Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 389 The Love Of My Life (Chinese Valentine's Day Special)

After a busy day, Sam left the blacksmith shop.

Her hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and her clothes were even more sloppy, which made people frown.

He looked like a wandering beggar, extremely embarrassed.

Coupled with only one arm, this appearance does not give people a very good sense.

But Sam didn't pay attention to this, his chest was still straight, his eyes were shining.

And the residents who passed by him did not show strange eyes to him, but were full of envy and respect.

Because the dusty clothes on his body were uniforms specially designed by the tailor for the blacksmith shop.

In the entire Twilight City, only the staff of the blacksmith shop are eligible to wear it.

That was the blacksmith's shop, the most prestigious place in Twilight City, not one of them.

There are three levels of blacksmith clothing: Apprentice, Blacksmith, and the more Advanced Blacksmith.

What he was wearing was the top blacksmith's exclusive clothing, which was a symbol of status.

Only he and Andaier own the entire Twilight City.

Sam walked briskly, and hummed an unknown lilting tune. He didn't know the name of the tune, but he heard it occasionally from Shanna.

Because the girl likes it, he likes it too.

Thinking of the figure who was still waiting for him at home, he couldn't help walking faster.

He has been in the blacksmith shop for a week, and he wanted to research the special attack technology before going back.

But I had to come out at this time, because today is very special.

Shanna's birthday...

In fact, he didn't know when Shanna's birthday was, and he didn't even know his own birthday.

The reason why today is his birthday is because he regards the day they met as their common birthday.

For him, this is even more important than his birthday.

Because on the day he met Shanna, there was light in his gloomy life.

The appearance of the girl gave him, who was sinking in the darkness, hope, hope, and the power to live.

From outsiders' point of view, he has been taking care of Shanna, but only he knows it.

It was the girl who could no longer see the world, supporting him, and she was his reliance.

The light in his eyes became softer.

Thinking about a few months ago, a disabled person with only one arm left, took a blind girl across the desert of death... how crazy and suffocating it is.

But, for her, he is not afraid of any difficulties.

Fortunately, this choice was made in the first place.

Thinking of this, Sam showed a smile from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for his original decision, he would not have been discovered by Twilight City, nor would he have come to this great city, nor would he have become a respected top blacksmith.

Lord Richard...

He muttered this title in his heart, and his eyes showed a hot light.

It was the master of this territory who gave him everything.

For all eternity he will never forget...

His soul belongs to his girl, but his life already belongs to this city.

If necessary, he will stand on the city wall without hesitation, and give everything to protect the city and Lord Richard.

"Sam, are you back so early today?"

A crisp voice with surprise next to him interrupted Sam's thoughts.

Turning around subconsciously, a girl with a graceful figure appeared in front of her eyes.

The other party was wearing a pure white long dress, and a pair of big blue eyes were carved like gemstones, which made people tremble.

Its face is exquisite and perfect, and its temperament is elegant and lively. No matter how harsh the aesthetics are, it is difficult to find any flaws.

Sam didn't dare to look too much, he avoided the other party's sight unnaturally, and said in a stiff voice.

"Miss Helena, good day..."

"Today is Shanna's birthday, so I came back earlier."

Hearing this, the smile on the girl's face faded slightly, and she forced a smile.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect Miss Shanna's birthday to be today."

Said eyes slightly dim.

"Then, I'm going back and I won't bother you anymore."

Sam snorted and nodded in a daze.

"Okay, Miss Helena, goodbye."

Seeing that the other party didn't stop her, the girl lowered her head, turned around and left sullenly.

Sam didn't think too much, he regained his happiness, and started to go home.

But before he had gone far, a middle-aged man with a big belly and a fat body stopped him.

The other party was wearing a black robe, looking rather rich.

Sam smiled lightly when he saw the person coming.

"Uncle Odd, good day."

The middle-aged man named Odd laughed.

"Good day, Sam."

Said and looked around.

"Didn't you meet Helena just now?"

Sam held out his hand to signal the other way.

"Yes, Miss Helena is back."

The middle-aged man showed a subtle look on his face.

"You guys, didn't talk?"

Sam shook his head.

"Already said hello, and it's Shanna's birthday today, I'm in a hurry to get back..."


As he said that, he looked Sam up and down. Although the other party's clothes were covered with dust, his high-pitched spirit made people dare not underestimate him.

