The title of the hot post is directly——

[Silver Frost Club responded: Huang Xin did not use the name change card! ]

This kind of response without evidence is generally not very convincing.

You say that the name change card is useless if it is not used?

Then I said that the fairy sister is my wife!


Wei Lingshuang is still quite smart.

The content of her post is not just a response.

Instead, it puts forward a more acceptable assumption——

This Jiang Yi who airdropped the first place on the double list...

It is very likely that he is a player from other regions!

As soon as this assumption came out, the chat channel was in an uproar!

[Other regions... I can accept this statement! If players from other regions can really come to our region, then it seems reasonable to jump the queue to be on the list! 】

【And those who can go to other areas at this stage must be absolutely strong! It is normal to be ranked first on both lists! 】

【But then again, how can players go to other areas at this stage? I was admitted to Jiangcheng from Haicheng to study in college, and my family is in Haicheng! 】

【I am not a native of Jiangcheng! My family is in Chuancheng! I miss my parents so much and want to go home o(╥﹏╥)o】

【Even if you can't cross regions, it would be nice to merge the regional chat channels someday! I really want to know what my family is like now, and I don't know if they are still alive [crying out].jpg】

【Can you please stop talking about this topic? I can't stop crying QAQ】

As for the idea proposed in Wei Lingshuang's post, most players can still accept it.

The situation of "Jiang Yi" is indeed a queue jumper.

Then the biggest possibility...

It is indeed that players from other regions have come to Jiangcheng!

It was this topic of "cross-region"...

It inexplicably aroused the "temptation to go home" of many players.

Gradually, more and more players called on Jiang Yi to share some of his cross-region strategies.

At least let the foreign players in Jiangcheng know the difficulty of cross-region, so that they can have hope.

Even then, even the top forces such as the four major guilds began to publicly extend olive branches to "Jiang Yi".

On the one hand, they hoped to recruit this top powerhouse from other regions.

On the other hand, they also hoped that this "Jiang Yi" could take the initiative to share some cross-region information.


Jiang Yi is not a player from another region at all!

Even if he did know how to cross regions, it would be impossible for him to be so kind as to share it actively.

He was actually quite puzzled-

Why did he, who was promoted to level 10, directly land on the first place in the level list?

Because of the previous suppression of the bird and beast bloodline.

Jiang Yi had a guess.

He had heard in his previous life that the essence of upgrading is the improvement of the level of life.

Then the essence of the ranking list should be the same.

In other words...

With all attributes reaching the upper limit of level 10, his life level is higher than other players?

It seems that this explanation makes sense?

Anyway, no matter what the reason is.

The reward has been obtained.

Jiang Yi had no burden and soon turned his attention to the two special turntables he had just obtained.

The special turntable is different from the ordinary turntables of seven grades: white, green, blue, purple, orange, red and gold.

Its appearance looks more mysterious black.

The options on it are a kind of weird blood-colored text!

This turntable, from the appearance, gives people an extremely ominous feeling.

In fact, the special turntable is indeed "ominous".

Because on all special turntables, there will be a fixed option-

Forced elimination!

And the proportion of this option is fixed at 10%!

No props can be used to exclude this option.

The probability of this option is also not affected by any blessing effect!

That is to say, when players use the special wheel, they must bear a 10% chance of...


In addition, there is another mandatory rule for the special wheel:

No matter what is drawn, it will be instantly bound to the drawer!

In other words, even if you draw an item, you don't have to worry about it being snatched away by others!

But in the same way, if you want others to draw the special wheel, and then kill people to grab treasures yourself, it is impossible!

All players who want to get the special wheel option.

Can only rely on themselves to gamble their lives to draw!

The so-called gambling lottery of the ordinary wheel is just a gamble of life.

And the gambling of life on the special wheel

Drawing a lottery is a real gamble of life!

A one-tenth probability may not seem high...

But according to strict probability theory, one out of every ten draws will result in an elimination!

Therefore, even the top powerhouses in the previous life rarely drew the special wheel more than ten times.

Not to mention ten times, those who dare to draw five times are already at their limit!

After all, the more successful people who are high up in the world are more afraid of death than losers!

And the special wheel that allows the most life-loving powerhouses to risk their lives to draw a lottery, the special options it has are naturally quite tempting!

For example, players may have dual professions because of the special options they draw!

For example, players who draw special options may get new player functions!

For example, some special options may be quite high-end rule props!

For example, Jiang Yi remembered——

In the previous life, when the Doomsday Game was going on for more than a year.

A world-class powerhouse named Lu Li suddenly posted on the forum.

According to Lu Li, he drew a special item called [Pass to the City of Ten Thousand Races] from the special turntable.

He went to the City of Ten Thousand Races with the pass.

After seeing the City of Ten Thousand Races, the boss said without hesitation -

He can indeed be regarded as a world-class powerhouse who is high above the human race!

But when he arrived at the City of Ten Thousand Races, he found that he was just a country bumpkin who knew nothing!

The human race is like an insignificant dust among the ten thousand races!

It was also from that time that the various bases that had gradually developed formed a human alliance in a short period of time.

Under the advocacy of the human alliance, the human race began to reduce various unnecessary internal fights and focused on improving the strength of the race and resisting foreign races.

After that, there should have been other powerful players who had been to the City of Ten Thousand Races.

But Jiang Yi was not among them.

In this life...

Jiang Yi does have a chance to see the City of Ten Thousand Races.

However, the [City of Ten Thousand Races Pass] requires a usage level greater than 10.

That is, he must wait until he changes his job.

Moreover, there is no [City of Ten Thousand Races Pass] option on the two special turntables in his hand.

Except for the option to kill, there are only 9 options left on the special turntable.

But not all 9 options are special options.

Generally, there are only 1-3 special options.

The remaining 6-8 are still ordinary options, such as fierce beasts and immortality pills.

There are only 4 special options on the two special turntables that Jiang Yi has, which are -

Wish card, fierce beast nest.

Servant card, identity card.

These four options made Jiang Yi's eyes go straight and his scalp tingle!

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