Just when the four clones returned to Blue Star, something was happening in Tianluo Secret Territory.

At this moment, Tianluo Secret Realm, inside the Merit Pavilion.

Qin Feng is refining Hongmeng Purple Qi!

He has been refined to 98.7%, and is only one step away from being completely refined.

At this moment, he felt something in his heart and couldn't help but stop refining, and slowly opened his eyes.

The next second, he opened the panel and entered the trading channel....

Soon, he took out 217 Taiqing Dao Crystals!

That was the trophy sent by the wood spirit clone.

He happily took inventory, picked out the 53 available Dao crystals, and sent them into the small universe for his mind body to refine.

He also sent the remaining 164 Dao Crystals into the small universe and asked his mind body to distribute them to his subordinates.

After dealing with Dao Jing, he took out a golden sword from the trading channel!

That is Brahma's Taoist weapon - the Brahma Heart Sword!

Qin Feng took it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and his face showed a look of joy.

Sure enough!

The Brahma Heart Sword contains an innate avenue, an innate avenue that Qin Feng has not mastered!

Any instrument with a great path will have an innate great path.

In other words, by refining the 'Brahma Heart Sword', Qin Feng can awaken an innate Tao level and several subsequent avenues!

This is another huge gain!

What's even better is that the Brahma Soul has been destroyed, and the Brahma Heart Sword has become ownerless and can be refined.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't put it down and watched the divine sword for a while, then sent it into the small universe and let his mind body refine it.

"The harvest this time is not small! My luck, reputation, and number of avenues have all improved, so my strength must have also increased, right?"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart and opened the panel.....

【Full level human]: Substitute (intermediate level)

【Qin Yuan Universe]: Lord of the Universe (Intermediate)

【Full level vocation]: Full level Hongmeng Supreme

【Luck]: 870,000 times

【Reputation]: 6.64 million points

【Basic combat power: 13.38 trillion stars

【Xiantian Avenue]: 35

【Total number of avenues]: 1523

The number of avenues has reached 1523!

Yes, according to this progress, if he awakens 77 more avenues, he will be able to upgrade the Jade Disc of Creation.

"There are still 24 minutes before I can go out! And the next time will be the most dangerous period for the Blue Star Realm!"

At this time, Qin Feng looked far away in the direction of the Blue Star Realm, and a trace of worry surged in his heart again.

Even if the wood spirit clone borrowed the power of the Blue Star, its strength would not reach the level of the Five Ultimates.....

Even if Phantom Mirage, Moon Spirit, Ice Spirit, and Azure Dragon Territory Lord help, it won’t work!

If he wanted to repel Kunzu, one of the Five Ultimates, he had to take action himself!

But judging from his previous calculations, Kunzu would arrive at the Blue Star Realm before him!

If the four clones had not stopped him, the Blue Star World might have been destroyed, and his losses would have been immeasurable. correct!

This time, I upgraded the Blue Star Realm in advance, which caused a major change in the development of the situation. I wonder if the secret has changed?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng made a seal with his hand and activated the secret deduction....

After a while, he completed the deduction, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.....

It was just as he expected!

He changed the situation in the outside world, and Tianji also initiated changes.

Originally, Kunzu would arrive one minute before he left.

Now, the secret has changed.

Kun Zu arrived 3 minutes early!

Time has sped up by 2 minutes!

In just these 2 minutes, the danger factor in the Blue Star Realm increased several times!

Even if the wood spirit clone can borrow the power of the planet, the chance of survival in the Blue Star Realm is still only 50%!

Fifty percent is a very dangerous probability!

Life and death! Fifty-five!

It seems that he needs to refine the Hongmeng Purple Qi as soon as possible, which may increase the chance of preservation by another 20%!

With this in mind, Qin Feng dare not delay!

He closed his eyes again and continued to refine the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hands.....

At the same time, outside the secret realm.

The four major clones and the Azure Dragon Territory Lord have returned to the Blue Star Realm.

The king of gods was already stunned!

When the wood spirit clone rushed back, all the gods and kings looked at him in awe, not even daring to breathe.

In this world where strength is respected, only the strong will be respected....

At the same time, on the other side.

Seeing that the four clones did not come after them, La Shen and the other two secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they did not dare to relax and continued to escape deep into the starry sky....

The Jietian Baozhuang flying in front of the three of them escaped even faster....

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed!

This group of people had fled trillions of miles away, and they all felt that they should be safe.

The speed of the three La Shen gradually slowed down.....


At this moment, the Jie Tian Baozhu in front also stopped escaping and lit up with a dazzling spiritual light!


The next second, the true spirit of the reception flew out from it!

Along with it, there was also a golden storage ring.....


Immediately afterwards, the storage ring also lit up under the control of the True Spirit....

Then, a ball of gray-white spiritual liquid flew out from the storage ring....

As soon as the spiritual liquid appeared, it emitted a pale white spiritual light!

Various illusions such as hell, underworld, Naihe Bridge, and Samsara Pond appear in his aura!

