Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 165 Extreme Treasure, Exaggerated Harvest

With some excitement, Richard continued to walk deep.

But there is no situation where the more treasures are hidden inside, the more Advanced it is. It is still mainly Rare resources, supplemented by 1-star and 2-star equipment and materials.

He looked at it very carefully, thinking about whether each piece of equipment would be useful to the army or Twilight City, and made sure that it had no obvious effect, even if it was a 4-star treasure, he would decisively give it up.

After a long time, he found the second and third alternatives.

Two drawings, and two drawings that can be used together.

Dragon Hunter Bolt Manufacturing Blueprint (Permanent)

Rating: 4 stars

Feature: Can manufacture 4-star dragon hunting arrows in batches

Attributes: Sharpness increased by 200%, penetration increased by 200%, with armor-piercing damage, 200% penetration for heavy armor, and 300% additional damage for dragons.

Required materials: 500 units of crystal, 500 units of sulfur, 500 units of mercury, 100 units of refined iron (requires iron ore smelting), special blacksmith.

Introduction: Crossbow bolts specially designed to deal with life with high armor, they can shoot through dragons!


Dragon Hunter Crossbow (Permanent)

Rating: 4 stars

Features: Can manufacture 4-star dragon hunting crossbows in batches

Attributes: Each dragon hunting crossbow can be equipped with 10 crossbow bolts, with a range of 800 meters. The flying speed of the arrows is increased by 300%, and the attack power is increased by 300%. When attacking with Dragon Hunting Bolts, the shooting range increases by 200 meters, and other attributes are doubled.

Required materials: 5,000 units of mercury, 5,000 units of sulfur, 5,000 units of crystal, 1,000 units of fine iron, the fascia of a dragon of level 15 or above or a hybrid dragon, and a super blacksmith.

These two 4-star blueprints can create a terrifying heavy weapon-Dragon Hunting Crossbow.

Before entering the dungeon, when Venom Griffin launched an attack on Twilight City, the scene where the ground troops could only stare blankly was always a thorn in his heart.

Twilight is desperately short of such powerful heavy weapons. 33 Novel Network

Richard's eyes glowed.

With this big killer, as long as there are 20, no, 10, or even 5, it is impossible for those Venom Dragons to dare to act so recklessly.

And such a high-level thing is not easy to get.

This is also top-level equipment that can be used in the later stage.


After writing down the locations of the two drawings, Richard became more interested.

There must be more good things hidden in this treasure trove.

keep exploring.

This time he didn't miss any corner, even if it was the upper part that couldn't be reached, he would take the ladder next to it and check one by one.

In this kind of treasure house, if you miss any storage space, you may miss a piece of equipment that is of infinite use to him.

The hard work paid off, and two hours later, he found the fourth treasure in an unremarkable upper storage compartment.

two-way portal

Rating: 4 stars

Features: A pair of portals that can be opened in both directions can be placed within 50 kilometers.

Introduction: An extremely rare treasure.

This thing is well used, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as priceless.

Although there is no use for Twilight City yet, this thing is hard to come by, so it must be collected.

The smile on Richard's face was wide open.

Good guy.

This time the harvest can be great.

The entry of these few treasures can be regarded as giving Twilight City a bit of background.


There is one last piece left.

Richard couldn't hold back the anticipation in his heart, and continued to search.

This time his eyes became more critical.

The treasures that looked good before were ignored by him.

Time passed bit by bit.

Two hours, three hours, five hours later, he explored most of the entire treasure house.

He found three candidate items, all of which were 3-star strategic treasures with good attributes.

Among them, I saw a few 4-star items, but they didn't match him with the level.

For example, it can improve the healing effect of the light priest or improve the power of the church knight... You can tell that it is a seized item at a glance.

Over and over, Richard got impatient.

At the twelfth hour after he entered the treasure house, finally, an item that made his heart flutter appeared in a storage compartment in front of him.

dark pact

Rating: 4 stars

Features: After defeating the enemy, you can forcibly contract the opponent, enslave his soul, and make him obey orders forever.