After thinking about it, he stepped forward, approached Sam, and lowered his voice a little.

"Sam, I told you earlier, how are you thinking?"

"Helena is a well-known girl in Twilight City. Her appearance and upbringing are all top choices. There are many young men who want to pursue..."

Sam shook his head decisively.

"Thank you for your attention, Uncle Odd, I already have Shanna."

The middle-aged man said disapprovingly.

"I didn't ask you to give up Shanna either. Shanna is a good child. After you marry Helena, you can still be with her."

Said arrogantly.

"Man, what's wrong with how many wives you marry?!"

"Especially for an Excellent man like you."

"You are the pillar of the blacksmith shop. Even Master Richard treats you differently. You have unlimited potential in the future! You can't just marry Shanna in your life, you must marry other girls, right?"

"In that case, why can't Helena be married back?"

"If you're worried that Shanna won't agree, it's okay, I'll help you talk, trust me, she will understand..."

Being robbed by the other party, Sam looked slightly startled.

After pondering for a moment, he slowly shook his head at the middle-aged man.

"Uncle Odd...I think you may not know me well."

"In this world, there are many good-looking, smart, and beautiful girls, but that has nothing to do with me."

"All I want is Shanna."

"It's enough to have her." He said with happiness on his face.

"Sanna is my everything."

"In this world, no girl can compare to her, no..."

The expression of the swearing middle-aged man finally stiffened.

Some looked at him incomprehensibly.

The four eyes met, and at this moment, he saw an extremely firm love for a person from the other's eyes.

Mountains and seas collapsed and could not be moved.

The middle-aged man who didn't believe that anyone could refuse this kind of temptation fell silent.

After a long time, he smiled wryly.

"Perhaps I underestimated you, Sam."

Reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Sanna is a good girl. It must be the blessing of the goddess that he can get your favor."

Sam smiled and shook his head.

"No, Uncle Odd, it's an honor to be with Shanna..."

"Without her, perhaps I would have already become a rotting corpse."

"She is my light."

After a while, the middle-aged man watched the brisk figure disappear at the end of the street, with inexplicable envy in his eyes.

It must be very happy to love someone so firmly.

After the figure of the other party disappeared, he lowered his head and pulled up his sleeves, and tied a crystal bracelet full of impurities on his wrist.

There are some memories in the eyes...


"Sanna, Sam will definitely become a big shot in the future."

"He may marry you as his wife, but she may not have only one wife."

"Those big men, who doesn't own a few women?"

"And, in your situation, staying with him will only delay him..."

"Sam is now the top figure in Twilight City. During this period, he often doesn't come back for a few days. Doesn't that explain anything?"

"The bigger the status gap between you, the harder it is to maintain the relationship."

"Sanna, maybe you haven't realized that Sam has gradually forgotten about you. He has a better life and will no longer put you are already to him. It's not that important anymore."

"And you also know that he met a girl named Helena some time ago, and that girl likes him very much."

"She has bright eyes, can play a musical instrument called the kronqin, and her singing voice is particularly beautiful, and her father is also a big figure in the logistics department."

"They are the most suitable couple..."

In a bright house, a teenager in his early twenties was looking emotionally at a girl sitting on a stool whose pupils were out of focus.

The boy was tall and tall, with shiny blond hair.

His eyes were full of intoxication.

He emphasized his tone a bit, trying to increase his persuasiveness.

"I'm different, Shanna, I only want to have you in my whole life."

"I swear to Goddess, from the day I saw you, your image has been engraved in my are the only true love in my life."

"I have become an employee of the food workshop. I will work hard, earn a lot of money to help you treat your eyes, and accompany you after get off work every day."

"There will never be a situation where you will be left out for many days!"


Listening to the boy's words, Shanna, who had been silent for a long time, slowly raised her head and "looked" at the figure in front of her seriously.

The tone is firm.

"Daniel, I'm sorry, please forgive my directness...Sam will not be the kind of person you said."

"In the future, please don't say bad things about Sam in front of me, I don't like it."

"Sam is my love and my one and only."

"Except for him, it is impossible for me to fall in love with anyone else in this life, no, in the next life."

"Daniel, since we have known each other for several years and you have helped me and Sam a lot, today I will pretend that nothing happened, so let's go."

The boy raised his voice unwillingly.

"Sanna, don't you understand? Love is mutual! Sam may be holding hands with Helena at the moment and watching the sunrise and sunset outside the city!"

