“Great God, why is this happening? I didn’t know anything after I had a few drinks with my husband just now.”
After hearing Bai Suzhen’s words, Chu Feng also sighed heavily.
Say it casually.
“I asked you to repay your favor, not to take revenge. You scared him to death.”
After hearing this, Bai Suzhen felt very uncomfortable, because he was also very fond of Xu Xian.
Just arrived at the warm place, drank two glasses of wine and prepared the wedding candles, she didn’t know anything.
When he woke up, he found that Xu Xian had been frightened to death, and his life had passed to hell.
Isn’t this God’s punishment for her?
So when thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and said to Chu Feng.
“Great God, I beg you to save him and let him and I complete the unfinished business.”
“After speaking, she blushed and looked at Xu Xian.”
When Chu Feng heard what Bai Suzhen said, he also admired it to the extreme.
0・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・
Scared his benefactor to death, and now he is still thinking about this kind of thing. I am afraid that only this snake spirit can do such a thing.
After Xu Xian’s death, Chu Feng found that his mission had not failed, but was still going on, and he also knew that there was still room for maneuver in this matter.
So he opened his mouth and said to Bai Suzhen.
“Now his soul has entered Huangquan Road, but it has not yet reached Naihe Bridge. You still have time to chase him.”
… … … …
When Bai Suzhen heard what Chu Feng said, she also hesitated a little.
Although she was looking for Xu Xian to repay her kindness, she also knew that the three realms had the rules of the three realms.
That is, the monster race cannot enter the underworld. If they are discovered, they will be sanctioned by heaven.
And she also felt that it was not worth taking such a big risk for a moment of lust.
So there was also a look of hesitation on her face, and Chu Feng saw this trace of hesitation on her face.
He didn’t expect that Bai Suzhen would be so heartless, completely disregarding the kindness of Xu Xian’s previous life.
So he also had to do something, or else the task would fail, and he would be busy for nothing.
Chapter 157 Repaying the Grace of Past Life
What’s more, after doing the mission so many times, he has never failed.
So when he thought of this, he also spoke.
“The monster clan has the rules of the monster clan. If you have a favor, you must repay it. God blesses you.”
“But repaying kindness with hatred will be tolerated by the law of heaven.”
“He gave you a thousand years of Taoism, but you made him die. This is a kindness and revenge.”
“How to do it is up to you. If you want to save him, I can “437” help you enter the underworld.”
When Bai Suzhen heard what Chu Feng said, she also became dazed.
Because he originally planned to come out to play, but he didn’t expect to meet Chu Feng, who was mentally ill.
She was pulled directly in front of Xu Xian, but Xu Xian was so talented that she was tempted.
I thought I could taste the taste of love in the world, but I didn’t want to drink a few glasses of wine and show my real body, scaring the lover back to death.
If you don’t save him now, it will be like what Chu Feng said, you will become a person who repays your kindness and revenge, which is not tolerated by the law of heaven.
But if she rescues her, the price will be extremely high, because she is a monster and will be punished by the underworld.
Although Chu Feng is willing to help her, he will bear the final bitterness by himself.
Seeing this Bai Suzhen, Chu Feng was still tangled up here, and he planned to add another fire, so he spoke.
“Within half an hour, if his soul does not return to his body, then he will never come back.”
After Bai Suzhen heard this, she also gritted her teeth, not for anything else, but for her future practice, she also wanted to go back to the underworld.
So immediately said to Chu Feng.
“Great God, I have made a decision. If this incident happened because of me, it has cause and effect with me, and the result of my troubles must be resolved by me.”
“So I am willing to go to the underworld to help my husbandYou call back your soul. ”
Hearing what Bai Suzhen said, Chu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, because he was really worried that this snake spirit would just run away.
That would be really difficult for him, but now he heard that Bai Suzhen was willing to go to the underworld, so he also laughed.
Then he made mudras with both hands, and spoke.
“Everything is your fate, so any price is your cause and effect.”
Hearing what Chu Feng said, Bai Suzhen also nodded, so Chu Feng raised his palm and covered Xu Xian’s body with spiritual power.
Using this immortal power to guarantee Xu Xian’s physical body, and making a formula with both hands, he immediately entered the underworld…
In the underworld, on Huangquan Road, there were figures walking forward in a slow pace.
