Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 423: The Nest Of The Bright Moon Level Arms——The King Of The Forbidden Army (6200 Words)

The army crossed the space gap like a tide, occupying the city that belonged to the Lord of the Dunes.

Richard stepped into it after the ancient tree of gods and evils had confirmed the surroundings were safe.

Anyone can take risks, but he can't.

At the moment of passing through the space gap, an ancient, majestic, splendid and magnificent city comes into view.

Vicissitudes, ancient, as if spanning millions of years.

The streets are criss-crossed, the buildings are like hair Lin Li, the churches carved with religious patterns, the giant clock tower at the intersection of the cross streets, the seven or eight-storey residential buildings... There are all kinds of things.

Gazing at these buildings, it seems that you can see the bright scene of the city at its most prosperous in a trance.

But what impresses people is not the splendor of this city, but the vast wall of yellow sand that is over 100 meters high and wraps the entire city in the fringe area.

It is hard to imagine why the sand and gravel piled up to a height of 100 meters did not collapse.

Especially when there is no obstruction on the side close to the city of dunes.

If you look closely, you can even see that the gravel is still flowing...

This picture is like a miracle.

Richard frowned at the first glance, and after making sure he didn't feel any threat, he looked away.

Float above the city overlooking the land.

He roughly estimated that the distance from the central square where the yellow sand throne was erected to the edge of the city was at least 5 kilometers.

And this, haven't seen the city wall yet.

The remaining part of the city seems to have been buried by sand and gravel, not revealing everything.

If it is fully revealed, this is likely to be a magnificent city not inferior to Solan City.

The only disharmony is that the surrounding streets are empty and there are no people.

Even the army defending the city did not appear.

An air of emptiness and loneliness pervades the entire city.

Richard frowned.

What about the enemy?

The eyes narrowed slightly, and the perception began to expand towards the surroundings along the gravel.

After the spiritual power spread to the extreme, it stopped suddenly, and immediately drove Alves into the air, over the towering yellow sand wall, and flew into the air hundreds of meters high.

Look towards the → east side of the city of sand dunes.

I saw a long stretch of black sand covering the ground, and mummies were crawling out of the black sand thousands of meters away, gathering... the number of troops on the ground exceeded two brigades.

After seeing the figure of the enemy, Richard breathed a sigh of relief.

A strong enemy is not to be feared, what is to be feared is the unknown.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the black sand ground.

Was the opponent's army buried in the sand?

Thinking that part of the city was still buried by yellow sand, it became clear immediately.

The barracks used by the Lord of the Dunes to accommodate the army has obviously not yet broken free from the burial of the yellow sand.

Turning his head to look at the central square where the army of Twilight City gathered, he ordered directly.

"Amirida, → There are still a large number of enemies left in the east. The stone statues of the dead and the dark treants are under your command. Completely wipe out these remnants!"

Among a group of exaggerated dark tree men, the somewhat small centaur was looking around curiously.

After Richard returned, the Warrior who took over the command and heroically killed the enemy on the front line of the battlefield returned to the appearance of a carefree little girl.

Hearing the order, the little guy immediately looked up to the sky.

At the same time, I only felt the eyes of everyone around me gather.

My heart was instantly filled with pride, like the pride of a child who was appointed as monitor in public.

"Yes, my lord father!"

There was a somewhat delicate voice.

"Your Excellency Treebeard, please send the dark treant out...the stone statue of the dead comes with me!"

After the words fell, Emirida ran straight towards the wall of yellow sand.

The distance of several kilometers was reached in the blink of an eye, and then an astonishing scene appeared.

This centaur actually stepped directly into the 90-degree steep wall of yellow sand.

And the speed is not slow at all, directly leaning on the body and charging upwards, without being affected by gravity at all... Boss characteristics, can run regardless of the terrain.

The stone statue of the dead flapped its wings and followed closely behind.

The dark treant was half a step behind, but the actions of the troops summoned by the ancient god tree were also full of visual impact.

After the dark treant stuck his roots into the wall of the yellow sand, the yellow sand flowed upwards fiercely, like a lone boat in a river, going down the water.

Thousands of dark treants act like this, and the picture brings a strong visual shock.

After the army climbed to the ground, Emerida raised his battle ax and led the army to charge again.

The mummy army crawling out of the ground sensed the enemy's attack and immediately turned to meet the enemy.

A battle is fought again.

This time, without the intervention of the Extraordinary, without the crisis of the fall of Twilight City, Emerald showed a shocking destructive power.

Wherever the battle ax goes, no matter how the mummies resist, there is only one end, the body is broken and collapsed, and the soul is shattered.

The dark treant surged out like a tide, and his huge size faced the mummy, which was no more than two meters tall, with a crushing posture.

When the tree trunk swings, it can cause exaggerated destructive power.

It was the first time Richard had seen the Dark Treants fighting.

