After all, Chang Jiao'e had liked Jiang Yi.

After all, according to her inspirational goddess character, she was not suitable for dating.

Since she was dating, it was because she liked him.

She liked Jiang Yi's standing posture very much.

Like a straight pine tree in the cold winter.

From head to toe, it seemed that the words "clear conscience" were written on him.

That unique temperament gave him an indescribable charm.

It was so in the past, and it is still so now.

Chang Jiao'e leaned against the tree trunk with her back, trying to calm down her complicated emotions.

Then, she took out her mobile phone and sent another message to Tang Ke:

[If I don't go back alive. ]

[Then, I should have died at the hands of Jiang Yi. 】

On the other side, in the Wangjiang Pavilion.

When Tang Ke saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank!

But he still tried to keep calm on his face.

The tone of his reply seemed nonchalant:

[What do you say? ]

Chang Jiao'e pursed her lips:

[I saw Jiang Yi. ]

Tang Ke waited anxiously, but Chang Jiao'e didn't describe him for a long time.

Finally, he couldn't wait to ask:

[And then? ]

Then, Chang Jiao'e didn't reply.

Tang Ke had the kind of very bad premonition he had before...

At this moment, the premonition became stronger!

His heartbeat accelerated.

It was a kind of uncontrollable and inexplicable uneasiness!

Tang Ke suddenly clenched his phone.

After closing his eyes, he suddenly stood up and looked at the river in the distance.

Over the river beach, the top leaders of the four major guilds were stationed together.

On the river, a ferry is parked.

About the mysterious endless sea.

When the doomsday just came, there were many stupid things who didn't understand the situation and tried to escape from Jiangcheng under the doomsday.

Those stupid things have also confirmed that the rivers, lakes, and seas that have become passages to the world of fierce beasts.

If people jump in, they will indeed be teleported to the world of fierce beasts.

But if they are sitting on the boat, they will not be teleported.

So this time, the four major guilds launched an exploration of the endless sea to level 10 players, and naturally they also have to use ships.

At this moment, the ferry that is about to go out is a ferry that is about to go out.

There are already many level 10 players gathered on it!

However, this is only the first batch.

Just like the club's exploration of the world of fierce beasts, it will also be divided into several stages and multiple batches.

The earlier the batches, the more cannon fodder they are!

But at this moment.

Tang Ke, holding his mobile phone tightly, suddenly flashed towards the river beach!

At the same time, he sent a message to Luo Changqing:

[I plan to directly participate in this batch of trips. ]

Luo Changqing is handling some guild affairs.

When he received the message, he instantly looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone!

He replied directly with three question marks.

Tang Ke explained casually:

[That group of individual players is not so easy to fool. ]

[I heard that the Qingchuan Guild and the Changsheng Guild both sent level 10 players in the guild to participate in the exploration. ]

[In the current situation, the Zhuyue Guild is indeed the strongest, but its credibility and appeal are not as good as those of the two major guilds. ]

This kind of nonsense can only fool children.

Who is Luo Changqing?

The Tang Ke he knows is not the kind of selfless person who would consider the credibility and appeal of the guild, which are illusory things!

After a moment of silence, Luo Changqing directly said in a firm and tough manner:

[Tell me the truth, why? ]

Tang Ke thought about it, and finally replied:

[The Jiang Yi who dropped into the ranking list...]

[There is a certain possibility that he is someone I know. ]

Luo Changqing's eyes almost popped out when he saw this sentence!

Damn it! Why didn't you tell us earlier that he is your acquaintance! We are left guessing what this mysterious boss's style of doing things would be!

But soon, Luo Changqing also reacted:

[Do you have a grudge? ]

Tang Ke: [An irreconcilable life-and-death grudge. ]

Luo Changqing's face suddenly became ugly.

He was thinking...

If that Jiang Yi really had a grudge against Tang Ke.

Would he vent his anger on the Moon Chasing Guild because of Tang Ke? Or even on him?


That Jiang Yi did not respond to the recruitment of the other three guilds.

