The young man was so angry that he was beaten.


"No. 7 on the battle power list!"

"It's even ahead of Tang Ke from the Moon-Chasing Guild!"


"Such a lone strongman is actually a beastman player hidden in the human race?!"

"Then how strong is he?!"

The expression on Tu Ge's face could not hide his fear!

The same was true for several other individual players.

Afterwards, quite a few people quietly turned their eyes to Jiang Yi.

On the way here, Jiang Yi was almost completely unaffected by Zhi Yutang's spiritual attacks.

Even from such a distance, he easily shattered the corpse of a level 10 beast and injured Zhi Yutang at the same time...

This kind of strength is undoubtedly above Zhi Yutang!

There are only a handful of individual players who rank above Zhi Yutang on the battle power list.

Plus this "Zhang San" has such an arrogant tone.

In everyone's mind, there are almost only two possibilities for his identity -

Either, he is Jiang Yi! But he changed his name to Zhang San!

Or, he is Zhang Xiaotian, and he also changed his name to Zhang San!

But no matter whether it is Jiang Yi or Zhang Xiaotian...

The ranking on the battle list is above Zhu Song!


Everyone glanced at Luo Changqing again.

One of the casual players asked: "President Luo's expression is so solemn, could it be that even you can't do anything to Zhu Song?"

Luo Changqing shook his head slightly, but did not answer directly, but explained:

"The ranking on the battle power list does not completely determine the outcome of the battle."

"In fact, for example, our Zhuyue Guild's Zhi Yutang Branch President."

"Although he ranks 17th on the battle list, he has mastered the spiritual ability, so he may not lose even if he fights Cheng Yang, who ranks 11th."

"And beastmen players generally have initial talents!"

"Grow up very quickly!"

"So I do suspect..."

"When the next list is updated, his battle list ranking may really surpass mine!"

Speaking of this.

The atmosphere in the entire secret room suddenly sank!

Jiang Yi thought of-

When he became a formal player in his previous life, Luo Changqing was still the first on the battle list.

And he dominated the list for a long time.

And there should be no one named "Zhu Song" on the three major lists.

So in the previous life.

The four major guilds should have successfully dealt with Zhu Song.

Just thinking about it.

But Luo Changqing turned his eyes to him and said solemnly:

"Actually, I hope that you can confess your identity to us, big brother-"

"If you are really Jiang Yi, the number one on the battle list..."

"Then our chances of dealing with that beastman player will be greater."

This is to break the window paper and let Jiang Yi admit that he is "Jiang Yi".

Tu Ge's face was a little ugly.

He spoke in a bad tone before.

If this "Zhang San" is really Jiang Yi, then his offense just now...

Tu Ge felt heavy for a while.


Under the expectant eyes of the room.

Jiang Yi sneered and said arrogantly:

"I am Zhang San, and I will never change my name or surname!"

"I have never used the name change card!"

"You don't believe my identity, and you still think I am Jiang Yi? Ha! This is simply an insult to me!"

"When the list is updated, you will see with your own eyes-"

"How I, Zhang San, suppressed Jiang Yi!"


As soon as these words came out, the room was silent again.

But the silence didn't last long.

It was Jiang Yi again who took the initiative to break the silence.

He suddenly glanced at Luo Changqing and laughed coldly:


"President Luo wants me to be honest, but have you four major guilds been honest with me?"

Hmm? What does this mean?

The other five individual players didn't understand.

Even Luo Changqing frowned slightly, wondering what Jiang Yi was hinting at.

Fortunately, Jiang Yi did not beat around the bush and said directly:

"About the origin of that beastman player..."

"President Luo, don't you have anything else to say?"

As soon as these words came out.

The five individual players finally reacted-

The news Luo Changqing just revealed was concealed?

But what did he conceal?

How did this "Zhang San" know?

All kinds of doubts emerged in the minds of the five people.

Their eyes went back and forth between Luo Changqing and Jiang Yi, looking forward to the confrontation between the two.