That is the unique resource mastered by the genius of the Great Festival - the Ninth Life Resurrection Liquid, which comes from the reincarnation pool in the hell world.

In other words, the hell realm of Hongyuan Universe has fallen into the control of Dajitian...

As soon as the Ninth Life Resurrection Liquid appeared, it took the initiative to fly towards the leading true spirit and wrap it up...

The next second, the gray-white spiritual liquid merged into the true spiritual light group at a speed visible to the naked eye....


Immediately afterwards, the true spiritual light group continued to expand, gradually turning into a translucent human-shaped shadow, with a gray-white body and emitting soul power fluctuations!

Looking at the facial features of the humanoid figure, it is clearly that of the Venerable Jie Yin....

In just a few seconds, Jie Yin's soul body was reshaped, but it was extremely weak!

All this is not over yet, the soul-receiving body waved again...

The storage ring in front of me lights up again!

The next second, another drop of golden divine blood flew out from the storage ring, exuding the aura of eternity!

That is exactly the essence and blood that the 'Great Sacrifice to Heaven' left for Jie Yin!

As soon as the golden divine blood appeared, it flew into Pu Yin's soul body and quickly merged with it....

After a while, the divine blood and soul merged into one, and the physical body was reshaped.

Reborn with blood!


Looking at his resurrected body, Venerable Jie Ying was both happy and sad at the same time.

Fortunately for him, he was resurrected!

What makes him sad is that his strength has plummeted all the way to half an eternity, not even one-third of the original!

"Damn it! It's all the fault of that little thief Qin Feng!"

At this moment, Jie Yin's face was full of grief and anger.

"Huh! The number of avenues I have seems to be missing by five? How is this going?"

Soon, Jie Yin discovered the abnormality in his body again, and was a little dumbfounded.

The next second, the hatred in his heart became even stronger.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

At this moment, there were continuous sounds of breaking through the air.!

God Ra, Shiva, and Vishnu arrived one after another! As soon as the three arrived, they looked at the reception with surprise on their faces.

"Hiss~! Dear fellow Taoist, you were reborn so quickly! This is too fast! Shiva couldn't help but sigh.

Vishnu also said:"Yes!" If it had been anyone else, it would have taken decades to be reborn from the true spirit! It takes less than a minute to guide fellow Taoists! It's amazing!"

Ra Shen also took a deep breath and said:"Fellow Daoist, you can reshape your soul body so quickly, you must have used the 'Ninth Generation Soul Resurrection Liquid', right?"

Jie Yin smiled bitterly:"La Shinto is friendly and knowledgeable! That kind of spiritual liquid was indeed used! God Ra sighed greatly:"

The Ninth Life Resurrection Liquid is only produced in the Samsara Pond!" The Reincarnation Pond is a Tao-level wonder that controls the hell world. Only by being recognized as its owner can one obtain the Ninth Life Resurrection Liquid from the Pond!"

"It is said in the world that Dajitian controls the hell world, Tianzun controls the human world, and Rahu controls the heaven world. Now it seems that all this is true!"

As soon as these words were said, both Shiva and Vishnu were shocked! Oh my god!

He was recognized as the master of the 'Tao-level wonder' and controlled the hell world!

The background of the Great Sacrifice Heaven in this universe is really unfathomable.!

At this time, Jieying took a deep breath:"To be honest with the three fellow Taoists, my master has indeed mastered the hell realm. However, now is not the time to discuss this!"

The master in Jie Yin's mouth refers to the Great Sacrifice to Heaven.

Then, he said:"Three of you, what we are going to discuss next is how to avenge today. This time, we suffered a big loss in the Qinglong Star Territory. Can you guys swallow this sigh of relief?

As soon as he said this, Vishnu quickly agreed:"That's right!" My battle pet also died at the hands of Qin Feng’s clone! This revenge must be avenged!"

Jie Yin even said with hatred:"I was also hurt so miserably by him! This revenge must be avenged! Shiva smiled bitterly:"You two, with the current strength of the four of us, we are not as good as Qin Feng's four clones." How to avenge this revenge!"

Jie Yin smiled coldly:"As long as Kun Zu can arrive, we can take revenge. Although Qin Feng's clone is strong, it is still far behind Kun Zu! Even those four clones plus the Azure Dragon Territory Lord are no match for Kun Ancestor!"

"At that time, as long as Kunzu traps these five people. The four of us can use the power of thunder to destroy the Blue Star Realm and destroy the foundation of that little thief! If that little thief loses his foundation, his losses will be extremely heavy!

Vishnu's eyes lit up:"Hey!" This method works! But when will Kunzu arrive? It seems we are running out of time!"

Speaking of this, Vishnu looked anxious.

At this moment, Ra's exclamation sounded next to him.

"Huh! Look what that is?"

Hearing this, everyone quickly followed the sound and looked...

At this glance, they saw a giant beast tens of billions of miles away, tens of thousands of times larger than the planet, flying in this direction!

