Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 177 The Luanwei Flower Merchant Guild Comes

Karoo was amazed and praised again.

After a long time, he seemed to think of something, and he was a little confused.

"My lord, how does this ancient tree need to be fed?"

It is obviously impossible for such a big man to only drink water to absorb the nutrients of the earth.

But if the other party asks for food...

Thinking of this, the excitement in my heart suddenly turned into bitterness.

How much food does it take to support this giant tree?

Richard smiled.

"You don't need to worry about the flesh and blood needed by the ancient tree of evil, I will take care of it."

As he spoke, he looked up at Treebeard, which was still standing on the ground, and now he had to think about where to put this big guy.

After thinking for a while, he floated up into the air and patrolled around the territory.

Currently there are only two locations of importance in the territory - the urban area and the agricultural area.

However, the method by which the tree of evil can be uprooted gave him a lot more options.

His eyes focused on the west side of the territory ←.

This direction is very close to the agricultural area. If there is an enemy invasion, the Ancient Godly Tree can provide support from both sides at any time.

This guy can control the roots to run away, so don't worry about it.

"You temporarily take root here and guard this area."

"You are part of Twilight City, and the surrounding residents are the ones you want to protect, and you must not hurt them."

"Foreign enemies have invaded the territory or agricultural areas, and you need immediate support."

"This is Karu, the administrator of Twilight City. When I'm not in the territory, he needs your assistance. He will fully cooperate..."

After some instructions, the Ancient Godly Evil Tree immediately obeyed the order and manipulated the roots of the tree to settle down in front.

After the tree roots drilled into the ground, his height was still more than 30 meters high, and he could be seen clearly in the territory.

Seeing this, the residents' sense of security is almost overwhelming.

With such a powerful treant guarding him, he is afraid of any wild beasts attacking him! They don't panic when the dragon comes, okay?

At this moment they can't wait to give Richard up... It's perfect to have such a lord ruling them.

After Richard waited for everything to settle down, he looked at the bare branches of the Ancient Godly Evil Tree, and said curiously.

"What about the fruit you used to lure your prey by the lake?"

Treebeard sighed with his breath.

"Master, that is the fruit I condensed with the power of my soul. After eating it, it can slightly increase the potential. This has a special temptation for most lives..."

"However, my soul power is very weak at this time, and I need sufficient flesh and blood to re-condense."

Richard's eyes lit up.

I didn't expect that the ancient tree of gods and evils could have this kind of characteristic. It seems that I have to let him bear a few fruits to taste in the future.

Having said that, the other party's fishing method is very tricky if you think about it carefully.

If the operation is good, a large amount of resources will be credited to the account if you can lie down.

Automatic fishing machine?

The picture of fishing in the ancient tree of gods and evils appeared in his mind.

He sensed that there were infinite possibilities in it.

However, if it is near the territory, it seems that it is not easy to expand.

If an enemy approached, instead of attacking the ancient tree of gods, but being attracted by the territory, wouldn't that be a fire?

If you want to fish, you have to find a way to solve this problem.

A treasure selected from the Scarlet Council's treasury appeared in Richard's mind - the gate of space.

It can open two interconnected space doors within 50 kilometers.

This definitely has great strategic value, and is very suitable for the current ancient tree of evil.

But the problem is.

The gate of space can only accommodate life shuttles up to 8 meters high.

The diameter of the trunk of the ancient divine evil tree is more than eight meters.

It is simply impossible to achieve.

This made him a little toothless.

Fishing, the act of letting prey come to your door automatically, can't be wasted.

However, if it is carried out nearby, it will easily cause danger to the agricultural area and the territory. If it is too far away, the ancient god tree will not be able to protect the territory.

This seems to be a deadlock... Richard felt a little helpless.

After thinking about it, I temporarily put this question on hold.

We can only wait for a better solution in the future.

The safety of the territory is always the first priority. You can't put your hometown in a dangerous situation for fishing, which is the last thing you want.

This is especially true now when Wyverns are still threatening the territory at all times.

At this time, Richard, who was in the trouble of happiness, didn't know that when he was thinking about how to make the ancient tree of gods and evils play a greater role, a caravan of hundreds of people was slowly walking towards the city of dusk.

With a big beard and an extremely burly figure, Jonah Sorin, who makes people wonder if he has the blood of titan, is looking viciously at Onik who has a big belly beside him.

"Onik, you know that when I agreed to take the people in this town through the desert of death, it was all for Adriel!"

"If you hadn't said that the Luanwei Flower Merchant would have more opportunities to allow Andaier to quickly improve her forging skills, I would never have taken risks with you!"

"Now, you know that my daughter is in the territory of a small desert lord, why don't you bring her back? Let her stay in that territory?"

Jonah Suo Lin Yue said the more angry.

"If something happens to Andair, I will definitely throw you and that damned lord into the furnace and melt into dregs!!"

