The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.


Someone said before that Jiang Yi is a local player in Jiangcheng?

Jiang Yi looked at the message and raised his eyebrows.

He immediately flipped through the chat history.

It took him a long time to see——

It was probably when he imprisoned Wuqi in the forbidden prison.

The chat channel began to pop up comments like "Jiang Yi is not a cross-regional strongman, but a local player".

It is not difficult to guess.

This was obviously revealed by the official players of the three major clubs who were present at the time.

However, the player who revealed this news did not seem to have any malicious intentions.

It should be pure vanity that made him show off in the chat channel that he knew the boss.

The name "Jiang Yi" itself is popular.

At that time, it triggered a large-scale discussion in the chat channel!

Some of them firmly stated that --

Jiang Yi is not a cross-regional player at all!

He is a local strongman who has always been in Jiangcheng!

And the key to the sudden rise of the boss...

is that he got a heaven-defying ring!

More than one witness has seen that the ring can understand human language!

It is suspected that there is a "weapon spirit" or something like "ring grandfather" parasitic in the ring!

These "witnesses" are sure and confident!

That tough tone is as true as it is.

The key is that it is not just one person who said this!

So this wave of "witnesses" affected a small number of people.

And it also caused some players to start thinking-

Jiang Yi's heaven-defying ring...

If I can get it, won't it take off?

However, the "witnesses" refuted again, saying that they had seen it, and it was useless for other people to pick up the boss's ring.

That heaven-defying ring seemed to have been bound to the boss!

Originally, what the "witnesses" said seemed quite plausible.

But when they said, "Someone picked up the boss's ring."

It directly triggered a wave of doubts and ridicule:

【? ? ? Are you kidding? Someone else picked up the boss's heaven-defying ring? ! Do you have a heaven-defying prop that can be picked up by others? ! 】

【No, those "witnesses" upstairs are actors from a drama club who are playing us in this group, right? Why do I feel that this statement is more and more made up! 】

【Fuck the old man with the ring? Why don't you talk about the binding system, where is the child of destiny? ! 】

【I am speechless! Normally, it's fine to see a group of people bragging about what good things they got from Xia Jier, but now even the elixir of immortality can't satisfy your vanity, and you're making up stories about knowing a big boss? 】

【I really don't understand some people! What's there to be proud of knowing a big boss? Did the big boss give you face? ! 】

Of course, under the ridicule of the crowd, the witnesses also responded in various ways.

However, when other players questioned:

【Anonymous chat channel saying that you know a big boss is shit! If you have the ability, go to the forum and speak with your real name! I won't say whether the big boss will respond to your real-name posts! As long as you dare to post with your real name, I dare to believe your so-called "witness" and "knowing a big boss"! 】

This sentence directly silenced the "witnesses".

No one dared to speak in the forum with their real name.

However, the witnesses also responded quickly.

It means that Jiang Yi is very cruel and kills people in seconds like a game!

They dare not offend the big guys, so they dare not reveal the big guys' news in the forum with their real names.

In fact, this statement is reasonable.

However, most people still choose to ridicule and question.


There is also a saying about "Jiang Yi is a local big guy" and "ring grandfather".

It became a "rumor" that only circulated in the chat channel.

It is worth noting.

When Jiang Yi flipped through the chat records, he also turned to a paragraph——

[If you don't believe it, how many survivors of Hanjiang University are left? Those people must know which Jiang Yi I am talking about! ]

[That's right! It's the Jiang Yi who led a team to fight out of the beast tide of Hanjiang University! He is also Chang Jiao'e's boyfriend! ]

[WTF? Chang Jiao'e's boyfriend? ! So, this Jiang Yi is not only a local big guy, but also a strong team with the top female big guy? ]

[Chang Jiao'e's boyfriend? Ha! This news is eight hundred years behind the times! The two of them broke up a long time ago! ]

