Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 358 Even The Luanweihua Chamber Of Commerce Is Not Qualified To Make Him Surrender? (4600 Wo

"Master Richard, I would like to extend my sincerest apology for my earlier faux pas, please forgive my ignorance."

"This is the title deed of Zi Roland Manor, please keep it safe."

"Later, you can send someone to go with me to the City Hall of Solan City to change the owner's name on it."

"From today onwards, you are the owner of Zi Roland Manor."

Richard looked playfully at the Kent butler whose attitude had changed drastically.

Change so fast?

Rebecca was also a little puzzled when she saw the respectful Kent housekeeper.

Just now he had a face of reluctance, why did he have such a good attitude when he came out this time... He glanced at Kelie, and seemed to have an answer in his heart.

Presumably, it was Grandpa Klein who told Butler Kent about the Twilight City and their cooperation.

Just when he was about to speak, Butler Kent turned his head and apologized to Rebecca.

"Miss Rebecca, your foresight is truly incomparable. To find Mr. Qingqiu, it must be the Ice and Snow Goddess who guided you."

Rebecca froze for a moment, puzzled.


who is this

He glanced at Richard in a daze. Is there any connection between the two?

Seeing this, Kelie stepped forward a little excitedly, bowed his head and whispered in her ear.

After a while, Rebecca's face was both surprised and happy, and when Kelie got up, she immediately turned her head and looked at Richard with hot eyes.

With one enemy against one hundred, ascend to the throne from among the 20 billion charismatic lords.

The strongest existence recognized by all God Lords...

This sudden news shook her heart.

Although he knew that the other party must be extraordinary, but unexpectedly, Richard has already made amazing results.

Although the Lord of Grace at this stage is not strong.

But the other party also came to the main plane at the same time as those charismatic lords.

Being able to emerge from among 20 billion people and subdue all the Lords of God's Grace is enough to explain everything!

At this moment, she truly believed that going to the city of dusk was guided by fate.

If not, why is this a coincidence?

"Your Excellency Richard, I didn't expect that you would be the Qingqiu who makes Lord God fear..."

When Richard heard the words of the two, he immediately thought of the two players bringing tea into the room.

Some people can't laugh or cry, these guys really have dog eyes.

He covered himself with the power of yellow sand, and he could still be recognized.

But I didn't take it seriously.

The main plane is so wide, and the players are so scattered, with the mighty prestige he has accumulated before, even if everyone knows where he is, no one will travel thousands of miles to kill him.

You won't die in the dungeon, and players can naturally let their instincts fly.

But on the main plane, they will die.

Whoever has nothing to eat and is full will give the head away.

In fact, the two players didn't intend to say anything. After thinking about it for a while, they even planned to hug their thighs.

Wouldn't it be great if Richard could say a few words and ask Rebecca to give them some tasks?

"It's just a chance."

Richard smiled.

"The current strength of the Lord of Divine Grace is not yet strong..."

Rebecca blinked.

"Humble too much~"

After a few words of teasing, the girl didn't say much on this topic.

Now the two sides have established a very friendly relationship. With this beginning, she is confident that the two sides can have in-depth cooperation in the future.

Investing in an object with unlimited potential feels like buying a stock that you know will go up, which makes you feel happy.

The atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

Then Rebecca introduced some information about Solan City to Richard, and didn't stop until it was almost dinner time.

In the evening, under the hospitality of Rebecca, Richard had a luxurious dinner.

In contrast, the food that Twilight City uses to entertain guests is simply not eye-catching.

After dinner, he didn't go out at night and went straight back to his room.

In the living room outside the room, Richard looked at Sheena and the Dark Valkyrie.


"Foy, can you sense the aura of that Legendary strongman in Solan City?"

The Dark Valkyrie turned her head and looked in a certain direction.

"I can only roughly feel that there is an extremely terrifying existence in the east, that is... the power above the Extraordinary."

"And after I stepped into this city, I was followed by a special aura. Although that aura cannot be approached, if I do something out of the ordinary, I will definitely be perceived."

Richard nodded slightly when he heard the words, and didn't bother about it.

The current Twilight City is not yet comparable to Solan City.

After thinking about it, he said slowly.

"In this city, do not act without my order."

"Yes, master."

After Richard finished exhorting, he looked at the heroic Hina.

"I finally made a trip to Solan City. Is there anything you want to buy? Let's go to the black market tomorrow..."

Hina's eyes lit up, and she said softly.

"If possible, I would like to buy a suit of armor that fits."

This brave and fearless Warrior has always been at the forefront of the battlefield.

With the power of a super A-level hero, even if injured, he can recover quickly.

