed you back, permanently increasing your combat power by 100 billion stars!]


As soon as the prompt came out, Qin Feng's momentum began to soar crazily!

He was overjoyed!

Another harvest!

After a long time, the improvement was over!

Qin Feng opened his eyes again, his face full of joy.

With the upgrade just now, his combat power has skyrocketed to 11.3 trillion stars!

At this time, another reminder came from Tiandao…

【Reminder: The master of the magic whip has been recognized successfully! This secret place will be permanently closed! You are about to be teleported out...]

As soon as the prompt came out, the void shook!

An invisible force descended from the sky and enveloped Qin Feng!


The next second, he turned into a white light and was teleported away.…

PS:It's the beginning of the month, and the author would like to ask all readers for monthly votes. Thank you!

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