Only then can all the problems in front of us be solved.
When thinking of this, Chu Feng stopped talking too much with Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia.
With a wave of his hand, the dusty thousand-year-old tree was uprooted.
After the old tree was uprooted, a space appeared below, and there was also a bloody smell in that space.
All kinds of yin and cold air gushed out, making people feel a little sick, presumably this was the old demon’s lair.
So when thinking of this, Chu Feng opened his mouth and said to Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia.
“Leave the rest to the two of you. Go quickly to the old tree demon’s lair and bring out Nie Xiaoqian’s soul.” “After I bring it out, I will have my own magic function, which can help Nie Xiaoqian return to life.”
Hearing what Chu Feng said, Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia did not dare to delay at all. They also knew that this matter must be dealt with urgently.
After all, the Black Mountain old demon was not completely killed. If the delay is too long, I am afraid that Ye Changmeng will change.
When thinking about this, the two of them entered the mansion of the old tree demon.
When they entered the tree demon’s mansion, they also found that they were indeed late, and there was nothing to look for in the old tree demon’s mansion at this time.
Everything was destroyed, and Nie Xiaoqian’s soul completely disappeared.
Seeing such a scene, Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia also felt a tinge of despair, they did not expect that this old Black Mountain demon would take Nie Xiaoqian’s soul away when he was dying and fleeing .
Seeing such a situation, they didn’t know what to do next, so they retreated to the ground.
Inform Chu Feng of the situation here and let Chu Feng make a decision.
When Chu Feng saw the situation outside, he also knew that the Black Mountain old demon probably took Nie Xiaoqian’s soul away when he was about to leave.
Chapter 245 Prepare to go to the junction of Yin and Yang
They also had too much negligence in this aspect before, which allowed the old Montenegro demon to take advantage of it.
But even so, even if it is not important, since the old Black Mountain demon is making trouble here, it is also a meritorious thing to clean him up.
So when he thought of this, Chu Feng had already made two-handed preparations. If Nie Xiaoqian threw it here, then he would complete the task in advance.
(Lan Tian) 45634⑧⒎⒎0
As for whether the Black Mountain old demon survived or not, it was not important to him. His main purpose was to complete this side mission.
But if Nie Xiaoqian’s soul is taken away by this old Black Mountain demon 497, then the old Black Mountain demon can only be blamed for digging his own grave.
He will go forward and completely kill the old Black Mountain demon, so that he can no longer continue to stir up trouble.
After thinking of all these things, Chu Feng waited at the same place and not long after, Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen returned to the ground.
The first time she got back to the ground, Yan Chixia said to Chu Feng, “Master, we are one step too late, and Nie Xiaoqian’s soul has already been taken away by that old Black Mountain demon.”
“Now there is nothing left in his cave.”
When Chu Feng heard what Yan Chixia said, he also nodded.
Judging from the expressions of Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen, it is imperative to kill the Black Mountain old demon’s lair now.
They had to go next, so when thinking about this, Chu Feng spoke to Yan Chixia.
“Do you know anything about this old Black Mountain demon? Where is the cave of this old Black Mountain demon?”
When Yan Chixia heard what Chu Feng said, she also shook her head, and then she spoke to Chu Feng.
“Although I don’t know where the specific cave of the old Black Mountain demon is, I found a wave of invitations in the cave of the old tree demon.”
“It’s about the dowry invitation that Nie Xiaoqian made when she married this Montenegrin old demon. There is also an address on (ajdc).”
“This address must be the lair of the Montenegrin old demon.”
When Chu Feng heard what Yan Chixia said, he also nodded, and then said to Yan Chixia.
“Then quickly take out this invitation card and see where is the address on it, without further ado, we must rescue Nie Xiaoqian as quickly as possible, lest things change later.”
When Yan Chixia heard what Chu Feng said, she immediately took out the invitation from her bosom and handed it to Chu Feng.
Chu Feng took the invitation and took a closer look. It said Yinshan Mountain. When he saw this place, Chu Feng also fell into deep thought.
Because he also knows a little about this yin mountain, this yin mountain is not in the yang world, but in a place where Yin and Yang meet.
There is a mountain range called Yinshan, he did not expect that this old black mountain demon is actually practicing here.
It’s no wonder that the mouth is full of yin, presumably this is also the result of the grievances gathered in this Yinshan place for thousands of years.
