The first reason is that --

Chang Jiao'e's, or all artificially made elixirs.

Not only is it far inferior to the elixirs produced by the turntable in terms of increasing life span,

There are more stringent restrictions when taking it.

Players want to treat the elixir of life like sugar beans, eat it all at once, and then their life span will increase dramatically.

In the doomsday game, this is impossible.

Generally speaking --

When taking artificially made elixirs continuously, it is best to take them more than 4 hours apart.

Otherwise, the efficacy will be greatly reduced.

And the elixir of life produced by the turntable only needs to be taken 1 hour apart to ensure the efficacy.

In simple terms --

24 hours a day.

Taking artificially refined inferior immortality pills once every 4 hours, a maximum of 6 pills can be taken a day.

Taking the immortality pills produced by the turntable once every 1 hour, a maximum of 24 pills can be taken a day!

Of course, in the early stage of the Doomsday Game, there are only a handful of players who can eat up the daily quota of immortality pills!

That's why.

Even if Chang Jiao'e has the ability to refine immortality pills.

But in terms of life span, she will not be too far ahead of others.

Most of the immortality pills she refined were traded to exchange for benefits from a large number of players.

Another reason that limits her ranking on the immortality list is-

The upgrade mechanism of the Doomsday Game!

Not long ago, Jiang Yi just reached level 1.

But on his data panel, only the level column changed from level 0 to level 1.

There was no change in other data columns!

It seems that this time he upgraded just to get an exclusive life disk and open the player function.

But in fact, the meaning of upgrading is not that simple.

The upgrade mechanism of this doomsday game is not like that of ordinary games, where you accumulate "experience points", then get a level upgrade, and then get a corresponding strength upgrade.

The upgrade of this doomsday game is more like the "upgrade" of "examination" in the real world.

For example, taking a driver's license test.

It is not that you can suddenly have good driving skills after getting a driver's license.

Instead, you must master driving skills before you can get a driver's license.

A driver's license is equivalent to a proof that you can drive.

And the level in this doomsday game is also more like a proof!

The process of this proof requires the player to meet the upgrade conditions first!

When Jiang Yi reached level 1, the condition was-

All attributes on the player's data panel must be ≥1, and life span must be ≥100.

Because he met this condition, he was able to upgrade to level 1 so smoothly using the upgrade life card!

Including every level upgrade afterwards.

You need to meet the upgrade conditions of each level before you can upgrade your level.

Then a new question arises-

If upgrading does not improve the player in any way, but is just a proof of strength.

Then the meaning of its existence...

Is it just the level list?

The level list is indeed a benefit of upgrading.

But the real meaning of player upgrading is actually the improvement of life level.

The concept of life level was not proposed by bigwigs until one year after the doomsday.

At this stage, players do not understand those advanced concepts.

The meaning of upgrading that they understand is very simple-

It is the real life span!

In this doomsday game, everyone has a "life span" column on their data panel.

But in fact, the true meaning of life span is definitely not as simple as a simple number!

Does the life span that players increase by taking the elixir really belong to them?

Is the increase in life span really that simple just by taking the elixir?

In the immortal novels, the cultivators have to practice hard, and only after their strength level is improved can they increase their life span!

For them, is it as simple as taking the elixir?

If a person takes elixirs to live for thousands of years, then finds a place to hide, comes out after thousands of years, takes more elixirs for thousands of years and hides again, wouldn't he be able to live forever?

With the understanding of the doomsday game.

More and more big players will find that-

Increasing life span is not as simple as taking medicine!

The life span of players is actually divided into two levels.

One level is the real life span that truly belongs to oneself.

The other level is the surface life span displayed on the data panel.

The real life span is truly one's own.

Once the surface life span passes, it will not be restored!

A very intuitive example is-

When a player is fatally injured.

His life span will be sharply reduced instantly!

For example, if he is seriously injured and dying, his life span will be sharply reduced to only a few days, hours, or even minutes and seconds!

But if this player uses the healing elixir to restore his seriously injured self to his peak state.

Then, his life span will be restored.

But in the end, only the real life span will be restored, and the lost surface life span cannot be restored!

The concept of real life span and surface life span is the meaning of the existence of levels!

Taking longevity only increases the surface life span.

Only by upgrading can the surface life span be converted into real life span!

For example, Jiang Yi, who has just been upgraded to level 1.

He felt comfortable all over at the moment of upgrading, because he had a real life span of 100 years!

It is also because of such implicit settings.

Many strong players will not blindly pursue too high a surface life span.

Because no matter how much life span you pile up that does not belong to you.

As long as you are seriously injured once.

Those "exceeding the level" parts, which are not your own life span, will be lost in vain!

Chang Jiao'e is only ranked 27th on the longevity list, and the same is true.

It is the level that limits her life span!

And Jiang Yi will have to try his best to improve his level and convert more real life span!

It would be best if he could reach level 10 as soon as possible!

Level 10 is a watershed!

He can't wait to know whether his ability to specify the wheel options...

can also take effect when drawing the career wheel!

If it can also take effect...

Then, he can choose the career according to his own wishes!

Instead of being nervous like other players, relying on luck to draw the career!

However, among other players at this stage, are there any professionals who have completed the career change?

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