However, if you think about it simply, it is easy to understand.

As far as the current situation is concerned,

The upper limit of all attributes at level 1 is 100!

This value is already quite outrageous!

The attribute condition that players need to meet to reach level 1 is only ≥1!

There is a direct difference of 100 times!

Jiang Yi is almost sure.

At present, it should be impossible for anyone to trigger such an outrageous attribute upper limit prompt!

Even in the previous life, the top group of strong people, who triggered the attribute reaching the upper limit prompt, it is impossible at level 1!


He also made history?

But the trouble is...

Jiang Yi originally thought that he could brush up the attributes without any scruples, and directly perform a drama like "I kill all races at level 1" in the future.

But now...

Obviously, he thought too much!

Since there is an attribute cap at level 1.

It is not difficult to infer that there is probably an upper limit for each level after that!

In other words, if he wants to increase his strength rapidly-

While brushing up the attributes, the level cannot fall behind!

It was okay before level 10.

As long as he wanted, brushing up the level could be as easy as brushing up the attributes!

It was easy to reach level 10 in a minute.

But the problem is...

After he brushes up to level 10 with cheats, if he still wants to continue to improve his strength, he will have to consider the issue of changing his job!

And the key point of this problem is the career wheel!

At present, there are obviously some career wheels on the market in Jiangcheng.

For example, the one used by Huang Xin for career change.

For example, forces other than the Silver Frost Club must also have the existence of a career wheel!

But those career wheels are probably all white-level!

Any player who has a little bit of ambition will not choose to use the white-level career wheel to change jobs!

Not to mention Jiang Yi, a cheating player!

The professions in this doomsday game are divided into star levels.

The options on the white career wheel are basically 1-star professions.

The green career wheel corresponds to 2-star professions.

The blue, purple, orange, red, and gold wheels behind.

They correspond to 3-star, 4-star, 5-star, 6-star, and 7-star professions respectively.

But in fact...

As far as Jiang Yi knows, the most glorious and powerful top bosses in the previous life are basically 8-star professions!

Even the legendary boss Jin Buli is the only one in the human race who has a 9-star profession!

As for above 9 stars...

Are there more outrageous 10-star, or god-level professions?

Jiang Yi doesn't know.

But he is a cheating player!

You can't be worse than an ordinary player in your career, right?

We are already cheating, so you can't just lie down and do nothing, right?

But the problem is -

In the early stage of this doomsday game, it is impossible for a golden career wheel to appear on the market!

In fact, as far as Jiang Yi knows, the entire human race, when he died in his previous life, never really had a golden career wheel!

Then someone might ask.

Without a golden career wheel, how did those strong people change their careers to 7-star or even 8-star careers?

Jiang Yi heard about this in his previous life.

The human race does not have a golden career wheel.

But the beast race, which has a longer history and stronger strength, does!

The proud sons of the human race, who are ambitious to use the golden wheel to change their careers.

Generally, they will go after the beast race.

Some use special abilities to disguise themselves as beasts.

Then use the identity of the beast race to draw the golden career wheel openly.

There are even more reckless ones who break into the forbidden land of the beastmen in the dark, draw the prizes and run away immediately!

But no matter what action is taken, the risk is undoubtedly ridiculously high!

After all...

People who are in urgent need of changing their jobs are generally level 10 players.

At only level 10, they go deep into the base camp of other beastmen and try to get the precious golden career wheel of the beastmen...

That is simply pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth, more daring than the death squad!

Before, Jiang Yi didn't know that there was an attribute cap on the level.

He was thinking about brushing up the attributes first, and then considering going deep into the base camp of the beastmen to draw a career.

But now...

He may have to take a risk on the career!


Different career wheels have different career options.

If he can also specify the options of the career wheel.

Then, he may have to visit more powerful beastmen.

Compare prices and learn more information

After that, choose a career that suits you best!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi felt a headache!

At the same time, he became more and more curious --

How did Jin Buli in his previous life get a 9-star career?

Moreover, he was the world's first professional!

Jiang Yi pondered in his heart and couldn't help speculating --

The mysterious Jin Buli might have already entered a certain beast tribe base early in the early days of the doomsday!

He may have some ability to disguise himself as a beast tribe!

With such an ability, he can naturally thrive in the powerful beast tribe.

Leave ordinary human players far behind!

While Jiang Yi speculated about Jin Buli's situation, he also made a simple plan for his future career development.

Before the three-minute effect of the Shadow of Nothingness ended.

His hand was pressed on the blue turntable again, and he silently said in his heart: [I choose 6: Longevity Pill! 】

Then, the familiar turntable prompt sounded:


[Congratulations on drawing the reward: Longevity Pill! ]

Then, he drew the remaining two garbage green turntables that he had exchanged from Wu Xu before.

[Ding——Congratulations on drawing the reward: Heart-shaped pendant]

[Ding——Congratulations on drawing the reward: Hurricane Wave (E-level)]

The heart-shaped pendant is an ornament equipment.

The main effect is to resist mental attacks.

Although it is rare to see fierce beasts with mental attack capabilities in the early days of the apocalypse.

But once you encounter one, if you don’t have a means of defense, it’s no joke!

Even if you are not careful, you may lose your life!

In his previous life, Jiang Yi traveled all over the country and heard many stories of strong players being defeated by mental beasts and capsizing in the gutter!

So this heart-shaped pendant that can resist mental attacks is also a good surprise for him.

He put it on directly.

And Hurricane Wave is an E-level skill.

Like the recipe of the elixir of immortality, it appeared in the form of a scroll in Jiang Yi's hand.

In fact, for players who have not changed their jobs at levels 1-10, the effects of using skills are basically greatly discounted.

What's more, this is only an E-level skill.

However, it's better to have more skills, and he is currently short of attack methods.

So he didn't dislike it, and tore the scroll open, and mastered this skill instantly.

So far, his life span of 272 years after he was promoted to level 1 has only 43 years left.

Well, it's a bit short.

However, the existence of the blue elixir of immortality can increase lifespan by thousands!

He only needs to wait for more than ten minutes.

One hour has passed since the last time he took the green elixir of immortality.

Then he can take the blue elixir of immortality and increase his lifespan again!

Jiang Yi put the blue elixir of immortality into the space watch.

After a while, the shadow of nothingness lingering around him automatically dissipated.

The shadow of nothingness seems very strong and "invincible", but it is still very different from the real "invincible" state.

In the general "invincible" state, the player itself is not bound.

You can choose to escape or fight.

But the shadow of nothingness is more like imprisoning the player.

Although the imprisoned player will not be attacked or detected during those three minutes.

But it is also impossible to move and cannot detect the situation outside the shadow of nothingness.

You can only stay in the dark for three minutes like being imprisoned.

After three minutes, you still have to face what you have to face.

If it is during the battle.

The use of the shadow of nothingness can at most delay the player's recovery time for three minutes.

So this kind of life-saving prop can be drawn from the green turntable.

During the three minutes Jiang Yi stayed there, he naturally could not perceive the situation outside.

It was not until the shadow of nothingness dissipated that he realized that there was a sound of fighting outside the tree hole where he was!

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