Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 175: The Ancient Tree Of Contracted Gods, Extra Surprises And Gains

When Richard was about to completely end this long war of attrition, when he took the ancient tree of evil into his pocket.


The ground trembled, and dozens of huge roots violently pulled out the gravel.

Splashing dust all over the sky.

The 30-meter-high god-evil ancient tree suddenly rose to 40 meters.

The roots below are like legs and feet, supporting the weight of the trunk and starting to move outward...

Ancient Godly Sinister Tree... Want to run away?

Although he knew that the ancient god tree could move, but seeing a tree running away still made him feel a little bit out of place.

Take a deep breath and order immediately.

"Continue to attack, Ningsha Archer and Ax of the Dead suppress, we must not give the opponent a chance to breathe!"

After this battle, due to the death of the poisonous hornet, the Ancient Godly Tree has no means of anti-aircraft, and has been in a state of being beaten.

But the more so, the more excited he was.

It can bear the violent bombing of him and hundreds of troops for more than ten hours.

There are a few beings of the same level who can do it...

"The City of Dusk is your final destination."

The ancient tree of gods and evils needs to be paired with a large-scale army to exert its true power.

Richard's eyes were hot.

Planting this tree in Twilight City is definitely a matter of great significance.

The yellow sand-like light flashed, and the body floated up in the air, and immediately followed.

The ancient tree of evil sensed Richard's breath approaching, and the distorted treant face stared at the human being whom it hated so much.

Bark~ The twisted tree like a long gray snake pulled towards him with a large piece of gravel roots.


There was a strong sound of piercing through the air, this blow might smash the city wall!

Richard dodged lightly, directly dodging the terrifying slap.

Then, as soon as he stretched out his hand, an infinite sandstorm enveloped the ancient tree of evil again.


The flames rise.

This boss was once again shrouded in a scorching sandstorm.

The ancient tree of divine evil no longer knew how many times it had suffered such injuries.

At first it was able to resist, but the enemy attacks were too dense and violent.

And the earth that stores energy has also been destroyed at this moment, it is too tired.


In the sky full of flames, in the endless sandstorm.

The huge figure slowly collapsed. 33 Novel Network


It slammed on the sand, making a dull sound.

The sand was pressed out an exaggerated trace.

A large piece of yellow sand was splashed.

Everything was blurred under the envelope of flames.

This attack finally became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The muscles of Richard's body were trembling uncontrollably at this moment, and his chest heaved rapidly.

But he didn't stop. After the mana was exhausted, the sandstorm slowly subsided.

At this time, under the light of Qing Leng Mingyue.

The huge body of the ancient divine evil tree collapsed in the desert.

His whole body was scorched black, and the bark was covered with large and small potholes and arrow holes.

No one can imagine how many times this boss has been attacked by a squadron of Ningsha Archer and 4 squadrons of Ax of the Dead in the past ten hours.

Water drips through stone.

No matter how tough the defense is, under a sufficiently persistent and intensive attack, gaps will appear.

The breath of life that was scorching like the scorching sun before has also turned into a torch shaking in the wind at this moment.

Although it is still far from being extinguished, it is not as powerful as before.

After the opponent collapsed, Richard didn't stop there, and still let the army continue to attack.

He is like the most seasoned savage, never letting down his vigilance until the last moment.

The sound of Ningsha Archer's arrows and Ax of the Dead's battle axes hitting the ancient tree of gods and evils spread a long distance in the silent desert...

These attacks cannot be fatal, but they are squeezing the last power of the ancient tree of evil.

This process lasted for half an hour.


The dying ancient tree suddenly let out a stern roar, and the collapsed figure suddenly stood up, waving wildly with its huge trunk and terrifying roots.

Even a huge boulder with a height of 100 meters would probably crumble under the bombardment of such a terrifying force.

Accompanied by the attack of the tree roots, there was also a terrifying voice that rushed straight into my mind.

It was an indescribably evil language, as if resounding eternally above the sea of ​​blood in hell.

