[Mission Difficulty: Nightmare]
[Task time limit: three months]
[Mission content: A mere centipede is also trying to transform into a dragon? 】
[Mission penalty: The current race is changed to (ajdc) and replaced by the centipede monster race]
[Task Reward: Depends on the completion of the task. 】

Chu Feng knew roughly when he saw these two tasks. This should be a mixed world of Liaozhai, in which there are countless main lines of Liaozhai stories, such as painted skin, painted wall, Wang Sheng, Lu Pan and so on.
And my two main quests should be related to the story of a Chinese ghost story.
It’s really not easy to replace these two tasks with others.
Because most people really don’t know where these two mission targets are located.
First of all, the old demon of Montenegro is not in the world, but in the city of death in the underworld.
And the second centipede Jing Cihang Pudu is now the national teacher of a country, pretending to be a Buddhist master.
Even if ordinary people see the national teacher called Cihang Pudu, they will not associate him with the mission goal. How could a master of Buddhism who is proficient in Buddhism be a centipede spirit?
Here is the benefit of being familiar with the plot.
Others have to work hard to collect data, analyze the mission goals, and how to complete them.
And Chu Feng just went up recklessly and it was over.
Simple and rude!
But Chu Feng also discovered a problem in this world.
There is no god in this world!
Just now Chu Feng’s divine thoughts covered the whole world, but he discovered that there is not a single god in the whole world.
That’s right, in this world where there are cultivators, hells, and ghosts, there are no gods!
The entire heaven was empty, and the ecclesiastical positions such as city gods and lands in the world were occupied by mountain spirits and goblins from nowhere.
The whole world is just one word, chaos!
No wonder a centipede spirit dares to pretend to be a national teacher and absorb a country’s national treasures.Fortunately, the Montenegrin old demon dared to occupy the city of death in vain.
Feelings are gone.
However, Chu Feng is not here to correct the problems of this world, he is just to complete the goal.
“Namo Amitabha ~~~”
On the mountain road, Sanskrit sounds curled up, with a long meaning.
More than a dozen monks and attendants are guarding a lotus platform. They seem to walk slowly, but their speed is extremely fast. They float from far to near in the blink of an eye.
The lotus platform is covered with banner cloth, and the interior is golden, and the figure sitting cross-legged can be vaguely seen. It is neither tall nor visible, but it gives people a sense of solemnity.
In other words, even if passers-by cannot see the monk in the sedan chair, they will think it is an eminent monk at first impression.
Hearing this voice, Chu Feng felt joy in his heart.
Just now you wanted to find Cihang Pudu, so you just delivered it to your door?
Although I don’t know why Cihang Pudu has nothing to do and came to this wilderness, but since you’re here, don’t leave!
Chu Feng stepped out and stopped Cihang Pudu’s sedan chair.
“The benefactor is polite, poor monk Purdue Cihang.”
On the surface, Cihang Pudu still pretended to be an eminent monk and saluted Chu Feng.
“I don’t know what’s the matter with this fellow Taoist stopping the poor monk?”
I have to say, the appearance of this Cihang Pudu is really top-notch.
As far as temperament is concerned, it is well grasped.
Little did he know that Cihang Pudu was also a little uneasy, he was going to visit the old Heishan demon today, but he heard that the old Heishan had married a concubine, so he specially invited him to the banquet.
As a result, such a Taoist suddenly appeared in the middle of the aisle.
Although this Taoist didn’t have any cultivation base, Cihang Pudu didn’t think that the other party was an ordinary person when the other party appeared out of thin air just now.
“It’s nothing, it’s just here to kill you.”
Chu Feng said calmly, as if it was an insignificant matter.
“Amitabha, I didn’t expect that the donor has fallen into the evil way, so let the poor monk come to save you!”
Pudu Cihang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fierce look flashed across his eyes.
He put his palms together on his chest, his whole body glowed with golden light, and whispered the Buddha’s name.
Behind him, more than a dozen monks and attendants danced with orchestral instruments in their hands. For a while, Buddhist scriptures were chanted loudly, which made people feel in a trance.
“Namo Amitabha!”
“The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn your head and keep going!”
“Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!”