Restrictions: 1. The mental power of the contractee must be very weak. Once the will to resist is strong, it will be backlashed;

2. The contractee cannot be 3 levels higher than himself, otherwise the contract will directly fail;

3. The highest level of the contractee at that time cannot exceed level 15, and the restriction will be lifted after the contract;

4. The contractee cannot be a life of the light camp.

Introduction: This is a contract made by a powerful evil life, with surging power surging above it.

Richard's eyes were glowing.

Dark contract, 4-star treasure...

Although there are a series of restrictions behind it, it does not affect the power of this treasure.

This means that as long as he can find a suitable contract partner, he can directly gain a powerful combat power.

And this thing is mandatory, as long as the other party can't resist, they can be forcibly enslaved.

A figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ancient Godly Sinister Tree - that level 10 boss unit!

The opponent perfectly complied with the restrictions of the dark contract.

And more importantly, the ancient tree of gods and evils has extremely strong potential.

The value of this unit is immeasurable just because the opponent can breed highly poisonous wasps on a large scale, and after upgrading, they can also breed higher-level wasps.

As long as the opponent is planted near the sand jujube field, he doesn't need to send troops to garrison it. This boss alone can defend it.

A strong excitement rose in my heart.

Fortunately, he didn't take away other treasures impulsively.

This contract represents a boss that is more powerful than a hero unit.

Until now, all 5 items he selected have been confirmed.

Between the oaths - a 3-star treasure, which can link the life of the arms of two squadrons and share 50% of the damage.

Dragon hunting crossbow and dragon hunting crossbow construction blueprints - 4-star blueprints, can make powerful heavy crossbows, big killers for city defense

Two-way portal - 4-star treasure, which can be placed within 50 kilometers and can be teleported in both directions.

Finally, this is the dark contract - a 4-star treasure, which can forcibly contract the lives of non-light camps, and its value is immeasurable.

After a little calculation, the corners of Richard's mouth curled up.

The benefits of this S-rank mission are simply amazing.

The Stone of the Plane, the Void Sandworm, Bathed in Dragon's Blood, the Five Extraordinary Treasures... and the Extraordinary Hunter and its manufacturing blueprint.

He just wanted to ask, will this dungeon be permanent in the future?

This trip is not only for nothing, it can go to heaven.


In a good mood, Richard didn't delay, touched the magic shield with crystals one by one, and took out the treasures he selected one by one.

When the last piece was taken out, the crystal cracked and turned into powder.

No bugs occurred.

Richard was not greedy either, and walked out of the treasury with 5 pieces of equipment with a smile.

The guards outside immediately stepped forward, registered these items and asked him to sign them with his fingerprints.

After all the formalities were completed, Richard put the equipment into the system space.

After exiting the gate, the first thing they saw was Noels lying soundly asleep on the corner of the treasure house.

Seeing the dwarf's funny sleeping posture, his heart warmed up.

Although this dwarf has a very good personality, but at a critical moment, even a mechanical puppet of the Extraordinary hunter level can be given to him, so he is still a good person.

This guy can handle it.

Stepping forward a few steps, just as he was about to wake him up, Noels suddenly opened his eyes.

After seeing that it was Richard, he was immediately refreshed.

Hastily said.

"How's it going, Richard? What did you get out of the curry noodles?"

"Did you see those ores in the corner? Have you brought them out?"

Richard couldn't laugh or cry.

"Noels, I didn't notice those ores... Besides, don't you still have a lot of ores in your warehouse?"

Hearing this, Noel suddenly lost interest.

I curled my lips.

"Stupid human beings are really inferior to smart dwarves. They don't know what is a good thing."

As he spoke, he stretched himself.

Feeling weak.

"Let's go, Master Jones has returned, let's go meet him..."

As if thinking of something, he sighed.

"Your subordinate who was outside was picked up by Ferguson two weeks ago."

"I have to lament your good luck, those two mummy heroes have extremely high potential."

"These days they are studying in the Mage tower, maybe when you see them, you will be surprised."

Richard was a little surprised.

Gunter was brought back? And during this time, both of them were studying in the Mage Tower of the Scarlet Parliament?

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