Even though they were hundreds of meters away, Richard felt his head swell and his eyelids twitched wildly.

Mind Whispers (Grade A, within 100 meters in diameter of the trunk, cursing the ancient tree can cause the spiritual power to affect the enemy's mind, causing their will to collapse.)

All the surrounding troops were enveloped.

The fire of the soul seems to have encountered a storm, shaking and may be extinguished at any time, but fortunately, the strongest life of the undead is the soul.

At the moment when the opponent broke out, the army activated the strongest life-saving skills under the orders of the two heroes.


In the next second, dozens of dark gargoyles were hit by huge tree roots, and their bodies exploded directly.

Splashing gravel all over the sky.

Fortunately, the opponent was using tree roots, without the instant death characteristics attached to the branches, which allowed the army to withdraw.

Seeing that the opponent stirred up the ground into chaos, like a sandstorm, Richard didn't make another move.

After going on for three minutes.

The ancient divine evil tree let out a stern roar, bang~ its body collapsed for the second time.

This time, Richard finally waved his hand to stop the attacking army.

He floated up and approached alone.

In his perception, the opponent's life changed from a torch to a burning candle.

Weak and tiny.

Float to the sky above the opponent.

There was yellow sand light on his body.

next second.

An indescribable coercion surged.

It was as if a ten thousand zhang high mountain collapsed, oppressing the ancient tree of evil in the most domineering way.

The face of the Ancient Divine Evil Tree faced the sky, and in its perception, there appeared the figure that made it extremely angry.

But it was so weak that it no longer had the strength to stand up again.

As the opponent approached a little bit, the powerful aura he carried was like a sandstorm that destroyed everything in the desert.

It felt an unspeakable fear.

Despair and unwillingness welled up in my heart.

Life's fear of death permeates from the depths of its soul.

Can not resist.

"Surrender, or die."

Richard's voice was indifferent, and he used his spiritual power to convey the meaning of the words to the ancient tree of evil.

"I am the master of the desert, the master of the yellow sand."

"Surrender, you will be trained by me, you will get endless flesh and corpses, and in the future you will become an eternal and immortal tree of darkness, standing on the endless plane."

"Death, you will wither and break, and gradually decay over time, turning into gravel, and all traces of your existence will be erased..."

"Surrender, or die?"

Pressing again, Richard increased the input of magic power in the halo of yellow sand.

The more magic power you input, the stronger the power of the yellow sand aura.

He wants to crush the last will of this boss.

"Surrender, or die!"

At the same time, the aura of the power of the dragon began to permeate his body.

Fully mobilized the strength in the body.

The coercion on his body is fully released at this moment.

"Surrender, or die!"

Every time it is repeated, it is a huge impact on the dying ancient tree of gods and evils that almost collapsed on the ground.

Death is near.

It smells of despair.

He felt the gaze of death...

no no! !

It can't just die like this! !

At this moment, its original memory emerged in my mind... when it was still a sapling, it inadvertently grew next to a corpse with huge power.

He gradually grew into such a powerful existence because he devoured the flesh and blood of that corpse.

It doesn't want to die, it can't die...

It wants to live, to live...

"Surrender, or die!!"

A thunderous shout made its will completely collapse.


The unique ancient tree human language is very weak.

Richard's lips curled up when he heard this.

The heart is very comfortable at this moment.

Finally let this boss kneel down and sing Conquer.

Take out the 4-star treasure from the system space—the dark contract, and prepare to make a contract with the other party.

The second sentence of Ancient Godly Sinister Tree stunned him.

"I am give my soul..."

Give your soul?

"Ding~ Ancient God Tree (level 11 boss unit) is willing to donate his soul and surrender to you, do you accept the other party's soul power? Note: After the other party donates his soul, everything is under your control, you You can control the life and death of the opponent through the power of the soul, and control all the actions of the opponent."

Richard's expression became extremely exciting at this moment.

He lowered his head and glanced at the dark contract in his hand.

"This thing...can't be used??"

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