Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 191 The Underground World Full Of Temptations (3500 Words)

When Richard heard this, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Karoo.

He most appreciates the other party's outlook on the overall situation and the character that likes to take the initiative.

It fits his style very well.

This is also the main reason why he has always placed Karoo in the position of administrator of Twilight City.

"You're right, Twilight City has never been a defensive style."

"This time, I will go to the west to investigate in person."

Hina's words made Richard see more than just the risks.

Even more aware of the huge benefits.

Lots of wyvern legions, what does that mean?

Bone Blood Dragon! Crown troops!

Aren't these Wyverns the best prey?

Moreover, the 4-star dragon hunting crossbow needs to use dragon fascia above level 15.

More importantly, the Wyvern came from the underground world.

This means that he can open up a new map.

The interests represented in this are enormous.

Even the mithril needed to repair the Extraordinary Hunter is in the Underworld...

After figuring out the key, Richard's originally heavy mood gradually became high.

The dangerous wyvern became the prey in his heart at this moment.

Even an opportunity for the development of the entire Twilight City.

Karoo leaned on his chest and bowed his head.

"Yes, my lord"

After Richard made a decision, he immediately assembled the army.

This time it is mainly for exploration, and there is no need to lead too many troops.

Focus on a flexible air force.

But at the same time, the army was immediately put under martial law to prevent the enemy from raiding.

Such a large-scale army transfer in Twilight City quickly attracted Onik's attention.

After asking a few residents, they didn't get an accurate answer. They only knew that someone was injured.

Stop by immediately and ask Richard if he needs help.

Richard wasn't too polite.

"My subordinate was attacked by the Dungeon Clan and was seriously injured. If there is any potion that can heal the injury, I can buy it from you."

Without saying a word, Onik took out two bottles of Gold's potion.

"This is a potion produced by the Temple of the Sun in Solan City. It contains holy water with a powerful recovery effect. Maybe it can help that lady."

"As for buying, you don't need to, you saved my life last time!"

Hearing this, Richard patted the other person on the shoulder and asked someone to take it down for Hina to take.

Then he looked at Onik and said.

"I need to go out. If there are enemies attacking Twilight City, I hope you can help me."

As he spoke, he gestured to the ancient godly tree surrounded by poisonous hornets outside the territory.

"The ancient tree of evil will fight with you."

Onik had a wry smile on his face.

He couldn't tell that Richard was admonishing them secretly.

If they are disobedient, that terrifying giant tree will also send them to death.

But he was counting on Twilight City to make him rich, so he didn't have the slightest thought.

He patted his chest frankly and said.

"Don't worry, I will never let you down."

Richard didn't say any more, and after finding Karoo and exhorting him for a while, he came in front of the assembled army.

All the dark gargoyles are in line, and at the same time, 4 squads of Ax of the Dead have been riding on the dark gargoyles.

The rest of the army stayed on the territory.

No more nonsense, waved.

"Set off!"

After the order was issued, Richard turned over and rode on the bone blood dragon, driving the undead dragon to quickly skim across the yellow sand land.

Beside them are 4 dark gargoyle squads riding the ax of the dead.

The periphery is escorted by 8 pure dark gargoyle squads.

The two A-level mummy heroes Gray and Gunter are distributed on the left and right hands.

Although Hina did not specify the specific location.

But according to the general direction, plus a net-like aerial search, the army found the rubble area two hours later.

Richard drove the Bone Blood Dragon to hover above.

Looking at it, I found that this area is so vast that you can't see the edge at a height of hundreds of meters.

The ground is full of boulders three to four meters high, separated one by one, and rarely connected to each other.

Some boulders are even more than 10 meters high, which greatly obscures the line of sight.

Thinking of what Hina said, the other party covered herself with magic, she couldn't help frowning.

He is not afraid of not being able to find the enemy, what he is afraid of is scaring the snake.

Especially when the specific strength of the enemy is not yet known.

After thinking for a while, he looked at the two mummy heroes.

"Grey, Gunter, you each lead 4 teams to search."

"Attention, the enemy has covered himself with magic, so it may not be so easy to find."

"Yes, master."

When the order is issued, the army moves immediately.

Richard seemed to think of something, and slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment, the perception spread.

In the crevices under the rocks, there are a lot of sand and gravel.

As long as there is yellow sand, it is the extension of his perception.

He is like a human radar, driving the bone blood dragon to fly forward.

Quickly search everything in front of you.

Half an hour later, Richard's closed eyes snapped open.

He stared at a boulder area with a height of more than 15 meters two hundred meters away.

From the outside, the huge boulder Lin Li in that area is at most larger than the surrounding stones, so there is no problem.

But in his perception, there are a lot of people walking around in these boulder areas.

The other party stepped under the gravel!

Sure enough, as Hina said, magic covered their traces.

Can't even feel the breath of life.

If he hadn't been able to perceive the movement of the gravel, he might not have been able to detect it when he passed over his head.

Richard opened the system map and marked the location.

Then decisively drove the Bone Blood Dragon to bypass that area from the side.

Use the secret language crystal to inform the army to reconcile, and leave with a large army in another direction, without returning the same way.

Richard looked at the two heroes after leaving the vast gravel area.

"The Dungeon Race is building a fortress under the cover of magic."

Gray turned his head and glanced at the gravel area. In his empty eyes, the fire of the soul was burning.

"Master, do we need to send troops to attack immediately?"