[I heard that Chang Jiao'e stole the immortality pill that Jiang Yi drew! If the Jiang Yi on the battle power list is really the Jiang Yi from Hanjiang University, Chang Jiao'e will be in trouble! ]

[What the hell? ? ? Chang Jiao

Chang Jiao'e stole Jiang Yi's elixir? ! How is that possible! Chang Jiao'e doesn't look like that kind of person! You rumormongers, please make a rough draft and add some logic, okay? ! ]

[How is this illogical? What kind of person is Chang Jiao'e? What's more, even if it's a saint, seeing the recipe for the elixir, I'm afraid he would be tempted, right? ! ]

[That being said, it's human nature, and Chang Jiao'e can't be blamed! ]

[? ? ? ]

This kind of gossip, placed in an anonymous chat channel, is also regarded as a rumor without evidence.

It also won't cause any trouble.

What people really pay attention to is the posts posted in the forum with real names.

But it's a pity for Jiang Yi.

It's a pity that the chat channel is anonymous.

Otherwise, he really wants to see who is speaking behind that conversation.

And after a simple browse of the chat channel.

He browsed the forum as usual.

It was not surprising to see that --

At this time, a popular post on the forum was Wei Lingshuang denouncing Chang Jiao'e!

Wei Lingshuang said that after Chang Jiao'e took Sun Hao away.

She could not contact Sun Hao at all.

She hoped that Chang Jiao'e could give her a reply.

Or let Sun Hao give her a reply.

Prove that Chang Jiao'e did not do anything to Sun Hao.

In the eyes of the public, Wei Lingshuang has always been a straightforward person who does not beat around the bush and has a slightly old-fashioned and upright personality.

The comments in that post...

It seems that she really cares about Sun Hao's safety!

If Jiang Yi had not seen what happened through the prying eye.

Just look at this post.

Combined with his impression of Wei Lingshuang.

I am afraid he would think that --

This woman really cares about Sun Hao's safety!

I can only say that a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea!

When you think you have seen through a person.

Maybe you just saw what she wants you to see.

However, Wei Lingshuang's post condemning Chang Jiao'e has been up for quite a while.

After the passage of time.

The style of this post has gradually changed.

At the beginning, there were still people who supported Wei Lingshuang and asked Chang Jiao'e to give an explanation to prove that Sun Hao was still alive.

But as time went by...

This post gradually became a missing person notice!

More and more people said that they could not contact Chang Jiao'e!


Even the big players in the four major guilds.

They also said in their real names in this post that they could not contact Chang Jiao'e!

So, the entire post "condemning Chang Jiao'e".

was soon filled with doubts and speculations about "Chang Jiao'e's loss of contact".

Some people felt that Chang Jiao'e had harmed Sun Hao and did not dare to respond at this moment.

Some people felt that Chang Jiao'e might have encountered some trouble.

Some people directly said:

[Didn't Chang Jiao'e say before that she was going to explore a world of fierce beasts? Could she have met with an accident? 】

Members of the Silver Frost Club responded directly:

[What a joke! Do you think a big shot like Chang Jiao'e is an ordinary player? People like her have so many life-saving methods! How could she die so easily in the beast world! ]

[Besides, we saw Chang Jiao'e come to the Silver Frost Club to pick up Sun Hao before! If she died in the beast world, then it must be a ghost who came to pick up Sun Hao? ! ]

Regarding the Silver Frost Club's statement.

Other players also made various speculations-

[Maybe it was a ghost? The world has become like this, maybe someone really pretended to be Chang Jiao'e and took Sun Hao away? ]

[You, the Silver Frost Club, have you found out whether it was Chang Jiao'e who took Sun Hao away! ]

This statement obviously made the members of the Silver Frost Club very angry.

So there was another verbal battle.

These messy online verbal battles.

Jiang Yi was just watching for fun.


He did catch a glimpse of a reply in this post:

Li Yaoping: [Is it possible that Chang Jiao'e died at the hands of Jiang Yi? ]

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