Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 17 The Plump Cook

Can the hive also consume the nest of units to upgrade the level?

Richard was pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, an open life is perfect.

Open the trading market with a bit of curiosity.

Search for bug troop lairs.

Giant Ant Nest Common 1 star - 400 gold coins

Sickle Hornet Nest Common 2 star - 500 units of lumber

Venom Locust Lair Common 1 star - 400 units of iron ore


Richard searched around and found that the price of Common in the troop lair had increased a bit.

Yesterday's cheapest 300 units of resources could be bought, today it has risen to 400 to 500 units, and some units with strong combat effectiveness can even be sold for thousands of units.

Obviously, like him, many lords have gone out to explore and have new income.

As a result, the purchasing power of resources began to decline.

And with the passage of time, after the player knows which arms are strong and which arms are weak.

The price difference between different arms will be even greater.

Fortunately, he does not need those good troop lairs to upgrade, as long as they meet the same type is enough.

"It's a pity that the treasure of spring water shards can't be synthesized yet, otherwise the sandy date forest can be placed down.

When the time comes, put the desert bees in the sand jujube forest and let the bees pick flowers directly. This process will be perfect. "

Richard took a few glances at the hive, but didn't rush to move.

It wasn't that he was afraid of being stung into a pig's head by those bees who had become irritable.

The main reason is that it is only about ten minutes away from the territory, and there is no place to put it in Twilight City.

Wait until everything is ready before moving them, and it's not too late to upgrade their level.

After thinking about it, he looked at the desert goblin who had just approached.

"The goblin followed the two mummies back to the territory first.

When the residents ask about it, you tell them that I went to inspect the resource point and I will be right back. "

The resource points occupied yesterday have already been harvested today.

"Yes, master!!" The goblins immediately responded excitedly.

Carrying the prey for so long almost exhausted them to death, so it is natural to be able to go back early.

After the two mummies returned to the territory with the desert goblin, the residents saw the abundance of prey boiled again.

Everyone was elated.

"Gods are above, the lord must have been favored by the goddess of luck..."

"These prey are so fat!"

"Can I eat meat again tonight? I'm so happy..."

"Praise the lord..."

A few days ago, they fled to this territory in panic. At that time, there was only a few days of food left, and everyone was full of despair about the future.

But yesterday, after the Lord Lord appeared, everything changed.

His eyes were so deep, and his firm words filled them with strength.

His actions were so decisive, piles of prey gave them an unprecedented sense of security.

This is the lord of their dreams.

Praise the Twilight City, praise Lord Richard!

Richard took 12 mummies to the lumberyard first, and collected the results of the long-armed hard work of the day.

The maximum output of a small logging farm is 2100 units per week, which is 300 units per day. After the long-armed peonies are inspired by him, their efficiency increases by 20% within 3 days.

So the harvest is 360 units of wood.

Micro quarry, yield 200 units, 20% extra is 40 units, total 240 units.

Small iron mines are the same as logging camps, 360 units. Sawmill

Today, the three resource points produced a total of 960 units of resources.

The current resource details are.

Gold Coins: 1440 units

Timber: 1900 units

Stone: 2280 units

Steel: 2360 units

Half an hour later, Richard returned to the territory contentedly.

"Good night, my lord, you have worked hard.

The kitchen has prepared dinner for you, and you can also take a hot bath first..."

The gray-haired Kalu had been waiting at the edge of the territory early, and immediately greeted him respectfully after seeing him.

Richard nodded slightly.

After entering the territory, I saw residents who were still busy processing their prey.

"How many units of food can today's prey produce?"

"No statistics yet..." Karu apologized a little, "You rest first, I will report to you as soon as I finish."

Out of the corner of his eye, Richard saw the desert goblin who was left hanging aside, feeling a little overwhelmed.

waved his hand,

"Arrange the goblins to rest in the barracks, and they will be under your management in the future."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the others and returned to the lord's mansion with the mummy.

At night, a mummy that doesn't need to rest is the best guard.

In the mansion, at this time, the two cooks rearranged by Karoo had already prepared dinner for him.

Richard looked at the majesty of the two cooks whose clothes could barely cover them, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Especially the trembling when the other party served the food made him wonder if Karoo did it on purpose...

After dismissing the two overly plump cooks, Richard enjoyed a sumptuous dinner in peace.

Wild wolf meat, wild rabbit, gerbil...these meats are of high quality and taste delicious.

Outside the lord's mansion.

Karu looked at the two cooks who looked like they had done something wrong with their heads down, a little unwilling.

"My lord, is there really no hint at all?"

Seeing the two shaking their heads in unison, they couldn't help but sighed.

"Sigh... It seems that the lord doesn't like your type, but it's okay, I didn't get kicked out like those two girls yesterday."

"Go down, you will serve the lord for a few days, remember, whatever the lord wants, you will give it!"

"Since this is your own choice, then do it well."

"We are helpless, and we must find a strong enough backer. Judging from the past two days, the lord is a rare candidate."

"If you are accepted by the lord, it will be a good thing for everyone...not to mention that the lord is so handsome."

The faces of the two cooks were slightly red.

"we know."

In fact, they snatched the opportunity to serve the lord from more than a dozen competitors...

Richard was unaware of the scene outside the Lord's mansion.

After finishing his meal, he began to calculate the resources in his hands and the gains of the past two days.

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