Luo Changqing's face was stiff, and he pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Jiang Yi smiled, and his posture was quite relaxed.

He leaned lazily on the back of the chair and glanced at everyone.

A group

In a casual chat tone, he asked:

"By the way, everyone here, do you know why those wastes kept by various forces are called shouqiu worms?"


Shouqiu worms?

Why did they suddenly talk about shouqiu worms at this time?

The five individual players were all puzzled.

And the faces of the guild leaders such as Luo Changqing were slightly solemn.

Turge was bold and asked directly:

"Is there anything special about this question?"

"The low-level wastes are called shouqiu worms, isn't it because the wastes in the fierce beast world are called shouqiu worms?"

"Isn't this equivalent to using words like 'pigs and dogs', 'cows and horses' to describe a specific group of people?"

However, Jiang Yi did not answer Turge.

He looked at Luo Changqing lazily.

After a moment, he smiled again: "It seems that President Luo is ready for me to tell this secret?"

As he said this, he really looked like he was going to speak for himself.

And before he spoke,

Luo Changqing suddenly exhaled heavily and sighed: "Forget it, let me tell you."

"But I hope everyone here can keep this secret together."

His eyes were especially directed at the five individual players.

The five people nodded one after another, and they became more and more curious.

Luo Changqing sighed again before continuing:

"In fact, this secret even concerns the development of the four major guilds."

"With your vision, you should all know the existence of beastmen players."

"But do you know how beastmen players came about?"

Without waiting for others to think, Luo Changqing asked himself and answered:

"In fact, the emergence of beastmen players and the emergence of formal players in humans should be similar in principle."

"Those beasts who don't have data panels, are simple-minded and can't transform into human form..."

"In fact, they are equivalent to informal players among us humans."

"And beastmen players, to put it bluntly, are actually some beasts that have completed the transformation from informal players to formal players!"

"And this transformation process... "According to our early exploration of the world of beasts," "It is very likely that it is a fierce beast, and the chance of getting upgraded cards by chance!" This secret- "" It is some fierce beasts. Even if you do not use the upgrade card, there is a certain probability that it has naturally evolved into an orc player! " I know, "That is to say ,-" "Shoumangworm, the bottom of the fierce beast world ..." "But has a higher ability, evolved into the ability of orc players?!" Luo Changqing nodded, but his eyes fell on Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi smiled again: "I haven't finished yet, please continue, President Luo."

Luo Changqing sighed and continued:

"And, unlike ordinary beasts, it is-"

"The evolution of the shoujiao worm into a beast player is very strange."

"Generally speaking, rat beasts evolve into rat players; bear beasts evolve into bear players, and so on. The evolution of beasts into beast players follows certain rules."

"But the shoujiao worm is different."

"The beast players they evolve into are of strange races..."

"It is even possible that a single individual can represent the entire race!"

"Because of this, the initial talents of the beastmen players after they evolve do not have racial characteristics, but are very random talents!"

"In other words, the beastmen players evolved from the shoujiao worm..."

"In terms of strength, the lower limit is ridiculously low, and the upper limit is also ridiculously high!"

"And that Zhu Song..."

"I think he should be a beastmen player who evolved from the shoujiao worm with an ridiculously high upper limit of strength!"

Luo Changqing's words.

It can be said that the five individual players were shocked!

Good guy!

The shoujiao worm, the lowest-level beast that can be found everywhere...

There is actually such a secret!


The humans who are given the name "shoujiao worm"...

Actually, they are not completely useless?

Because among these useless people.

It is also possible that, just like the shoujiao worm completed its evolution...

A powerful human player suddenly emerged?

Thinking of this, the five individual players all looked dazed.

It turns out that behind the name "Longevity Tumor Worm" there is actually such a positive meaning.



One of the five individual players reacted -

"Regarding the evolution of Longevity Tumor Worm into Beastmen players..."

"Why do other players not know, but your four major guilds know so much?"

"If the probability of Longevity Tumor Worm's evolution is very high, other players should also find it, right?"

After this question was asked.