"Otherwise why didn't you come back for a week?"

"Although the work in the blacksmith shop is busy, it is absolutely impossible not to spare a little time!"

"Today is still your birthday!"

"I can always be with you..."

The girl's face became a little cold.

"Daniel, I'm warning you for the last time, don't say anything bad about Sam!!"

"You don't need to worry about how Sam does things!"

"Even if it's a month, a year, or even never coming back, I can't accept you."

"I love Sam more than my life and soul!"

Looking at that unwavering face, the boy's heart felt like a knife was piercing his heart.

I opened and closed my lips several times, but I couldn't speak anymore.

In the end, the whole person seemed to have been sucked out of his soul, he let out a long sigh, staggered, and left feeling disappointed.

The girl ignored the other party's departure, and was still thinking about her boy in her mind.

"Sam must be very busy these days, I made his favorite honey bread today... Aunt Shanna will take me to the blacksmith shop~"

Thinking of seeing each other later, the girl immediately showed a bright smile on her face.

Just groping to get up.


There was the sound of the door being pushed open, and a familiar sound of footsteps came into my ears.

There was a bit of surprise on the girl's face, and she subconsciously turned her head to look in the direction of the sound.

"Sam, you're back~"

The tone was filled with indescribable joy.

The girl who was not too angry just now seemed to be given life to the statue, full of agility.

The air seems to be filled with the smell of spring flowers.


Sam looked at his beloved girl with a big smile on his face.

Stepping forward, one hand approached the back and took out a bouquet of pure white flowers from behind.

One hand led the other to take it.

"Happy birthday, Shanna."

The girl held the flower in her hand, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it lightly.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers, he said with a smile on his face, full of surprises.

"White moon flower? Sam, where did you get the white moon flower? This is a desert..."

Sam laughed.

"Like it?"

The girl nodded fiercely, holding her in her arms happily, not wanting to let go.

Just when she was about to say something, suddenly, the girl felt that the figure in front of her seemed to be squatting on the ground, and her hand was being held by the other party.

While wondering, a mellow and gentle voice sounded.

"Sanna, today is our birthday, and it is the day we met."

"This day is like a new life for me. It is because of your appearance that my life has been given new meaning."

"I hope that in the days to come, I will always be by your side, care for you, care for you, and love you."

"I hope to be your husband and the father of our children."

"I hope that when I am eighty years old and my hair is gray, I can still hold your hand."

"Sanna, my love, I hope, you can marry me..."

After the words fell, the girl only felt the coldness of the ring on her ring finger.

At this moment, an indescribable sense of happiness welled up from the bottom of my heart.

Tears fell down uncontrollably.

The voice trembled uncontrollably.

", are you serious?"

Sam's tone was solemn and hot.

"I have never been so serious in my life. Would you like to be my bride?"

"Woooooo...I, I would..."

The girl could no longer bear the excitement in her heart, sobbing, she pulled up the boy and hugged him tightly in her arms.

Smelling the breath of the other party, at this moment, she felt that even death was worth it.

Sam whispered in the girl's ear with a trembling voice.

"Shanna, when we were trapped in the desert of death, I was very scared. I was not afraid of death, but I was afraid that when I died, I hadn't made you my wife."

"At that time, I was thinking, if we can leave the desert of death alive, I will definitely propose to you immediately!"

"Fortunately, Goddess favored us, Sir Richard pulled us back from the clutches of death, and brought us to Twilight City."

"Later, the lord gave me great strength and gave me everything... Now, I finally have the ability to take care of you."

"I've been thinking about this moment since the day I came to Twilight City."

"The wish has finally come true. Even if I die at this moment, I am willing."

"Sanna, I love you."

The girl was drunk when she heard the most straightforward and hot words in her heart.

Choked up in excitement, he was unable to utter a complete sentence.

All she could respond was to hold the boy in her arms even harder, as if she wanted to rub him into her body.

After a long, long time, he whispered with a sob.

"Sam, we will have a future, you still have to work for Twilight City, and you have to make even greater achievements to repay Lord Richard."

"We're going to live together."

"Live until the day when the twilight city turns into a pearl in the desert, until the day when we can no longer walk..."

Sam hugged the girl tightly.

"Well, we have to live well."

"The City of Dusk has not yet become the City of Immortality, Sir Richard, it has not yet become the master of the Desert of Death..."

"The kindness we owe has not been repaid..."

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