But having a well-fitting, solid set of armor helps her a lot.

Not only can it reduce physical exertion, but it can also let it attack freely.

Richard nodded, taking that to heart.

Then he seemed to think of something and continued.

"Going back this time, I will accompany you to the Krenas."

Last time, when the kobold god attacked, Hina asked the Krenas for help, but got no response.

The girl has been worried about her own people.

She left the Krenas because she wanted to find a way to break the seal.

Now, after the operation of alchemy and exchange of blood, she has found a way.

But the problem is that I can't contact my clan...

This made her a little uneasy.

Although she has completely pledged her allegiance to Twilight City, she is not a mechanical puppet.

The attitude towards the tribe is still consistent.

Hearing Richard's words at this time, Hina's eyes immediately softened, and her heart felt warm.

There are so many important things on her body, and the other party still remembers her worries, which makes her feel that her efforts have not been in vain.

There was a sweet smile on his stern face for the first time.

Nod hard.


Seeing Hina who had regained her girlish appearance, Richard smiled and rubbed her head with his hands.

The Warrior who is always at the forefront of the battle, speaking of it, is only in his early twenties.

On Blue Star, he just graduated from university.

Although the severed heads of the other party can be piled up into a mountain, after all, they still need to be cared about.

At this moment, a maid knocked on the door to report that the two Lords of Grace outside begged to see her. Richard instantly thought of the two players who recognized him. He didn't want to pay attention to it, but suddenly thought of the black market that Rebecca mentioned, which would open tomorrow.

The black market in the eyes of the aborigines must be different from the eyes of the players.

Thinking of the purpose of this trip, after pondering for a moment, he called the two of them in.

After entering the house, looking at this luxurious room, the two players were full of envy.

They have been here for so long, and they have always lived in the servant room for two people. Compared with this other party, it is simply not the same.

Then he thought that this manor would belong to the other party in the future, and he had nothing to say in his heart.

People are more dead than people.

"Big Brother Qingqiu..."

After the two said hello, they looked at this top player with an extremely lofty status on the forum with a little anxiety.

Now the gap between them and each other is already worlds apart.

Even a word from the other party can change their fate...

"Don't be nervous, I don't eat people, sit down."

Richard waved his hands casually. Although the strength of the two made him not interested, he was too lazy to show off in front of the players.

And for the player, there is always a familiarity in his heart, which makes him quite relaxed, without putting on airs.

"How did you recognize me?"

The third child hastily said, "Master Qingqiu, I have a talent called root tracing. I can find very subtle traces to find out the reason... Your previous cover-up was just covering up your face, figure, temperament, They're like lights."

It was only then that Richard realized that it was a talent, so there was no reason to talk about it.

After the other party finished speaking, he quickly added a sentence.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Richard smiled, didn't say much about it, and changed the subject.

"Why are you here at Zi Roland Manor, do you have any missions?"

Seeing that he didn't pursue it, the two of them felt sure and responded quickly.

"I accidentally found out that the origin of this manor is not simple. Later, I found out that its owner, Ms. Rebecca, is the eldest daughter of Grand Duke Frostwolf, so she has been doing tasks here, thinking about getting more treasures..."

Richard laughed dumbfounded, it was really a plain and simple reason.

"What about your territory? Why do you spend so much time here?"

The boss smiled wryly.

"Boss Qingqiu, not everyone has the talent to manage a territory."

"Our two territories have been in operation for two months, but we couldn't keep going, and went bankrupt."

"And those unruly people want to rebel against us, so they just don't do anything, sell the territory, and come to Solan City to hang out."

Richard also felt a little emotional when he thought of the large number of players who abandoned their territories on the forum.

Running a territory is not an easy task. As soon as you open your eyes, there are hundreds and thousands of people waiting to eat, solve internal problems, and always be on guard against unknown enemies attacking the territory.

There are too many players who don't have any leadership and organization skills and can't handle it after a couple of months.

The difficulties faced in the real world cannot be imagined by clicking the mouse while playing the Lord game in front of the computer.

There are rules in the game, but there are no rules in the real world. This is the biggest difference.

Some territories may be developed very well, but suddenly a giant dragon passed by, breathed out the dragon's breath casually, and wiped out the territory... There are all kinds of weird encounters.

"How long have you been in Solan City?"

"After losing the territory, I have been in Solan City"

Richard nodded and asked the most interesting point.

"Do you know about the black market?"

The third child hurriedly said.

"I know, I know, but the black market is the Advanced map of Solan City, and only players who have contributed 1,000 points in Solan City can enter."

"We only have more than 100 contributions now, and we are still far away."