The attack method mainly relies on the dry and twisted branches on the body. Their roots cannot be manipulated at will like the ancient god tree, and can only be used to move.

But this does not affect their combat effectiveness, and they can cause huge damage between swings.

These troops summoned by the Ancient Godly Tree were 4 levels lower than the Ancient Godly Tree, and they were all 13 levels.

But facing the top level 15 arms, it is not inferior at all.

Huge size is too cheap.

This is an inherent advantage of race.

There is no reason to talk about talent.

Watching the mummies that crawled out of the ground were quickly strangled by the Twilight City army, which was generally lower in level than them, Richard felt a little emotional.

The level reflects the level of strength to a certain extent, but it cannot prove the combat effectiveness.

Templates, levels, technology, and strategic treasure bonuses, when all these come together, are the real power.

Seeing that the battle was steadily gaining the upper hand under the leadership of Emerida, he didn't continue to pay attention. These post-war sweets had already made him uninterested.

Let Alves fall on the central square.

Afterwards, he floated away from his back, stepped on the twelve steps, and walked to the front of the Yellow Sand Throne step by step.

And at this moment, the army still in the square was a little dazed looking at the heroic and stalwart figure.

It seems that their master is the real master of the city.

Richard glanced around, and immediately saw the burly figure in front of the army.

Sel Bloodhoof, the patriarch of the dungeon barbarians, the ruler of Bloodhoof City, and now, the nominal ruler of the underground world.

Looking at the dry blood marks on the opponent's body, his eyes softened. "Sayre, Bloodhoof City and everyone's sacrifices, I see them all."

"Your bravery and fearlessness have won my recognition."

"Twilight City will never forget your sacrifices."

This time the army of the underground world could be mobilized so quickly, which was beyond his expectation.

He is very satisfied with Sale's performance.

The controller of this dungeon barbarian is a smart man, and he knew to choose the right path from the beginning.

This guy, the road has widened.

Serge leaned on his chest and bowed in the most humble gesture, with a somewhat fanatical tone.

"Master Richard, it is our honor to serve you!"

The dungeon army around him also saluted at the same time.

"It is our honor to serve you!"

The turbulent sound resounded through the sky.

These are words from the heart. These troops from the dungeon never thought that they would encounter such a legendary deed in supporting the Twilight City this time.

The Lord of the Dunes who can condense the yellow sand with a height of 100 meters, the Lord of the Fire Element who controls the flames to burn everything, and the gods who are so high that people will bow their heads when they hear the title...appeared in front of them one by one.

This is for the underground world where the most powerful existence was only the master of two forces and the level was only 15 half a year ago.

It's almost like a fairy tale.

What is even more exaggerated is that the existences in these myths Legendary are all related to the master in front of him.

Imprisoning the Extraordinary, hunting the gods... These taboo-like deeds made it difficult to describe the impact on their hearts.

The image of Richard in their hearts is like a god descending into the world at this moment, glorious and majestic.

"Excuse me, I will give you rich rewards when the war is over."

Richard finished speaking and looked at Serge.

"Serre, you lead your army to search the city carefully."

"I need to know where their treasure house is."

Serge took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

"As you wish."

This matter seems very simple, but it is a great reward for him.

Who is eligible to collect spoils in battle?

A confidant, a confidant in a confidant.

Watching Serge's disappearing back, Richard nodded in satisfaction.

At the beginning, Bloodhoof City was left behind, but now it has seen the effect.

Not bad.

Less than ten minutes after Searle left, Karoo rode a stone statue of the dead through the space gap.

The political officer in charge of Twilight City has a very solemn face, with a depressing atmosphere.

After coming to the bottom of the Yellow Sand Throne with twelve steps, he immediately saluted.

"Good day, Master Richard... The battle damage of Twilight City has been calculated."

The voice fell, filled with anger and sadness.

"We have lost a lot..."

Richard looked at Karoo, who seemed to be more than ten years old, and frowned.

"No need, Karoo."

"Twilight City has not yet fallen, and our residents are still alive."

"Damaged buildings can be repaired, and dead troops can be recruited again. No matter how bad the situation is now, can it be worse than when Twilight City was just established?"

"It's nothing more than spending more resources."

"Hei Ning Sorbet, White Tail Absolute Brew, Yellow Sand Robe, Desert Crown Honey, and the weapons factory in the underground world, none of these have been lost and will not affect our foundation."

Karu was taken aback for a moment, and the anxiety in his heart was soothed a lot.

That's right, the current Twilight City, no matter how it is, cannot be more difficult than it was when the city was first built.

Moreover, Twilight City is the winner of this war, and even the Extraordinary has been imprisoned in the dungeon.

The winner should not show such a gesture!

Taking a deep breath, his eyes regained their previous emotions.

"Master Richard, I am narrow-minded, your heart is enough to amaze the gods..."

