The old man was very angry, but he was not happy.

[But I remember you said before——]

[I don’t like to hand over my fate to others! ]

[Now, Jiang Yi is in charge of the fate of all of us...]

[Are you really willing? ]

Guan Ling received this string of messages and frowned again.

She gave Shang Qinghua a warning with a meaningful look.

At the same time, she replied seriously:

[First, it was not Jiang Yi who started the time-limited killing game, but the man in black robe. ]

[Second, don’t use fate as an excuse. People should know their own limitations. ]

[Finally, don’t blame me for not reminding you——Jiang Yi, you can’t afford to offend him! ]

That’s the reply.

But in fact, Guan Ling was not affected by Shang Qinghua's news, and the main reason was -

She was somewhat sure of her fate.

She glanced at Zhang Xiaotian calmly.

Although, since the appearance of big men such as He Yangwang and Zhang Xiaotian.

She gradually became a background board among a group of big men.

But she was thoughtful and never stopped thinking.

When Jiang Yi and Zhang Xiaotian talked before.

The first time Jiang Yi called Zhang Xiaotian was "benefactor".

Although with a teasing and joking tone.

But Guan Ling faintly heard something different.

Including later...

Jiang Yi took the initiative to share the information he knew.

Although on the surface, it was because Zhang Xiaotian paid the price of two special turntables.

But Guan Ling had a guess in her heart at that time-


If Zhang Xiaotian had not intervened.

Then this time-limited killing game...

would really go to the end.

And Jiang Yi will be the only survivor, the final winner!

But because of Zhang Xiaotian's appearance...

Jiang Yi should have changed his mind.

He chose -

to end this time-limited killing game!

What the black-robed man said at this moment.

Perhaps Jiang Yi already knew it.

But his choice was determined when he traded the special turntable with Zhang Xiaotian.

Now no matter how much the black-robed man said...

it should not change Jiang Yi's mind.

Thinking through this is the real reason why Guan Ling felt relieved at this moment.

At the same time, her eyes looking at Zhang Xiaotian were also quite complicated.


The lives of all of them present.

were spared by Jiang Yi.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as...

saved by Zhang Xiaotian!

If Guan Ling knew that Zhang Xiaotian's joking "life-saving grace" to Jiang Yi.

Perhaps he would sigh at the mystery of fate!

In addition, one point that Guan Ling didn't know was -

for other players.

The final reward of the time-limited killing game is indeed very tempting.

But for Jiang Yi.

If he wants to become stronger, there are ways with lower costs!

For example, the wheel lottery.

For example, in the future, he will participate in the trial of the beastman players!

At that time, he will not be soft-hearted when killing the beastman players!

And this time.

Indeed, more reasons are because of Zhang Xiaotian.

Not only because of the life-saving grace.

But also because the Thousand-Faced God is the pillar of the human race in the future!

Jiang Yi is absolutely selfish now.

At any time, he is always the most important.

But he is not so heartless that the extinction of the human race has nothing to do with him.

Besides, the current situation does not require him to sacrifice himself.


His choice is just as Guan Ling guessed.

Facing the black-robed man's repeated analysis of the pros and cons.

He was unmoved, and even said impatiently:

"It's my choice now, not yours."

"You just need to tell me what to do to end this trial."

At this moment, two plain words.

The whole audience was silent!

Ordinary players couldn't believe it!

Is Jiang Yi really willing to...

give up the final generous reward for the lives of all of them?

This overall view...

Many people looked at Jiang Yi with respect.

Zhang Xiaotian's eyes were more complicated.

What Guan Ling could think of.

He could also vaguely think of it.

It was his appearance that changed Jiang Yi's mind.

At this moment, in addition to respect, he was filled with indescribable complex emotions.

In fact, in just one month, Zhang Xiaotian had saved many people.

Including saving Luo Shan not long ago.

His attitude towards saving people was cynical.

It seemed that he did it casually.

In fact, he never asked for anything in return.

Even if one day, those people he saved,

On the contrary, he repays kindness with hatred.

He probably won't be disappointed.

Because he didn't take the matter of saving people to heart.

Don't care about the cause.

Naturally, you won't worry about the result.

But he really didn't expect...

A cause that he didn't care about.

But it grew quietly and really gave him back the result.

Maybe this is what it means to plant willows by accident and get a forest of willows?

Of course.

At this moment, all the players have nothing but respect for Jiang Yi.

There are still some people who are skeptical.

For example, Shang Qinghua.

He can't believe it.

Jiang Yi is really so kind that he gave up the high-yield and risk-free option and chose to terminate the game with high risk and no return for him!

He still has doubts in his heart.

Maybe Jiang Yi has some other conspiracy!

He has seen many people who say one thing and do another!

Who can guarantee that Jiang Yi is not!

Shang Qinghua was still alert, his mind was constantly turning, thinking about how to turn the situation around and win a chance of survival.

And the one present.

The one with the most complicated feelings was probably the man in black robe.

He really didn't expect...

to say so much.

Jiang Yi still chose to end the game!

He suddenly had deep doubts about the human race in this realm...

He wondered what their brains were made of? !

In his heart, he felt an indescribable reluctance to Jiang Yi's choice!

He subconsciously clenched his fists and gritted his teeth:


"Even if I tell you how to end this game..."

"But what if I lied to you?"

"If I do anything, or create any information gap, you may lose your life!"

Jiang Yi sighed: "Alas, that's right."

As soon as these words came out.

The hearts of the whole audience tightened again!

No way? !

I was just respectful!

You're going to regret it now? !

In Shang Qinghua's heart, there was a sense of clarity that was just as I expected, the whole world was turbid but I was the only one who was clear!

Just let him say it!

Jiang Yi couldn't be so kind!

There was no way he would give up such a generous reward!


After Jiang Yi sighed.

He raised his hand and made a hand gesture.

A transparent mark in the shape of a chain flew straight towards the black-robed man!

Jiang Yi said slowly:

"Okay, I'll give you a mental mark, and I can feel it if you lie again."


Black-robed man: Sorry, I was just being mean!

"Now, don't give me any more nonsense."

"Just tell me——"

"How to end this time-limited killing game!"

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