Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 397 Five-Star Strengthening: Statue Of The Dead

Watching Sam leave the blacksmith shop excitedly and excitedly, a smile appeared on the corner of Richard's mouth.

Unexpectedly, he would have the day to be a witness.

However, it is quite a good mood to see this pair of lovers who have experienced countless hardships come together.

He hoped to see more such examples.

Touching his chin, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Why don't we have a Valentine's Day in the future? For those who get married on this day every year, I can witness their marriage and become everyone's witness..."

"At the same time, the whole city is on holiday for three days, and you can freely engage in dating."

After pondering for a while, I feel that this idea is very clever.

If it takes ten or twenty years, won't he be the godfather of the whole city's descendants?

Among other things, this thing can't improve the popularity of the people by one hundred and eighty points?

I made a note of this matter in my heart, and then I went back to discuss it with Karoo to see what day to choose.

While thinking, he stepped up to the second floor.

The Great Sage attack technology has given Scorpion Warrior such a big boost.

It made his heart excited.

I don't know how much improvement can the stone statue of the dead strengthened by 5 five-star treasures--psychic gems?

The stone statue of the dead, no matter what time it is, is the trump card of Twilight City's top priority development.

If it wasn't for improving the level of the Twilight City being stuck, this round of technological improvement should also be the turn of the Stone Statue of the Dead.

Go up to the second floor.

Richard saw a figure slumped on the operating platform.

Surprised at the moment, he stepped forward a few strides.

After sensing that there was no abnormality in the other party's life breath, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking down, she saw the disheveled Andaier laying on the dirty operating table without any image, sleeping soundly.

The corner of his mouth was already drooling because of being pressed by the table.

Baji Baji mouth from time to time, making people look funny and cute.

Richard couldn't laugh or cry.

This girl...

Shaking her head, she stepped forward, bent down and gently picked up the girl, and softly came to the simple bed next to her, and slowly put it down.

Watching the girl move her body, adjust to a more comfortable position and continue to sleep soundly, Richard felt a little distressed.

This girl may have endured for many days.

In the future, we have to let individuals look at each other. If this goes on, even the Extraordinary World may not be able to bear it.

Staying up late is not a good thing.

Seeing that the other party didn't wake up, Richard withdrew his mind and walked to the operating table again.

Turning his head and looking around, after scanning around, his eyes turned to the corner, at this time an object like an iron tower was blocked by a gauze curtain.

Richard's perception spread out, and after he figured out what was inside, he was a little dumbfounded.

What are you doing blocking the statue of the dead here?

With a wave of his hand, the curtain was lifted.

The figure of the stone statue of the dead appeared.

Instantly, Richard's eyes lit up.

The Scorpion Warrior gave him cool enough senses.

Now that the stone statue of the dead appeared in front of him, the visual impact was even stronger.

After strengthening, the original 3-meter height of the stone statue of the dead has now reached 4 meters.

The already ferocious aura has become as if a demon god has descended into the world, giving people an extremely wild psychological impact.

The brown wings carved from the rock on the back are now covered with dark lines, giving people a solemn and light feeling.

Once the sharp barbs in the front launch a dive attack, they may easily pierce the Warrior's thick shield, and no one dares to doubt its lethality.

On the surface of the stone statue of the dead, the originally inconspicuous dragon scale stone armor became particularly conspicuous at this moment. It was a piece of armor growing from the body, giving people a feeling of indestructibility.

Combined with its attributes, I am afraid that it can resist the strong shots of the siege crossbow.

The thick arm firmly holds the battle ax that is more than half the height of a person, and the chain is wrapped around it. Once Dark Red's battle ax is thrown out, even a dragon of the same level cannot hold it.

In the empty eye sockets, one can see the scorching flames of the ghostly blue soul.

The overall appearance of the stone statue of the dead has no subversive changes. The biggest change is still the momentum...

It was ten times fiercer than before.

This is a real killing machine.

Once attacked, it can tear everything apart.

Open the attribute panel, and there are five newly enhanced additional attributes, which are listed one by one at the end.

Special features obtained by promotion:

1. Defense - scales, with the scale defense system, the defense power is increased by an additional 200%.

2. Strong body, the body structure has been optimized to the maximum, and the strength has been increased by an additional 200%

3. Tough body, the body structure is endowed with Extraordinary power, after the body is broken, it can consume energy to automatically repair.