Breaking away from the shackles of the world, dusting off the dust all over the body, a person will go back and forth in his life.
The flowers on the other side bloom on the other side, and the flowers and leaves never meet each other.
When Chu Feng saw all this, he also felt an inexplicable sadness.
But now is not the time to be sympathetic to sentient beings, so he opened his mouth and said to Bai Suzhen who was on the side.
“Go and find your husband quickly, and remember that mana cannot be used in the underworld.”
“Otherwise, you will pay for the consequences. I hope you can get your fate and solve the cause and effect of your life.”
Hearing what Chu Feng said, Bai Suzhen also nodded slightly to Chu Feng, and then walked towards the figures.
Here she can’t use 3.2 mana, and she can only look for her loved one like a wandering spirit.
After seeing thousands of figures, he shook his head in disappointment, and then plunged into the crowd again.
Looking at Bai Suzhen’s back, Chu Feng also sighed secretly as he thought about all kinds of predestinations in this world.
“The way of heaven is exhausted, if you can know the relationship between the past life and the present life, you will not regret the current love and hatred.”.
Chapter 158 Deep Sigh by Naipa Bridge
Among the crowd, Bai Suzhen looked anxious, and she shuttled back and forth looking for Xu Xian’s figure, but the kindness of the past life flashed in her mind.
This kindness has to be repaid, otherwise I am also committing crimes.
Even after crossing the Naihe Bridge, he still has to find Xu Xian, even if his body is smashed to pieces.
The time is short, and there is only one stick of incense. You can’t delay the time like this, but you can’t find Xu Xian.
Seeing that some souls in the crowd had stepped onto the Naihe Bridge, Bai Suzhen was extremely anxious.
Nabao Bridge sighed, “Officer, where are you?”
At this time, time did not allow her to sigh, so she was anxious to think of a way.
Looking from a distance, I saw that Black and White Impermanence is leading souls into the 09 Naihe Bridge ahead.
At this time, Po Meng was also passing bowl after bowl of soup to each figure.
I saw one figure after another receiving the soup handed over by Granny Meng, but they were also helpless, as if they had so many wishes that they could not go.
This life that I can’t let go of, but things backfire. If I don’t want to, I can’t get rid of it.
How much helplessness to drink this bowl of Mengpo soup, praying that I can have something to sustenance.
Bai Suzhen didn’t have time to think about it, so she ran forward with all her strength, and ran to the side of Black and White Wuchang.
At this time, Black and White Wu often saw this situation, and saw a monster break into Huangquan.
Before Bai Suzhen could speak, she raised the weapon in her hand and pointed it at Bai Suzhen.
He opened his mouth and said, “Bold evildoer, who gave you the courage to dare to trespass into the underworld.”
“Don’t you know where this is, why don’t you go quickly?”
Seeing such a situation, Bai Suzhen knew that she could not use magic power.
So he gave the black and white impermanence the courtesy first, and the words of love were sincere, and he said to the black and white impermanence, “My little girl broke into the underworld today.”
“It’s very offending, but it’s also a matter of necessity, and I have no choice but to break in here.”
“I’m here to find a person, please help Black and White Impermanence, this person’s life is not over.”
“It’s only because of this reason that the soul is lost and enters the underworld.”
“Please, the two gods, be lenient and let me take this person back, because this person has done me a favor, and I came here to repay the favor.”
After hearing Bai Suzhen’s words, Black and White Impermanence remained expressionless, and said to her with a serious face, “I, Black and White, think that you are here for the first time, not doing evil, and I don’t care about you.”
“But the person you mentioned, we don’t have the right to let him go, so you should leave quickly.”
I saw that Black and White Impermanence’s voice was harsh and unreasonable.
Bai Suzhen also looked helpless, so she stood up and shouted to the crowd, “Officer, where are you?”
The voice was urgent, and his face was anxious.
At this time, a figure in the crowd heard someone shouting and stopped immediately.
When he came back to his senses, he looked towards the place where the voice came from, and saw that it was his wife, it was his wife who was calling him.
He quickly raised his eyes, glanced around, and broke away from the people around him.
Then he ran towards the lady, waving to the lady while running.
I can bring everything in my dreams into reality
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