After thinking about it, he said, “Since you already know that your coming this time is a sign of great evil, why do you insist on doing it?”
When Ji Chang heard Jiang Ziya’s question, he could only smile wryly.
Then he said, “This is God’s will, so it can’t be violated, since God’s will let me come here.”
“Then I can just obey. I am now nearly fifty years old, and I have nothing worth losing.”
“I hope that the living god can do a divination for my son.”
“Let’s see if he can be safe and sound this time, and save the day.”
After Jiang Ziya heard Ji Chang, he did not refuse what he said.
Then he confronted Bo Yi and started to think about the hexagrams. Even Jiang Ziya was very confused about the hexagrams this time.
Chapter 426 Karma intersects, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other
⒋㈤63④⑧7⑦O Lan Tian
Because this hexagram is very abnormal, there is an effect in the cause, and there is a cause in the effect.
And from it, we can also see that there are disasters in blessings, and blessings in disasters.
He had never seen such a hexagram in his life, so he felt very shocked.
And Chu Feng was beside Jiang Ziya, after seeing Jiang Ziya’s expression~.
I also know what Jiang Ziya is worried about now.
So when Chu Feng saw all these things, he immediately took a step forward.
Walked in front of Ji Chang and Bo Yikao, and then spoke.
“If my guess is correct, you are Xibo Hou Jichang, and this is your son Bo Yikao.”
“This time you came to Chaoge City, the hexagram indeed shows that it is a sign of great evil.”
“However, since ancient times, the hexagrams have not shown completeness. As the saying goes, blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes come from blessings.”
Hearing Chu Feng, he told all the truth about the matter.
Bo Yikao and Ji Chang felt very surprised immediately.
Because this time, they finally met an expert.
Just take a look and you will know their origins and what they will experience this time.
In this way, they can be regarded as encountering a savior.
When thinking of this, Ji Chang respectfully bowed to Chu Feng.
Then he opened his mouth and said, “This expert, what you said is right, I am Xibo Hou Jichang.”
“And this one is my eldest son Boyi Kao.”
“Before I set off this time, I already predicted that it was a bad omen.”
“But I can’t predict my son’s hexagram. He is also blessed with misfortunes, and blessed with misfortunes.”
“So I can only bite the bullet and bring him into Chaoge City.”
“If Mister has a way to solve this crisis, then I, Ji Chang, am willing to agree to any request from Mister.”
When Chu Feng heard that Ji Chang said this, he felt very sad in his heart.
Because this time his eldest son is a famous person on the list of gods.
Those who are famous on the list of gods will all fall and suffer catastrophe here.
And even he, Chu Feng, couldn’t change it.
Chu Feng also knew about Bo Yi Kao, and this time he came to Chaoge City.
He could no longer return to Xiqi City, and the only way to meet him was death.
After Chu Feng saw it, he also had many emotions in his heart.
0・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・
This is the reason for the ominous omen shown on his hexagrams. This situation is caused by the way of heaven, and no one can change it.
But as the saying goes, blessings come with misfortunes, and misfortunes come with blessings. In the future, his son will be above the gods.
It is the rank of the Ziwei Emperor, which means that it is on the same level as the Jade Emperor and the four emperors.
Such a priesthood ranks first in the list of gods.
…… 0 …….
In this way, it can also be said that for them, it is a sign of great auspiciousness.
That’s why Ji Chang couldn’t predict good or bad omens.
It’s because now it’s only about the secrets in the way of heaven, and it’s also about the mysteries in the list of gods.
Only Chu Feng could see all of this.
four five six three four eight seven seven zero
For people like Xibohou and Ji Chang, although they are proficient in divination.
But what he used was also Fuxi’s sixty-four hexagrams, and he also used the hexagrams of astronomical divination.
All of this is within the Dao of Heaven, within the six rounds, so it cannot be predicted very clearly.
But this is also a very normal thing.
Now Chu Feng sees clearly, all the truth about this matter and the reason behind it.
Chapter 427: The Mystery Cannot Be Changed
It is also necessary for Bo Yikao and Ji Chang to calm down on this matter.
So when thinking of this, Chu Feng took out a talisman from his bosom.
Handed this talisman to Ji Chang, and then spoke to Ji Chang.
“What is depicted on it is a secret, only when you encounter a life-and-death crisis.”
“Only then can it be unfolded, I hope you can understand what I mean by “six zero seven”.”
“As for what you said, I also agree very much. This is God’s will.”
“Even we can’t change it, I hope you can understand this.”
“And I can tell you clearly that this matter is not a bad thing for you. ”
“Everything depends on the long-term. As for the blessings that will be brought to you later, it is also a supreme honor.”
When Ji Chang and Bo Yikao heard what Chu Feng said, they also nodded their thanks to Bo Yikao.
So he took the talisman from Chu Feng’s hand and put it close to his body.
Regarding this matter, even Chu Feng cannot do more protection for them now.
I didn’t explain too much to them, but obviously, I also gave them the deepest help.
One thing they can be sure of now is this fierce appearance.
For them, it may not be the worst plan, and there are some good things in it.
So when thinking about this, Bo Yikao and Ji Chang nodded their thanks to Jiang Ziya and Chu Feng.
Later, he became friends with Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya.
And inform each other of their respective locations to facilitate future communication.
The reason why Chu Feng is above this matter is to help Ji Chang so much.
It’s because Ji Chang is Jiang Ziya’s nobleman.
The following task of enshrining the gods, as well as Jiang Ziya’s future future, are also directly related to Ji Chang.
Now for Jiang Ziya, forming some good relationships will be of great benefit to the next task.
After Bo Yikao and Ji Chang found out about this matter.
Nor did they stay too much with Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya.
After all, after they came to Chaoge, they still had some things to deal with.
So I bid farewell to Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya, and then returned to the inn where they were.  …
Just after Bo Yikao and Ji Chang left, Chu Feng sighed heavily.
For this matter, he is helpless.
Although he also knew that Bo Yi’s test this time was more than good, and in Chaoge City, he would definitely suffer this bad luck.
But he has no way to stop it, after all, Bo Yi Kao is a famous person on the list of gods
Now that they can predict it, then the next step.
All he needed was to make Bo Yikao’s death look less miserable.
Looking at Chu Feng’s expression, Jiang Ziya knew that he was also very sad right now.
Obviously, since he took charge of the list of gods, he has also known the cause and effect of this.
3.2 Some things are beyond their control.
Considering that the way of heaven is like this, it is beyond the reach of human beings, and even they cannot change it.
So after finishing all these things, Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya continued to set up a stall here.
At noon, the group of Su Hu’s daughter Su Daji also entered Chaoge City.
Chapter 428 A Chance Encounter in Chaoge City
I can bring everything in my dreams into reality
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