He only responded to his.

Although it seems to be asking about the special turntable.

But will...

When he came to the appointment, he came to take revenge?

Luo Changqing just felt sick.

He wanted to kill Tang Ke

Pull him over and torture him.

However, before he could ask again, Tang Ke replied:

[You don't have to worry too much, it's not necessarily the Jiang Yi I know. ]

[Because the Jiang Yi I know, he didn't cross regions. ]

[If you still want to know about his personality, etc...]

[I can only say that before I had a life-and-death feud with him, he was quite decent. ]

[But now, I don't know. ]

[Okay, I won't say it anymore. ]

[I hope we will have a chance to see each other again in the future. ]

These words sounded like a farewell.

Indeed, it is!

This is simply a modern version of the wind whistling and the Yishui River is cold, and the warriors can't come back once they leave!

The first batch of explorations in the endless sea, the danger behind this is definitely higher than the first batch of the death squads exploring the world of fierce beasts!

Originally, when Luo Changqing saw Tang Ke saying that the Jiang Yi he knew didn't cross regions,

Still wondering if Tang Ke was overthinking.

But now...

Just overthinking can scare Tang Ke to risk his life and explore the Endless Sea in advance?

This means that in Tang Ke's mind -

The chance of survival in exploring the Endless Sea is greater than the probability of surviving from Jiang Yi!


Is it Tang Ke who is overthinking?

Or are all the players in Jiangcheng wrong? !

That so-called cross-region boss...

Not cross-region at all? !

Then how did he do it? !

Luo Changqing frowned deeply, feeling more and more nervous and uneasy!

Tang Ke didn't know if his choice was wrong.

Maybe, he was just overthinking.

Maybe, he would die in the Endless Sea because he scared himself.


He has saved him countless times along the way with intuition!

This time, he just had a very strong intuition!

Tell him that danger is approaching!


Jiang Yi's side.

The arrow with fire shot towards the swamp.

Luo Shan was just a background figure in this team.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that Jiang Yi was there.

But after such a short time, he suddenly found out...

It's not right!

The tone of Guan Ling and Jiang Yi's words.

It's not the attitude of a big boss towards a weakling at all!

And at this moment...

Jiang Yi's arrow could shoot so far?

As the arrow shot through the air with a fierce momentum, Luo Shan finally realized something belatedly!

Jiang Yi...

In such a short time!

He is no longer the same person as before!

Luo Shan was deeply shocked.

The arrow with fire shot through the air accurately and accurately shot towards the miasma swamp in the distance!

Just as Jiang Yi and others guessed.

The highly toxic gas is indeed flammable!

Even with a loud "boom"!

It really caused an explosion!

Moreover, this explosion was not just one, but one after another!

In an instant, the entire miasma swamp was filled with explosions and flames!

Jiang Yi and others felt the residual heat coming at them from such a distance!

At the same time, the birds and beasts in the woods also flew away in large numbers!

In addition to birds and beasts, there were also some poisonous insects.

For a moment, the entire forest outside the swamp was in chaos!

Guan Ling's face turned pale, and while paying attention to the explosion over there, he hurriedly instructed:

"The explosion is getting bigger and bigger! Let's retreat quickly!"

In addition to Guan Ling, Zu An and others also felt it.

They shouted: "Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

In the chaotic scene.

Chang Jiao'e, who was hiding behind the towering ancient trees farther away, was also thinking about retreating before the group.

However, when she looked over, she found that among the group of people...

Jiang Yi was gone!

What happened? !

Jiang Yi? Where is Jiang Yiren?

A string in Chang Jiao'e's mind instantly tightened!

Nervous! Uneasy! Fearful!

She had a skill of visual enhancement, and at this moment, her eyes were extremely uneasy, looking around in the chaos!


All those uneasy and fearful...

Finally, it was fulfilled as promised!

She just felt her whole body stiffen!

A chill suddenly hit the back of her head!

At the same time...

It was a devilishly gentle voice that she once admired but now frightened her:

"Dear, are you looking for me?"

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