"I heard from other players that high-level treasures often appear in the black market. Last week, even Legendary-level items appeared, but the price... tsk tsk tsk, we can't afford it even if we sell it a hundred times. "

"Boss Qingqiu, what are you going to buy in the black market? Maybe we can find out the news for you. I know a lot of friends who have been to the black market, Men Qing."

Richard said slowly.

"I want to buy a treasure that can enslave the heroes of the evil faction..."

"A special item like a contract scroll."

"If you have connections, you can inquire for me. As long as I can get what I want, I will be grateful."

The two looked at each other, excited.

Thank you very much, the weight of the words spoken from this person is not the same.

This is Qingqiu.

"You are welcome, we will try our best...... Can you be more detailed about your needs?"

After thinking for a while, Richard said softly.

"The more Advanced the treasure, the better, and it must be effective against heroes of the evil camp."

"The target I want to enslave is very likely to exceed level 15... If the treasure is too weak, it will not be effective."

The words did not go into too much detail, but it was enough for the two of them to search for it.

The two players gasped, level 15? ! !

Wow, is this the boss? !

They are still a long way from level 10, and the opponent is considering enslaving a level 15 hero! !

After Richard finished speaking, he added another sentence.

"I still have two 3-star treasures in my hand. If the information you find is useful to me, I will take the two treasures as a reward."

"You can also tell your friends the news. As long as there is accurate news, I will reward you as well."

3-star treasure?

The two recovered from their amazement, looked at each other, and immediately became excited.

The best treasure in their hands is only 2 stars, and it still took half a month to do the task.

Sure enough, he is a boss, and his actions are extraordinary.

"Boss Qingqiu, do you have any additional requirements?"

"If you can, by the way, help me find out if there are any special treasures in the black market, especially armor."


Not long after talking, the two players left excitedly.

After leaving Zi Roland Manor, the eldest suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the third.

"Have you noticed that the one standing next to Big Brother Qingqiu seems to be a boss in the Sky Arena?"

"I didn't watch that live broadcast either. I don't know... Maybe you read it wrong. Can the boss stand behind the player? Who did you hear that the boss can be subdued?"

"That's right, maybe my eyes are blurred... Let's go to Jasmine Street, let those guys come together tonight, and finally meet the big brother Qingqiu, we can't be ashamed!"

"If this thing is done beautifully, maybe I can hug my thigh in the future!"

"Big brother Qingqiu is generous, two 3-star treasures, I'm excited just thinking about them..."

For the top players, 3-star treasures are very rare, let alone Common players who have lost their territories.

Richard didn't lie, he got some unused treasures from the gray dwarves, and he would not be stingy if the other party could really give him the information he wanted.

It is too tempting to enslave the Vampire Grand Duke.

Once the opponent is successfully captured, the power of Twilight City will usher in a surge.

That's Extraordinary-level power, nuclear weapons!

The particularity of the players allows them to have broad vision and different ways of thinking.

Although his strength is not strong, his agility can also make up for it, which may not fail to bring him surprises.

And even if he fails, he won't lose anything.

It's a big deal for them.

Rested overnight, early the next morning.

A convoy embroidered with the coat of arms of the Frostwolf family drove slowly out of the Purple Roland Manor.

Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

Chairman Windsor is looking at the excited Onick in front of him with great interest.

The top dignitary in charge of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce is wearing a red aristocratic dress with blooming roses embroidered on it today. The close-fitting design makes his figure uneven and full of femininity.

Coupled with the graceful and luxurious temperament of the upper class, it makes it even more precious.

But no one in the room dared to take a second look.

This man killed the enemies of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce to the point of bloodshed in the early years... The Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce's status today is inseparable from its tough wrist.

"You mean, the owner of Twilight City, the mysterious God Lord Richard, has come to Solan City?"

Onik smiled exceptionally brightly.

"Yes, President Windsor, Miss Rebecca brought Her Excellency Richard back to Solan City yesterday."

"The maid just came to report that they will come to visit this morning."

When Windsor heard this, there was a bit of playfulness on his face.

Onik whispered more about the magic of Twilight City, and the two special products of Desert Crown Honey and Desert Crown Robe made her quite curious about Twilight City.

She would like to see if the lord of grace is really so extraordinary.

After thinking about it, he looked at Onick with a half-smile.

"Onik, tell me, can that Richard be compared with the most powerful Qingqiu among the Lords of Grace?"

After speaking, he waved his hand and interrupted Onick who was about to speak.

"Forget it, you can't answer anything new, I will ask him in person later."

"It's interesting that the Lord of Grace in the desert of death can develop so well."

"However, what makes me most curious is whether Lord Richard is as special as you said, even the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce is not qualified to submit him..."

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