The two official players looked like they were in trouble.

The unofficial players were naturally panicked.

"What, what happened?!"

"What's wrong?!"

"What happened?!"

For a moment, there was chaos outside the swamp!

However, there was no need to wait for Liao Yuanfeng or Guan Ling to explain anything.

These unofficial players also quickly realized the problem-

The gurgling sound in the swamp...

It was an ugly beast emerging!

In the woods outside the swamp...

There was also the sound of a large number of birds and beasts flying!

This! Two groups of beasts! Attacking from both sides!

For a moment, everyone's mind reappeared a word that Guan Ling had said not long ago...

Locusts passing through!

At the same time, they also remembered the human skeletons left beside the towering tree!

Facing the terrifying beasts...

They will also end up like that!

Don't say that those informal players were scared silly.

Even Liao Yuanfeng's face turned pale and his legs became weak!

And at this moment.

A figure passed through the crowd!

Almost instantly, he disappeared from their group of people!

It was...

Jiang Yi!

Jiang Yi ran away!

Is it...running?

Or a teleportation talisman?

Too damn fast!

Others couldn't react in time!

In fact, Jiang Yi didn't use the teleportation talisman.

He directly relied on the blood suppression, and the birds and beasts would not actively attack him, so he broke out from the direction of the siege of the birds and beasts!

Because the speed was too fast, it looked like he used a teleportation talisman!

His quick reaction was also an example for Liao Yuanfeng and others!

Guan Ling suddenly screamed: "Teleportation Talisman!!!"

She almost broke her voice when she shouted these three words!

At the same time, those informal players were also despairing!

Because they didn't have a teleportation talisman!

They would be abandoned and would die under the beasts!

In this critical moment, everything was too urgent, and Liao Yuanfeng didn't care about those informal players at all!

He flipped his hand and took out a teleportation talisman.

However, before he could tear it apart...

A strong wind hit him!

Liao Yuanfeng's pupils widened instantly, and his eyes were bloodshot. He couldn't believe it at all: "Guan Ling!!!"

Guan Ling snatched his teleportation talisman!

Yes, Guan Ling herself didn't have a teleportation talisman!

She snatched Liao Yuanfeng's!

Then the next second, she quickly disappeared from the place where the beasts were besieging!

At that moment, in the center surrounded by the vast herd of beasts, Liao Yuanfeng suddenly burst out with a shrill and desperate curse-

"Guan Ling, you bitch, you will not die well!!!"

This voice can even echo.

But there will be no response from Guan Ling.

The teleportation talisman is much lower than the teleportation stone.

Not only is the teleportation distance shorter, but the direction is also random.

If Guan Ling had a little worse luck, she might have been teleported directly to the swamp area!

But fortunately, her luck has always been good.

She was teleported directly to the outside of the grove, behind the flock of birds!

Guan Ling didn't even look back, and ran wildly in the opposite direction of the swamp.

In addition to running away...

She was also chasing people!

They were suddenly attacked by the herd of beasts, which was obviously caused by human beings!

It was someone hiding in the grove who threw the beast-attracting tumor into the swamp!

The beast-attracting tumor is a more advanced beast-attracting prop than the beast-attracting incense!

Someone was deliberately trying to harm them!

Or, to be more precise...

If Guan Ling guessed correctly-

The person that person intended to harm... was her!

Guan Ling's face was expressionless.

But a faint feeling of dizziness appeared in her eyes.

A few minutes later.

She flipped her hand, and a fiery red whip appeared in her hand.

She swung the long whip forward!

Then a scream was heard!


Guan Ling ran a few more steps and appeared at the place where the scream was heard.

I saw a girl who looked similar to her, being tied up by a fiery red whip, with a terrified look in her eyes.

They looked similar, but the girl's temperament was weaker than Guan Ling's.

She shivered, struggled a little, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Sister..."

"Sister, it's me, Guan Yi..."

"Oh." Guan Ling drooped his eyelids, his eyes and tone were very indifferent, "Why are you running?"

"I, I, I just saw that there seemed to be a tide of beasts over there, so, so, I was scared..."

Guan Ling said "Oh" again.