Onik touched the Bactrian camel resting on the sand, then unscrewed the cap of the water bag, took a sip comfortably, and looked helplessly at the furious bearded man.

"Jonah, you have complained to me with the same words for twenty-five days this month, won't you change your lines like those actors at the Solan City Theater?"

Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, he added another sentence.

"We are going to the City of Twilight soon, isn't Aandael still safe? What are you in a hurry for?"

"Although the territory of Twilight City is not large, it can be regarded as a safe place."

"And how many times have I told you that An Daier is willing to stay, and I can't take him away by force."

Onik had a headache. He thought dwarves were the most stubborn race in the world, but this guy was even more unreasonable than dwarves.

He did not know the dangers of the desert.

A single sandstorm may be able to submerge a large city, let alone such an inconspicuous small territory as Twilight City.

But An Dai'er took the initiative to stay at that time. He wanted to take the other party away, but the other party did not agree.

Not to mention that his life was saved by the lord of grace.

What can he say?

Moreover, there is such a peerless treasure as Desert Crown Honey in Twilight City, it is impossible for him to make the relationship deadlocked...

Jonah snorted coldly.

"Impossible, how could Andaier agree to join an inconspicuous territory!"

"It must have been coerced by the little lord."

"And it's very likely that the other party used the news of my disappearance to force Andelle." The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was right. A girl whose father was blown away by a storm, was raped by an evil lord with a different heart. The news lures...

He didn't even dare to think about that scene.

O'Neill looked at the big guy with a headache. Could it be that Aandale was forced to not see it?

He didn't even know how this brainless guy could forge such a superb forging technique.

After thinking about it, I felt weak.

"No matter what you say, Your Excellency Richard has saved An Daier and me. After you enter the Twilight City, don't hurt him and his territory."

Jonah said angrily.

"It's best that you pray that the damned lord is really as you said, Aandael joined voluntarily!"

"Otherwise, no matter whether he saved you or not, I will use my hammer to smash his head, no, all the living beings in that territory, smash all their heads!"

It's not enough to say it, so I added a sentence.

"It's like smashing an egg!"

He is a level 10 hero!

Destroying a weak territory with no more than a hundred troops is easier than drinking water.

And Onik said, that lord didn't even have a level 5... Thinking of this made me even angrier.

He is Jonah Thorin, the existence with the strongest forging talent in the Thorin family!

How honorable is his daughter?

How dare such a weak lord let his daughter join him? !

Damn it!

The closer he got to that territory, the more his anger grew.

"Soran City has such ample supply of supplies. If it wasn't for that damned lord's despicable means of restricting Andaier, she would be able to attack the super blacksmith now!"

"It only takes two years, no, even one year, to be promoted!"

Onik's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Advanced blacksmith and super blacksmith are watershed.

A super blacksmith means being able to forge strategic equipment above 3 stars!

This is quite Precious for any force.

He traveled thousands of miles to lure the person in front of him to the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce, because the other party was a super blacksmith who was half a step away from breaking through to the Great Sage.

Although this guy's mind is a bit simple, but his skills are high, so he can only endure the temper tantrum of this ignorant guy.

"If Miss Andair is willing to go back to the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce with you, we are willing to provide him with the treatment of a super blacksmith."

Then he added another sentence.

"But the premise is that Miss Adair herself agrees."

Richard had saved his life, and this time he had to deal with the other party, and he didn't want to cause a gap because of this.

How valuable the desert crown honey is can be seen from the fact that the president asked him to start trading immediately after tasting it.

Of course, he also suspects that the chairman himself likes to eat and let him come... But he dare not say that.

When Jonah heard this, his face softened a little.

He has a deep understanding of how the super blacksmith of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce treats him.

It is ten thousand times richer than the town where he is located.

"Of course An Dai'er will agree! If you don't agree, I will take her away forcibly. Let me see who dares to stop me?"

"What future do you have in such a small place?"

"What Lord of Divine Favor, after a sandstorm, it will only become ruins..."

It was hard for Onick to say anything when he heard this, after all, what this guy said was true.

He had only experienced the power of the sandstorm two months ago.

This territory is indeed too remote.

At the same time, some other thoughts arose in his heart, thinking about seeing Richard later, whether to persuade him to go back to Solan City with him.

What is the future of this desert.

I don't know which day I will be submerged by a sandstorm.

Touching his chin, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was feasible.

At worst, he would pay some money to help the other party buy a piece of land and let him rebuild the territory.

With desert crown honey, there is a steady stream of wealth.

Why stick to such a shabby territory?

Onik, who was in a better mood, waved his hand and let the rested caravan set off.

Furious, Jonah Sorin, who muttered that he must show the little lord his color, also followed.

The caravan is rapidly approaching Twilight City...




ps: Can you ask for everyone's consent, and feed a few small monthly tickets, so that our ranking will rise by two places, more exposure, and more people will see~~Thank you guys~~

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