Global Live Broadcast: the Strongest Fisherman

Chapter 76: A sensation in the whole world

After watching for a while, the phone rang again!

This time, the fat man said, "When you answer the phone, you are going back to the boss of Yanlou! Another boss, Qianmu!"

Boss Qian, Ding Zhaotian didn't even know each other!

Ding Zhaotian felt puzzled and asked, "Who are you?"

The other party was very enthusiastic and said: "I am Fatty's friend, a friend I just met, um, my name is Qian Mu, you can call me Lao Qian, whatever, I am the boss of Huiyan Tower! You know Huiyanlou, right? "

Ding Zhaotian said: "I know, it's a big restaurant. Manager Wang seems to have said before that the boss is not Qian?"

Qian Mu said: "Yes, I am the new boss. I bought Huiyan Tower, repackaged it, and simply redecorated it! You can put aside the past and let us get to know Huiyan Tower again!"

Ding Zhaotian hesitated a little, thought for a while, and said, "I'm thinking, should we still use the auction method? You also want this blue lobster, right?"

Boss Qian Mu laughed and said, "Yes, that's why I'm getting close. I want to say that we can cooperate for a long time in the future. In terms of money, I will never treat you badly!"

The fat man was beside him, and he heard it too!

As for the audience, because Ding Zhaotian turned on the hands-free, the audience heard it too!

Barrage explosion!

"What, do capitalist bosses have a good one? Don't trust him!"

"The boss must want to make money!"

"Money won't treat you badly, and won't let you earn it?"

"Be careful, don't be fooled!"

"Come on old Ding, don't be fooled, you should continue to hold auctions!"

"The bosses of these Seafood City, it is said that they made a lot of money from Lao Ding last time! Maybe double the money!"

"Old Ding, don't be fooled. They made more than 1 million yuan a few times. It is estimated that the sum of these times should be 2 million!"

The barrage keeps reminding Lao Ding!

Ding Zhaotian didn't see the barrage!

But Fatty and Xiaowu saw it!

Xiao Wu said: "Old Ding,

Look at the barrage! "

He was embarrassed to explain directly, because that would be too disrespectful to Boss Qian Mu!

Ding Zhaotian looked at it, and actually knew it well. These people, including the barrage audience, kindly reminded himself!

I was also moved in my heart!

So he said to Boss Qian Mu: "How about we return to the voyage now, and then auction it on the shore, how about it?"

Boss Qian was not very satisfied, but after all, the two of them were not close brothers, and there was no other way, so he said, "Okay, then you come back, and I will go in person!"

Just after hanging up the phone, I received another call from Sun Dekai!

Sun Dekai directly asked about the auction time, and said, "Sooner rather than later, after all, the money is paid for!"

In fact, Ding Zhaotian also understands this truth!

Seafood is one of the least valuable things.

At this time, although the lobsters caught by Fatty and A Niu were not small, they paled in comparison!

are ignored.

No one, no audience went to see them, all went to see the big blue lobster!

Some new spectators kept sighing that it was too big!

How could there be such a big one, and it couldn't be made by man!

Wait for the remarks, keep swiping the screen!

There are too many barrages of these spattering remarks, Fatty and Xiao Wu are numb!

But Wang Qiang and the others were still very enthusiastic, interacting with the barrage.

For example, when the barrage asked to turn the lobster around, Yang Dawei and Wang Qiang turned the lobster around.

At this time, it was amazing that Yang Dawei finally asked this question, asking: "Wouldn't it be better if this lobster was alive? Wouldn't it be more valuable?"

The fat man also slapped his thigh and shouted: "Yah, bah, old Ding, why did you get stabbed to death?"

Ding Zhaotian patted his head and said, "I can't help it, it's too fierce, like a beast!"

Everyone also understands!

At this time, everyone returns to the voyage.

Coincidentally, when a fishing boat came across on the road, Ding Zhaotian ordered to approach and let the fishing boat dispose of the other lobsters and sea fish!

Large herrings including schools of herring!

Boss Yu, the owner of the fishing boat, boarded the boat for inspection, and when he saw it, he was startled and asked, "You guys, what kind of monster are you?"

The fat man said cheerfully, "Didn't you understand? Have you ever seen it? Let me show you the world. This is a big blue lobster, a beautiful lobster!"

This splendid lobster is too big, and it is still royal blue!

Boss Yu was shocked!

Boss Yu said, "This, this, do you sell it?"

Started to make a fortune and make a profit!

The fat man said, "Let's go back to the auction, which is a simple live auction. Then you can go to the shore and bid!"

Boss Yu had indeed moved his mind, but he didn't have the principal.

Because he knew that this thing, this huge blue lobster, was a sky-high price!

Let's see if someone bids in the end!

So I asked about the location carefully, and decided to see if I could catch a leak!

However, at this time, the barrage began to flash another subtitle, saying: "The rich man of Dongyang Country, the owner of a big seafood city, wants to buy or participate in the auction!"

He asked someone to ask Lao Ding in the barrage, if he agreed to foreigners participating in the auction?

This created a problem for Ding Zhaotian!

Ding Zhaotian never thought that people from abroad would also participate in it!

This is the first time this happened!

Ding Zhaotian hesitated!

This time I really hesitated!

At this time, the fat man said: "Our old man has to think about it, don't force him!"

The barrage is divided into two factions!

Mainly the 6 million viewers in China, the barrage is divided into two factions to quarrel endlessly!

Some people said: "This is seafood, for eating, and it's obviously a luxury item, so it's good to sell it to foreigners and earn money from foreigners!"

Some people said: "It shouldn't be exported to foreign countries, our domestic rich can afford it!"

Some people even said: "In my opinion, people from abroad have to bid twice or three times!"

But someone immediately retorted: "You don't make sense. How can seafood be divided into domestic and foreign countries! The dollar is money, the euro is also money, and the yen is also money!"

Everyone is arguing!

Then, some people even began to abuse!

Ding Zhaotian made a gesture and said, "Everyone use civilized language!"

After settling accounts, Boss Yu gave a total of 329,000!

In other words, two nets of herring, plus other lobsters, sold a total of 329,000!

Now, this baby prawn is the only thing left on the boat!

Everyone is traveling light!

Hurry back!

The lobster was put in the freezer!

Keep it fresh for now!

Then, hurry up and rush back to Linhai Town!

Xiaolong Village, Linhai Town, Huanghai City!

Originally there were 200 households here, but on the day we rushed back, at 9 am, tens of thousands of people gathered here!

Why is this?

It turned out that in the past two days, this incident has caused a sensation in the whole world!

The giant blue lobster went out to sea!

This headline was put on the headlines of more than 300 media outlets around the world!

Ding Zhaotian never expected that the lobster he caught was actually the first blue lobster of this size in the world!

Moreover, shocked the whole world!

When Ding Zhaotian's boat came back to the shore, Fatty stood on the deck facing the wind, and saw countless flashing lights!

The fat man wondered, "What is this? A light show?"

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