Fang Xiao picked up the 1-star Black Bull Soldier transfer order in his hand, and then looked at Bai Qing, who was walking by.

"Bai Qing, use this job transfer order to fill your career vacancy."

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Bai Qing immediately took steps and walked to Fang Xiao's side without any hesitation.

Then Fang Xiao used the one-star black bull soldier's job transfer order in his hand.

After confirming the system prompts, a job change aura soon appeared on the ground. Bai Qing immediately stepped in and quickly changed jobs successfully.

After the job transfer was completed, Fang Xiao and his people continued to explore.

After advancing for a certain distance, Fang Xiao soon spotted two more black-haired cows in his sight.

It seems that these black-haired bull monsters should all be in pairs.

There is nothing to say, just take action.

In front of Fang Xiao and the others, these black-haired cows with only rare three-level strength were like fish on the chopping board. They had no power to fight back at all and were easily dealt with.

It was not until the evening that Fang Xiao stopped and began to sort out the loot and prepare to return to the territory.

The first two black-haired cows and the trophies they exploded are not counted for the time being.

After adding up, a total of 36 black cattle were found and killed.

Among them, there were 25 one-star Black Ox Soldier transfer orders and 3 two-star Black Ox Soldier transfer orders.

As for the Black Ox Sword design scroll, Fang Xiao had already kept a copy at the beginning and planned to give it to Jin Lian. Therefore, the subsequent revelations were of no use and were all directly linked to the trading house by Fang Xiao.

This rare three-star weapon design scroll is still very valuable.

The lowest unit price in the trading house is 600 gold coins.

As for those elite-level weapon design scrolls, Fang Xiao checked them and found that the prices had been significantly reduced.

Speaking of which, almost every few hours, someone is lowering the price of the White Mantis Sword and Black Sheep Sword design scrolls harvested from Zhu Wen and Xu Zhui, and the prices have dropped again and again.

Of course, for the current Fang Xiao, the impact is not big, because these scrolls are not what he cares about.

The main reason is to rely on Xu Chui and Zhu Wen to hunt aggressively, and use their lord god-level talent bonus to explode more mysterious treasure chests and wheat seeds that have been eroded by mysterious power.

Everything else is just incidental.

Speaking of which, the explosion rate of this lord's mansion blueprint is really a bit speechless.

Fang Xiao hunted so many rare three-star black-haired cattle this afternoon, but he didn't even reveal a blueprint of a five-star village-level lord's mansion.

Five mysterious treasure chests were revealed, which is pretty good. Including the ones currently in the lord's warehouse, there are 21.

After returning to the territory tonight, you can check out Xu Chui and Zhu Wen's side and harvest several mysterious treasure chests.

When the time comes, open all these mysterious treasure chests and hope to find some good things.

In addition, there are wheat seeds that have been infected by mysterious powers. There is nothing to talk about. Adding those in the lord's warehouse, there are 1877 kilograms.

After the rectification was completed, Editor Fang took Bai Qing and they returned to the territory.

After returning to the territory, Fang Xiao thought for a while, then led Bai Qing and the others towards the blacksmith shop.

All the way to the blacksmith shop, Jin Lian was sitting bored at the door of the blacksmith shop. When he saw Fang Xiao, his eyes immediately lit up, and he hurriedly came to greet him.

"Lord, are you here to buy weapons?"

Fang Xiao took out the Black Ox Sword design scroll he kept in his hand.

Then he handed it to the Jin Lian in front of him: "The process is still the same, just make three for me first."

The three swords he forged were intended to be used by Qian Ling, Wang Mang, and Xu Zhui respectively.

Qian Ling currently holds a shield in his hand, so it would be appropriate to have an additional sword.

As for Xu Chui, because of his profession, he holds an ax in one hand and a sword in the other. He is a master of swords and axes.

At present, Fang Xiao doesn't have any particularly high-star ax design scrolls, so he first replaces the sword with Xu Chui.

As for Wang Mang, the Bingling Butterfly Guard he is currently transferring to does not have any requirements for weapons.

The Black Elemental Star Hammer that Fang Xiao used for him had a very low equipment rating. Now that there is a weapon with a higher star rating, it is natural to replace the Black Elemental Star Hammer.

As for the other henchmen, Swine Fever uses a knife, so there is nothing to say, and his own knife equipment has a very high star rating.

As for Takeo, he currently uses an axe, and his profession does not allow him to use a sword for the time being.

Not to mention Bai Qing.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Jin Lian immediately took the scroll handed over by Fang Xiao, and then looked at it carefully.

After checking it, his eyes lit up, and then he nodded quickly to Fang Xiao: "Okay, Lord, don't worry, just leave it to me. You can pick it up tomorrow morning."

Fang Xiao couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this.

When he asked Jin Lian to build elite weapons for him, he asked him to wait until noon on the second day to pick them up.

And now he is asked to build a rare-level weapon. It is obvious that he is going to stay up late to build it, and he can pick it up tomorrow morning. It is really realistic.

However, it can also be understood that for these special professions, the way to improve their professional star rating is to make things for their own profession.

Jin Lian is currently a rare three-star blacksmith. There is no doubt that if he builds rare three-star weapons, it will definitely be of great help to increase the star level of his profession.

After providing Jin Lian with the things he needed and settling the bill, Fang Xiao left the blacksmith shop and led his people back towards the lord's mansion.

When they returned to the lord's mansion, Zhu Wen and Xu Zhui were already waiting at the door.

Fang Xiao immediately led everyone into the yard, and then began to check the trophies brought back by Xu Chui and Zhu Wen.

There is nothing to say about the weapon design scrolls, they are all hung up in the trading house.

The Bai Man Swordsman's job transfer orders, plus this harvest, there are 80 1-star Bai Man Swordsman transfer orders, and 20 2-star Bai Man Swordsman transfer orders.

Black Sheep Swordsman's Class Transfer Order, plus this harvest, there are 99 1-star Black Sheep Swordsman's Class Transfer Order, and 10 2-star Black Sheep Swordsman's Class Transfer Order.

There are 7 mysterious treasure chests, and together with Fang Xiao's current lord's warehouse, there are 28.

In addition, a blueprint of a 1-star village-level lord's mansion was also revealed.

When this thing was last sold, the market price was still 1,000 gold coins, but now it has dropped to 600 gold coins, and there are many on the sale list.

It seems that the relationship between supply and demand is changing rapidly.

Fang Xiao directly put up 500 gold coins. Anyway, he didn't lack the small money now. It would be better to sell it quickly instead of letting it die in his hands.

There are a lot of wheat seeds that have been infected by the mysterious power. Including those from the lord's warehouse, there are 2,121 kilograms.

After sorting out all the loot, Fang Xiao took out all 28 mysterious treasure boxes, took a deep breath, and started to open the boxes.

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