The news of the beast tide did not reach the shoujiao worms in the underground garage.

They just heard the noise, and then saw the various people in the club coming out in large numbers.

This posture clearly showed that something had happened!

However, these shoujiao worms were not nervous at all.

Some of them had nothing to do and ran to the garage to watch the excitement.

Suddenly a voice rang out——

"Fuck! Look over there! Is that Luo Shan?! How, how come he is walking with the members of the Suicide Squad?!"

"Good fellow! Luo Shan is... so depressed that he joined the Suicide Squad?!"

"I was wondering why he didn't come back so late after drawing a prize! Look, that's Gao Chang! He joined Gao Chang's team!"

"I think he is crazy about changing his fate! He doesn't even want to live!"

"And that loser Jiang Yi actually joined the Suicide Squad!"

"For losers like them to join the Suicide Squad? It's just like an old man hanging himself - he thinks his life is too long!"

"Yeah! They have only joined the Suicide Squad for a few hours, right? They have no experience at all, and they are about to go on a mission!"

"If they go out vertically now, they will probably have to come back horizontally later!"

"Come back? There is no way they can come back! If they die outside, there will probably be no bodies left!"

"And If you have a good relationship with them, take a few more glances now! I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to see the corpse in the future!"

"If you ask me, it's better to be a worm! No need to suffer, no need to work hard, you can live a lifetime by lying down and playing dirty!"

"That's right! Like Luo Shan and Jiang Yi, they work hard, but in the end they don't live as easily as us, and they don't live as long as us! It's pure thankless work!"

"I saw through it long before the end of the world! Working for capital is far less enjoyable than lying down and playing dirty!"

"That's right! You say those people, who work hard all their lives and work like cows and horses for capital, what can they get in the end?"

"In exchange for not being able to buy a house! Can't afford to stay in the hospital! Live like a dog, nothing!"

"Anyway, I've been lying down and playing dirty before the end of the world, and now being a worm is perfect!"

Most worms are satisfied with the status quo and are full of contempt and ridicule for the choices of Luo Shan and Jiang Yi.

On the other side, Chen Liang, who enjoyed the treatment of a single room in the greenhouse, also saw from a distance the figure of Jiang Yi, who was mixed in the death squad.

Just a glance from a distance, his heart suddenly skipped a beat!

Suddenly, he recalled...

The brave and powerful man when the doomsday just came!

Jiang Yi.

It was Jiang Yi for sure!

Chen Liang just looked at that back, and a burst of inexplicable panic surged in his heart!

But soon, he shook his head fiercely, cursing and thinking-

Jiang Yi's former strength was just a dog shit luck, and he drew a powerful ability!

But his ability at that time was limited!

Once the seven-day limit is over...

Now he is simply a pure waste!

Yes! Waste!

Waste that is not even as good as Chen Liang!

Such a waste actually dared to join the death squad!

He is now on a mission with the death squad!

There is no way he can come back alive!

Yes! It's impossible to come back alive!

Chen Liang kept comforting himself in his heart, trying to suppress the inexplicable panic in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Yi naturally didn't care about those stares.

He followed the huge team and went to the northwest of the villa area.

That is the intersection of the beast tide and the club circled by Gao Chang on the map.

That area is a camping site with excellent greenery and a wide view.

"What the hell?! What the hell is that?!"

Luo Shan was not used to the first mission, and he saw a creeping black shadow coming from a distance, which scared him so much that his face changed.

This exclamation naturally received a lot of cold stares.

Gao Chang kindly explained to him:

"That's the white silk spider, also known as the black widow."

"When you have the opportunity to go on a mission in the beast world, you will find that this thing is very common in the beast world."

Another member of the death squad added: "The black widow moves quickly, and the first wave of arrival

It's normal here too."

"But don't worry too much. This thing looks scary, but its combat power is very weak."

"As long as you are careful not to be entangled and strangled by the white silk they spit out, there will be basically no danger."

Gao Chang also nodded: "But this is only the situation at the beginning of the beast tide. As time goes by, there should be other types of beasts spreading over."

"Don't take it lightly during your battle."

This was mainly said to Luo Shan and Jiang Yi.

After all, these two are the newcomers in his team.

Luo Shan nodded to indicate that he remembered, and then asked: "Then what is this Black Widow, does it have any weaknesses? "

While speaking, he observed the death squads that had already joined the battle.

He soon discovered that --

Gao Chang's death squad was indeed a little small in number, with only 9 people including him and Jiang Yi.

The other death squads had an average of almost 20 people!

And those teams that had already joined the battle, most of them fought against Black Widow in groups of four, attacking Black Widow's spider legs separately.

Of course, there were also some groups of three, two, or even one!

Luo Shan was not stupid, and he guessed it in an instant --

Those who were in groups of two or even one were obviously quite powerful.

Just thinking about it, Gao Chang explained to him:

"As you can see, a beast of the Black Widow's level is also a waste in the beast world."

"So to deal with them, we don't need to consider any weaknesses, just work together to cut off the spider legs and then blow up the head. "

Luo Shan nodded, but soon realized: "But Jiang Yi and I..."

He wanted to say that he and Jiang Yi had no weapons, so were they going to fight the Black Widow with bare hands?

However, halfway through his words, he heard an impatient voice from behind -

"You two are the ones who have the most trouble!"

This voice was from Sun Hao!

Luo Shan was shocked to see Sun Hao appear here!

Isn't Sun Hao responsible for the lottery for the tumor worms? How could he appear here?

Just as he was wondering, Sun Hao just rolled his eyes at him, and then said to all the death squads:

"Old rules, those who don't have their own weapons, come to me to get them."

It seems that considering that there are newcomers like Luo Shan and Jiang Yi in the team, Sun Hao specifically added:

"After the beast tide crisis is over, you will all return the weapons you have received. ”

Other members of the death squad seemed to be familiar with this process.

Many people immediately rushed to Sun Hao to get weapons.

Luo Shan also discovered that --

Among all the death squad teams, some teams had almost everyone with their own personal weapons, so they did not need to ask Sun Hao for them and started fighting directly.

And some teams, almost everyone needed to ask Sun Hao for personal weapons, such as the team led by Gao Chang.

Luo Shan had just arrived and did not know anything.

But at this time, he also vaguely realized that --

Sun Hao's position in the club seemed to be more than just responsible for the lottery of the shoujiao worm.

He seemed to be in charge of some low-level supplies.

In addition, different death squad teams had different strengths.

Some teams were strong, and some were Wu is weak.

And the team led by Gao Chang is almost the weakest among all the death squad teams...

Before, Luo Shan admired Gao Chang and thought he was great.

But now, he has mixed feelings...

Jiang Yi is okay.

He has experienced these things in his previous life.

Now, it's just a breeze.

He walked to where Sun Hao piled up weapons and chose his target at a glance.

In fact, these weapons that can be used for the death squad for free are basically low-quality weapons pulled out of the white turntable.

Like knives, axes, sticks and the like.

Jiang Yi was about to take the weapon he had chosen, but suddenly heard a sharp taunt:

"Boy, you don't think you are so smart that you can pick up the compound bow that others dare not choose, right?"

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