Among the five individual players, a short boy suddenly realized and quickly speculated:

"In fact, the probability of the evolution of the longevity tuber worm under natural conditions should be very low!"

"But your four major guilds have mastered a means of artificial intervention that can increase the evolution probability of the longevity tuber worm!"


"When other forces are raising human longevity tuber worms..."

"Your four major guilds are already raising them, or even cultivating them! You have cultivated the longevity tuber worms of the fierce beast world!"

The boy became more and more excited as he spoke, and his logic became more and more logical:

"You cultivate the longevity tuber worms and let them evolve into beast players!"

"Then you kill that "

"It is even possible that the purple roulette on the market is obtained through this method!"

"Even if you are more ruthless, you can train Orc players to kill human players!"

"Because as far as I know, when Orc players kill human players, they also get roulettes 100% of the time!"

Speaking of this, the boy's eyes became more shocked and horrified:

"And that Zhu Song is actually the Orc player you trained with the shoujiao worm!"

"It's just that his upper limit is higher and his strength is stronger. You guys are playing too hard and the situation is out of control now! ! "

The boy became more and more excited as he spoke!

At the end, his tone was sonorous and powerful, as if what he thought of was the truth that was set in stone!

However, Luo Changqing frowned and said, "Don't get too excited."

"Your speculation is only half right!"

"The four major guilds did cultivate the longevity tuber worms, and through this method, they quickly killed the beastmen players and obtained the turntable."

"But we are not so cruel as to use the beastmen players to kill people and explode the turntable!"

"Including that Zhu Song, he was not cultivated by our four major guilds!"

Luo Changqing paused, and simply confessed:

"In fact, our four major guilds have also studied--"

"Those beastmen players who evolved from the longevity tuber worms cultivated by the human race seem to be born as a member of the human race!"

"Not only can they use Jiangcheng's chat channel and forum channel..."

"They are even like Jiangcheng human players Similarly, you can go to the three lists! "" So, after realizing that Zhu Song was an orcs, we realized the first time- "" "" Born, other organizations that also master the cultivation of life tumors! "And, according to Zhu Song's strength ..." "The power that cultivated Zhu Song was really played! The little boy, at this time, began to sway. Cheng Yang didn't care about these looks, but swallowed hard, and then said with difficulty:

"I just saw the news from the chat channel and forum-"

"Silver Frost Club..."


? ? !

"Everyone was killed? There should be survivors, right?"

"Who killed them? What happened?"

"Is it because of the previous blue career turntable? Or did Chang Jiao'e take action?"

Everyone in the secret room was also shocked. They took out their "mobile phones" and quickly checked the news in the chat channel and forum.

At this time, the forum was really discussing this matter crazily!

[Fuck! It's so fucking scary! The blood flowed like a river! It really was a river of blood! ! ]

[This kind of large-scale casualties should only be comparable to the terrifying beast tide at Hanjiang University before, right? ]

[I heard that the purple beast tide in the suburbs last night was well controlled, and it didn't cause any large-scale casualties in the end! ]

[So what happened to this Silver Frost Club?

What? Did they also draw the beast tide? ]

[If they really drew the beast tide, they deserved it! There was clearly a beast tide option on the turntable, but they still had a fluke mentality when they drew it, and did not take defensive measures. They were really asking for trouble! ]

[Speaking of which, is Wei Lingshuang born with bad luck? I heard that she was one of the survivors who escaped from the beast tide that caused massive casualties at Hanjiang University! As a result, this time, the Silver Frost Club suffered massive casualties again! ]

[What the hell? So, weren't all the members of the Silver Frost Club harmed by Wei Lingshuang, the star of bad luck? ! ]

[No! There are witnesses near me who said that the disaster of the Silver Frost Club this time didn't seem to be a beast tide! It was a silver-white, whirlwind-like sickle! ]

[I heard that the strange sickle was just like the sickle of the god of death! It spun like a tornado and harvested lives at a rapid speed! Most people can't react at all! It’s really scary! 】

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