Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 296 The Player's Numbness Was Installed By This Bastard Again (5/5)

Richard was in a particularly happy mood at this moment.

Not to mention anything else in this dungeon, just getting the Dark Valkyrie is enough to make a lot of money.

Ten thousand gold does not change.

However, after glancing at the attributes of the dark scroll, he hesitated again.

It is true that the dark scroll can force a contract, but the restrictions are also very clear.

1. The mental strength of the contracted person must be very weak. Once the will to resist is strong, it will be backlashed;

2. The contractee cannot be 3 levels higher than himself, otherwise the contract will directly fail;

3. The highest level of the contractee at that time cannot exceed level 15, and the restriction will be lifted after the contract;

4. The contractee cannot be a life of the light camp.

Several other conditions are met, but there is only one thing... His current level is only level 11.

This is still a level up before entering the death arena.

But this is the case, there is still a gap of 3 levels from being able to contract with the other party, and it is still 1 level away.

A full 1.4 million experience is required to upgrade from level 11 to level 12.

And now in the sky arena, it is impossible to get millions of experience.

Thinking of this, I can't help but have some headaches.

Then he seemed to think of something, and took out his Tibetan soldier card.

But after trying it, it cannot be used on the Dark Valkyrie.

The brows could not help but wrinkled.

Don't let the fat around your mouth slip away at the end, right?

Even if he killed the opponent and gave him a semi-artifact as a reward, he would not be happy.

He turned his head and glanced at Renee beside him.

Seemingly thinking of something, he took out the old statue of the ancient god again.

The Old One statue was last upgraded to hold two souls.

If you can't take it away, can you swallow the soul of the other party?

But after trying it, the statue of the old god didn't respond at all.

Although the other party's soul is strong enough, the statue of the old god is only interested in the divine soul.

Richard looked confused.

Renee saw his difficulty at this time, and said softly.

"My lord, are you planning to take her away?"

Richard nodded and spoke out the restrictions of the dark pact.

Gunter and Hina were also lost in thought when they heard the words, but there is no good way to be trapped here now.

You can't always carry the other party on your back for the rest of the journey, right?

And whether he can take the opponent to the next arena is still a matter of opinion.

If it doesn't work, wouldn't it mean that you didn't get any benefit?

Renee's tone was calm.

"My lord, you may temporarily place her inside the statue."

Richard frowned slightly. He knew that there was a special space inside the old statue of the ancient god, but that was the area where the soul slept. Can the other party enter?

Seemingly seeing its doubts, Renee said softly.

"You are the master of the statue, and you can change the rules within it."

Richard was immediately interested.

With a thought, the spirit entered the statue of the old ancient god.

A moment later, a gloomy light rose, directly covering the body of the Dark Valkyrie.

The opponent gradually became nothingness.

After a few breaths.

Completely lost track.

At the same time, inside the statue of the old ancient god, the Dark Valkyrie lay quietly in the area where the divine soul once slept.

With a thought, a dim light enveloped the opponent.

The Dark Valkyrie, whose vitality was gradually weakening, stabilized.

As long as he continues to input power into it, he will be able to maintain the state of the Dark Valkyrie.

And the price to pay is that the divine soul will lose one chance of resurrection every day.

But resurrection twice a day is enough as long as you don’t go to great death.

After dealing with all this.

Richard turned his head and looked at the floating plaza that had been reduced to gravel, feeling extremely comfortable.

Forcibly acquiring a domineering level 15 hidden boss, it feels like getting an active confession from a crush... Is there anything more exciting than this?

Looking around, he suddenly saw the floating square in the distance from the corner of his eye.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

Perhaps those players who are still fighting for life and death can't imagine how exaggerated his gains at this moment are.

If you knew, the number of people in the so-called anti-Qingqiu alliance on the forum would probably be several times larger...



Suddenly, rumbling~ a violent sound resounded.

The two floating plazas where he and the Dark Valkyrie were before suddenly collapsed and slowly fell into the clouds.

The traces disappeared without a trace.

at this moment.

Suddenly a system prompt sounded.

"Ding~ The rules have returned to normal, and the live broadcast has been restarted."

Those viewers who had lost their pictures were so depressed that their eyes suddenly brightened.

The screen is back.

A group of people eating melons immediately looked intently, and after seeing the scene on the floating square, they were all taken aback.

I saw that the hard ground of the floating square had turned into gravel.

In the picture, only Qingqiu and a mummy hero are left, plus the human female Warrior who killed the rotten insect boss with a sword.

The other is an elf with a bit of nothingness in his body.

The opponent knew at a glance that it was a life like a wraith, and it seemed to be a combat unit that Qingqiu had deliberately hidden before.

And Qingqiu's domineering undead dragons, fierce gargoyles, and undead carrying battle axes are all gone at this moment.

Only the looming corpses buried in gravel on the ground seemed to be telling the story of the previous battle.

This scene immediately excited the players.

"Hahaha, Qingqiu, you also have today!"

"That level 15 boss, overthrew Qingqiu?"

"Fuck, what's the situation, where's the boss?"

"Isn't it great that there are so many casualties? Hahaha, I'm happy for a whole year!"


The audience in the live broadcast room began to skyrocket.

Not for anything else, just to see how Qingqiu was overthrown.

Seeing that solitary scene, I was secretly refreshed.

It didn't take long for a large number of posts on the forum that Qingqiu encountered a boss, the army was wiped out, and now it is extremely miserable.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded.

The big loss the other party suffered made them feel extremely comfortable.

But no one knows what the specific circumstances of the big loss they thought they suffered.

If these schadenfreude sand sculptures knew the truth of all this, they might be able to acidify their stomachs.

Level 15 boss...


After the two floating squares on the side collapsed, the square under the feet moved towards the west again.

Twilight City, with only 4 combat powers left, met the third player in Sky Arena.

Seeing that there were only a few of Richard and the others left, the players from the demon camp on the opposite side screamed excitedly.

We think that it is simply point delivered to the door.

But the two floating squares meet.

The demon player realized how outrageous his thoughts just now were.

Hina charged first, and all enemies were cut off wherever she passed.

demon? Just a bunch of chicks.

As for Renee who controls the space, this divine being can even kill level 15 bosses one-on-one.

Facing a group of Rare units and rare mixed units, it is like wolf into the herd.

Kill the Quartet.

Gunter also turned into a magic fort at this moment.

Although it doesn't do much to deal with the Dark Valkyrie, but facing a group of Intermediate units, it is simply a massacre.

No unit of arms can stop the sharpness of the three heroes.

Before Richard even stepped into the opponent's floating square, the demon player had already collapsed.

Crushing victory.

In the live broadcast room, there were more than three billion viewers who were waiting to see how he was hanged by other players.

Looking at the figures of the crazy massacre, he was dumbfounded.

This fucking hero?

Why is the hero in their hands so weak?

If it were instead them facing this obviously not weak demon army, those C-level and D-level heroes under them, let alone chopping melons and vegetables, would be a miracle if they survived.

Are they playing a game?

How much is this pervert Qingqiu hiding?

Under the stunned stares of the players, Richard continued to move towards the central area after cleaning up the demon players.

And the scene of Richard being tortured and killed that billions of players have been looking forward to has never appeared.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, they can't resist the sharpness of the three top combat powers.

There was even a situation where the three squadron units of the opposing player were simply not enough to kill.

Seeing this scene, the billions of viewers in the live broadcast room were so depressed that they almost vomited blood.

Especially watching a few heroes enter and exit seven times in the opponent's army, rampant and domineering.

The picture of Richard standing behind his back and not even bothering to move is even more frantic.

Fuck, I was pretended by this bastard again!

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