Richard noticed that Karoo had adjusted his mood and smiled.

This is the reason why he has always reused Karu. This old man will never make irrational decisions because of external factors.

Controlling emotions is the most basic ability of superiors.

"Report the loss of Twilight City in detail."


Karoo's face darkened.

"Four hours ago, I suddenly heard a trumpet blowing, and then saw a crack in the sky... The dune lord's mummified army allied with the kobolds suddenly launched an attack."

"They are fiercer than any previous enemy..."

"In this battle, we used 450 alchemy cannons and consumed more than 200,000 alchemy bombs."

"The stock of alchemy bombs obtained from Furnace City has been exhausted, and now there are less than 30,000 bombs left in the warehouse."

"130 of the 450 alchemy cannons were destroyed in the battle, and the rest were more or less damaged, and all of them will need to be repaired."

The alchemy artillery played an irreplaceable role in this battle. Without these 3-star level weapons, Twilight City would have already fallen.

But high-intensity shelling means high losses.

After a war, hundreds of alchemy cannons were scrapped. This level of consumption is enough to make anyone feel distressed.

Richard's face didn't change much, he was mentally prepared for it.

Isn't he trying his best to obtain various resources just to prevent this situation?

The performance of the Alchemy Cannon this time showed that his previous preparations were not in vain.

"The damage to buildings was more severe, 20 residential buildings were destroyed, one winery was destroyed, two food workshops were destroyed ... In addition, other buildings were more or less attacked, but they did not collapse. "

"The lord's mansion is the enemy's key attack area, and one-third of the area fell. Fortunately, you came back in time, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable."

Karoo's tone became more serious.

"However, the lairs of the 3 arms of the bandage mummy and the lairs of the 5 arms of the death knight with the giant ax were all destroyed, and the cursed pharaoh with only one lair was not spared..."

Richard's eyes froze.

Nine rare troop lairs, just gone?


Karoo's voice was hoarse.

"There has been significant damage to buildings, and even more so to the military."

"8 squadrons of mummy guardians and 3 squadrons of bandage mummies were exhausted in the battle to defend the city, and none of them survived.

"After the city wall was captured, Miss Emerida led five squadrons of giant ax death knights to charge in order to cover the retreat of the army...all the giant ax death knights were killed.

"The Axes of the Dead of the 5 squadrons were hit by the firepower of the mummy guards after the duration of desertification, and all died."

"The dark gargoyles of the two squadrons were surrounded by bone dragons and wyverns, and none of them survived."

"The Scorpion Warrior was killed in battle with the enemy, and only two squadrons remained." "The four squadrons of Kuangsha Mage were raided by the opponent's air force and all died."

"Ningsha Archer killed more than 6 squadrons, and now there are only 5 squadrons left."

"Two teams of heavy sword Warriors were dismantled into parts..."

In Karoo's narration with a bit of grief and indignation, Richard fell into silence.

In this battle, the loss was too tragic.

After the final statistics, the number of troops on the attribute panel was directly emptied by more than half.

Rare arms——

1. Scorpion Warrior (20 lairs, 140 per week) current quantity: 230

2. Mummy Guardian (3 lairs, 30 weekly output) current quantity: 0

3. Ningsha Archer (10 lairs, 50 per week) current quantity: 535

4. Sandstorm Controller (20 lairs, 100 per week) current quantity: 400

Brilliant Arms

Statues of the Dead (11 lairs, 110 per week) current quantity: 850

Crown Arms - Skeleton Blood Dragon 160

There were originally seven or eight brigades of troops, but now there are only two brigades left.

The giant ax death knight, the bandaged mummy, and the cursed pharaoh, these three arms have been wiped out even the troops and their lairs...

This is also because the dungeon army was hunted down by more than one legion, and the dusk city was defended on the basis of the results obtained.

It's too tragic.

Richard felt his heart was bleeding after watching it.

The accumulation of more than half a year was wiped out in one wave.

Looking ferociously at the Yellow Sand Throne in front of him, the dog-like Lord of the Dunes, and the God of Kobolds who wanted to get involved in everything, these two things were sacrificed to the heavens! !

"What about the casualties of the residents?"

At this moment, Karoo's face softened a little.

"Because we have a lot of drills and preparations for emergencies, although the situation is dangerous this time, the residents evacuated in a timely manner and there were no casualties."

Thanks to Richard's idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace, Carew carried out his will and launched several drills every month to deal with various situations.

The most common drill is how the Twilight City should deal with the enemy's surprise attack.

The number of exercises has increased, and a set of strategies suitable for Twilight City has gradually been summed up.

In the event of an emergency, everyone knows what to do.

Richard also breathed a sigh of relief.

Residents are one of Twilight's most valuable assets.

The benefits brought by high people's hearts are too rare, and he will never tolerate the collapse of people's hearts because of the city being attacked.