The giant beast has a head like an eagle, gray wings on its back, and a body like a fish. Its whole body is covered with gray-white fish scales. It looks like a bird and a fish, very weird!

Look at its wings spread out endlessly, the scene is extremely majestic, and its momentum is far beyond the half-step of Dzogchen!


Seeing this scene, I was shocked all over!

Immediately, he shouted in surprise:"Everyone! This is the true face of Kunzu!"

As soon as he said this, the three of them suddenly realized it, and they were all overjoyed.

Vishnu was even more happy and said:"Great! Master Kunzu arrived early! With him here, we can take revenge!"

Jie Yin also said excitedly:"That's natural! Let's go! Let's go and talk to Kunzu Sir, gather together!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four of them flew towards Kunzu.....

At the same moment, above the Blue Star Realm, outside the planet barrier.

Phantom Mirage, Ice Spirit, Yue Spirit, and Azure Dragon Territory Master were chatting about the current situation.

The wood spirit clone was not present.

The Qinglong Territory Lord was also curious about where the Wood Spirit clone had gone, but it was difficult to ask.

At this moment, it is within the Blue Star Realm.

Above an extremely huge valley.

The wooden spirit clone looked down.

I saw resources everywhere in the valley and the aura was extremely rich.

This is the most resourceful valley he has ever seen!

"This valley is nice! Just choose it!"

The wood spirit clone muttered, then fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the valley...

The next second, he took out more than a dozen storage rings from his body.

Among those storage rings, Qin Feng's own ones also killed Brahma and several others. Obtained.

Immediately afterwards, the Wood Spirit clone began to get busy. He took out a large amount of resources from the dozen storage rings and piled them aside!

After doing this, he opened the panel and entered the Holy Domain. The main operation interface started some operations.....

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

The next second, the countless resources accumulated around him turned into white light and disappeared out of thin air!


Immediately afterwards, the entire Blue Star Realm trembled violently!

The valley was even more illuminated with golden light....

In the minds of all the disciples of Long Yuan, the reminder from Heaven also sounded....

【Longyuan Announcement: The Lord of the Sanctuary, 'Qin Feng', is creating the 'Secret Realm of the Sanctuary' (Hongmeng Level)....】


As soon as this announcement came out, the Blue Star World suddenly trembled even more!

Earth-shaking changes began to take place in the valley...

Countless milky white auras rose from the valley, gradually covering the entire valley and lighting up with an extremely sacred glow....

It turns out that after Qin Feng became the Lord of the Sanctuary, he had the authority to create the 'Secret Realm of the Sanctuary'!

Each sanctuary will have its own unique secret realm!

A sanctuary with a secret realm is a complete sanctuary!

You can create a sacred secret realm, which requires a huge amount of precious resources!

What's more, the holy realm secret realm that Qin Feng wants to create is still a Hongmeng-level secret realm, which requires even more resources to be consumed.

Coincidentally, Qin Feng exchanged a large amount of resources from the Merit Pavilion this time.

When the four clones killed Brahma and several people, they also obtained a large amount of resources.

Those resources added up are just enough to create a secret realm.....

Now that Qin Feng is no longer on Blue Star, the Wood Spirit clone was created on his behalf.....


At this moment, the valley is undergoing huge changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.....

At the same moment, above the Blue Star Realm.

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord and the God Kings were all shocked!

They all looked at the Blue Star Realm below in astonishment!


The next second, somewhere in the valley of the Blue Star Realm, a series of colorful rays of light lit up, and the momentum was astonishing!

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord was dumbfounded!

The kings of gods were also amazed when they saw it!

At this moment, they could sense that the colorful rays of light contained countless charms, which were extremely extraordinary!

At this moment, within the sea of ​​consciousness of Phantom Mirage's third body, a reminder from heaven sounded.....

【Longyuan Announcement: The Lord of the Sanctuary, 'Qin Feng', successfully created the 'Saint Realm Secret Realm' (Hongmeng Level)!】

【Congratulations to 'Longyuan Sanctuary' for successfully creating a Hongmeng-level secret realm. Longyuan has been blessed with the power of the secret realm!】

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Children of the Sanctuary' + 10 million star combat power!】

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Children of the Holy Domain' +100 times luck value!】......

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Sanctuary Messenger' + 1.5 billion star combat power!】

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Sanctuary Messenger' +1500 times luck value!】

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Sanctuary Messenger' + randomly awaken 2 acquired avenues!】......

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Lord of the Sanctuary' + 300 billion star combat power!】

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Lord of the Sanctuary' +30,000 times luck value!】

【Secret realm blessing rewards! 'Lord of the Sanctuary' + randomly awakens 30 acquired avenues! 】


As soon as this prompt came out, Qin Yuan's universe.

Earth-shattering cheers erupted from Long Yuan up and down!

The next second, the momentum of all the disciples began to skyrocket!

At the same moment, above the Blue Star Realm!

The momentum of the three clones of Phantom Mirage began to skyrocket, and a new aura of great power shone on their bodies!

This sudden change shocked the Azure Dragon Territory Master and others!...

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