The old man was very angry.

Wang Xueyan's condition was obviously terrible!

He Zheng and Yang Miao, who were watching, were worried for her!

They had long thought that --

This woman would die on Zhou Yiming sooner or later!

But they didn't expect.

This moment would come so soon!

If Wang Xueyan could let Zhou Yiming go completely because of his death, it would be fine!

But if she was unwilling and still wanted to avenge a dead person...


No matter whether she would take any revenge action directly at this moment.

As long as she exposed her hatred for Jiang Yi.

Then with Jiang Yi's iron-blooded wrist...

I'm afraid he would not let a person who hated him grow freely!


If Zhou Yiming cannot be put down immediately.

Then, regardless of whether revenge is taken on the spot.

Wang Xueyan will be dead!

This is the truth.

Not only He Zheng and Yang Miao.

Including the bystanders present, they all think clearly!

But Wang Xueyan, the person in charge...

I am afraid she will never understand it!

At this time, in the eyes of He Zheng, Yang Miao and others, Wang Xueyan is almost a dead person!

Yang Miao has a smooth personality and at this moment, he does not care about it.

He Zheng has a strong sense of justice, so he can't help but send a message to Wang Xueyan:

[Calm down! ]

[Zhou Yiming is dead! ]

[The dead cannot be brought back! ]

[If you indulge in it, you will only get yourself involved! ]

[Let this person go! Let go of this stupid relationship! It is the best choice to save your life! ]

[You are not really willing to sacrifice your life for Zhou Yiming? ! ]

[You are not really thinking that Zhou Yiming likes you that much? ! ]

[Think it over carefully! ]

Words of comfort came one after another.

Wang Xueyan's eyes gradually changed from being shocked to being empty.

It was like an old man suddenly suffering from Alzheimer's disease!

At this time, no one knew what she was thinking.

Or maybe, she was just stupid and didn't think about anything.

And in this state, she didn't make trouble at this time.

Including the second step of the entire contract-breaking ceremony, Zhou Yiming was the only one who made trouble because he didn't want to lose his talent.

Others basically still hoped to successfully end this time-limited killing game.


It ended in 30 seconds.

Everyone's blood sacrifice was successfully completed.

Under the supervision of Jiang Yi and Zhang Xiaotian's team.

The entire contract-breaking ceremony went smoothly to the third step!

According to the black-robed man.

The third step is the mutation of the altar.

The goal of all the players is to destroy the mutated altar.

And this third step of "destroying the altar".

According to the black-robed man, it is the simplest step.

Because they have Jiang Yi, who has super combat power!

So at this time.

As the originally purple-black altar turned to dark red.

As the huge altar trembled.

As the center of the altar rose, another "Taichung Platform" rose...

All the players present felt the oppression brought by the mutation of the altar!

So with the "altar mutation", a large number of players withdrew from the altar.

Originally, level 10 strongmen such as Yang Wang were still prepared to stay on the altar and carry out the task of destroying the mutated altar with Jiang Yi.

However, as time went on...

Even these level 10 players soon couldn't bear it!

There was no way, they also retreated from the altar!

It was also at this time.

Zhang Xiaotian, who was also wearing a black robe, suddenly realized that something was wrong!

He was trying hard to stay on the altar, but now he frowned fiercely.

Originally a cynical and casual voice.

At this time, he brought out a rare sense of seriousness:

"This altar has not yet completed the mutation, but it has such a strong sense of oppression? This... This is definitely not right!"

"Can we really destroy the altar that has truly completed the mutation in just three minutes?!"

Zhang Xiaotian can feel and think of it.

Jiang Yi can naturally think of it.

However, his expression is much calmer than Zhang Xiaotian's.

It can even be said that he looked at the black-robed man with a calm face.

The face of the black-robed man was hidden under the black robe from beginning to end.

No one knows what he looks like.

Naturally, his expression can't be seen.

But at this moment, he can clearly feel that-

The aura around him has changed again!

Originally a well-behaved man, he was very calm.

The appearance of cooperating with Jiang Yi obediently.

At this time, after Zhang Xiaotian raised his doubts...

He suddenly laughed up to the sky again!

This time, the laugh was more rampant and more satisfying than any previous time!

While laughing wildly, he dodged and jumped onto the "Taichung Platform" in the center of the altar!

Then, there was a condescending, extremely arrogant and crazy taunt:

"Stupid Jiang Yi! Hahaha!"

"What a mental imprint?!"

"Do you think that a mere mental imprint can control me? Can you easily sense my lies and malice?"

"Then you underestimate me!"


"You are not really stupid enough to think that the entire contract-breaking ceremony is as simple as I said?!"

"You don't really think that the mutant altar of the contract-breaking ceremony can be easily destroyed by you, a mere idiot who is not even a professional?!"

"Hahaha! Naive big idiot!"

"Try to destroy it now?!"

"Let me see how you destroy it! Hahahaha!!!"


The state of the black-robed man at the moment.

Arrogant and rampant are not enough to describe it.

He should be called...


That weird laugh that seemed to make tears burst out hahaha.

Inexplicably, it gives people a feeling of...


It's as if the black-robed man's entire mental state is abnormal!

However, in such a weird and crazy mocking laughter.

Jiang Yi's face was extremely calm.

Not panic, not chaotic.

In his eyes...

There is even an indescribable complexity.

In contrast.

Zhang Xiaotian's expression was highly tense.

He was a little unbelievable-

Could it be that Jiang Yi was deceived? !

He swore that he could believe what the black-robed man said by leaving a mental imprint.

But in the end, the black-robed man still deceived him? !

So what will happen next?

The contract-breaking ceremony cannot be completed!

So those players who have not completed the second round of tasks will be wiped out? !

In an instant, Zhang Xiaotian's face was extremely ugly!

But soon, he noticed Jiang Yi's face.


And it is a kind of...

Deep and complex calmness.

In those dark eyes.

It seems that there are thousands of waves hidden deep inside, which makes people unable to figure it out!

Zhang Xiaotian couldn't help but suddenly realized-

Jiang Yi can be so calm...

Maybe it's because he already has a plan to deal with it?

It seems that he was also infected by Jiang Yi's calm mood.

Zhang Xiaotian's tension and anxiety also dissipated in an instant.

However, those players who are far away from the altar can't see Jiang Yi's expression on the high platform.

They only heard the extremely arrogant voice of the black-robed man.

They were infected in an instant, and they felt that something was wrong!

"It's over! Jiang Yi was deceived! The contract-breaking ceremony cannot be completed!!"

"What the hell?! Jiang Yi vowed before that the contract-breaking ceremony would be completed successfully! Let us believe him! But now? He's slapped in the face so quickly!"

"What should I do?! The contract-breaking ceremony cannot be completed! Then the time-limited killing must continue! The second round of time limit is almost up! I haven't killed two people yet!"

"CNM, my talent has been taken away, and you told me that the contract-breaking ceremony cannot be completed? ! ! I now doubt whether Jiang Yi deliberately wants to take away our talent?!"

"Fuck? Jiang Yi betrayed our trust like this?!"

Many players who were deprived of their talents and felt that the contract-breaking ceremony could not be completed could not accept such a reality at all!

Under the threat of death, they lost their minds and started cursing!

There are even many people who want to use the last bit of time to complete the second round of the time-limited killing task to avoid the punishment of being wiped out!

For a time, many players fell into chaos!

At this time, they once again perfectly demonstrated the four words "mob"!

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