The difference between ten consecutive wins and ten consecutive wins is also different.

For example, if your information column shows——

[Games: 10 games]

[Win rate: 100% (10 consecutive wins)]

This kind of...

From the first game of the rookie to the tenth game, he won ten consecutive wins in one go.

It is called——

One life and ten consecutive wins!

At this moment, the information column of the black-robed boy is——


[Games: 9 games]

[Win rate: 100% (9 consecutive wins)]

He is close to completing the achievement of ten consecutive wins with one life.

Only one game left!

The existence of [Beast Fighting List] is out of reach for ordinary players.

But for those geniuses who really pursue it.

It is just a goal that will definitely be achieved.

What geniuses really care about...

is how strong and dazzling they can be to achieve this goal.

Rather than whether this goal can be achieved!

This stage of the battle for supremacy among all races has lasted for countless years.

It has connected countless realms.

Countless geniuses have emerged!

On the [Beast Fighting List] that ordinary players think is out of reach...

There are actually millions of names recorded!

How does that saying go?

Even if you are one in a million.

But as long as the base is large enough.

There are countless people like you who are "one in a million"!

Therefore, those geniuses who are looked up to by countless ordinary players...

Their focus is never on how to look down on ordinary players.

They will not compare themselves with ordinary players in a high-handed manner.

Instead, he looked forward firmly!

Aim at those who are stronger than them!

Beiwu is such a genius with aspirations.

But at this moment...

Listening to the sarcastic words of Bai Yi.

He was really shaken in his heart.

Should he steadily win the honor of ten consecutive victories with one life?

Or challenge the strong man who must be challenged in his mind?



There was a voice in his heart that told him very clearly -

Personal growth is more important than all empty honors.

But if he really wants to gamble on the honor of ten consecutive victories with one life that is within his reach...

It seems that it is not so easy.

There is a gap between knowing and doing.

The young man in white looked at his gloomy face and silence, and he could guess how entangled he was in his heart.

He leaned back in his seat and laughed:

"Hey! Why are you so entangled?"

"If you really want to challenge, you can challenge him when you and him are both on the beast fighting list, right?"

"Besides, that kid's fighting style from beginning to end is just derived from the ring of the undead who turned his body into a weapon."

"Maybe his own bloodline and strength are not as strong as you think!"

"Who knows how he subdued the undead, but think about it carefully-"

"The undead are said to be immortal, but how difficult is it to survive?"

"That kid, maybe he just got a three-day experience card!"

"Look at him again after three days, maybe he has fallen behind you and eaten dust!"

It can be seen that the young man in white is quite optimistic.

Beiwu turned his head and rolled his eyes at him, and finally said in a deep voice:

"An existence that can subdue the undead..."

"Fall behind me and eat dust?"

"Do you think it's possible?"

Bai Yi still crossed his legs leisurely: "Who cares if it's possible or not, why think so much about the future in advance?"

"Let's just say, are you going to play in the tenth game?"

"Look, that guy is in the sixth game."

"You should be able to avoid him if you match now."


At this time, Jiang Yi started his sixth game.

The reason why it's difficult to win ten games in a row.

Because as your winning streak increases, the opponents you match will become stronger and stronger!

He won the first five games easily.

And the opponent in the sixth game is already a master with a winning rate of more than 80%!


Beiwu glanced over, and his eyebrows jumped fiercely!

Jiang Yi's opponent's information column clearly reads:

[Qian Sheng]

[Games: 63]

[Win rate: 88.88% (12 consecutive wins)]

At the same time.

The general audience area was also in an uproar!

"What the hell?! This is only the sixth game! I'm actually matched with a strong player on the Beast Fighting Ranking!"

"The previous Beiwu, it seems to be the eighth game,

Are you worthy of being a player on the Battle Beast Ranking? "

"Moreover, the player on the Beast Ranking who was matched in the eighth match at Beiwu is obviously not as strong as this Qian Sheng!"

"I'll go! Then this mysterious genius, isn't he going to fail in this round?!"

"Isn't there something wrong with this matching mechanism? Why are you matched so early on the Beast Ranking? I remember that those geniuses who had won ten consecutive games in the past were basically matched with players on the Beast Ranking in the eighth and ninth games, right? ?”

"Anyone who can match the strongest beasts in the eighth game is already a very strong genius!"

"This mysterious boy will be matched in the sixth game!!"

"You are indeed worthy of being the terrifying genius of a high-blooded race!"

"Is this guy going to be on the monster list or even the legend list in the future?!"

"There should be hope for the Monster List, but the Legend List... is unlikely! After so many years, how many people are there on the Legend List?"

"And I feel that there is obviously something wrong with this mysterious boy's strength..."

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"I can't tell, but let's keep watching anyway! I feel like this guy has attracted too much attention. In the end, he might not even be able to win ten consecutive games!"

"What the hell? He is so strong, how can he not win ten consecutive victories?"

"Let's see!"

The players in the ordinary auditorium have little knowledge.

But obviously some people have vague clues.

Jiang Yi's attack is indeed very powerful and incredible!

That terrifying filament fire...

For the players who have not changed jobs in the apprenticeship colosseum...

You'll die if you touch it!


To be honest, Jiang Yi has not shown any other abilities except filament fire so far.

And the players on the Battle Beast Ranking have all won ten consecutive games!

Their combat experience and combat consciousness can be said to be quite rich!

Moreover, many of those strong men who have already been on the fighting beast list like to "snipe" unfamous geniuses!

Just figure out the matching mechanism of the Colosseum.

Interrupting a genius' ten-game winning streak is actually very easy to do.

That’s why winning ten consecutive victories in one life is so difficult!

With Jiang Yi's strength.

Ten consecutive wins is certainly not a problem.

What’s difficult is winning ten consecutive victories in one life!

At this moment, there is a strong man named "Qian Sheng" on the fighting beast list.

It was obviously aimed at him!

The purpose is to interrupt his winning streak!

Beiwu, who was about to win his tenth consecutive victory, really didn't dare challenge Jiang Yi at a critical moment.

Because once you lose, the price is too high.

But there are strong men like Qian Sheng who have already made it onto the fighting beast list.

He is eager to take this opportunity to become famous!

Interrupting the genius' winning streak, trampling the genius' pride underfoot...

Perhaps this is also the unique bad taste among geniuses.

At the same time, Qian Sheng was as excited as the one in the Colosseum.

It's a mini girl in a tea cup.

Her eyes were burning and excited, and she murmured: "Finally, I've matched with a guy who has real ability!"

"This time, Jiang Yi must show some real skills, right?!"

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