In the future, Twilight City will expand its personnel, and these residents will be an important backbone to integrate other people.

After the two talked for about ten minutes, suddenly two soldiers from Bloodhoof City approached quickly with awe-inspiring eyes.

"Great master, we found a large number of collapsed troop lairs in the → east area. After investigation, there are still several troop lairs intact..."

East area?

Those armies crawling out of the gravel?

Richard was a little interested.

"What kind of arms can those arms lairs recruit?"

The dungeon soldier hurriedly said.

"I don't know yet, I need you to decide..."

Richard nodded and waved without hesitation.

"Take me there!"

The dungeon soldier who sent the order saw that he was in high spirits, and his heart became excited.

"As you wish."

After speaking, he turned around and led the way.

Richard followed with Karoo.

Ten minutes later, the dungeon soldier stopped in a spacious area.

Richard looked around, and saw that on the gray-brown floor, there were almost countless troop nests, large and small.

But it is a pity that most of the nests of these arms have collapsed, and some have even become inconspicuous mounds or stone mounds.

Those who barely maintained their status quo also lost their strength and could no longer recruit arms.

With a feeling of pity, Richard went deep into it, no matter how far he went every week, he found dozens of dungeon soldiers guarding in front of the lairs of several units emitting strong energy fluctuations.

After seeing Richard coming, the soldiers immediately raised their chests and saluted.

After letting the army be excused, he didn't talk nonsense, and walked to the front of the uncollapsed units to look carefully.

What is in front of you is a pyramid with a height of more than 8 meters and condensed from yellow sand.

What is particularly eye-catching is that in the pyramid, sharp spears pierced the yellow sand and appeared in the air.

It looks very cool.

Richard's interest soared, and with strong expectations, he opened the property panel.

Praetorian Pyramid

[Level]: Crown 3 stars

[Recruitable arms]: Mummy Guards (Crown 3 stars)

[Available number of recruits]: 20

[Weekly output]: 10

[Recruitment conditions]: 1000 units of gems, 1000 units of sulfur

[Introduction]: A lair that can recruit crown troops is very rare.

Mummy Praetorians!

The top unit that killed hundreds of stone statues of the dead once broke out.

If the stone statue of the dead didn't have the ability to sand down the physical damage of the sky, the loss in that battle would be at least four or five times higher.

This unit has proven its strength.

Richard's eyes were bright.

"Great master, we just counted, we found a total of 10 of this type of arms intact..."


The smile on Richard's face was even bigger.

From Glory to Crown, each requires 50 million units of resources.

10 is 500 million units.

Although the loss this time is large, there are 10 arms, which can make up a lot.

The mood in my heart eased a lot.

Just wanted to say something.

Suddenly there was a commotion not far away.

Richard turned his head to look, but found that the army's lair blocked his view, and raised his eyebrows.

"Karoo, send someone to see what's going on..."

Karoo was also unambiguous, and went immediately.

Not long after, the pale-haired old man returned excitedly, and yelled loudly before approaching.

"My lord, some dungeon soldiers over there accidentally touched a mechanism, and they found three intact troop lairs inside!!"

Found three more?

This is 13?

"Is it the same type?"

"No, it's another type of arms."

Richard became interested.

"take me!"


Bypassing the collapsed ruins one by one, I followed Karoo to another area, where the collapse of the troop lair was even more serious.

The ground is covered with gravel and gravel.

The only difference is that a huge gap appeared on the ground at this time, and a dozen soldiers were excitedly looking under the gap.

The space below the gap is about 20 meters high, and many troops are already exploring.

Richard didn't ink any ink, let Karoo wait on it, and then floated down from the gap.

The moment it fell to the ground, a nest of troops full of mysterious aura appeared in sight.

Three pyramids with a height of more than 10 meters stand in the dark underground.

An endless sandstorm swirls above the pyramid.

Even a hundred meters away can feel its turbulent power.

The top of the pyramid is full of rusty war knives, which looks like a tomb with long knives.

This unit gave him a much stronger impact than the mummy guards.

It is also a crown-level unit, can this unit be stronger?

A strong anticipation rose in Richard's heart.

In the dim light, he stepped close to the three pyramids.

Open the properties panel again.

With just one glance, he subconsciously held his breath.

Sleeping Pyramid

[Level]: Huiyue 3 stars

[Recruitable Arms]: King of the Forbidden Army (Huiyue 3 stars)

[Available number of recruits]: 20

[Weekly output]: 10

[Recruitment conditions]: 4000 units of gems, 4000 units of sulfur

[Introduction]: You can recruit mummies with powerful combat effectiveness—the king of the forbidden army. They are the kings of the mummified army and have extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

This is above the crown, the lair of the Huiyue-level troops? ! !

Richard's heart pounded, pounding faster.

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