"Go back first and come back when you are ready. This is a tough battle."

Richard is very decisive.

After returning to the territory as quickly as possible, he went directly to the front yard of the lord's mansion, staring at the troop lair in front of him.

Today is the 11th, and the troop lair has been refreshed three days ago.

Because the time of "Glory Age" is fixed, 28 days per month.

Therefore, the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of each month are all Mondays when the troop lairs are refreshed. But because of insufficient resources, he delayed recruiting.

The accumulation of the past few days has already earned enough resources for recruitment.

Without hesitation, he exhausted all the resources accumulated in the past few days and recruited all the troops that could be recruited.

Elite units—Mummy Guardian 150→250, Ax of the Dead 100→150

Rare unit——Bandage mummy 0→42,

Scorpion Warrior50→57

Greataxe Death Knight 30→72

Condensate Archer100→200

Kusha Mage75→100

Curse Pharaoh 25→30

Rare units - Dark Gargoyle 120→140, Ax of the Dead 40→45,

Brilliant Arms - Heavy Sword Warrior20.

Crown units—Bone Blood Dragon 1, Skeleton Demon 5.

Sand Archer, Giant Ax Death Knight, Bandaged Mummy, and Mummy Guardian were not recruited last time, so this time they can recruit for two weeks, which will be slightly more.

The most resource-consuming units are the largest number of Ningsha Archer and the two highest-level rare units.

After one round of recruitment, he spent more than 600,000 units of resources and 100 units of gems.

The army attrition caused by the previous attack on the Dark Temple has fully made up for it this time.

After granting the magic skill of desertification to the newly recruited units, let the troops above the Rare level assemble immediately.

The small square in front of the lord's mansion was filled with darkness.

The number of nearly 7 squadrons.

Unprecedented strength.

Richard took a few glances and nodded in satisfaction.

This army is the elite forged by him, and has made countless military exploits.

"Grey, Gunter, Barr, the three of you immediately take the newly recruited troops out to scan the map and level up. I need everyone's level to be raised to level 5 or above."

"At the same time, there is no need to bring back the corpses obtained from hunting. You can directly recruit the bloody mummies. We need cannon fodder."

"I only give you three days, on July 14th, send troops to the dungeons!"

"Follow your orders!"

The army left quickly under Richard's will.

Dungeon clans are already building fortresses.

How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch?

Once the opponent gains a firm foothold, Twilight City will face danger directly.

These dungeons are not peace-loving people.

It is their nature to destroy, plunder, and conquer.

Just as Karoo said, bringing the war to the enemy's territory is infinitely better than waiting until the enemy hits the door.

The territory that had been developing quietly in the past few days immediately became tense because of this news.

However, under the blessing of Gao Minxin, they still perform their duties without any confusion.

Even because of external threats, the cohesion has increased significantly.

The next day, July 12, Sheena woke up.

Richard immediately went to visit.

Looking at the girl whose breath of life on the bed had gradually stabilized, he felt much more at ease.

The seal in the opponent's body has not been released, and the real combat power has not been released.

If this Advanced hero is killed, the loss this time will be immeasurable.

"Lord Richard..."

Seeing Richard coming in a hurry, Hina's eyes softened a lot.

"Rest in peace, I have found the dungeon clan's fortress."

"Twilight City is safe enough, no one can hurt you in this territory."

Hina felt warm in her heart.

"You don't need to worry, scars are glory and glory to the Krenas."

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something, and his weak tone was a little dignified.

"Perhaps you need information about the Dungeon Race now..."

Richard nodded.

"No need to worry, speak slowly, don't affect the injury."

Hina said in a weak voice.

"After I left Twilight City, I tracked down a group of Wyverns and found the fortress they were building."

"It took a lot of effort to sneak in from the weak point of the enemy's defense."

"I learned that these fortresses built on the surface are a group of defeated dungeon clan forces."

"They have about three squadrons of level 10 rare units - Wyverns, of which three squadrons are brilliant units."

"Two squadrons of level 9 rare units—Evil Eye."

"Three squadrons of 8th-level rare units - half-snake people,"

"In addition to this, it also controls more than 5 brigades of troglodyte slaves."

"And the person who controls this dungeon clan force is a level 13 half-snake dungeon clan hero."

"I didn't fight them. After sneaking in, I followed the underground passage and came to the real underground world..."

Richard was thoughtful.

The strength of those dungeon clans is indeed high, but it is still within an acceptable range.

After recovering, I became very interested in the underground world that Hina mentioned.

"What is the difference between the underground world and the surface?"

"The environment in the underground world is dark, poisonous insects and snakes can be seen everywhere... Besides, there is an extreme shortage of food, and there are a lot of hungry monsters."

"Underground, it is ten times more difficult to obtain food than in the desert. Most of the beasts and monsters are highly poisonous and cannot be eaten."

"At the same time, it is ten times more dangerous than the surface."

Richard was thoughtful.

"Is there a dungeon in that area?"

"There's a dungeon ruled by dungeon brutes, and they're at war with the duergar."

"Those dungeon clans who fled to the surface were caused by the war between these two forces."

Richard raised a greater interest.

"Have you heard any news about Mithril?"

Hina thought for a while, but was not sure.

"It seems that the gray dwarves hold a mithril mine."

"This is the news I got from the interrogation after I captured a half-snake man. I didn't pay attention to it at the time, so I couldn't confirm the authenticity..."

Richard's eyes lit up immediately.

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