Seeing Chu Feng’s expression, Yan Chixia also knew that Chu Feng should know the specific location of Yinshan on the invitation.
So he opened his mouth and said to Chu Feng, “My God, seeing your expression, also knows that you should know the exact location of this Yin Mountain.”
“You will lead the team next, let’s set off quickly and try to rescue Nie Xiaoqian as soon as possible.”
Chapter 246: Mortals in the Yin-Yang World Cannot Enter
After Ning Caichen heard this, he was also eager to try, planning to go with Chu Feng and Yan Chixia.
Seeing their eagerness to try, Chu Feng also opened his mouth and said to Yan Chixia, “There is nothing wrong with you going with me, but if Ning Caichen wants to go, it will be very dangerous.”
“Because this Yin Mountain is not in the Yang world, but at the junction of Yin and Yang.”
“There is a continuous mountain range, and in this mountain range, there are also countless vain~dead ghosts.”
“There are ghosts howling and yin qi all year round. This place is a land of great yin. If people of yang enter it, they will either die or be disabled.”
When Yan Chixia heard what Chu Feng said, she immediately nodded, because he also understood the situation of Yinshan Mountain.
In the place where yin and yang meet, the yin energy is extremely strong, and there are endless ghosts and ghosts there.
If Ning Caichen used his mortal body to enter the range of Yinshan Mountain.
Their souls and bodies will be taken away quickly.
In addition, his current situation is also very weak, and he is not suitable to enter such an environment.
So when thinking of all this, Yan Chixia spoke to Ning Caichen.
“It’s not this time, it’s just too dangerous not to take you there.”
“And with your body, you can’t stand the erosion of Yin Qi.”
“The place we are going here is not in Yangjian, but in the junction of Yin and Yang.”
“So I still hope that you can know this.”
“When the time comes, God Chu Feng and I will enter it, and then you can wait outside to meet us.”
When Ning Caichen heard what Yan Chixia said, he shook his head. In this matter, although he is very weak.
But no matter what, Nie Xiaoqian was his favorite.
On top of this matter, if he was just a spectator outside, considering his character, he would feel very sad.
After all, Nie Xiaoqian and him are entangled by fate, no matter what, he wants to save Nie Xiaoqian.
When hearing what Yan Chixia said about everything he said.
Although he knew that this trip was extremely dangerous, he was not afraid of such danger.
So when he thought of this, he also spoke to Chu Feng.
0・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・
“Master Chu Feng, I know that you are extremely capable, this time you entered the Yin Mountain to the place where Nie Xiaoqian was imprisoned?”
“Nie Xiaoqian and I have a destiny destined for us.”
“Now that old Black Mountain demon wants to forcibly marry her as a concubine. How can I agree?”
“Even if my ability is not good, no matter how weak my strength is, I will go to this Yin Mountain myself.”
.. . . . . . . . .
“Destroy the lair of this Black Mountain old demon, and rescue Nie Xiaoqian.”
When Chu Feng heard what Ning Caichen said, he was extremely appreciative.
At least now in Ning Caichen, he has seen some manly essence.
In addition, this task also stipulates the matter between Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen.
If you don’t take it with you on this trip, then there may be some losses in terms of completing the task.
After combining all these considerations, Chu Feng also made a decision.
During this trip to Yinshan, Ning Caichen was also brought in the team.
Although he is now a mortal body, he cannot bear the invasion of this evil wind.
Chapter 247: Ning Caichen asks Chu Feng for an artifact
But Chu Feng knew that he still had the ability to let him survive in such an environment.
Although it will waste some of his energy, it must be brought with him.
If when the time comes, the mission fails because Ning Caichen did not show up, it will be a great loss for him.
So after thinking about all these things, Chu Feng spoke to Ning Caichen.
“This matter, your “497” thinking is also correct, after all, this Nie Xiaoqian is married to you.”
“In addition, there is a certain cause and effect between the two of you.”
“Going to Yinshan this time to rescue Nie Xiaoqian, there is a certain reason for you to go.”
“Although your body is very weak now, I can use my divine light to protect your body.”
“At that time, you only need to be within the range of the divine light.”
“Don’t go out of the area covered by the divine light, otherwise the Yin Qi will invade your body and you will be taken away instantly.”
I can bring everything in my dreams into reality
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