Rare 3 stars?

A wasp seven or eight centimeters long, with a level of 5, and a rare 3-star potential?

Richard's eyes glaze over.

My scorpion Warrior is so strong that it can't reach Rare......

With a bit of displeasure, continue to check.

poisonous wasp

[Level]: Level 5 (Intermediate arms, toxin damage increased by 15%)

[Potential]: Rare 3 stars

[Skills]: Insect Body (Class C, immune to poison, immune to curse, able to regenerate broken limbs, no matter how much non-fatal damage it receives, it can recover slowly.)

Flying Bee (Class C, dexterity increased by 40%, flight speed increased by 40%)

Poisonous bee stinger (Class C, bee venom will be injected after stabbing the enemy, the higher the amount injected, the higher the damage will be caused.)

Sharp tail thorn (D grade, can pierce armor with the length of the tail thorn, and can pierce low-level magic shields)

[Racial talent]: Can communicate freely within 100 meters through tentacles.

[Bond - Bee Swarm]: The number of wasp swarms is greater than 100, the toxicity of all wasps is increased by 10%, and the flight speed is increased by 10%;

The number of wasps is greater than 500, the toxicity is increased by 20%, and the flight speed is increased by 20%;

The number of wasps is greater than 1000, the poisonous scorpion is increased by 50%, and the flying speed is increased by 50% (activated).

[Introduction]: Trust me, you won't be willing to be stung by it.

3 C-level skills and 1 D-level skill.

This wasp is a bit fierce.

Richard stopped thinking about slapping the opponent to death, and watched as several poisonous wasps preyed on the bees.

Watching the other party fly away, there was a bit of excitement on his face.

If we can dig out the nest of the highly poisonous hornets and take over this unit, then the safety of the sand date forest will be too worrying, right?

This is a rare 3-star unit, and the opponent's bond has been activated, which means that there are at least a thousand wasps in this nest.

Wouldn't it be against the sky to go out to fight with the honeycomb?

When Richard thinks of fighting, he starts by throwing honeycombs at the opponent.

Then the enemy looked at the scene of thousands of poisonous hornets flying out of the beehive with a dazed expression, and burst into laughter.

This thing is a bit messed up.

But the only question is, how to find the nest of these poisonous hornets?

After these guys preyed on the bees, they disappeared in mid-air like lightning, flying extremely fast.

Don't talk about chasing, even if you can't see clearly.

Moreover, the rare 3-star potential is a bit beyond the standard, and if you find it, you may not be able to win the other party.

While Richard was meditating, Karp's urgent voice suddenly came from outside the sand date forest.

"Master Richard!! The search and rescue team we sent out encountered an extremely powerful enemy and suffered heavy losses..."


He temporarily put this trouble in his heart, turned around and walked out of the jujube forest.

At this time, several blood-stained residents were lying on stretchers outside, their faces full of pain.

Richard frowned, without hesitation, he took out a jar of Desert Crown Honey from the system space.

"Take some of the desert crown honey and rinse it with water, then feed them."

The other residents were a little moved when they saw this scene.

They have learned from Onik how expensive the desert crown honey is in the past few days.

Unexpectedly, the lord would be willing to use it for a few commoners with low status.

The eyes of several wounded companions were immediately red. After bowing to Richard, they immediately took the Desert Crown Honey.

Some of them were taken out like a pilgrimage, and then poured into the wooden bowl usually used for drinking next to the spring, and fed to the two wounded.

After drinking a few sips of honey water, the breathing of the two seriously injured on the stretcher immediately stabilized.

His face quietly recovered a little rosy, and he was no longer so pale.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding crowd were amazed.

They had heard of the extraordinaryness of desert honey, but they did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

He looked at Richard with more and more respect.

Richard ignored the others, looked at Karoo and said in a deep voice.

"How is this going?"

"Master Richard, they were attacked by a group of extremely terrifying monsters. If they were not lucky, none of them would be able to escape."

Karoo's tone was serious.

"The two mummies you sent have died..."

"The enemy is powerful."

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly.

Look at the two wounded.

"Do you know the specific location of the gathering point of the field troops?"

The meaning of these words caused another commotion among the crowd.

"My lord...those who attacked us were undead beings. They had chains in their hands and an ax connected to the other end...they were able to throw the ax out, and their strength was terrifying.

The two mummies were killed by them before they could survive a round..."

One of the wounded recovered a little faster and told the enemy's intelligence intermittently.

The last tone was a little hesitant.

"Those monsters are too dangerous, maybe you don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Richard interrupted directly.

"Everyone who hurts the people of my Twilight City will have to pay the price!"

"My people, be protected by me!"

"No one is an exception!"

"The residents who died during this mission all died for Twilight City. They are heroes."

Speaking of this, he slowly looked around the crowd, his voice was not high-pitched, but there was no doubt about it.

"I'll bring them back and bury them like heroes..."

Compassion does not command soldiers, he is mentally prepared for casualties.

But this is an excellent opportunity to unite people's hearts, and he is also particularly interested in the unit that can instantly kill mummies.

But the crowd was silent now.

No one spoke again, but the eyes looking at Richard were full of indescribable complexity.

At this moment, the idea of ​​being a part of Twilight City and having Lord Richard as the lord rose in their hearts, which was their glorious thought.

How many lords in this world can do this?

They are nothing more than lowly civilians, and many people even wondered if they would be held accountable when they came, because the two mummies of the lord were killed...

No one expected this to be the case.

This huge contrast made them very excited.

After Richard got the crude map, he also took away the mummy who was originally planning to stay in the sand date forest.

Karu looked at the back of the other party and murmured.

"Lord Richard..."

The eyes changed from complicated to gradually firm.

After the other party completely disappeared from sight, he suddenly turned his head to look at the others.

Shen Sheng said.

"Open your eyes and watch! This is the lord of Twilight City!

"Remember, no matter what happens to you in the future, never, never betray Sir Richard, and never betray Twilight City!"

Before the crowd could respond, he turned and left. The old body was particularly tall and straight at this moment.

Only a group of people whose inner emotions are fermenting are left.

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