The sound of footsteps.

With Jiang Yi's experience.

Just from the footsteps, he could tell that they were human footsteps.

Moreover, the owner of the footsteps did not seem to be blind in the darkness.

The footsteps sounded steady.

It was as if the owner of the footsteps could see the darkness around him.

Just thinking about it.

Along with the increasingly clear footsteps, a voice suddenly came out:

"Jiang Yi? Are you Jiang Yi?"

The voice was very close to Jiang Yi.

Probably less than ten meters away.

But from Jiang Yi's perspective, he still could not see a trace of light.

Not to mention ten meters, even within a range of ten centimeters, he couldn't see anything.

But in the same dark environment, the other party could see him.

And recognized him accurately.

Jiang Yi, who was reborn, naturally guessed the reason.

But he still pretended to be surprised and shouted at the voice:

"Li Shoude? Are you Li Shoude? Can you see me?"

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

They stopped only two or three meters away from Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi remained alert in his heart, but on his face he looked relieved and even happy because he met an acquaintance.

Li Shoude's voice also sounded joyful and excited. He took the initiative to explain:

"Yes, it's me, I can see you!"

"The polar night environment in this world of fierce beasts is not as simple as ordinary darkness."

"In such a place, even if you bring glowing fireflies or other lighting props, you can't shine."

"But there is a magical fruit that can help players see in such an environment."

As he spoke, Li Shoude reached out and took Jiang Yi's hand.

This action was not aggressive, and Jiang Yi did not resist.

He soon felt that Li Shoude put a cool fruit in his palm.

"This fruit is called 'Fu Nei Ming'. Eating one can give you 2 hours of night vision."

"I followed the death squad to other beast worlds before, so I brought some of this fruit with me."

"But this fruit is not very precious. Generally, it grows in the beast world in the polar night environment."

"The principle is probably the same as in martial arts novels, where poisonous snakes appear, there must be an antidote within seven steps."

"Eat this 'Fu Nei Ming' first, and your eyes will be able to see clearly, which will be convenient for you to do anything."

When Li Shoude followed the Luoshan team, he always looked honest and did not cause trouble.

At this moment, his attitude towards Jiang Yi was also the kind of excitement and enthusiasm of fellow villagers meeting each other.

These words were full of goodwill.

On the surface, Jiang Yi was entering the beast world for the first time.

He did not seem to doubt it at all, so he ate the "Fu Nei Ming".

The cool taste was mixed with a hint of spiciness.

At the same time, a burning sensation surged in his eyes, but he could indeed see clearly around him.

Although it was not as clear as normal daytime vision.

But the basic ability to distinguish objects was guaranteed.

Jiang Yi looked like a rookie who had just eaten "Fu Nei Ming" for the first time, with a face full of novelty and surprise:

"This is too magical! It can actually allow the eyes to see at night!"

Li Shoude also smiled kindly: "Haha! After the doomsday game comes, aren't there enough magical things?"

"As you grow up, your knowledge will become more and more broad!"

"Oh, right!"

As he was talking, Li Shoude suddenly looked like he remembered something, and looked at Jiang Yi with a surprised expression.

He looked Jiang Yi up and down, and seemed to have thought it over before he lowered his voice and said:

"Xiao Jiang, tell Uncle Li the truth. When I saw you throwing Zhang Peng over your shoulder, your movements were very smooth."

"Do you have some kung fu skills and are deliberately hiding your skills?"

Jiang Yi looked like a rookie, but he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he asked Li Shoude cautiously:

"Uncle Li suddenly asked this, what does it mean?"

"Actually, it doesn't mean anything else. I just found a blue turntable on the way here!"

Li Shoude deliberately lowered his voice, but his tone was still excited: "It's a pity that there are ferocious beasts stationed near that blue turntable!"

"I am weak, and I don't have the hundred years of life to turn the blue turntable, so I gave up."

"But now I've met you, I think that if there are two of us, we may be able to think of a way to deal with the blue turntable.

Get it!"

As he said this, Li Shoude specifically advised: "Based on my experience in the suicide squad, the blue turntable itself is already quite precious."

"And the turntables scattered in the beast world are generally of higher quality than the turntables we usually get when we kill monsters!"

"If we can get that turntable, it will be a big gain!"

Jiang Yi was calm in his heart, but he looked like Li Shoude wanted, pretending to be moved.

But he didn't agree directly, and looked at Li Shoude again and said in a dilemma: "But even if we get that blue turntable, there is only one turntable, and the two of us..."

"That's easy!" Li Shoude said cheerfully, "We can discuss while walking, that place is very close to here! "

Jiang Yi did not refuse, and followed Li Shoude to the northwest of the polar night plain.

It took only a few minutes.

Li Shoude pointed to a tall bare tree and said:

"Look at the blue thing in the bird's nest on that tree. Is that the blue turntable? "

Jiang Yi followed his gaze and saw that there was indeed a blue turntable in the bird's nest on the tree.

The turntables scattered in the beast world are generally exploded after the beast dies.

Like this Qinhu beast world, the beasts are generally of low level.

The fundamental reason for limiting their level is actually blood.

Low blood means low intelligence.

Low intelligence means that they can't speak or transform into human form.

Low-level beasts don't deal with those destiny turntables, but let them scatter at will.

So in the early days of the apocalypse, many low-level beast worlds that players come into contact with will find some scattered destiny turntables from time to time.

In the high-level beast world, the situation is different.

Those beasts with noble blood are called beasts.

Beasts can also use destiny turntables for lottery like human players. !


The reason why the beast world was later called the "realm battlefield" is because human players discovered that --

Those beasts with noble bloodlines are not only as smart as humans!

They are also born with a lifespan far exceeding that of humans!

The lifespan of a human cub is at most a hundred years.

But the lifespan of some beast cubs can be as long as tens of thousands of years!

Therefore, with the development of the Doomsday Game, when human players set foot on the real realm battlefield.

Only then did they realize that...

It turns out that the human race is at the bottom of the food chain among all the races!

However, that was a year after the Doomsday Game.

Now Jiang Yi, after he glanced at the blue turntable in the bird's nest, he asked Li Shoude curiously:

"I saw the blue turntable, but I didn't see any beasts stationed here?"

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