Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 138 Escape From Birth, The First Wave Of Income

That human's level is only 6 or 7, and his strength is so weak that everyone dismisses it.

But it was the existence that they didn't like, but they just left in such a swaggering manner.

It was as if a hand was slapping their big mouths.

For a moment, the hatred between the devil and the angel was directly filled by Richard.

Frustrated, the two sides began to attack the sandy land frantically.

The scepter in the demon lord's hand exploded with a storm of magical energy, smashing into the ground.


Countless yellow sand splashed, and a deep pit of tens of meters suddenly appeared.

The holy light sword in the angel's hand is like a sun, with infinite light blooming.


The earth crumbled.

A stream of sword energy pierced through the yellow sand, and even the rocky ground would be crushed into sieves.

Templar Dragoon's breath can gather.


It exploded instantly like gasoline was poured on it.

Pull out a tongue of flame tens of meters long.

Yellow sand melts into magma.

This piece of sand with a diameter of hundreds of meters was under the joint attack of both sides.

quickly wiped out...

When the rocks on the ground are exposed in front of the eyes, there is still no trace of the human being.

The demon lord watched this scene, the anger in his eyes could melt steel.

The aura of the angel holding the sword of holy light is like the waves of a raging sea, capable of devouring everything.

Run away... The other party not only fled under their siege, but even snatched the corpse of their companion.

A flame ignites within.

"That human has a weird body and cannot use tracking magic..."

The demon lord's spell was ineffective, and he looked at the opposite angel fiercely.

"It's all blocked by these bastards, otherwise the bottle of holy dragon blood will only be our spoils!!"

"I want her to die!!!"

The two-winged angel with holy light radiating from his body turned his head to look at the templar dragoons behind him.

"That human being has been cursed by the Holy Light and can live up to ten minutes."

"After he dies, the blood of the holy dragon will be revealed without the cover of blood."

"You lead a small army to find that human and get back the blood of the holy dragon!"

As he spoke, he looked at the demon lord who was able to gather magic again, and White's radiant eyes exuded endless murderous intent.

"Let me clear the evil here!"

A small group of templar dragoons immediately led the order to leave.

The two-winged angel immediately swung his long sword to stop the great demon who wanted to entangle him.

A battle that was several times more intense than before broke out between the two parties that had just stopped fighting.

Vented the humiliation in his heart on Richard on the other side.

Until death!

At this time, Richard didn't know that because of his operation, the number of fallen arch-demons and templar dragoons increased several times.

Escape, escape crazily.

After the desertification of the land, Richard's perception enveloped every corner of the sandy land.

And the five big demons and two dragon corpses made his heart almost jump out of his throat.

Take it easy.

Directly manipulate the sand and drag those corpses into the yellow sand.

At the same time, he quickly headed towards the lake from the depths of the ground.

The desertification of the land has covered large lakes.

It is impossible for the surface of the lake to turn into gravel, but the bottom of the lake can.

Fortunately, the sand hindered those terrifying fighting forces and bought him precious time.

Before the sand was completely destroyed, the body was dragged into the lake.

This time, he didn't go underwater again.

Instead, travel directly in the ground.

There is a lot of sand and gravel deposited at the bottom of the lake, even if it leaves the scope of the deserted land, it still does not encounter obstacles.

This gives him great room for maneuver.

But the only pity is that the dragon's body is too big.

With a wingspan of 30 meters, leaving the deserted land, the speed becomes extremely slow with them, so he can't go far at all.

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he hid the bodies of the two giant dragons deep in the bottom of the lake.

He quickly left with 5 big demons that were relatively smaller in size.

At this moment, Richard couldn't care about Gaunt and the dark gargoyle who were still waiting on the island in the lake.

Gunter has a soul phylactery in his hand, and the other party can be resurrected after death.

As for the dark gargoyle, if it dies, it will die, and it can be resurrected by spending points, so there is nothing distressing.

It took Richard 20 minutes to walk through the gravel at the bottom of the lake before stopping.

It's not safe, but there is a terrifying negative attribute on his attribute panel - the curse of the holy light, your soul has been corroded by the holy light, and you are about to die...

The winged angel hit him with a terrifying blow as he sank into the earth.

That thing can't be avoided at all.

"This angel is also an old coin..."

Richard felt that his body became weak, he gritted his teeth, exhausted his last strength, and hid the corpses of five great demons in the deepest part of the sand.

After that, I only felt the boundless darkness rushing in.

The body that has passed the sandification time has turned into gravel again at this moment, crumbling bit by bit...

Death turned out to be this feeling.

These were Richard's last thoughts.

The templar dragoons who were flying and searching in the sky suddenly sensed something at this moment, and they became excited one by one.

"The power of the Holy Light is gone... that human was killed by the curse of the Holy Light!!"

"The blood of the holy dragon is not far away!! Keep looking!!"


The giant dragon flapped its wings, skimming across the lake and the river bank, not letting go of any corners and bushes...

If they had the power to shatter the earth, they would surely turn all the surrounding ground up.

I don't know how long it has been.

In a daze, Richard sensed that the endless darkness had lighted up again.

Afterwards, the gravel that collapsed at the bottom of the lake just after his death seemed to have regained life, and began to condense again.

Rebirth from broken sand, Super A skill, after death, within ten minutes, it will be revived by condensing gravel.

Perhaps the only flaw of this skill is the 3-day cooling time.

Perception resurfaced as Richard's pupils regained focus and regained control of his body.

I let out a sigh of relief.

There is also some fear in the eyes.

"A level 18 demon lord and dozens of great demons, plus a two-winged angel leading dozens of templar dragoons..."

"The difficulty of this A-level task is simply abnormal to the extreme."

"No wonder that guy Ferguson is willing to pay such a big overweight."

"If it's another person, I'm afraid there will be no bones left."

He originally thought that the distance to escort the other party into the Holy Temple City was the most difficult part of the task.

But I didn't expect that the crystal bottle would lose its suppression when it left the corpse.

Its terrifying dragon prestige will be discovered by the opponent immediately.

How can you escape the pursuit of the enemy after obtaining the crystal bottle... This is the most difficult point of this mission.

The opponent has a great demon who can move in space, an angel with unparalleled combat power, a demon lord who is proficient in magic, and a templar dragoon who is very familiar with the dragon's blood in the crystal bottle.

Any one of these would make the task impossible, let alone all four combined.

And even more ruthless... the curse of the holy light, the death spell released by the angel himself.

Even if he escaped from the pursuit of the Quartet, he would still be killed by the spell.

There is no escape from the inevitable situation.

"Fortunately, fortunately!!"

Richard let out a sigh of relief, desertified the earth, manipulated the yellow sand, and reborn from the broken sand. These super A skills allowed him to escape from this perverted siege.

After thinking about it for a while,

Although this wave was extremely dangerous, it was almost a real gg, but in the end he not only got the task item, but also fished out the bodies of 5 great demons and two bodies of giant dragons hidden at the bottom of the lake...

Even if Gaunt and the dark gargoyle were sacrificed, they all earned it back.

This wave of life-saving missions did not make him lose money.

If you add Frege's reward, then the first wave of income from this adventure becomes very considerable.

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