The more you draw, the more you will lose.


Lifting silver?

I’m also lifting iron!

Jiang Yi listened to the child’s voice that seemed to have communication barriers and couldn’t even tell whether it was male or female…

He didn’t feel very good at all!

This was also the reason why he was not very willing to draw a servant before…

This kind of randomness is too annoying!

There are so many different kinds of beasts that it’s beyond imagination!

For Chang Jiao’e, it’s already quite lucky to randomly draw a normal bear tribe!

For You Yu, it’s even better luck to draw a succubus!

When Jiang Yi joked about himself before, he thought he might draw a pig.

But in fact, pigs are already very good servants!

Even if it's a little stupid, at least it can fight normally!

Even if it's so weak that it can't help much in the battle, at least it can help him take care of the nest space or something.

But now...

He drew out such a "filament"-like thing!

Judging from the sound, it's a stupid cub!

Regardless of which race, the combat power of the cub is far inferior to that of the adult!

Jiang Yi was quite depressed.

But it doesn't matter...

Anyway, there is no limit on the number of servants.

As long as he gets more special turntables, he can still continue to get other servants.

Like him, he can draw special turntables at will, which is much stronger than others!

There's nothing to complain about.


Next time you draw, it's better to get yourself a lucky BUFF in advance.

Jiang Yi thought in his heart, and then looked at the black "filament" that he had imagined as a "filament worm cub".

He ordered without much hope:

"If you can't talk, then don't talk too much in the future. Now, show me your data panel."

"Howl, howl, raise your silver!" The small filament twisted into a ball in the black light.

After a moment.

Next to the small strand of "filament", a pure black data panel appeared.

The color of this data panel...

Is it different from that of the human players?

It looks more mysterious and more textured?


[Name: Shangyue Tang]

[Level: 0]

[Lifespan: 3 days]

[Talent: Spark (X)]

[Profession: None]

[Skills: Shadow Body (SSS) Soul Fire (SSS) Chaos Fire Domain (SS) Filament Sea of ​​Fire (S)]

When Jiang Yi saw this, he was already feeling unwell.

However, it is not over yet——

[Status: Blessing of Fire (permanent), Blessing of Darkness (permanent), Blessing of Death (permanent)]

[Strength: 60,000]

[Constitution: 60,000]

[Speed: 60,000]

[Spirit: 60,000]

[Combat Power: 685 Stars]

Jiang Yi finished reading it.

He was numb all over.

Level 0...

All attributes are 60,000!

And all kinds of "S" in the skill column.

The talent is even the "X" level that Du Mei has heard of!

Jiang Yi's first reaction was to doubt...

Is he under the illusion of some old man and hasn't woken up yet? !

The second reaction was to suddenly ask indifferently:

"Is that 60,000 attribute the upper limit of your level 0?"

Another voice with obvious communication barriers came from his mind:

"Quadrant? Quadrant God and Demon... Oubuji Island..."

Jiang Yi took a deep breath: "That's right, can your level 0 attribute continue to grow?"

"Shock? Shock applause? I should be able to shock applause while alive..."


Jiang Yi converted the sentence "Shock applause while alive" into human language and came to a conclusion-

If this "filament worm" is not lying.

Then, it means...

As long as it is alive, it can become stronger? !

What the hell? ? ? What the hell? !

Why does this world have such a heaven-defying race? !

He couldn't help but think of what the spiritual player hiding behind the scenes said in the woods just now-

You don't understand how powerful the beast race is.

Just now Jiang Yi was still thinking: I have lived two lives as a human, how could I not know how powerful the beast race is? !

But now...

He realized...

He might have been too arrogant!

What the hell!

A beastman who can't even speak clearly!

The initial attributes of level 0!

It's already 10 times higher than the attribute limit of a human at level 10!

The combat power is dozens of times higher than his! ! !

This gap? !

Damn it! !

At this moment, Jiang Yi felt that his heart was about to collapse!

Before, he thought that his 15-star combat power was the strongest among the human race!

But now...

Any beastman cub can kill him in a minute? !

What the hell! Too disillusioned, right? !

All his draws were drawn into the dog's stomach, right? !

But soon.

He realized the "unfairness" between races.

If he guessed correctly...

The attributes of this small filament should not have been increased through the turntable draw!

Its current state is like the initial state of a player.

But the problem is...

Its initial attributes? ? ?

When the human race was first connected to the Doomsday Game, most of the initial attributes on the data panel were all 1!

There is a difference of 60,000 times! ! !

What the hell? !

Jiang Yi was too unbalanced!

But on second thought...

In fact, in peacetime, humans claim to be higher animals, superior to all other species.

All creatures in the world are adapting to the pace of human development.

At that time, no one would think this was "unfair".

And now...

It's just that fate has always been "unfair", and it has changed direction.

Jiang Yi quickly calmed down and accepted the outrageous gap between races.

At the same time, he became more determined-

The existence of the attribute upper limit must be broken!

Otherwise, he can only dominate the human race forever!

And the human race will always be "naturally" inferior to other beasts!

However, after putting these beliefs in his heart, Jiang Yi suddenly realized a problem that he had just ignored.

This outrageous beast cub...

As long as you are alive, you can become stronger?

But just now, the meaning revealed by the little filament seems not that simple.


On the gorgeous panel of the little filament that blinds people, there is also an obviously lame column.


Its lifespan is only 3 days?

The lifespan of ordinary human cubs is more than 3 days!

This cub, who looks ridiculously strong, has an ridiculously low lifespan?

Could it be...

Jiang Yi suddenly had a bad feeling and asked the little filament again:

"Little filament, can't you extend your lifespan through the elixir of immortality?"

"Heart-strengthening elixir?"

The little filament twisted, and the voice of the infant sounded again:

"I want, I want fire, I want fire to prolong my life..."

"That's right, I feel that fire can support me, so I asked you to be the fire..."

As expected!

Only 3 days of lifespan, but can't use the elixir of immortality to prolong life!

This setting! Life is simply thinner than paper!

It sounds like it's easy to prolong life with fire.


What kind of fire? !

Moreover, what surprised Jiang Yi even more was——

"You said, you chose me?"

"Yes! Raise money and raise me!"


According to what the little filament said.

The use of the attendant card is not completely random?

But... the attendant chooses the master?

Jiang Yi knew in his previous life that attendants are not NPCs generated out of thin air in the game.

They are all living creatures.

But why do they become "attendants"?

Where do they live before they are bound to their masters?

All these are unknown.

After all, I have heard in my previous life that when the attendant binds to the master, the memory in his mind is cleared.

They will remember some common sense knowledge.

But they can't remember their own experiences anyway.

The saying that attendants choose their masters was not circulated in the previous life.

This beastman cub who looks like he has a good origin...

He actually remembers the situation of choosing his master?

So Jiang Yi caught up with the little filament and asked him all kinds of questions.

However, when asked about other things, it would always say "Phuket Island".

I just vaguely remember that it chose Jiang Yi as its master because it vaguely felt that this master could support itself.

Support this little filament?

Jiang Yi certainly wanted to take good care of such a servant who was so amazing.

But when asked what kind of fire it would use to prolong its life.

Its answer was still "Phuket Island".

It was just a little baby who knew nothing!

It couldn't even transform into a human form!

Just this thing! 685 stars of combat power!

Jiang Yi was speechless!

He temporarily put aside his research on this cub with communication disorders.

He turned his attention to another special turntable.

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