This is nothing else, it is one of Cihang Pudu’s unique skills, killing Sanskrit!
Good Buddhist Zen, at this moment, turned into chaotic thoughts, demons and distractions, like tides, like silk threads, although there is no thunder to fill the ears, it is continuous, unclear, and cut continuously. Once it gets into the ear, it will make people fall into the illusion forever, and only want to die.
But this thing is still useful to ordinary cultivators who are not firm in Taoism.
To Chu Feng?
That’s a joke!
How should I put it, although the other side sang very hard, the voice is not low, and there is no shortage of eerie mood.
But Chu Feng didn’t feel anything at all, and even felt a little drowsy and wanted to sleep.
Don’t even think about wanting to shake Da Luo’s mind, isn’t this living in a dream?
“Do you still have any recruits? If not, I will do it. I am in a hurry.”
Chu Feng looked at Cihang Pudu Dao with great interest.
Cihang Pudu showed a ferocious face, when Chu Feng said that just now, he felt a great crisis coming.
He knew very well that the other party really wanted to kill him!
I saw countless golden lights shining all over Cihang Pudu’s body, rolling back with the wind and thunder all over the sky!
Accompanied by a golden light soaring into the sky, the vast golden light spread out at the original location of Purdue Cihang, boundless Sanskrit sounds fell, and auspicious clouds rolled in from afar, illuminating most of the night sky.
The golden light is gone, the Buddha is about 100 meters high, covered with a layer of dark golden light, sitting on the lotus platform, with his right hand raised in front of his chest, with the palm facing outward, forming the “shi Wuwei mudra”.
“Nan Wu Bliss World!”
“The Tathagata of the Western Paradise is here!!”
“Bold and monstrous, you can catch him without a fight!!”
Cihang Pudu turned into a Buddha at this time, and reprimanded him solemnly.
The roaring sound passed by, breaking the dead mountain forest, and rumbling in the distant sky.
The giant Buddha sits cross-legged in the mountain, with a broad face and big ears, a solemn treasure appearance, accompanied by auspicious clouds of Sanskrit sounds, and a round of golden light of merits and virtues blooming behind the golden body and dharma appearance, lifelike, as if the Buddha came to the world.
There is one thing to say, this appearance is really awesome.
This Buddhist sect has really never lost to anyone in the area of ​​pretending to be coercive.
This World-Honored Law has great oppressive power against all people who practice Taoism and Buddhism in the world.
Even if you know it’s just a fake, you will still be suppressed when you make a move.
After all, in this world, the Tathagata Buddha represents the supreme gods and Buddhas. How dare a cultivator disrespect this kind of Dharma?
Cihang Pudu relies on this technique, and it can be said that he is invincible, but it is a pity that he met Chu Feng.
Tathagata Buddha?
Isn’t he Daoist Duobao?
Ha ha! Your World Honored One has not broken through Taiyi yet!
Even if you see me, you have to call me senior!
Just trying to scare me with his facial features? ? ?
With whom! .
Chapter 71 Killing Cihang Pudu, destroying Montenegro with a flick of a finger
“Yaodao, why don’t you kneel in front of the Buddha?”
The giant Buddha uttered the sound of thunder, billowing and flooding the mountains and forests, and the situation changed for a moment, and the coercion all over the sky condensed into a line, all rushing towards Chu Feng.
But this pressure, in front of Chu Feng, is like a joke.
It’s like a breeze blowing on the face, without any influence.
Chu Feng smiled and said, “No way, no way? It’s not true that there are monsters pretending to be Tathagata, and they believe it’s true, thinking that they are really Tathagata?”
“Why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?”
“I still don’t know what your real body is? It’s just a centipede, do you really treat yourself like a dish?”
Cihang Pudu was shocked by Chu Feng’s behavior, he didn’t expect his true loveThe body has been seen through!
At this time, Chu Feng was already on the must-kill list in his heart!
I saw that the giant Buddha spoke slowly, and the sound was vibrating – like a thunderclap.
“Yao Dao, there are many evil thoughts in your heart, and you can’t recognize the Buddha face to face. Your time has come, and you should bow your head and be punished quickly, so that you can give yourself a chance in the next life.”
I can bring everything in my dreams into reality
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