“I just wanted to take her as my concubine, but Su Hu turned her back straight away.”
“Su Daji has already made a marriage contract with Boyi Kao, and he cannot be made to serve Gu.”
When Fei Zhong heard what King Zhou said, his eyes rolled in their sockets, and his mind kept turning.
After thinking for a while, he said to the king, “Don’t worry, my king, I have a solution for this matter.”
Hearing what Fei Zhong said, King Zhou was very happy and said to him.
“There is really a way. If this is done, I will definitely reward you heavily.”
Seeing that King Zhou was so happy, Fei Zhong went on to say 0……
“Your Majesty, you can wait. We can set up a complete plan for this matter, and leave this matter to the minister to handle.”
So Fei Zhongxiao said something next to King Zhou’s ear, and then King Zhou showed a happy smile.
At this time, Jiang Ziya and Chu Feng also came to the palace.
When Jiang Ziya came here this time, he also planned in his heart what he was going to do.
Because he had to ensure that Xibo Hou Jichang could escape this catastrophe smoothly.
He also didn’t want Xibo Hou Jichang to be trapped in the palace and encounter disaster.
Because his master Yuanshi Tianzun entrusted him with the task of enshrining the gods, which is also imminent.
He also needs to speed up the progress and use the fastest time to solve this matter as soon as possible.
3.2 And he also knows that there is Chu Feng by his side to help him.
Although he didn’t know much about Chu Feng, where did he come from.
But he also knew that Chu Feng would be of great help to him in his next task of enshrining the gods.
And in the next period of time, Chu Feng will be by his side, escorting him.
Chapter 438 Jiang Ziya Enters the Palace
“Linglong Chat Group” ⒌1912424⒊
And regarding the list of gods, Chu Feng was able to resolve many matters for him one by one.
So in his heart, there is still a certain amount of peace of mind.
When he was thinking about these things in his heart, Chu Feng and Jiang Ziya came to this brother Chao’s imperial city.
As soon as he entered the imperial city, Chu Feng saw a black cloud covering the top of the palace.
By observing the black cloud above the palace, Chu Feng quickly understood.
There must be monsters in this palace, and on this day, there will be very important things to happen.
When thinking of this, Chu Feng also knew that 09, this monster must be the nine-tailed fox.
The nine-tailed demon fox came to the palace, and Chu Feng also gave some instructions.
After all, the nine-tailed demon fox also came here under the order of Empress Nuwa.
If you don’t use the hands of this monster, you will provoke a war between the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty.
Then this task of conferring gods will not be completed for a long time.
Now that the monster has entered the palace, and the King Zhou is also bewitched.
In Chu Feng’s heart, he was also thinking about their plans.
Now in the palace, Chu Feng also felt the aura of Shen Gongbao.
Although Shen Gongbao’s aura was extremely ethereal, and he was trying his best to hide his aura.
But with Chu Feng’s strength, he still felt his presence.
When thinking of this, Chu Feng opened his mouth and said to Jiang Ziya.
“Your junior brother Shen Gongbao is still in the imperial palace of Chaoge City.”
“Presumably by the king’s side, he is also trying to stop the appointment of the gods and frame you.”
“On top of this one thing, you need to be more careful.”
“Otherwise, if any mistake occurs, it will lead to your task of conferring gods, toextended indefinitely thereafter. ”
Jiang Ziya nodded after hearing Chu Feng’s words.
He has some understanding of his junior brother.
Although they both sat down as Yuanshi Tianzun, and also practiced in Kunlun Mountain.
But for Shen Gongbao, this matter is full of dissatisfaction.
Moreover, his master Yuanshi Tianzun did have different prejudices against them on this matter.
Now his younger brother Shen Gongbao is going against the sky, and has violated his master’s entrustment to him.
And even came to this palace, acted beside King Zhou, and framed him.
Although he has a lot of patience with this junior, it doesn’t mean that he can indulge him.
So after thinking about this, Jiang Ziya opened his mouth and said to Chu Feng.
“My junior brother Shen Gongbao couldn’t let go of this matter. He must have come here to frame me.”
“But we don’t need to be afraid of this, Master has already instructed me many things before leaving.”
“If he goes too far, then I must have a way to bring him back to Master Kunlun Mountain.”
“See how he will explain this matter to Master at that time.”
When Chu Feng heard Jiang Ziya talk about this, he didn’t linger too much on this topic.
Just tell him to be careful, and never make a big mistake because of a small one.
Then came to the court together with Jiang Ziya and the others.
When they came to the top of the court hall, they found that the princes below had already left, and King Zhou had returned to the inner palace.
Chapter 439 Advise King Zhou and give advice
When Chu Feng saw such a situation, he knew that this morning court was over.
For the worship of King Zhou, it needs to be divided into three days.
This first day is the pilgrimage of princes from all walks of life to King Zhou.
On the second day, the princes from all walks of life offered their prayers, and on the third day, the Universe King bid farewell.
Obviously, the first day of today has already ended first, and now everything seems extremely quiet.
But Chu Feng knew that amidst this tranquility, there were also some turbulent changes.
And this matter, Chu Feng also knew about King Zhou, and he was already murderous towards Bo Yi Kao.
When thinking of this, the two of them entered the palace.
When King Zhou learned that Jiang Ziya had come here, he was only slightly surprised.
He didn’t know why Jiang Ziya came to the palace at this time, but since the other party came, he didn’t neglect.
After all, Jiang Ziya is a monk from Kunlun Mountain. Although he is not of the same clan as him, they are also of the same vein.
For practitioners, he has always had a trace of awe.
When thinking of this, he happily summoned Jiang Ziya.
When Jiang Ziya came in front of King Zhou, he bowed to King Zhou, and then spoke.
“Today, all the princes are here to pay homage. Your Majesty needs to be alert to something happening.”
“I came here today, and I have something special to give the king some advice.”
King Zhou frowned when he heard Jiang Ziya say this.
Because it is obvious that Jiang Ziya has a hint of education in what he said.
King Zhou has been rampant in the world for so many years, but he has never been educated by one of his subjects.
But even when he thought of this, he gave Jiang Ziya three points.
Then he said, “I don’t know what to teach you.”
Jiang Ziya didn’t hide too much when he heard King Zhou said this.
Then he opened his mouth and said, “My lord, today I am watching this imperial city, and there is a monster aura condensed.”
“There must be monsters rampant in this palace, and I hope the king can maintain a vigilant heart.”
“Don’t be fooled by the beauty of this monster, and frame Zhongliang.”
When King Zhou heard what Jiang Ziya said, he was furious.
Even he knows that there are monsters haunting the imperial city.
But Jiang Ziya felt very uncomfortable with what he said and the tone he expressed.
He has always been the one educating others, but he didn’t expect it.
As a subject of his own, he actually opened his mouth to educate himself.
Seeing King Zhou, Jiang Ziya showed anger, and stood there without the slightest fear in his heart.
Because regarding this matter, even if King Zhou wanted to kill him, he had to speak out.
When King Zhou saw Jiang Ziya, he didn’t feel any fear, and he didn’t plan to do anything to Jiang Ziya.
After all, this Jiang Ziya is also for the sake of the entire Shang Dynasty. (Wang Liao Haoyuan)
Even though he was very displeased with what he said, it could not be used to use force against Jiang Ziya.
When thinking of this, he waved his hand and said your words to Jiang Ziya.
I can bring everything in my dreams into reality
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