4. Super flying, the wings are improved, and the flying speed is increased by 300%.

5. Tomahawk throwing, the chain wrapped around the arm is extended, the attack distance is increased by 100 meters, the current distance: 180 meters

(Full attributes are related to later works)

Just looking at these newly acquired attributes, although they are strong, they are not to the extent of abnormality.

But if you look at it in combination with the previous skills of the stone statue of the dead... Richard gave a perverted evaluation from the bottom of his heart.

No, anyone who sees this attribute must use this word to describe it.

It's not an ordinary pervert, it's just too fucking perverted! !

Is this really an attribute that a glorious-level unit can possess? ?

In front of the stone statue of the dead, the attributes of the bone and blood dragon are a bit unbearable... This is a glorious 1-star troop.

"Ding~ The stone statue of the dead has been extremely strengthened and can no longer be strengthened. Is it solidified in the lair of the troops?"

"Note: After solidification, the stone statues of the dead can only be recruited after strengthening from the lair of the troops."

Hearing the sudden system prompt, Richard did not hesitate for half a second, and directly chose to confirm.

"Ding~ The solidification is complete, all the stone statues of the dead that have been recruited are automatically promoted to the enhanced state."

Richard's eyes lit up, he thought he would upgrade the other stone statues of the dead, but he didn't expect such benefits.

That's not bad, it's not in vain for the days and nights that An Dai'er has devoted these past few months.

After looking at it several times with satisfaction, he seemed to think of something, and quickly opened the lair of the dead stone statue.

After a while, his complexion became a little subtle.

There was a change in the piece of information above that most concerned him.

The resources required to recruit the stone statue of the dead: 300 units of gems, 300 units of crystals.

Good guy, before it was 200 units each for gems and crystals, but now it's increased to 300 units?

A direct increase of 50%.

There are 11 Lairs of Stone Statues of the Dead, with a weekly output of 110, which works out to be 33,000 gems and 33,000 crystals.

Four weeks a month is 132,000 + 132,000, a total of 264,000.

This amount is quite a lot, and at present, with the income of Twilight City, it can only barely cover it.

If there is any accident in the middle that consumes part of the Rare resources, it may be necessary to draw additional resources from other sources. However, compared to the fighting power of the stone statue of the dead, these resource investments are totally worth it.

It doesn't hurt to invest more.

Just at this moment, a soft whine from behind brought Richard back to his senses.

Turning his head, he saw An Dai'er, who was lying on the bed in a daze, propped up her body.

He looked around blankly, still in a sleepy state.

After rubbing his eyes subconsciously.

Found Richard's figure, suddenly woke up.

"Li, Master Richard..."

"Why are you here?"


Richard looked at the cute appearance of the other party, and couldn't help being a little funny.

"It's been a while."

Said full of admiration.

"Andelle, you're doing great."

The girl sat up, and saw the gauze and the mighty and majestic stone statue of the dead beside her.

Suddenly pouted.

said pitifully.

"Master Richard, I originally wanted to give you a surprise..."

Richard was so cute by that cute look.

He stepped forward and rubbed the opponent's head.

"I've been pleasantly surprised, you're really great, Andrea."

"You must be a gift from the gods, the most precious pearl in Twilight City."

"The strength of the stone statue of the dead exceeded my expectations."

"That's a huge help with the dangers we're going to face next."

Hearing this unsparing praise, the girl's eyes were watery, showing a bit of embarrassment, but she was also very happy and proud.

But when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help frowning.

She raised her head and looked at him with big eyes dimly.

"Lord Richard...are we going to face a lot of danger?"

Richard frowned slightly.

A new piece of expansion that can make the gods fall, plus offending the Lord of Rot and the God of the Kobold who was misunderstood by him...

If he said that the future of Twilight City was not in danger, he himself did not believe it.

Each of these changes can affect the fate of Twilight City.

Seeing that Richard didn't speak, Andai became anxious, stood up quickly, and looked directly at him.

"My lord, please give me more psionic gems... I will continue to work."

The tone was full of firmness, without the slightest hesitation.

Richard looked at those worried eyes and felt warm in his heart.

Perhaps this is why he finds building such a city particularly rewarding.

Because they are really willing to give their all for Twilight City.

So is Karoo, so is Sam, so is Andrea...

He pinched the opponent's face and said dissatisfied.