After a moment of silence, she said lightly: "I saw it was you."

"What, what?" The girl looked panicked, and she didn't know

Was it because of Guan Ling's words, or that cold expression.

Guan Ling didn't answer, but just closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, her eyes became even colder, even with a hint of murderous intent.

"Guan Yi."

"If I, your sister, were really a fool, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Guan Yi trembled even more, her teeth chattering: "No, no, no..."

She seemed to want to argue, but soon changed her strategy: "No! I didn't mean to hurt you! I meant to hurt Zhang Chao and the others!"

"They bullied me! I hate them so much! I just want them to die!"

"Yes! I just want them to die! You have a teleportation talisman! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

She spoke very quickly, but still sounded panicked.

Such words...

Guan Ling certainly couldn't believe it!

In fact, she didn't have a teleportation talisman!

When Guan Yi went down to the beast world before, she acted like a spoiled child and asked her for the teleportation talisman.

If it wasn't for the fact that Liao Yuanfeng had a teleportation talisman in his hand...

Guan Ling would have died there too!

Just as she said--

The fact that she has grown to this point today shows that she is not a fool!

With a "swoosh" sound!

The fiery red whip wrapped around Guan Yi suddenly loosened.

A hint of surprise flashed across Guan Yi's eyes.

But the next second, the long whip suddenly wrapped around her neck and slowly tightened!

Surprise instantly turned into horror!

Guan Yi instinctively grabbed the whip rope around her neck with both hands.

The slightly pointed nails left shocking blood marks on her slender and white neck like a white swan!

She rolled her eyes.

The feeling of near death left her with only endless despair in her eyes!

Then, just when she thought she was going to be strangled to death by her own sister.

The air was refilled!

The fierce force wrapped around her neck also dissipated!


was saved? !


Just as Guan Yi coughed a few times and took deep breaths.

But she heard a condescending and indifferent voice from above her head:

"Before you die, tell me the truth——"


It was Guan Ling's calm and emotionless questioning voice.

Guan Yi suddenly raised her head at this moment, no longer hiding the hatred in her eyes!

With red eyes and hoarse voice, she shouted hysterically: "I hate! I hate you! You must die a bad death——"

She even only pronounced half of the word "die".

The force that had been removed was wrapped around her neck again.

Guan Yi just stared.


At this time, Guan Ling did not remove the long whip that was wrapped around his sister's neck for a long time.

As if the body had not fallen, the person had not died.

However, after a moment of silence, she suddenly said to the high branches of an ancient tree next to her: "Have you seen enough?"

In fact, Jiang Yi had also been chasing all the way, not ready to let go of the person who hurt him.

Although that person's original intention might not be to hurt him.

However, it was also a good thing that he did not take action directly.

Otherwise, he would not have seen this good show.

He jumped down from the tree directly, landing steadily on his feet.

At this time, Guan Ling's face was surprisingly calm, and he returned to his usual coldness and arrogance.

She raised her hand, withdrew the long whip, and Guan Yi's body fell.

Jiang Yi watched from the side, with no expression on his face.

But he raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Why don't you ask more, why does she hate you?"

Guan Ling walked to the ancient tree, leaned back slightly, and lit a thin lady's cigarette.

"Why? Is it meaningful?"

Yes, is it meaningful?

Once, or in the previous life, when Tang Ke had just stabbed him in the back, Jiang Yi always wanted to know why.

He asked himself, during college, he and Tang Ke had such a close relationship.

And before that backstabbing, he had never done anything to let Tang Ke down.

Tang Ke had no reason to hate him.

Even before the apocalypse, Tang Ke was not the kind of ungrateful, ruthless person.

Everything seemed to happen without any signs.

In his previous life, for a long time, Jiang Yi couldn't figure it out.


Guan Ling blew a smoke ring and suddenly said:

"Do you think..."

"Has human nature always been like this?"

"Or did it become like this after the apocalypse?"

Jiang Yi didn't answer immediately.

He remembered the movie "Leon: The Professional", where a 12-year-old girl asked -

Has life always been so difficult? Or is it only like this in childhood?

The answer she got was -

"Always like this."

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