And what Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said is very reasonable.
So on this matter, he didn’t intend to get too entangled.
After everything is arranged properly, I am very satisfied.
Those who were preparing to leave took Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen, but this time Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not accompany them.
After completing the trip to the South China Sea, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the South China Sea.
After all, there are many things to do in the 18th floor of hell.
So Chu Feng didn’t have it either, for Ksitigarbha BodhisattvaThere have been too many retentions.
After leaving South China Sea, Ning Caichen’s heart was full of emotions, if he hadn’t met Chu Feng.
He will not know it in this life, and he will be able to see Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
After finishing all these things, Chu Feng just waved his hand 0……
Then a manor appeared, and in it, red lanterns were hung high, as if it was a scene of a happy wedding.
Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian, seeing this situation, understood all of Chu Feng’s thoughts.
Yan Chixia, who was standing aside, also laughed.
Because he also knew that Chu Feng planned to prepare a wedding for Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian in the future.
And he and Chu Feng are the witnesses for Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.
Seeing such a situation, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian immediately took a step forward and bowed deeply to Chu Feng.
Because the current Chu Feng is like their reborn parents.
Without Chu Feng 3.2, the two of them would not be where they are today.
So expressing gratitude to Chu Feng is a matter of course.
Seeing the two of them express their views, Chu Feng tapped lightly in the air.
Then Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian were sent to the bridal chamber.
Everything happened in the blink of an eye, just after Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen entered the bridal chamber, the system’s notification sound came out.
Chapter 298 Complete the side mission
[Sub-task: The relationship between humans and ghosts is not over, complete]
【Time: 60 minutes】
【Evaluation: SS】
[Because of the “Infinite Amplification” talent, the reward is increased by 10 times]
[Reward: 120,000 points, supernatural powers of the underworld, Yin soldiers clear the way]
When Chu Feng saw the task completion box that popped up, he was also relieved in his heart.
What surprised him most was that he felt that he had spent too much time on this task.
But when he saw that the task only took 60 minutes, he felt very balanced in his heart.
It seems that the time elapsed in this task is still very different from the time displayed by the outside world.
09 After a period of strategizing and his clever mind, he completely completed this sub-task.
At this time, there are many strong thoughts in his heart.
That is the task this time, which is very different from the previous ones.
The previous mission objectives were directly marked, but this time it depends on the completion of the mission.
Seeing that the evaluation has reached two S’s, it means that during the completion of the task this time, the completion process is still extremely good.
Although it didn’t reach the three S evaluations, Chu Feng was very satisfied in his heart.
And when he saw that the reward reached 120,000 points, he was very excited.
Because these points are very important to him.
Especially when he saw the harvest this time, and also harvested a supernatural power from the underworld to open the way, it made him feel very excited.
He has many supernatural powers now, but he has no supernatural powers in the underworld.
It seems that taking Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen to the underworld this time is still of great benefit.
Presumably, this task reward should be attributed more to his superseding those undead and ghosts.
Let those ghosts and ghosts have the opportunity to reincarnate and get rid of many karma in the previous life.
It seems that such a casual approach has brought great benefits to Chu Feng.
When seeing this, Chu Feng was very happy in his heart.
He is also very curious now, what kind of surprises this supernatural power of the underworld “clearing the way” will bring him.
And he is also very curious about what kind of mission the next side mission will be.
As a task maniac, he will definitely not have too much rest at this time.
Because he also urgently needs to use the current degree of completion of the task to complete the copy of this task faster.
So that one’s own realm can break through to the realm of a saint.
After all, it has been a long time since he was stuck in the bottleneck of quasi-sage realm, and even 530 felt a little impatient.
So when I thought of this, I pressed the module to start the mission without hesitation.
Then another mission module popped up.
[Submission: True and False Monkey King]
[Task Difficulty: Difficult]
[Task content: During the process of Tang Seng’s study, some accidents occurred. The real and fake Monkey King appeared to help Monkey King to tide over the crisis and see through the conspiracy in the study. 】
[Task Reward: Depends on the completion of the task]
When Chu Feng saw such a brief introduction to the mission, he felt a little overwhelmed, because he didn’t expect that the mission of this new round was actually this mission.
Chapter 299 New Quest: True or False Monkey King
But that’s okay, he is also very good at this aspect.
Especially on the matter of changing the true and false, he also has his unique insights.
So when I thought of this, I quickly entered this dungeon.
When he entered this dungeon, he instantly appeared in a forest.
In this forest, there is also a monk meditating here.
This monk has a full heaven and a round earth, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and looks very gentle.
After seeing this stranger, Chu Feng knew clearly that this person should be Tang Seng.
After seeing such a situation, Chu Feng did not step forward, but carefully observed what was going to happen next nearby.
According to his calculations, there must be Monkey King coming next, and there will beAt this time, there was a dispute with Tang Seng.
Then Tang Seng will drive Sun Wukong away in a rage, so that the plot can officially develop.
So the current Chu Feng didn’t disturb Tang Seng who was meditating here.
At this time, there was some difference from Chu Feng’s thinking, and it was that a woman with an extremely enchanting appearance appeared in the picture.
This woman didn’t need to look carefully to know that she must be a goblin.
At this time, the woman approached Tang Seng pretending to be cute and pitiful.
When Tang Seng saw this woman approaching, he immediately shivered.
At the same time, he hid aside and spoke to the woman.
“Female benefactor, you are from the wilderness, I don’t know why you came here.”
When the female fairy heard what Tang Seng said, she also showed a charming smile, and at the same time she spoke.
“The little girl lives in the deep mountains. She lost her way because she came to look for my parents alone.”
“I also ask the eminent monk to give me one or two pointers so that I can return home quickly.”
When Tang Seng heard what the woman said, he felt pity immediately, and then he spoke to the banshee.
“I’m here waiting for my apprentice to break the fast for me. My apprentice hasn’t come back yet, so I can’t send you back for the time being.”
When the banshee heard what Tang Seng said, she pretended to be very pitiful, and there were traces of tears on her face.
Seeing such a situation, Chu Feng cursed Tang Seng secretly in his heart.
Sure enough, he is an ignorant person, who can’t see such an obvious situation, and even agrees to send him home. Isn’t this asking for his own death?
But even so, Chu Feng still hid and watched, and did not go forward.
Because now he doesn’t want to meddle in these nosy matters, as for the life and death of this Tang monk has nothing to do with him.
His mission goal in this game is to resolve the issue of the true and false Monkey King.
He doesn’t want to interfere too much with things that have nothing to do with the mission, so he continues to watch here.
The banshee (Li Hao) saw that Tang Seng was unmoved and was still meditating here, so she felt malicious in her heart.
Walking quietly behind Tang Seng, he stretched out his devil’s claws, intending to tear out Tang Seng’s heart completely.
Just when the banshee showed her fierce face, there was a loud shout, and at the same time, a stick beat the banshee to death on the spot.
Tang Seng saw a woman who was alive and kicking before, but died under Monkey King’s stick in a blink of an eye.
Chapter 300 Sun Wukong subdues demons with one stick
I can bring everything in my dreams into reality
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