"What have you become? Are you still working? You don't want to enter the Hero's Graveyard before that guy, Karu?"

"Don't think too much, there are many crises in the future, but they are not so urgent that you need to work hard."

"Take a good rest. Next, I have more important tasks for you. You are exhausted. Who will finish them?"

Seeing what the girl wanted to say, his face immediately became stern.

"Within a week, you are not allowed to step into the blacksmith shop, I will let people watch you."

Andelle suddenly froze, looking at Richard pitifully.

"My lord~"

Richard ignored the other's coquetry, and turned to look at the strengthened stone statue of the dead.

"From today onwards, you will guard and protect Andaier, and within a week, she will not be allowed to step into the blacksmith's shop again."

The other party suddenly knelt down on one knee, and an ethereal voice sounded.

"At your command, my lord!"

The arms have the wisdom of normal people, and it may not be possible for them to lead troops to fight like heroes, but there is no problem in executing orders.

Andrea was very wronged.

Not being able to enter the blacksmith shop for a week is worse than going to jail for her.

"grown ups......"

Richard didn't get entangled in this topic, and went straight to the business.

"Andelle, what kind of troops do you think is suitable to be strengthened with spiritual gems next?"

The most powerful stone statue of the dead has been fully strengthened.

You can only choose other arms.

An Dai'er also became serious, and after thinking for a long time, she said slowly.

"Currently there are no suitable units...and you still have two fusion crystals, which can create two more powerful units."

"It's better to wait for the new arms to be born, and then strengthen them."

Richard nodded, that's all he could do.

This kind of good thing should be used less and should not be wasted.

No one can tell whether the copy will be available next time.

After thinking about it, he continued.

"Do you have any suggestions for the remaining two enhanced arms?"

In this regard, girls are actually professionals.

"The flying unit we have - the Stone Statue of the Dead, is already powerful enough to control the air," Andaier said seriously.

"For the time being, there is no need to invest resources in it anymore. For any matter, the more resources invested, the greater the benefits will not be."

"A complete army should not only have flying units."

"We should consider other aspects."

Richard asked with great interest.

"Which aspects?"

Andrea affirmed.

"Ground troops, ranged units and spellcasters."

After finishing speaking, explain in turn.

"Ground troops, Sam is developing the technology of the poisonous scorpion. After the development is successful, it should be able to alleviate the pressure in this area."

"Besides, we are in the desert and have additional reinforcements. The ground army has always been a strong point, so we can be slightly behind."

"The most important thing to pay attention to is the long-range arms and spellcasters."

"The long-range arms—Ningsha Archer, the caster—Cursed Pharaoh and Kuangsha Mage, after these arms are promoted to rare, although they are not weak, they are far from powerful."

"Perhaps it can be considered from these two aspects."

Although An Daier's analysis is simple and nothing profound, it is in line with Richard's thoughts on the development of the Twilight City army.

For a faction, it is important to have a powerful unit, but it cannot have too obvious shortcomings.

The stone of the dead is his favorite, so for a long time, when there are resources, he will devote himself to it as soon as possible.

This also led to the birth of the super powerful unit now.

Now that the Statue of the Dead is in shape, it's time to take care of the other classes.

"I'll think about it seriously."

Richard spoke very solemnly.

Sensing his attitude, the girl immediately had a bright smile on her face.

She loves the feeling, being recognized and valued, it's just awesome...

Richard was still thinking about it.

I will go to the trading market later to see if there are any powerful units suitable for the current Twilight City.

It has been a long time since he bought a troop lair on a large scale.

It's not that the other arms are not strong enough, but that the higher the level of the arms, the greater the resource investment required.

Twilight City does not yet have the confidence to unscrupulously violent soldiers, even if he is given a thousand lairs of crown-level troops, he will not be able to use them.

The resources this thing needs to recruit every week can bankrupt him.

"After all, it's still back to making money."

Richard was a little amused.

But then he regained his energy.

"It won't be long before the underground world will have a stable output, and it won't even take that long. As long as Hei Ning Sorbet is put into production and Baiwei Jue Niang expands its production capacity, these blockbuster products will immediately bring back huge profits."

"Farming for so long is not in vain."

The essence of managing a territory is to develop the economy. Only by earning more money can the residents live a happy life and create a stronger army.

Fortunately, Twilight City is now on the right track.

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